1.1起重机简介起重机是一种用来起重与空中搬运重物的机械设备,广泛应用于工矿企业、车站、港口、仓库、建筑工地等部门。它对减轻工人劳动强度、提高劳动生产率、促进生产过程机械化起着重要作用,是现代化生产中不可缺少的工具。起重机包括桥式、门式、梁氏和旋转式等多种,其中以桥式起重机的应用最广。桥式类起重机又分为通用桥式起重机、冶金专用起重机、龙门起重机与缆索起重机等。桥式起重机是桥架在高架轨道上运行的一种桥架型起重机,又称天车。桥式起重机的桥架沿铺设在两侧高架上的轨道纵向运行,起重小车沿铺设在桥架上的轨道横向运行,构成一矩形的工作范围,就可以充分利用桥架下面的空间吊运物料,不受地面设备的阻碍。 1.1.1普通桥式起重机组成部分(1) 桥架(又称大车) 桥架是起重机的基本构件,由主梁、端梁、走台等部分组成。(2) 大车移动机构 大车移动机构由大车拖动电动机、联轴节、减速器、制动器及车轮等部分。整个桥式起重机在大车移动机构拖动下沿车间长度方向的导轨移动。(3) 小车 小车安放在桥架导轨上,可沿车间宽度方向移动。小车移动机构由小车电动机、制动器、联轴节、减速器、车轮等部分组成。(4) 提升机构 提升机构由提升电动机、提升减速器、制动器、卷筒、静滑轮、吊钩等部分组成。提升电动机经联轴节、制动轮与减速器联接,钢丝绳另一端装有吊钩。当卷筒转动时,吊钩就随钢丝绳在卷筒上缠绕而上升或下降,对于起重量在15t以上的提升机构,一般配备两套吊钩上随着卷筒而获得上下运动,随着小车在宽度方向获得左右运动,随着大车沿车间长度方向作前后运动,所以就实现了重物在垂直、纵向、横向三个方向的运动,将重物移动到车向的任一位置。(5) 驾驶室 驾驶室是操纵起重机的吊舱,驾驶室一般固定在主梁一端的下面,也有少数装在小车下方随小车移动,驾驶室内有小车、大车、提升机构的控制装置及保护装置。 1.1.2桥式起重机的工作原理 起重机由大车电动机驱动沿车间两边的轨道作纵向前后运动; 小车及提升机构由小车电动机驱动沿桥架上的轨道作横向左右运动;在升降重物时由起重电动机驱动作垂直上下运动,实现重物在垂直、横向、纵向三个方向的运动。 1.1.3遥控控制传统起重机得控制方法采用凸轮控制器或采用主令控制器与磁力控制屏控制,凸轮控制器和主令控制器均安装在起重机驾驶室内,操作人员离控制对象比较远,常因此判断不准造成定位不准,甚至造成失误。基于此采用遥控控制装置,这样就使操作人员可以在适当的作业面利用手中的遥控器发出控制命令,很方便地控制起重机的工作。1.2起重机遥控系统的发展概况50年代,各类工业用遥控系统在欧美开始出现。60年代,以德国HBC为代表的遥控系统制造商开发了专用于起重机控制的遥控系统,被认为是企业减少劳动力,实现自动控制的良好途径。当时欧洲的制造业、建筑业等人手不足的现象越来越严重,遥控系统的使用渐渐引起人们的重视。70年代初,采用了与时分制周期传送方式并用的方法,增加了操作指令,并实现了设计、制造的标准化。70年代末,采用了当时最先进的CMOS电路,研制出了周期循环数字方式的遥控系统,可靠性和安全性有个很大提高。80年代,采用了集成电路,开发出了可靠性更高,可持续的遥控系统。90年代初,采用了微处理器和大规模集成电路,使遥控系统的发展又上了一个新台阶。近年来,又研制出了具有自动跳频技术、自动频率管理技术和各类总线输出的遥控系统。 1.3起重机遥控控制的优点在科学技术不段发展的今天,无线遥控技术应用已经十分广泛,大到人造卫星,小到家用的空调器、电视机、音响等都使用遥控技术来进行操作。遥控技术的发展被认为是一种现代化的标志,它可以充分使人从繁杂的体力劳动中解放出来,随心所欲地从远距离进行控制,如:电视机的遥控可以使人随意地躺坐来变换喜欢的电视节目,使人享受充分的休息。遥控技术的发展使人们享受着科学的魅力。由于遥控技术可以减低劳动强度、提高劳动生产率及提高作业的安全性等方面起着积极的作用,在工业自动化控制中的遥控技术的应用已愈来愈被人们重视。日常生活中我们使用的无线遥控发射方式多数为红外线型,因其成本低,易于人们接受。但由于该控制方式受发射距离、方向和条件的限制,局限性较大,应用在工业无线控制领域就显不足。而目前广泛用于工业无线控制领域的遥控装置,主流是以无线信号进行传输的方式。以下就起重机用无线遥控系统自身特点、发展概况、使用优势和遥控系统分类进行简单介绍。1.3.1起重机使用遥控系统具有以下几个优点(1).节省人力a. 对于桥式、门式起重机及汽车起重机等装卸设备,其操作挂钩可由一人承担,操作者可直视操作,不需要指挥。b. 对于工作效率低的起重机设备,一人可同时管理多台起重机设备。c. 可在起重机操纵同时,完成与其关连的输送带、加料器、搬运车等其它设备控制和管理。 (2).提高工作效率a. 由于操作者与地面指挥由一人承担,操作者可自行判断,进行作业,提高了作业的准确性及工作效率。b. 避免了过去操作人员与地面指挥之间的误解,适用于设备组装等精密安装作业。c. 省去了司机上、下起重机的所带来的诸多不便。(3).环境安全的提高在有毒气体、高温、多粉尘和危险的作业场地,可选择环境好、且安全的位置进行操作,操作者的人身安全得到保护,作业条件得到改善。(4)准确的检查故障 1.3.2起重机用无线遥控系统特点(1) 可靠性。 遥控系统一旦发生故障,将影响生产正常运行。因此其系统及系统的硬件必须具有高度的可靠性。(2) 安全性。 遥控系统是起重机械的控制装置,如果动作有误,将发生物损、人伤的事故。因此必须保证遥控系统的百分之百的安全,具有操作者应能直接进行紧急停车和系统自动急停的安全保护。(3)抗干扰性强。 能够不受电焊、电炉及起重机变频器等的电磁杂波干扰,能够在小范围内同时多台使用,互不干扰。 (4)能在恶劣环境中使用。 必须具有较强的防尘、防煤气、耐油、抗冲击等性能。轻小型便于操作。 (5)发射系统由操作者携带进行操作,故应体积小、重量轻、携带方便。1.4现有桥式起重机遥控控制缺陷 起重机的遥控控制还未完全普及,其主要原因归结为目前的遥控接口电路。目前主流遥控接口电路为继电器接触器控制。 起重机的电气传动系统多采用绕线式交流电动机,由凸轮控制器直接控制或由主令控制器发布控制命令给继电器接触器式系统,来切除电机转子外串电阻的方式进行调速,并且操作完全集中在吊车的驾驶室中进行,传统遥控操作方式存在以下问题: 1)遥控操作改变了原起重机的运行性能。 为使遥控操作简便,遥控操作按键一般较少,相应地接收机输出接点也少。一般的起重机均有大车、小车、主钩和副钩四个机构,每个机构至少需要遥控器有7个控制点,加上启动、急停、点动及主钩快下,则遥控器至少需要32个控制点,接受机需要32个单速按键或24个单双速按键,要实现全部功能,操作者须同时操作两个以上按键,操作者即感到操作繁忙,又会造成操作者混乱,形成安全隐患,故遥控器通常设置的输出点较少,所以用继电器接触器接口只能实现原起重机的部分功能,通常各机构以快慢速运行,失去了原起重机五档调速性能,所以对遥控技术的应用形成了障碍。 