单片机英文文献【适用于毕业论文外文翻译】 .doc
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单片机英文文献【适用于毕业论文外文翻译】 .doc
单片机英文文献Principe of MCUSingle-chip is an intcgrmed 011 a single chñp a cornplete computer syslCtn. Ev巳n 由ough most of his fearures in a small chip,but it has a oej to complele 由Ctn勾ority of computer components: CPU,memory,internal and external bus system,mosl wi ll havc the Core 八1 the same ti me,such as imegr.aled commllnic3li on iJ1lerl'ac创,lilTJers,real-lime c.Iock and other peripheral 叫lIipmenl. And now Ihe 11)OSI powerflll si ngJe-chip n咀crocornpllter system can even voice,image, nelworking,inplll and OllrpUt cOl1lplex syslem il1tegration on a singl e chip.AJso known as single-chip MCU (MicrocontroUer),because it was 'I1rst llSed in the l'iel d ofi nduslrial cootroJ.OnJ y by the singl巳-chip CPU chip developed frOI1l the d巳dicated processor.Thec1esign concept is the first by a large n山nber of peripherals ancl CPU in a single chip,the complller system so that smaller,more easily illlegratecl into the complex ancl demanding Oll thevoll1me comrol devices 卧JTEL the Z80 is onc of the first CI巳sign in accordanc巳 with the id巳a of the processor,From then on,由e MCU alld uhe c1evelopm巳m of a dcdicated proccssor part巳d ways.Earl y si ngle-ch.ip 8-bil or all of lhe lIlr. On巳 of Ihe mOSl successful is lNTEL's 8031.,b巳callse lh巳 perfonlJance of a siJlJple and reliable access 10 a 101 of gopraise. Since lhe lJ in8031 10 c1evelop a single-chip microcol1lpuler system l'vrCS51 series. Bas1 00 single-chip microcomputer system of the syslem i s still widely lIsed unti l now. As the l'ield of industrial control requirements increase in the beginning of a 16-bit single-chi p,bu t not ideal becallse Ihe price has not been very widely used. After th,e 90's with the big consumer electronics produclclevelopmem,single-chip technology is a huge improvement. INTEL i960 Series with subsequel1lARM in particar,a broacl ra l1ge of applications,quickly replaced by 32-bit single-chip 16.bit singl e制 chip high. end status,and el1ler the mainstream markel. Traditional 8-bit single-chipperfon咽ance has bcen th巳 rapid increasc in proc巳ssing power compared to 由巳 80¥ to raise a few hundred tim,es. AI present, th巳 high-encl 32-bil single-chip frequency over 300MHz,the perfonl1ance of rh巳 rnid-90's c10se on 由e heels of a speci刻 processor,while the ordinary pric巳of Ihe mod巳1 dropp巳d Q one U.S. dolJar骂,lhe mOSl high-end lllodeJs,onJy 10 U.S. doUar古. Contemporary single chip l1licrocomputer syst,elll is 110 longer only the bare-metal environ l1lel1t in the developl1lent and use of a large number