毕业论文(设计)外文翻译题 目:产品系列选择及其供应链设计的优化模型系部名称: 机械工程系 专业班级: 工设083 学生姓名: 刘红杰 学 号: 200880784302 指导教师: 黄林诗 教师职称: 讲师 2012年03月10日产品系列选择及其供应链设计的优化模型作者:Jacques Lamothe , Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Michel Aldanondo摘要:当设计一个新的系列产品,设计者和制造商必须同步地确定该产品系列和它的供应链。设计过程的第一步,设计师针对一些产品系列及材料的变量提出各种解决方案。第二步是在选择供应链结构时候选择一些变量。混合整数线性规划模型是在选择产品的变量时优化已有的供应链的经营成本。这项工作可以应用到汽车零部件供应商。 关键词:供应链管理;产品系列设计;供应链设计;混合整数线性规划1 确定通用材料表1.1 产品造型和设计多样性可以从不同的角度来考虑需求的多样性:客户或功能、产品或物质、供应链或过程。从功能性的角度来看,多样性是指一系列顾客表达的需求。每一个需求衍生了一系列的服务等级(服务等级1-服务第2级- - -服务水平n )的。这些服务等级从复杂性和成本的层次来加以区分,以获得该对应的功能。举例来说,功能为“汽车玻璃升降”的服务等级可以有不同,从“手动举升”到“电动升降,并有报警和夹紧保护”。因此,客户的多样性来自于所有和多重要求相关的服务等级的聚合:集合(要求,服务水平)确定市场的需求,而该产品系列必须涵盖这些需求。从产品的角度来看,一个产品系列是一系列的有形的产品变量并满足市场的需求。一个产品变量满足某一特定的服务等级对应的所有要求。此外产品变量基于它的材料表分裂成各组件。物质多样性通常是指产品系列中的关键特征或枢机组件中的关键特征。我们考虑服务水平间的秩序的关系,而就一个产品系列中的产品变量,他们的秩序的关联也是存在的:如果服务等级 V1大于服务等级的V2,那么对于每个要求变量V1大于变量V2。现在,让我们来分析以一个系列服务等级定义的特定客户需求,功能需求:需求= (需求,需求服务等级) 。正好匹配需求服务等级的产品有可能不存在于这个产品家族。但生产者的目的是以最低的成本,尽可能接近这个需求服务等级来满足需求。因此,过度满足所有需求服务等级的最小的变量(顺序的局部关系)可以实现该需求。另一个结果是,一个产品家族至少含有一种可以在最大的服务等级下匹配所有的功能要求的变量,使这个变量可超额满足任何需求。这就是说,它没有必要制造一切可能的变量:只要选择一个可以满足各功能多样性,并且全球最低成本(或最大利润)的变量来制造。图 2显示在一个有2个要求和3个服务等级的案件中的设计挑战。这里有九个变量(变量x.y是指满足在服务等级1/x的需求1和在服务等级2/y的需求2)。在实践中,不可能制造的所有变量,因为该组合的大小(V个要求,W个服务等级,就有W个V平方的变量)。但变量3.3是必须的,因为它能过度满足任何需求。所以设计的挑战是选择一些这样的变量和设计他们材料表。因此设计多样性是选择的多元化,以确定一套变量,及其相关的服务水平和材料表。由Pahl和Beitz确定的系统的方法通常是设计一个产品。第一个步骤就是选择设计原则。这些设计原则是技术和工艺的选择以及确定产品家族结构。该架构定义次机构的类型,他们的技术,以及它们的相互关系。为了设计产品家族的结构,我们有两个主要战略,我们称之为“市场细分为目标”战略和“模块化”策略。下一小节详细研究如何描述设计策略的结果。1.1.1市场细分设计策略该市场细分策略基于一个确定的市场部分的列表,该列表一般由营销部确定。某一市场领域的确定,是通过确定针对每一个功能要求的具体的服务水平来实现的。那样变量也应该为了满足具体的市场领域来设计。正如一些设计原则可以适用于相同的市场,一些可接受的变量从每一个市场领域来获取。此外,因为市场领域的确定是基于一套需求的服务水平,所以在市场领域里高低好坏关系也是存在的。在存在2要求和3个服务等级的案子里,图3描述了设计过程的结果,在其中9个可能的里只有4个市场领域被选定。一些设计原则已被应用到市场领域ms1(3条原则),ms4(2条原则),以及相应的变量被获得(符号:变量V-I 意味着变量“v” 的设计原理数量为“ i ”)。黑体的箭头描绘市场领域的秩序关系。因此为市场领域ms2设计的变量也能过满足ms1。 需求通常在四个市场领域( ms1 , , ms4 )来讨论。但是,最后设计的选择仍然是:为更高层市场领域设计的变量是否过度满足每个市场领域; 在为那些没有过量满足的市场领域设计的变量中选择一个变量。在案例中,我们可以做个极端的决定,只制造变量3.3-1或变量3.3-2 ,以满足所有的市场领域。1.1.2 模块化设计策略第二个战略致力于采用模组化原则。这一战略是必要的,以便设计大规模定制产品。原则是针对每一个功能要求和服务水平至少设计一个对应的模块变量,这样,所确定的模块的总集能满足任何一个需求。这种模块化原则效果在于:(一)设计标准平台,使任何模块化变量可组合;(二)确定模块变量和标准平台之间的标准接口。此外,模块都是独立的,这样很多设计原则可以适用于一个相同的服务水平,那样许多相同的模块变量可被获得。图4描绘了有2条规定和3个服务水平的模组化策略的结果。在这种情况下,2不同的设计原则已被应用到第2服务水平的第2需求(符号:模块V/W-I 代表在第W服务水平的第V需求的设计原则数量为I )等。黑体的箭头代表服务水平上的顺序关系。因此,为服务水平sl1 /2设计的模块1/2可以超额满足服务水平sl1 /1 。需求通常在六个服务等级(sl1 / 1 , , sl2 / 3)来讨论。但是,最后设计的选择仍然是:为更高层服务水平设计的模块是否过度满足每个服务水平; 在为那些没有过量满足的服务水平设计的模块中选择一个模块。案例中,我们可以做个极端的决定,可以只制造模块1/3和2/3 ,以满足所有的市场领域。1.1.3 市场细分及模组化设计混合策略市场细分和模块化设计策略可被混合,以达成过度设备成本、超额满意成本和管理费用三者的平衡。在市场细分导向的战略,对于某些要求一些市场领域有着共同的服务水平。设计师可能会为某些市场领域发展产品变量,这样分享共同的模块化组件。相对地,在一个模块化设计策略,设计师可以发现设计一个模块同步的满足一系列功能要求,这样更简单。因此,设计者应确定市场领域,以及为一些客户需求设计的模块变量。这些方法可以经常应用在不一样的市场。举例来说,家电设备产品通常分解成一些市场领域,个人电脑的家庭更为模块化,而汽车产品为市场细分及模组化的方式的一个混合:一辆汽车通常根据一些市场水平来确定,如底等,中层和奢侈,或者运动和旅游休闲,同时还有一些可选的要求(颜色,电子地图,扬声器,电机)。图五是一个典型的基于图3案例和图4案例的混合设计战略。市场领域ms1 , MS2和ms3整合成一个单一的市场领域ms123,用模块化的方法确定它。这种方法满足需求的集合(需求1 ,服务水平1/2 ) ; (需求2 ,服务水平2/2 ),这些在图3里没有提供。最后设计的选择依然是:为市场领域MS4设计的变量是否过度满足市场领域MS123; 如果ms123没有被满意,为sl1/2或sl2/2设计的模块是否过度满足sl1/1或sl2/1;在为那些没有过量满足的服务水平或者市场领域设计的模块中选择一个模块。1.1.4产品多样性的后果:两决定材料表设计工艺的效果在于市场需求的树行式分解(整个非黑体箭头)。 树高端的节点识别一些组合(需求,服务水平)。这些节点对应市场领域,或者是需求,或组合(需求,服务水平)。他们描绘了功能性的帮助,并建议给客户。树上的枝叶就是材料清单,对应于一个模块或一个变量。每个模块是以需求的服务水平为设计原则设计的。每个变量是以市场领域为设计原则设计的。他们针对以前的功能描绘了技术性的解决方案。此外,从功能性要求的服务水平的原来的秩序关系,市场领域和服务水平的秩序关系显现了(粗体箭头)。以图5的MS123到MS4的连接为例,秩序关系表示:如果有必要,为市场领域ms4设计的变量能满足市场领域ms123 。 因此,两种类型的制造性决策必须被考虑: 在市场领域或者服务水平使用秩序关系,必须考虑是否有过分满足的,导致相应的变量或模块将不会生产; 当几个设计原则已被采用时,必须选择一个最终的材料清单。1.2通用材料清单在规划过程中,材料清单一般用来计算给定的最终产品的净需求。在这里,通用材料清单的作用就是把市场需求转化为设计元素。通用材料清单是一个有向树,这些节点对应一些项和权值,权值即是每个母项的子项的必要数量。