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    汽车外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 汽车金融研究.doc

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    汽车外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 中英对照 汽车金融研究.doc

    Automobile finance researchAbstract: The automobile industry has hundred years history in overseas oneself. The people in carefully examine, savors these 100 year historical time, often saw is the automobile industry magnificent and the wheel nationality's abundance, but has neglected in this century hundred year, billowing automobile dust behind, some unknown hero - automobile finance service station plays vital role. If did not have at that time “the carapace insect” unsolvable with Germany Volkswagenwerk famous “five Deutsche Mark credits” emerging, does not have today “the unparalleled in the world” automobile empire and world top level German automobile industry; If does not have the Ford automobile credit company to take the lead the automobile finance service to take the impetus auto sale the release lever, standard and gets down fixedly the automobile finance service with the corporate system way, and first uses the securitization in the world the way to allow temporary credit class of the continuously fund, also does not have today automobile industry mammoth and the common people lives the convenience to be quick. In a sense, had the automobile finance service, only then had today automobile industry, today aviation industry and now weather all mechanical manufacturing industries; Also had the automobile finance service, only then had human's radius of action hundred, thousand kilometer level spanning, had the humanity to benefit in the geography space and time expands the humanities spirit sublimation which, the movement speed enhanced brings. Automobile finance researchMust understand truly the automobile industry, must first read the automobile finance; must develop the automobile industry truly, must first develop the automobile finance. Domestic and foreign historical oneself after has made clear this point. China passes for several dozens years to attempt one to leave the automobile finance continuously, the independence develops the automobile industry pathway, the result it can be imagined. Is big until now, realized only then gradually, the automobile finance is the automobile industry ox muzzle, the automobile finance starts one of important keys which the society expends. Although automobile finance expends in the finance in the overseas society, after has become continues the real estate finance the second big finance, but in China whether needs to develop also has the very great dispute. In other words, whether does the automobile finance production and develop in a disorderly way may follow? On the one hand I according to Mr. Liu Fuyuan “the national economy space and time theory”, also “national economy development phase to economical thing and economic phenomena keeping in balance with guiding function” the viewpoint embarks, “deepens and “the consumption pattern has and the change rule” the angle from the finance”, had the development national economy stage space and time characteristic to the automobile finance service to carry on the analysis, proposed “the automobile finance was the national economy develops the financial phenomenon which under the specific stage appeared inevitably” and “the consumption pattern operating law decided the automobile finance had the development” and so on the viewpoints. On the other hand I attempt through the automobile finance service to macroscopic economical and the microscopic economical function analysis, explained the automobile finance service enhanced the automobile production, the service, the expense domain fund use efficiency, strengthened the financial service superiority, thus further emphasized the automobile finance produces rationality: The automobile finance can adjust in the national economy movement three big contradictory: “Production and expense contradiction”, “turnover of capital contradiction”, “credit (demand) and deposit (supplies) contradiction”; The automobile finance has “the high value transferability” to the automobile industry, has “the height dependence and the catalytic nature” to the tertiary industry, has “the high placement” to the employment; The automobile finance may play “the maintenance sale system to the automobile manufacturer, the conformity sale strategy, provides the market information the role”; the automobile finance may play to the car dealer “provides goods in stock financing”, “transport business fund allows temporary credit”, “equipment financing” the role; The automobile finance may play to the automobile user “provides the expense credit”, “rents financing”, “service financing”, “the insurance business” the role; In brief, “the automobile finance can consummate socialized, the marketability financial service system”. Under the above analysis premise, I place the research and the writing key point the automobile finance concrete operation flow in several key questions, argues vigorously establishes a relative consummation the structure system. Because at present in domestic, but also does not have one special to discuss with the literature, even is one has the depth paper, studies the automobile finance question, I only then “look for a needle in a haystack”, seeks some fragmentarily, the dispersible material from the overseas university development facility and in the automobile finance service website. The innovation aspect, belongs in the research area “runs the horse stable place”, the basically entire structure is new, but also is preliminary. According to “automobile finance historical development - - research system foundation; Automobile finance profit pattern - research system core; Automobile finance credit administration - - research system inner layer; Automobile finance financing mechanism - - research system outer layer: Automobile finance product development - research system surface layer” the order launches; In the research technique, has mainly used “the comparison research” the method, in the Western economic, the finance study, the insurance study, the service management science, the financial engineering, consumer economics domain extensive cultivation and so on the marketing study, compatible and gathers, uses these theories to explain diligently the automobile finance the related question, and has formed some new viewpoints, mainly has “the automobile finance increment profit pattern” in the concrete content, “the credit reimburses ability management”, “the automobile finance multi-dimensional financing structure”, “the automobile finance financial product development”, “the automobile finance product achievements marketing” and so on. First, understands the automobile finance “the development history”. Has analyzed the automobile finance service company's general evolution history process and the current several kind of main existence form, including “big automobile manufacture enterprise attached”, “big bank financial group attached”, “independent type”; Has analyzed the automobile finance service company newly “the compound superiority”; Also analyzed “the economical globalization” in the process the automobile finance service to start to appear “the multi-dimensional strategy”, “the deepened strategy” and “the hypothesized service” the trend of development. Specially has also analyzed the Chinese automobile finance special development experience and the advantages in this foundation. According