2)可靠性差。 继电器-接触器接口电路须有继电器柜,特别是复杂的继电器控制是最易出现故障的环节。两种接口电路需要接触器柜,由于起重机经常处于频繁点动等重任务下工作,因此增加了接触器线圈的损坏,触点烧损或熔焊、接线松动等故障,尤其是触点熔焊有可能造成成人身和设备损害的重大事故,因此可靠性差。 3)遥控改造量大,电工维修困难。 两种接口电路都需要将遥控接口电路串接与原起重机的保护电路中,部分并接在各机构控制的主电路中,因此遥控系统需要很多引出导线,这不仅增加了遥控改造施工的工作量,而且也给日后电工维修系统造成困难。1.5本课题设计的意义 桥式起重机已在冶金行业内广泛使用,由于行业特点,冶金企业中的桥式起重机常常在高温、多粉尘、有毒气和危险环境中工作,在桥式起重机的驾驶室进行操作的作业条件很差,驾驶员的人身安全得不到有效保障。并且有的吊车安装位置距离地面有3040m,由于视线不清楚,吊车操作时必须由地有地面人员的指挥才能进行,但有时由于指挥配合不当,存在着很大的事故隐患。 起重机遥控操作,它改善了操作者的操作环境,拓宽了人员的视野,增加了操作人员的人身安全,减少了操作人员数量,调高了生产效率。 本文以10t桥式起重机为例,以S7-200PLC+遥控器+减速电机组成作为遥控接口电路进行系统硬件、软件的设计。由该接口电路组成的遥控系统具有安全可靠、操作简单、维护方便、系统成本低。可实现原起重机全部控制功能。1.6系统控制的基本思路 充分利用原凸轮控制器控制方式的操作简单、维护容易、工作可靠和PLC控制功能强大的特点将原凸轮控制器的方向盘去掉,安装联轴器,再装上减速电机,由PLC控制电机的正反方向运行,起重机的运行命令由遥控器发射器发出接收机收到命令后传给PLC,利用PLC强大的编程功能实现遥控器的功能扩展.根据按下按键的时间长短.控制电机运行的转角,实现各机构的调速,根据检测元件实现机构的限位和零位控制。用PLC+减速电机+ 凸轮控制器+遥控器系统实现遥控,可用简单的操作实现起重机的全部功能。 1.7系统控制要求 (1)系统能实现起重机原有的全部调速功能; (2)遥控启动时各机构凸轮控制器必须在零位: (3)各机构分别用2个按键实现正反方向及调速的控制: (4)各机构减速时按下相反方向按键机构减速至零位为止,不能反向启动;若要反向启动,需机构到零位后放开反向键,然后再按一次即可; (5)点动控制时,各机构最高运行在第2挡,放开键后自动回到零位; 1.1 crane profile crane is a used to lifting and air carrying heavy loads of machinery, equipment, widely used in industrial and mining enterprises, station, port, warehouse, construction sites and other departments. It to reduce labor intensity and improve labor productivity and promoting production process mechanization plays an important role in modern production, is the indispensable tools. Crane including bridge type and gantry, LiangShiHe rotary and so on many kinds of, among them with bridge crane's most widely used. Bridge type class crane and divided into general bridge crane, metallurgy special crane and longmen crane and cable crane, etc. Bridge crane bridge in elevated rail running on a bridge cranes, also called cranes. Bridge crane along the bridge on both sides laying in the orbit of an elevated along the longitudinal operation, lifting car on the shelf in bridge laying track horizontal operation, constitutes a rectangular scope of work, can make full use of bridge in the Spaces below hoisting the materials, not to suffer ground equipment obstacles. 1.1.1 ordinary bridge crane component(1)Bridge (also called cart)Bridge is the basic components, the crane girder, girders, walking machine components.(2)Cart mobile mechanism By cart mobile mechanism cart drag motors, couplings, reducer, brake and wheel etc parts. The whole bridge crane mobile mechanism under the cart along the length direction drag the guide moving workshop. (3)car Car in bridge guide rail, can move along the workshop width. By car motor car mobile mechanism, brakes, couplings, reducer, wheels components. (4)Hoisting mechanism Hoisting mechanism ascension motors, ascending reducer, brakes, drum, static pulley, hooks components. Ascension by coupling, brake wheel motors with reducer connection, and the other end wire rope with hook. When the drum rotating, hook with the wire rope in rolling