of d巳dicated emb号dded operaring system is widely lIsed in the full range of single. chip microcompllter. In PDAs and cell phoneas rhe core processing of high-end single-chip or even a dedical以I direct access 10 Windows and Lillux operaung systems.More thar】a c1edicatecl si ngle.chip processor suitable for embedclecl systems,so it was up torhe application. ln facI Ih巳 nurnber of singl巳-chip is th巳 world's largest cornputcr. Modcrn hurnanl ife lIsed in alrnost every piece of electrol1ic and mechani1 products wi11 have a 臼ngle-chip integration. Phonc,tclephon巴,calculalor,home appliance骂,el 巳ctron ic toys,handheld computcrs and complller acc巳ssories such as 挡 mOuse io the Deparlmem are equ i pped wilh 1 -2 si ngl 巳 chip And personal cOlTJpulers al $o have a large number of si.ngJe-chi p micr以:ompuler i l1 Ibe Vorkplace. Veh.icJesqllipped wilh more lhan 40 Department or the general single-chip,complex induSlrial control systems and even single-chip may have hundreds of work al the same tinle! SCM is Ll0t only far e.xceeds the number of PC ancl other integrated complltÍl毡,even more lhall lh 巳 number of human beings.Hardwave imroductionThe 8051 famiJy o.f l11icro.co.ntro.J J ers is based o.n an architecture which is hi ghJy o.ptimized for embedded controJ systems. 1t is us巳d in a wide variety o.f appJications from miJitary eqllipment 10.alltomo.biJes to.【 he keyboard o.n yo.ur PC. Seco.nd o.llJy to.the Mo.lo.ro.Ja 68日C I l in 巳ight bil processo.rs sales,lhe 805 J famiJy o.f microco.nrrollers is avaiJabJ巳川 a wid巳 a汀ay ofvariatiollS fron】manllfaCLurers such as JnLeJ,l'hilips,and Siemens. These l1Janufac!lIrers have added nuroerous feaLures and peri pherals 10 lhe 8051 sllch as J2C inLerfaces,a l1aJog 10.digitaJ Converlers,walchdog lim巳rs,and puJ 忧 widlh l1J阳JulaLed OUlpUIS. Variaúo.l.1s of lhe 8051 Wilh c10ck speeds up 10 40MHz and voJ tage requiremel1Ls do.wn 10. l.5 vOJLS are avaiJabJe. This wide range o.f pans based o.n o.ne co.re makes the 8051 family an excellent cho.ice as the base architecture fo.r a co.mp创叨's en ti.re hn巳o.f pro.ducts since it can perfo.nll many functio.ns and cJeveJo.pers wiJJ o.nJy have to.Jearn this o.ne pJarffo.nnThe basic architectllre Co.nSiSIS o.f the folJo,.wing feamres:an eighl bi t ALU32 cJcscrete l/O pins (4 groups o.f 8) which can be indivicJllally accessed(Wo.1.6 bit tirne.r/co.unters fuJJ duplex UART6 inte.rrupl so.llrC巳s with 2 p时orily JeveJs128 bytes o.f o.n board RAMseparate 64K byte acJdress spaces fo.r DATA and CODE 111巳lllo.ryOn巳 8051 proceSso.r cycle co.nsists o.f tweJ ve o.scilJato.r perio.ds. Each o.f the tweJve