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    第一章 我国房地产市场现状和相关国家政策2.1 我国房地产市场的现状 我国房地产市场的现状一直是国民关注的热点话题。对于九十年代房地产以来的房地产市场,最为普遍的评价,就是房价过高,涨幅过快。形成这种情况的原因是多方面的。2.1.1当前我国房价普遍过高,上涨过快国际上衡量房价高低的一个权威指标是房价收入比。房价收入比是指一个国家或城市的年平均上市房价与户年平均收入之比。世界银行的研究报告认为,价收入比在3 倍到6 倍之间比较适当。而在我国,有学者指出,在我国许多房地产热点城市,房价收入比早已超过了12:1。并且,房地产市价日益飙升。2.1.2中国城市房地产价格“非正常上升”的成因目前我国城市房地产价格非正常上升或者房地产价格泡沫的状况可作如下描述:(1) 全国城市的房价收入比约为18, 其中大城市房价收入比在10以上, 而国际标准是36。(2) 有些城市土地价格近十年来上涨了十几倍甚至几十倍。至于形成这种局面的原因, 各界人士从市场需求、供给等多方面提出各自看法, 较有代表性的如下: 1) 市场需要因素: 城市化效应形成的需求、城镇住房制度改革引致的需求、城镇居民住房人均面积上升等所致。2) 市场供给因素: 不合理的住宅供应结构因素所致; 是商品房开发建设成本高所致 ;3) 投机、炒作因素: 是房地产商和投机者“操纵市场、恶意炒作”的结果;4) 银行信贷、房地产互动因素: 行为人预期、银行信贷以及政府政策在地产泡沫中起重要作用。5) 制度、体制、利益集团等因素: 目前土地供给制度、地方政府税收制度、还有住房问题上财政政策和金融政策等制度问题是造成目前房地产价格不正常上升的制度性因素。地方政府“经营城市”、地方政府的“托市”行为,推动房地产价格上升; “地方政府、开发商、银行都希望把这个泡沫(房地产) 越吹越大, 这些集团掌握了强势的话语权, 他们更容易来主导市场”。无疑, 已有的文献在市场供求、炒作、银行信贷等方面的分析非常中肯, 都在一定程度上揭示了中国城市房地产价格的“非正常上升”的原因, 但是在一些体制性或者制度性因素上, 尤其是对于我国特殊转轨时期地方政府这个特定因素的分析上, 更是未能深入。事实上, 地方政府在“双重压力”之下通过“有形的手”, 对土地市场的垄断性控制、对于城市房地产开发的大力推动, 已经成为影响房地产市场各方参与者行为、推动房地产价格的非正常上升的一个系统性因素, 这个因素无法忽略。2.2我国中央政府对房地产市场的最新政策2010年4月17日 国务院为了坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨,发布国务院关于坚决遏制部分城市房价过快上涨的通知简称“新国十条”2.2.1 2010年最新国家政策-国十条 (1)统一思想,提高认识。住房问题关系国计民生,既是经济问题,更是影响社会稳定的重要民生问题。房价过高、上涨过快,加大了居民通过市场解决住房问题的难度,增加了金融风险,不利于经济社会协调发展。各地区、各有关部门必须充分认识房价过快上涨的危害性,认真落实中央确定的房地产市场调控政策,采取坚决的措施,遏制房价过快上涨,促进民生改善和经济发展。 (2)建立考核问责机制。稳定房价和住房保障工作实行省级人民政府负总责、城市人民政府抓落实的工作责任制。住房城乡建设部、监察部等部门要对省级人民政府的相关工作进行考核,加强监督检查,建立约谈、巡查和问责制度。对稳定房价、推进保障性住房建设工作不力,影响社会发展和稳定的,要追究责任。 (3)实行更为严格的差别化住房信贷政策。对购买首套自住房且套型建筑面积在90平方米以上的家庭(包括借款人、配偶及未成年子女,下同),贷款首付款比例不得低于30%;对贷款购买第二套住房的家庭,贷款首付款比例不得低于50%,贷款利率不得低于基准利率的1.1倍;对贷款购买第三套及以上住房的,贷款首付款比例和贷款利率应大幅度提高,具体由商业银行根据风险管理原则自主确定。人民银行、银监会要指导和监督商业银行严格住房消费贷款管理。住房城乡建设部要会同人民银行、银监会抓紧制定第二套住房的认定标准。 要严格限制各种名目的炒房和投机性购房。商品住房价格过高、上涨过快、供应紧张的地区,商业银行可根据风险状况,暂停发放购买第三套及以上住房贷款;对不能提供1年以上当地纳税证明或社会保险缴纳证明的非本地居民暂停发放购买住房贷款。地方人民政府可根据实际情况,采取临时性措施,在一定时期内限定购房套数。 (4)发挥税收政策对住房消费和房地产收益的调节作用。财政部、税务总局要加快研究制定引导个人合理住房消费和调节个人房产收益的税收政策。税务部门要严格按照税法和有关政策规定,认真做好土地增值税的征收管理工作,对定价过高、涨幅过快的房地产开发项目进行重点清算和稽查。 (5)增加居住用地有效供应。国土资源部要指导督促各地及时制定并公布以住房为主的房地产供地计划,并切实予以落实。房价上涨过快的城市,要增加居住用地的供应总量。要依法加快处置闲置房地产用地,对收回的闲置土地,要优先安排用于普通住房建设。在坚持和完善土地招拍挂制度的同时,探索“综合评标”、“一次竞价”、“双向竞价”等出让方式,抑制居住用地出让价格非理性上涨。 (6)调整住房供应结构。各地要尽快编制和公布住房建设规划,明确保障性住房、中小套型普通商品住房的建设数量和比例。住房城乡建设部门要加快对普通商品住房的规划、开工建设和预销售审批,尽快形成有效供应。保障性住房、棚户区改造和中小套型普通商品住房用地不低于住房建设用地供应总量的70%,并优先保证供应。城乡规划、房地产主管部门要积极配合国土资源部门,将住房销售价位、套数、套型面积、保障性住房配建比例以及开竣工时间、违约处罚条款等纳入土地出让合同,确保中小套型住房供应结构比例严格按照有关规定落实到位。房价过高、上涨过快的地区,要大幅度增加公共租赁住房、经济适用住房和限价商品住房供应。 (7)确保完成2010年建设保障性住房300万套、各类棚户区改造住房280万套的工作任务。住房城乡建设部、发展改革委、财政部等有关部门要尽快下达年度计划及中央补助资金。住房城乡建设部要与各省级人民政府签订住房保障工作目标责任书,落实工作责任。地方人民政府要切实落实土地供应、资金投入和税费优惠等政策,确保完成计划任务。按照政府组织、社会参与的原则,加快发展公共租赁住房,地方各级人民政府要加大投入,中央以适当方式给予资金支持。国有房地产企业应积极参与保障性住房建设和棚户区改造。住房城乡建设部要会同有关部门抓紧制定2010-2012年保障性住房建设规划(包括各类棚户区建设、政策性住房建设),并在2010年7月底前向全社会公布。 (8)加强对房地产开发企业购地和融资的监管。国土资源部门要加大专项整治和清理力度,严格依法查处土地闲置及炒地行为,并限制有违法违规行为的企业新购置土地。房地产开发企业在参与土地竞拍和开发建设过程中,其股东不得违规对其提供借款、转贷、担保或其他相关融资便利。严禁非房地产主业的国有及国有控股企业参与商业性土地开发和房地产经营业务。国有资产和金融监管部门要加大查处力度。商业银行要加强对房地产企业开发贷款的贷前审查和贷后管理。对存在土地闲置及炒地行为的房地产开发企业,商业银行不得发放新开发项目贷款,证监部门暂停批准其上市、再融资和重大资产重组。 (9)加大交易秩序监管力度。对取得预售许可或者办理现房销售备案的房地产开发项目,要在规定时间内一次性公开全部销售房源,并严格按照申报价格明码标价对外销售。住房城乡建设部门要对已发放预售许可证的商品住房项目进行清理,对存在捂盘惜售、囤积房源、哄抬房价等行为的房地产开发企业,要加大曝光和处罚力度,问题严重的要取消经营资格,对存在违法违规行为的要追究相关人员的责任。住房城乡建设部门要会同有关部门抓紧制定房屋租赁管理办法,规范发展租赁市场。 各省(区、市)人民政府要对本地区房地产开发企业经营行为进行一次检查,及时纠正和严肃处理违法违规行为,检查处理结果要于2010年6月底之前报国务院。住房城乡建设部要会同有关部门组织抽查,确保检查工作取得实效。 (10)完善房地产市场信息披露制度。各地要及时向社会公布住房建设计划和住房用地年度供应计划。住房城乡建设部要加快个人住房信息系统的建设。统计部门要研究发布能够反映不同区位、不同类型住房价格变动的信息。 国务院各有关部门要根据本通知精神,加快制定、调整和完善相关的政策措施,各司其职、分工协作,加强对各地的指导和监督检查。各地区、各有关部门要积极做好房地产市场调控政策的解读工作。新闻媒体要加强正面引导,大力宣传国家房地产市场调控政策和保障性住房建设成果,引导居民住房理性消费,形成有利于房地产市场平稳健康发展的舆论氛围。