江汉大学毕业论文(设计)外文翻译原文来源 E-Business Strategies 中文译文 企业电子商务战略探讨 姓 名 石 平 学 号 016506200031 2010年 4 月 1 日翻译原文:E-Business StrategiesAccording to statistics, 20 mid-1990s onwards, each 12-18 months. E-commerce transaction volume growth will be more than doubled. In 1999, 250 million people online, about a quarter of them were conducted online shopping, Internet transactions amounted to 110 billion U.S. dollars. And in 1998, compared to 4.8 billion U.S. dollars, an increase of about 142%. Such rapid growth is expected to continue. 3-4 in subsequent years, the network now trade volume is expected to reach five times. E-commerce is a challenge to the enterprise is business, enterprises must conform to the trend, seize opportunities.1. the Chinese enterprises to develop e-business strategic objectives As a new e-commerce business models, It has tremendous potential to encourage enterprises to "break" existing strategic straitjacket, completely change the processes of enterprises, enhance customer and vendor contacts, open up new markets. From the direction of the development of e-commerce, or e-commerce development environment, E-commerce competition and competitiveness of the final results will be reflected in part in the comprehensive competitiveness - the competitiveness of its products. management capabilities, technical innovation, and other supporting factors. Participate in e-commerce on the competitiveness of enterprises will be of strategic importance, significance will be manifested in the competitiveness of products and management capability technological innovation capacity on the promotion. Meanwhile, e-commerce should make full use of information technology, training and development of good competitive environment, Enterprises involved in upgrading its overall competitiveness, build on the supply chain, information exchange and technical innovation of strategic alliances. On the narrow understanding of e-commerce or e-commerce rash blind followers E-commerce may have overlooked the potential strategic significance. With the development of information technology and the proliferation of e-commerce into the technical obstacles have been greatly alleviated, E-commerce competition will be exacerbated.2. China's enterprises to develop e-business strategic significanceThe early 1990s after the rise of e-commerce, and the fad sweeping the globe, our businesses are actively use this opportunity, vigorously develop e-commerce enterprises. Haier Group, fully seize this opportunity for e-commerce based on the reorganization of logistics, Group estimated annual savings will be nearly 200 million of funds. (1) establish effective corporate branding and corporate image Corporate business services and commitment to put the company on the site, issued in a timely manner to the outside world. allow potential customers to a company with the first visual impression; We can all feedback information in a timely manner, to adjust their products and the company's business strategy to enable enterprises to the market in a timely manner to respond to changes; We can be the first time their latest products in a timely manner to a majority of the clients to sell their products to achieve the purpose, for the promotion of their own and found demand is the cheapest, quickest and most of these enterprises are the traditional model can not compare.