为了匹配典型材料清单,关键的主意是增加新的符号:逻辑项与物理项对应、“或”节点与“与”节点对应。 “或”节点表示在节点所有的子项中只能选一个,代表这个子项的存在。而“与”节点表示收集所有子项并确定它们。逻辑项只对于通用BOM才是必要的。它来自于已采用的产品设计方法。由于其逻辑性,它既不能被制造或者储存,也不能被运输。在规划过程中,它将被运算成一净所需数量,该数字来自其子项能实现的母项。反过来说,物理项可以被储存,生产或运输。逻辑项大都用来使市场,或需求,或设计和过度满足之间选择的结果正式化。权值通常是1,除了它表达了母项需求的市场领域的比例。图6显示了图5描绘的产品设计工艺的结果所对应的通用材料清单。该“变量”,“模块”和“BOM”项目是物理性的,如果它们被选择,它们可以被制造出来。“子集”项已经被添加。它描绘了模块化组件的集合,因此它也是物理性的。“市场”和各市场领域(“ms123”或“ms4”)之间弧线上的值表示,市场领域间的估计的市场份额。那些在需求项(“req1”为例)和服务水平项(“sl1/1”或“sl1/2”)的值表示,在那服务水平的估计的需求组成。因此,当确定“或”的选择时,表示在一个选定BOM上依据市场总量如何推断所需净需求。注意,“或”选择对于客户一般会隐藏起来,那样就不会改变功能的多样性。所以,市场占有率不依赖于决策。译文原文出处:Industrial Engineering Center,Ecole des Mines d Albi-Carmaux,Campus Jarlard,Route de Teillet,81013 Albi CT Cedex 09,France Available online 1 April 2005An optimization model for selecting a product family and designing its supply chainJacques Lamothe *, Khaled Hadj-Hamou, Michel AldanondoAbstractWhen designing a new family of products, designers and manufacturers must dene the product family and its supply chain simultaneously. At the very rst step of the design process, designers propose various solutions for the set of variants of a product family and their bill-of-materials. The second step is to select some of these variants while choosing the architecture of the supply chain. A mixed integer linear programming model is investigated that optimizes the operating cost of the resulting supply chain while choosing the product variants. This work is applied to the problem of an automotive supplier.Keywords: Supply chain management; Product family design; Supply chain design; Mixed integer linear programming (MILP)1 Dening the generic bill-of-materials1.1 Modeling the product and design diversitiesDemand diversity can be considered from various points of view: the customer or functional one, the product or physical one, and the supply chain or process one.From the functional point of view, the diversity refers to the set of requirements that a customer can express. Each requirement is derived in a series of ordered service levels (service level 1 0 service level2 0 Á Á Á 0 service level n). These service levels distinguish levels of complexity and cost in order to obtain the function. For example, the service levels of the function car window lifter can vary from manual lifter up to electrical lifter with alarm and pinch protection. Consequently, the customer diversity comes from the combinatory gathering all the service levels relevant to the multiple requirements: the set(requirement, service level) denes the market needs that must be covered by the product family.From the product point of view, a product family is a set of physical product variants and is dened in order to fulll the market needs. A product variant fullls all of the requirements with a given specic service level. Moreover, a product variant is split up into components based on its bill-of-materials. The physical diversity usually refers to the cardinal of this product family or to the cardinal of the set of components.As we consider an order relation between the service levels of each requirement, a partial order relation also exists between the product variants within a product family: a Variant V1 is greater than a Variant V2, if,for each requirement, the service level of V1 is greater than the service level of V2.Now, let us consider a given customer demand dened by a set of service levels, one per functional requirement: demand = (requirement, demanded service level). There may not exist in the product family a product that exactly matches the demanded service levels. But the interest of the producer remains to satisfy