2.2.2政策出台起因(1)、2010年3月份,全国70个大中城市房屋销售价格同比上涨11.7%,环比上涨1.1%;市场无视政策调控,房价呈现持续上涨态势;(2)、“两会”刚召开完,地王再出,高价地从一线城市向二三线城市蔓延,房价上涨预期加剧;与今年房地产政策调控的稳定市场预期目标背道而驰;(3)、去年房地产市场销售强力回暖,开发放缓,导致今年上半年供应持续偏紧,而累积的刚性需求旺盛,支撑房价持续向上攀升;(4)、5月前后是楼市传统的销售旺季,在目前这样的供需状况、市场预期下,容易引起房价再次飙升,增加调控的难度。2.23政策评述纵观“新国十条”,与年初的“国11条”对比,部分内容属于重申强调,也有部分内容为新增或修改的条款,主要体现在需求的调控上,住房信贷政策收紧力度前所未有;而增加供给和市场监管的措施较之前基本一致。从需求调控去看,差别化信贷政策更加严格,对二套房贷首付提高到五成,贷款利率为基准利率的1.1倍;同时首套房贷如果购买90平米以上的首付要三成;另外,打击投机购房的力度非常大,一方面首付的大幅提高,另一方面银行可以根据情况暂停发放购买第三套及以上住房贷款;地方政府可以采取临时性措施,在一定时期内限定购房套数;同时,政策中首次出现打击异地炒房行为,对异地炒房者暂停买房贷款。除了信贷政策外,税收政策也明显加大调控作用,虽然没有明确的税收政策出台,但本次政策已经释放出房产消费税或房地产保有税的出台预期信号。言外之意很明显,就是如果目前的政策调控对高房价上涨还是不能起到抑制作用的话,税收工具作为更强有力的杀手锏将随后登台。“新国十条”出台后,各部委、各级省市政府将陆续出台相关配套执行细化政策,包括央行、银监会加强房地产信贷管理、第二套住房的认定标准、第三套(含)以上贷款购房的首付及利率;财政部、税务总局制定引导个人合理住房消费和调节个人房产收益的税收政策;国土资源部改革土地出让方式;住房建设部编制和公布住房建设规划;同时,细化政策还要落地实施执行。Chapter II Status of China real estate market and the related national policies2.1 Current Situation of Chinese Real Estate MarketThe status of the real estate market has been a hot topic of national concern. Since the nineties real estate real estate market, the most common assessment is that house prices are too high, or too fast. The formation of the reasons for this are manifold.2.1.1 Current housing prices in general are too high, rising too fast The international level to an authoritative measure of house prices index is the price earnings ratio. Price earnings ratio is a country or city average listing prices and average household income ratio. World Bank study that price earnings ratio of 3 times to 6 times in between the more appropriate. In China, some scholars have pointed out that many real estate hot spots in our cities, housing prices have already exceeded the income ratio 12:1. And, increasingly soaring real estate market. 2. 1.2 The cause of property prices in Chinese cities non-normal increase Currently the price of urban real estate or non-normal increase in property prices bubbles can be described as follows: (1) National City 's price earnings ratio of about 1:8, which more than 10 cities over price revenue, while international standards are 3 to 6. (2) Some urban land prices rose more than tenfold over the past decade or even several times. The reasons for the formation of such a situation, all walks of life from the market demand, supply and other aspects put forward their views, which are more representative as follows: 1) The market demand factors: demand for formation of the urbanization effect, caused by the urban housing system reform needs, the per capita housing area of urban residents due to rising. 2) the market supply factor: the unreasonable structure of housing supply due to factors; is due to the high cost of commercial housing development and construction; 3) speculation, speculative factors: real estate developers and speculators, "market manipulation, malicious speculation" result; 4) bank credit, real estate interactive factors: the actors have expected, bank credit and government policy play an important role in the real estate bubble. 5) system, structure, interest groups, and other factors: the current land supply system, local government tax system, also shelter issue of fiscal policy and monetary policy issues such as system contributed to the current real estate prices are not factors in the system normal Shangsheng. Local Government "city management", the local government, "lifting" of behavior, and promote real estate prices; "local governments, developers, banks hope to the bubble (real estate) grows bigger and bigger, the Group acquired a strong discourse right, they are more likely to lead the market. " Undoubtedly, the existing literature on market supply and demand, speculation, bank credit