(2) reducing the cost of operation of enterprises This is mainly manifested in two aspects : First, direct e-commerce transactions on the Internet. thereby reducing the traditional course of trade documentation costs, improve efficiency; the other hand, go to e-commerce ordering products, marketing and advertising of the intermediate links, thereby reducing the enterprises in the costs. In the United States, wholesale costs in enterprises, the use of e-commerce companies to cut 5% -10% of their cost. (3) improve efficiency and stimulate enterprises to gain competitive advantage E-commerce gives information to the fastest pace in receiving, processing and transmission, This not only simplifies the information processing procedures, and improve the accuracy of information processing. Through e-commerce, can be the fastest to get more information, so competition to gain the advantage. (4) provide a more effective after-sales service Using the Internet for after-sales service, we can site the company has been printed on products, technical support and other information. This will not only save money but also save a lot of labor expenses, to enable us to devote more time to deal with more complex problems and do a good job with the client relationship. E-commerce will bring our businesses so much easier, it greatly changed people's way of life, the same time is rapidly changing our business activity. However, enterprises how to overcome the bubble and steady development of e-commerce? This paper will explore practical combination. 3, Chinese enterprises to develop e-business strategies of the four stages To achieve e-business enterprise is not achieved in China's enterprises a low degree of information technology, got a late start, with the institutional obstacles step by step and the development of e-business, e-business in the process, enterprises can be the development and application of e-commerce into four interrelated stages. That is laying the foundation phase, integration phase of isolated islands of information, internal information and e-commerce stage stage. (1) Basic StageIs primarily to enhance the management of infrastructure, namely to promote the standardization of the enterprise, based on data collated, improve business processes, even make the necessary institutional changes to the enterprise information providing a good environment. Enterprise Information has been called the "two-thirds of technology, management 0907, 1212 data," said, we can see the importance of infrastructure, and practice has proven, Many enterprises, system failure, it can have no basis because the fight. Enterprises should not blindly on the first system, and to create a good environment and spend some time basis is well worth it. Even if the system has not significantly improve the level of management and the quality of management, such as business systems needs, as well as the conditions can greatly reduce risk and succeeded in two. (2) Enterprise Information Integration island stage Many enterprises have done a lot of information-based work, but also a lot of investment and resources, as various reasons, The value of these resources did not play out, based on departments, different platforms, data format is not uniform, This organizational and technical reasons for the decision to form the isolated islands of information have led to the privatization of information and resources can not be shared. To resolve this issue must establish an authoritative decision-making information and management agencies, unified planning, unified platform, solving fragmentation, each hill, so that new investment is not taking the beaten track