to “the modern effective market hypothesis”, has analyzed “the interest rate control” in the situation, the Chinese automobile money market non-validity, has drawn some basic conclusions: Induces and the start huge individual deposit with theautomobile finance service, supports the national economy high speed to grow continually: The automobile finance service is helpful “the automobile expends the leading” in the establishment the market pattern; The automobile finance service is helpful to the elimination “the automobile demand growth regional characteristic incline” the question; The automobile finance service is helpful in the display uses the Chinese automobile storage quantity property. Also to develop the automobile finance service existence “the human vehicle to be contradictory”, “the road vehicle is contradictory” and so on the main restriction factor to carry on the appraisal, proposed specially: The automobile finance can “the creation supplies”, be the science solution above question “the key”. After the understanding automobile finance service historical present situation, has then analyzed the automobile finance service existence “the origin of life” - - the profit pattern. This also is further is proving the automobile finance existence “the rationality” the question. After the introduction automobile finance profit pattern basic meaning, I divide into it “the basic profit pattern” and “the increment profit pattern” two kinds, and from “service management theory”, “financial service theory” the angle, proved the automobile finance service profit pattern “not to be possible to know touches the nature”, “the indivisibility”, “the different principle” and so on the characteristics, proposed “the automobile finance service profit pattern core factor was the customer loyal degree of satisfaction”, “the automobile finance service profit pattern secondary factor is the automobile finance service transmission quality”. Also to “the market concentration degree”, “the market entered the barrier”, “the market mechanism” and so on the market parameters has carried on the description. I the Western economic “the market analysis” the theory introduction, will also analyze and obtain “the perfect competitive market to the automobile finance service profit pattern non-serviceability”, “have monopolized the market completely to the automobile finance service profit pattern non-serviceability”, “the monopoly struggled the market mechanism unexpectedly to the automobile finance service profit pattern serviceability”, “the oligopoly market to the automobile finance service profit pattern serviceability” the conclusion, and has specifically analyzed under each kind of market condition, automobile finance service profit pattern running status. In this part, my another new viewpoint is, proved the automobile finance service to rise in value fully the profit pattern necessity, the concrete method, the fund composition, the investment principle, the investment portfolio. Also introduced I apply the investment bank fundamental research development one kind of typical automobile finance service to raise in value the profit pattern - “to buy the vehicle to manage finances the profit pattern”. If the automobile finance service profit pattern is a core, then the credit administration is controls this pattern the key. After inspects “the credit theory”, “the consumer credit theory” these theory origin, has emphatically analyzed the automobile finance service credit system function and the automobile finance service credit system specific connotation and the category, emphasized the key point is eliminates the automobile finance the information dissymmetry, according to credit rank decision financing quantity and deadline. Also “paid (deposit) to self-to restrain the mechanism”, “the joint and several liability mechanism”, “the credit system mechanism” and so on the automobile finance service credit operations machine has manufactured the description, has established the measure automobile finance service individual loan risk and the automobile finance reimburses ability management the essential method, and established the automobile finance service credit system on our country to propose the countermeasure. The automobile finance service financing structure plays is gathering accepts the fund the role, is the support, the guarantee automobile finance profit pattern display function “the power” .It both automobile finance profit pattern control, and reaction in automobile finance profit pattern, therefore, met down has conducted the research to it. The automobile finance service company finances the structure rationale to have “the financial capital to say”, “the banking capital circulation said”, and “the transaction expense said”. The automobile finance service financing history process has experienced “endogen financing”, “extraneous source financing” and “highly effective in extraneous source financing”. Has analyzed the automobile finance service company's financing structural model and the automobile finance service company best financing structure function, as well as the influence automobile finance Service Company finances the structure primary factor. Also with emphasis introduced the automobile finance service company's several kind of main financing form, specially introduced in the automobile finance credit property securitization financing form, in the automobile finance service intangible asset capitalization financing strategy, in the automobile finance service special permission management financing strategy, in the automobile finance service project financing strategy, the automobile finance service level border financing strategy. The automobile finance service product development sells the camp is the entire system final link, it realizes the automobile finance profit pattern tool, is the automobile finance credit administration carrier, is the automobile finance financing mechanism operation goal. The automobile finance service product makes a general reference thought the automobile transaction and the use allows temporary credit the financial structure which the fund carries on (quantity, deadline, cost and so on), the financial strategy design and the corresponding legal contract arrangement, is each kind of question solution which in the reality the automobile finance service station faces, including encompassment price optimization aspect automobile finance product; Encompassment circumvention sale policy, system development automobile finance product: Revolves the automobile expends in the process to have service link convenience, efficient and indemnificatory development automobile finance product. The automobile finance service product characteristic by took the general use commodity the automobile and decided as the financial service contractual relationship two big factors: Has “compound”, “the accuracy”, “the risk”, “the continuous nature”, “the selectivity” and so on; The automobile finance product design is in the finance study is most difficult one of richest challenging topics. It is the automobile finance analysis inverse problem. Automobile finance product design general flow, including “goal design”, “structural design”, “product fixed price”, “risk income characteristic analysis”, “product standardization”. The automobile finance product benefit appraised the method includes: “Profit margin discount law”, “information feedback law”. The automobile finance product development innovation is the China


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