o.sciJJato.r p创 i15 is llS巳d fo.r a special fllnctio.n by the 8051 co.re sllch as o.p co.de fetches and s刷llpJes o.f the ÌJlterrupl daisy chain fo.r pending int巳rrupts. The time reqllired fo.r any 8051 instruction can be compllted by dividi.ng the cJo.ck fregllency by 12,inverting that resllll and 1ll11ltipl ying it by lhenumber o.f pro.ceSso.r cycles required by lhe illsLfucüo.n i n qu巳SÜo.ll. Thcrefo.re,if yo.u have a SySlem which is using an I l.059lVlHz c1o.ck,yo.U can co.mplllc the numbcr o.f i.llstrucüo.ns per seco.nd by dividing 山is value by 12. This giv巳s an inSlfUction freqllcllcy o.f 92 J 583 instructiOlls per second. lnverling this wiJJ pwvide Lhe amOu lJt o.f time Laken by each inSlfllclion cycJe(1.085 nüro.secollds)单片机原理单片tJl是指一个集成在一块芯片土的完恕计算机系统。尽管他的大部分功能集成在一块 小芯片上,但是它具有一个完整计算机所需要的大部分部件: CPU、内布、内部和外部总线系统,目前大部分还会具有外有。同时集成诸如通讯接口、定时镖,实时时钟等外怪设!ffr.而现在最强大的单片机系统甚至可以将严管、图像、网络、复杂的输入输出系统集成在一块 芯片上。正在片机也被称为微控制然 ( Micr,以;ontroll 巳r),是因为宫最早被用在工业tQ制领域,离主片 初l出芯片内仅有 CPU EI甘专用处理器发展而来。藏早的设计观念是通过将大量外 翠设备和 CPU 集成在一个芯片l扣, 使计算机系统更小,更容易集成进复杂的而对体积要求严格的控 制设备当中。剧TEL 的 Z80 是最早按照这中l'忠、想设计出的处理铃,从此以后,单片机和专 用处理器的发展便分一边扬镜。早期的单片机都是 8位1jlZ 4位的也其中最成功的是 INTEL的 8031,因为简单可靠而性 能不错获得了很大的好评。此后在 8031 上发展出了 MCS51 系列单片机系统.基于这一系 统的单片机系统直到现在还在广泛使用。随着工业控制领域要求的提高,开始出现了 16位 单片机.&.因为性价比不丑11想并未得到很广泛的应用. 90年代后随着消费电子产品大发展, 单片 技术得到了巨大的提高。随着 卧厅ELi960系列特别是后来的 ARM 系列的广泛应用,32立单片机迅速取代 16位单片机的高端地位,并且进入主流市场。而传统的 8 位单片机的性能也得到了飞速提高,处l型能力比起 80年代提高了数百倍。目前,高揣的 32 位单片 主n频已经超过 300MHz,性能直追 90年代中朔的专用处磁带,而普通的型号出厂价格跌落至1;美元,最高端的 号也只有 10美元。当代正在片机系统已经不再只有 裸机;际统下开发和使 用,大量主专用的嵌入式操作系统被广泛应用在全系列的单片机_t.而在作为:这上电脑和平机 核心处级的高端单片和l甚至司以1支援使用专用的 Wi.odows 和 Linux 操作系统。单片:lJL比专用处璐君§更适合应用于嵌入式系统,民|此官得到了最多的应用。事实 上单片机是世界上数量最多的计算机。现代人类生活中所用的几乎得件电子和机械产品中都会集成 有单片书L e 手机、电话、计算器、家用电器、E包子玩具、学J二也l施以及鼠标等电脑i i.W:I rIJ都 配有 1 -2 部单片机。而个人电脑,+,也会有为数不少的单片拍Ltt工作。汽车上一般配备 40 多 部单片机,复杂的工业投iljlJ系统上甚至可能有数百台单片机在同时工作!单片机的数最不仅 远超过 PC 机和其他计算的综合,甚至比人类的数超:还要多。单片书L硬件介绍.8051 系列微控制器是建立在一个高皮优化的嵌入式控制j系统的结构.1二。宫的运用范围 比较广,从军事装备参j汽车再到你的 PC机的键熬。仅次于摩托罗拉 68HCll在 8位处茸11然 销售,8051 家庭的微控制器,在tlilJi雀商上有各种各样的变化,如闲特尔公司、部门子、飞利 油。这些厂家已经地加了许多功能及外设.ýQ总线接口,模拟到数字转换然,看门狗定时吉普、 llikì':I" 宽度调制的输出。8051 的变化,达剑4Ol任z11才钟频率下降到 150伏电压条件是可得到 的。这种广泛的部分3妻子一个核心使 8051 系列的一个很好的选择作为基础架构的一个公司产品,因为它可以执行许多功能和 开发者只会有这样的一个平台。 基本主制与自以下特点:一个 8 为的第术逻辑单元32 个离散输入输出端口 ( 4 级8 位) 可单独访问 二 16 位·定时然lrl 数吉普 金)()l.工通用异步'孩11生/发送装置6 个1:11晰源与 2 个优先级另IJ128 字节的随机存储音带64K 分开字节地址空间的数据和代码的记忆 一个数字处现然刑期共有十二振荡器的时期。他本是十二门徒里的每一个阶段是用于振荡然的特殊功能的核心,如凤凰社代码的数字和样品中的全部中断菊花链米快的中断. 所需 的时间任何 8051 指令可以除以 12 例,时钊2频 .逃过反j货结果和ifI磁它的数字处理器周期所 指示的问题。因此,如柴你有一个系统,使用一个 11.059MRz 时钟,可以计算出的指令数除以这 个值得秒 12 分。这绘出了 921583 指令旬秒指令频率。反相i率将提供每个指令周期 (1.085 微秒采取的时间。