and have become isolated islands of information to integration. making full use of available resources under the conditions of breaking barriers, unified platform. (3) Internal Information The previous two phases on the basis of key enterprises in sectors such as production, supply, marketing, technology sector has built up mutual connectivity, mutual sharing of information can be exchanged system. Internal information to unified planning, according to business conditions implemented in stages, not greedy big foreign, begin all may all collapse. No stock enterprises, structural convergence with the e-commerce using B/S structure, Old enterprises in the integration phase, and gradually transformed into model C/S B/S model or hybrid model. (4) e-commerce stage This stage can take two hours, the first step in building Intranet. INTERNET building through the intranet, for use within the enterprise information portal. Like visit the same Internet; The second step INTERNET/INTRANET integration, Acting through reverse agents and the internal and external mutual visits, thus forming a complete enterprise e-commerce environment Online ordering and online sales. The second step can be divided into the following stages : the first is to let the Internet alone can be seen, that is, information dissemination; The second stage is to establish its own portal; the third is the enterprise's internal network management solutions to including online transactions. Can also use the following strategies to develop enterprise e-commerce : 1, electronic marketing strategies. Through electronic means online sales, online shopping, online services, so as to achieve market expansion increase sales and reduce cost. 2, effective customer relationship management strategies. The relevant market and customer information management, sharing and analysis can be carried out effectively, so as to internal sales, marketing and customer service to provide comprehensive support. 3, e-commerce strategy. Traditional business transactions between enterprises often have to spend a lot of resources and time, whether sales or procurement and distribution must occupy product cost. Through electronic transactions of the seller and the buyer can complete the online business processes, enable enterprises to reduce transaction between the many business workflow and management costs and reduce the cost of doing business. 4, Supply chain management strategies. That the enterprise supply chain management, the supply, demand, raw material purchasing, marketing, production, inventory, orders, shipments and other distribution management. Supply chain enterprise's survival is the commercial circulation system, E-Business Management is the most important issue. Statistics show that enterprise supply chain can spend as much as 25% of the enterprises operating costs. 4, the conclusion E-commerce has changed the way business marketing, and help enterprises to the management philosophy, decision-making, business portfolio after the sale approach and the strategic changes, the most important thing is that E-commerce support and the development of strategic partnerships and virtual enterprises. Especially today, information technology has become irreversible tide, Last year parliament in the strategic management of the economy, Washington College speech by saying : "2005 will no longer be Internet companies, because (then) all companies will be Internet companies. " With China's accession to the WTO is approaching, the development of e-commerce should be stressed that market demand for industrial development and the principle of combining stressed that information technology industries to promote the role; support and encouragement "to jointly establish and orderly competition combining" principle, encourage the unified planning of large and medium-sized enterprises, joint investments, common management; executive and legal norms guiding principle, guarantee standardize management and e-business in an orderly and healthy development. 