and other aspects of the analysis is very pertinent, Du reveals a certain extent, the price of urban real estate in China, "Fei normal Shang Sheng," the reason or Dan Shi Xing Zhi Du in the system of Yi Xie factors, in particular the special transition period for our local analysis of this particular factor, it is not deep. In fact, the local government of "double pressure" under the adoption of the "visible hand" of the monopoly control of the land market, for vigorously promote the development of urban real estate, real estate market parties look into it to Participants, to promote housing real estate prices rise in a non-normal systemic factors, this factor can not be ignored. 2.2 The Chinese Central Government 's latest policy on the property market April 17, 2010 the State Council to firmly curb the surge in housing prices in some cities, released the "State Council firmly curb the surge in housing prices in some cities of notice" referred to as the new country 10 law。2.2.1 National Policy - 2010, the latest State 10 (1)Unity of thinking, awareness-raising. Housing, people 's livelihood, not only an economic problem, affecting social stability is an important livelihood issue. Price is too high, rose too fast, increasing the population to solve the housing problem through the market difficult, increasing the financial risk, is not conducive to economic and social development. All localities and departments must be fully aware of the dangers of house prices rising too fast, and seriously implement central policy of the real estate market regulation, to take resolute measures to curb housing prices, the promotion of people 's livelihood improvement and economic development. (2) The establishment of accountability mechanisms for evaluation. Stabilize housing prices and housing support work to the provincial governments take the overall, the city government responsibility system for implementation. Housing, urban and rural Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Supervision and other departments related to the work of the provincial government to examine and strengthen supervision and inspection, the establishment of interviews, inspections and accountability. Price stability and promote construction of affordable housing in poor, impact on social development and stability, should be held accountable. (3) The implementation of more stringent credit policies differential housing. On the purchase of the first set of houses and condominiums from 90 square meters floor area of the family (including the borrower, the spouse and minor children, the same below), the proportion of loans for the first payment shall not be less than 30%; on the loan to buy second homes home loan down payment shall not be less than 50% interest rate not less than 1.1 times the benchmark rate; on the loan to buy the third set and over housing loan down payment and loan interest rates should be substantially increased, depending on the business banks to independently determine the risk management principles. People 's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission to guide and supervise the commercial banks to strictly manage the housing consumer loans. Urban Housing Ministry should work together with the People 's Bank, China Banking Regulatory Commission to step up formulation identification of the second set of standards for housing. To strictly limit the variety of names, and on the speculative real estate speculators. Commodity housing prices are too high, soaring, supply areas, commercial banks according to risk status, suspended the third set and the purchase of more housing loans; on more than 1 year can not provide a local tax or social insurance