this demand at the lowest cost and thus as close as possible to the demanded service levels. Consequently, the demand will be fullled by the smallest variant (in the sense of the partial relation of order)that over-satises all the demanded service levels. Another consequence is that a product family must at least contain one variant that exactly matches all the functional requirements at the maximal service level so that any demand can be over-satised by this variant. This means that it is not necessary to manufacture all the possible variants: one can select the variants to manufacture in order to satisfy all the functional diversity at the lowest global cost (or at the maximal prot).Fig. 2 depicts the design challenge in a case with 2 requirements and 3 service levels. There can be 9 variants (Variant x Æ y satises Requirement 1 at the Service Levels 1/x and Requirement 2 at the Service Levels2/y). In practice, it is not possible to manufacture all the variants because of the combinatory size(V requirements with W service levels lead WV variants). But the Variant 3.3 is necessary because it enables to over-satisfy any demand. So the design challenge is to select some of these variants and design their bill-of-materials.The design diversity is therefore the diversity of choices in order to dene the set of variants, their associated service levels, and their bill-of-materials. The systematic approach dened by Pahl and Beitz is usually adopted for designing a product. The rst step consists in choosing design principles. These design principles are technical and technological choices and the denition of a product family architecture. The architecture denes the types of sub-assemblies, their technology, and their relations.In order to design the architecture of a product family two main strategies are identied which we callmarket-segment oriented strategy and modular strategy. Next sub-sections detail how to describe the result of such design strategies.1.1.1 Market segment design strategyThe market segment strategy works on a restricted list of market segments usually dened by a marketing department. A market segment is characterized by xing a specic service level for each of the functional requirements. Then a variant is designed in order to fulll a specied market segment. As several design principles can be applied to the same market segment, several admissible variants can be obtained per market segment. Moreover, as market segments are dened as a set of service levels of the requirements,a partial order relation between the market segments also exists.In the case of the example with 2 requirements and 3 service levels, Fig. 3 depicts the result of a design process in which only 4 market segments have been selected among the 9 possible ones. Several design principles have been applied to the market segments MS1 (3 principles) and MS4 (2 principles), and corresponding variants are obtained (notation : Variant V-i denotes the design principle number i for the variant V).The bold arrows depict the order relations on the market segments. Therefore a variant designed for the market segment MS2 can also over-satisfy the needs of MS1.Demand will always be expressed on the four market segments (MS1, . . . , MS4). But the design choices that remain nally are: · whether to over-satisfy a market segment with a variant designed for an upper market segment;· to select a variant among the designed ones for the not over-satised market segments.in the example, an extreme decision can be to only manufacture either Variant 3.3-1 or Variant 3.3-2 in order to satisfy all the market segments.1.1.2 