翻译译文:企业电子商务战略探讨据统计,20世纪90年代中期起,每1218个月,电子商务交易额就能增长一倍以上。在1999年的2.5亿在线者中,约有1/4的人进行过网上购物,网上交易额约为1100亿美元。与1998年的48亿美元相比,增长了约142%。而且这种高速增长态势可望持续下去。在此后的3-4年里,网络贸易额有望达到现在的5倍。电子商务对企业既是挑战又是商机,企业必须顺应潮流,抓住机遇。一、我国企业发展电子商务的战略目标电子商务作为一种新兴的商业模式,它具有极大的潜力推动企业“打破”原有企业战略的束缚,彻底改变企业的运作流程,增强顾客与供应商的联系,开拓新的市场。不论从电子商务发展方向看,还是从电子商务发展环境看,电子商务竞争及其竞争结果最终将反映在参与企业的综合竞争力产品竞争力、管理能力、技术创新能力和其他辅助因素上。电子商务对参与企业竞争力具有战略性意义,这些意义将表现在对产品竞争力、管理能力、技术创新能力的促进上。同时,电子商务应当充分利用信息技术,培育和发展良好的竞争环境,提升参与企业综合竞争力,构建的基于供应链、信息交流和技术创新的战略联盟。对电子商务狭义的理解或者对电子商务急功近利的盲目随从,都可能忽略电子商务的潜在的战略意义。随着信息技术发展和扩散,电子商务进入的技术障碍已经大大缓解,电子商务竞争程度将会加剧。二、我国企业发展电子商务战略的意义90年代初电子商务兴起后,热潮席卷全球,我国企业也在积极利用这一机遇,大力发展企业电子商务。海尔集团,就充分抓住这一机会进行了电子商务基础上的物流重组,预计每年将为集团节省近2亿的资金。(一) 有效树立公司的品牌和企业形象把公司经营范围和服务承诺放到公司站点上,及时向外界发布,使潜在的客户对公司有一个直观的第一印象;我们可对各种反馈回来的信息及时处理,以调整自己的产品及公司的经营策略,使企业能及时对市场变化作出反应;我们可以在第一时间将自己最新的产品及时介绍给广大客户,以达到推销自己产品的目的,对于推广自己和发现需求是最廉价、最快捷的,这些都是企业传统模式所无法比拟的。(二)降低企业运作成本 这主要体现在两方面:一、电子商务直接在网上进行交易,从而降低了传统贸易过程中的单据费用,提高了效率;另一方面,电子商务深入到产品的定购、销售和广告宣传等中间环节中,从而减少了企业在这方面的费用。在美国,企业在进货成本方面,使用电子商务的公司一般能节省510的成本。(三)提高工作效率和促使企业取得竞争优势 电子商务使得信息能够以最快的速度接收,处理和传输,这不仅简化了信息处理的一些程序,而且提高了信息处理的准确性。企业通过电子商务,可以用最快的速度获得更多的信息资料,从而在竞争中赢得优势。 (四)提供更有成效的售后服务 利用因特网进行售后服务,我们可以在公司已有的站点上登出产品介绍、技术支持等信息。这样做不仅可以省钱还可节省大量的劳动力支出,以便我们用更多的时间来处理更为复杂的问题,搞好与客户间的关系。 电子商务能为我们的企业带来如此多的便利,它极大的改变了人们的生活方式,同时也在迅速地改变着我们的商业活动形式。但企业如何克服泡沫,稳健地发展电子商务呢?本文将结合实际进行探讨。三、我国企业发展电子商务战略的四个阶段 企业要实现电子商务并不是一蹴而就的,我国企业信息化程度低,起步晚,加上体制等方面的障碍,电子商务发展需要循序渐进,在企业 e 化的过程中,可把企业电子商务开发和应用分为四个相互关联的阶段。即打基础阶段、信息孤岛整合阶段、企业内部信息化阶段及电子商务阶段。 (一)基础阶段 主要是加强基础管理,即推动企业标准化工作,整理基础数据,改善业务流程,甚至进行必要的体制变革,为企业信息化提供一个良好环境。企业信息化素有“三分技术,七分管理,十二分数据”之说,可见基础之重要,实践也证明,很多企业上系统失败,也多是因为基础没打好。企业先不要盲目上系统,而要打造好环境,花点时间作好基础是值得的,即使不上系统也可大大提高管理水平和管理素质,如企业需要上系统,也是水到渠成,可以大大降低风险,一举二得。 (二)企业信息孤岛整合阶段 现在不少企业作了大量信息化的工作,也有很多的投资和资源,由于各方面的原因,这些资源的价值没有发挥出来,都基于部门,平台不一,数据格式不统一,这种组织和技术决策上的原因,形成了信息孤岛,促成了信息私有化和资源的不能共享。要解决此问题必须成立权威的信息化决策机构和管理机构,统一规划,统一平台,解决各自为政,各立山头的问题,使新增投资不走老路,对已形成的信息孤岛要进行整合,在充分利用已有资源的条件下,打破壁垒,统一平台。 (三)企业内部信息化 在前两阶段的基础上,要在企业关键部门,如产、供、销、技术部门建立起相互连通,相互共享,能进行信息交换的系统。企业内部信息化要统一规划,根据企业条件分阶段实施,不能贪大求洋,一哄而上,全部上可能全部垮。没有存量的企业,在结构上要与电子商务接轨,采用B/S结构,对于老企业要在整合阶段,逐步把C/S模式改造成B/S模式或混合模式。 (四)电子商务阶段 这一阶段也可以分两走,第一步建设INTRANET,借助INTERNET建设企业内部互联网,即供内部使用的企业信息门户,也象访问INTERNET一样;第二步整合INTERNET/INTRANET,通过代理和反向代理进行内外部的相互访问,从而形成完整的企业电子商务环境,开展网上定购和网上销售。第二步可分为以下几个阶段:第一是让企业可以单独在网上被人看到,也就是信息发布;第二阶段是单独建立自己的门户网站;第三是把企业的内部管理通过网络来解决,包括网上交易。还可以采用如下战略发展企业电子商务: 1、电子化市场战略。通过电子方式实现在线销售、在线购物、在线服务,从而达到扩大市场、增加销售和降低成本的目的。2、有效的客户关系管理战略。把有关市场和客户的信息进行统一管理、共享,并能进行有效分析,从而为企业内部的销售、营销、客户服务等提供全面的支持。3、电子贸易战略。传统的企业间的交易往往要耗费企业的大量资源和时间,无论是销售和分销还是采购都要占用产品成本。通过电子交易的方式买卖双方能够在网上完成整个业务流程,使企业之间的交易减少许多事务性的工作流程和管理费用,降低了企业经营成本。4、供应链管理战略。即对企业供应链的管理,是对供应、需求、原材料采购、市场、生产、库存、定单、分销发货等的管理。供应链是企业赖以生存的商业循环系统,是企业电子商务管理最重要的课题。统计数据表明,企业供应链可以耗费企业高达25%的运营成本。四、结论电子商务不仅改变了企业营销方式,而且推动企业对管理理念、决策方式、业务过程组合后销方式的战略性思考和变革,最为重要的是,电子商务支持并形成战略性伙伴关系和虚拟企业。尤其在今天,信息化大潮已经不可逆转,去年葛罗夫在华盛顿经济战略管理学院发表演讲时宣称:“五年后将不再有互联网公司,因为(届时)所有的公司都将是互联网公司。”随着我国加入WTO临近,电子商务建设应当强调市场需求与产业发展相结合的原则,强调信息技术对产业的促进作用;支持和鼓励“联合建立与有序竞争相结合”原则,鼓励大中型企业统一规划、联合投资、共同管理;强调行政引导和法制规范的原则,保证电子商务规范管理和有序健康发展。