pay Zheng Ming Zheng Ming non-local residents to purchase housing loans suspended. Local governments may be the actual situation, to take temporary measures to limit the purchase copy number in a given period. (4) Use of tax policy on housing consumption and regulation of real estate income. Ministry of Finance and Administration of Taxation, to accelerate research to develop and guide them in proper housing consumption and regulation of personal property gains tax policy. Tax departments should strictly follow the tax laws and related policies and regulations, and seriously good value-added tax of land management, pricing is too high, or too fast in the real estate development projects focused on clearing and inspection. (5) To increase the effective supply of residential land. Supervision over land and resources to guide the development and timely publication of real estate to the main housing for the program and will be implemented effectively. Urban housing prices rose too fast, to increase the total supply of residential land. To accelerate the pace of disposal of unused real estate sites on the recovery of idle land, to give priority to housing construction for the ordinary. Adhering to and improving the land bidding, auction and pay system, while exploring "comprehensive evaluation", "a bid", "two-way bidding" and other selling method, inhibition of transfer of residential land prices rise irrationally. (6)Adjusting housing supply structure. Compiled and published as soon as possible around the housing construction plan, specifically affordable housing, small and medium size apartment building in the number and proportion. Urban and rural housing construction sector to speed up the planning of housing for ordinary goods, under construction and pre-sale approval, effective supply as soon as possible. Affordable housing in shantytowns, and small and medium size apartment housing construction site not less than 70% of the total land supply, and give priority to ensuring the supply. Urban and rural planning, real estate department to actively cooperate with the land and resources, the home sales price, copy number, chloroplast size, the proportion of affordable housing with the construction and completion time of opening, breach of contract penalty clauses, etc. into the land transfer contract, to ensure that small and medium size apartment the proportion of the supply structure in strict accordance with the relevant provisions in place. Price is too high, too fast in the region up to a substantial increase in public rental housing, affordable housing and limit the supply of commercial housing. (7) Ensure the completion of construction of affordable housing in 2010, three million sets of various shantytowns housing 2.8 million sets of tasks. Ministry of Housing Urban Development and Reform Commission, Ministry of Finance and other relevant departments as soon as possible to issue the annual plan and central subsidies. Urban Housing Ministry signed with the provincial government housing security objectives of responsibility, roles and responsibilities. Local governments to effectively implement the land supply, capital investment and tax preferential policies, to ensure that the planned task. According to government organizations, the principles of community involvement, speed up the development of public rental housing, local governments should increase investment, the central financial support given in an appropriate manner. State-owned enterprises should actively participate in real estate construction of affordable housing and shantytowns. Urban Housing Ministry to step up with the relevant


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