Modular design strategyThe second strategy aims at adopting modular principles. This strategy appears to be essential in order to design mass-customizable products . The principle is to design at least one module variant per functional requirement and per service level so that any demand can be fullled with the assembly of the desired module variants. This modular principle forces: (i) to design a standard platform on which any modular variant can be assembled; (ii) to dene standard interfaces between the module variants and the standard platform.Moreover, modules are supposed to be independent so that many design principles can be applied to a same service level and thus many equivalent module variants are obtained.Fig. 4 depicts the result of a modular strategy for the same 2 requirements and 3 service levels example.In that case, 2 design principles have been applied to the requirement 2 with the service level 2(notation: Module V/W-i denotes the design principle number i for the Requirement V with a service level W).The bold arrows represent the order relation on the service levels. Therefore the module 1/2 designed for the service level SL1/2 can also over-satisfy the needs of SL1/1.Demand will always be expressed on the six service levels (SL1/1, . . . , SL2/3). But the design choices that remain nally are:· whether to over-satisfy a service level with a module designed for a higher service level;· to select a module among the designed ones for the not over-satised service levels.In the example, an extreme decision can be to only manufacture modules 1/3 and 2/3 in order to satisfy all the market segments.1.1.3 Mixed market segment and modular design strategiesMarket segment and modular design strategies can be mixed in order to reach a compromise between over-equipment costs, over-satisfaction costs and management costs.In a market segment oriented strategy, some market segments have common service levels for several requirements. A designer may be interested in developing variants for these market segments that share common modular components.Reciprocally, during a modular design strategy a designer can nd cheaper to design a module that simultaneously fullls a subset of functional requirements. Therefore, the designer should dene market segments and thus module variants for this subset of customer requirements.These approaches can be frequently observed in various markets. For instance, household electrical appliance families are usually decomposed into market segments; personal computer families are much more modular; while automotive families come from a compromise between market segment and modular approaches: a car is usually dened according to a market range level, such as bottom, middle and luxury but also sport and touring, plus some optional requirements (color, road map computer, loudspeaker,motor).Fig. 5 is an example of a mixed design strategy of the examples of Figs. 3 and 4. The market segmentMS1, MS2 and MS3 have been gathered within a single market segment MS123 which is dened throughout a modular approach. This approach allows to fulll a demand gathering (Requirement 1, ServiceLevel 1/2); (Requirement 2, Service Level 2/2) that was not in Fig. 3.The design choices that remain nally are:· whether to over-satisfy MS123 with a variant designed for MS4;· whether to over-satisfy SL1/1 or SL2/1 with a module designed for SL1/2 or SL2/2 if MS123 is not over satised;· to select a module or a variant among the designed ones for the not over-satised service levels or mar-ket-segments.1.1.4 Consequences on product diversity: Two decisionsThe result of the bill-of