around and rising or falling, for lifting weight in the ascension of 15t above, the general equipped with two sets of organization on the hook won movement up and down with rolling across the width, along with the car, get along with left movement cart ront-rear movement length direction workshop, so will achieve weight in vertical, vertical, horizontal three directions movement, a move to any position to the car. (5)cab The cabin is manipulating crane, cab in general fixed pod girder end of below, also have a few outfit in the car with the car moving, cab below inside car, cart, hoisting mechanism control devices and protection device. 1.1.2 bridge crane principle of workCrane cart motor drives by the workshop on both sides of the orbit around longitudinally sports; Vehicles and hoisting mechanism by car motor drives on the shelf along the bridge about make lateral movement track; When lifting heavy objects in by lifting motor drives, realize the vertical movement up and down in the vertical, horizontal, weight of longitudinal three directions sport.1.1.3 remote controlTraditional crane must adopt CAM controller or control method by using the command controller and magnetic control panel control, CAM controller and Lord command controller are installed in crane operators driving indoor is far away from the control object, often so judgment not cause positioning prohibit, even cause errors. Based on this using remote control device, thus gives operators can be in the hands of the appropriate coolie in a controlled command, remote control easily control crane work.1.2 crane development survey of remote control system In the 1950s, the various industrial control system in Europe and America began to appear. In the 1960s, HBC in Germany as a representative of the remote control system manufacturer develops the special-purpose in crane remote-control system, considered firms to reduce labor, a good way for the realization of automatic control. At that time Europe as the manufacturing and construction short-handed phenomenon more and more serious, the use of remote control system gradually attracted people's attention. By the early 1970s, when transmitted TNSS with the method with periodic way, increased operating instructions, and realized the design, the manufacture of standardization. In the late 1970s, adopted the most advanced CMOS circuit, developed a cycle of remote control system of digital mode, reliability and safety have a greatly improved. In the 1980s, adopted integrated circuits, developed a higher reliability, sustainable remote control system. By the early 1990s, the microprocessor and large scale integrated circuits, make remote control system development and on a new level. In recent years, and developed with automatic frequency hopping technology, automatic frequency management technology and various bus output remote control system. 1.3he advantages of crane remote controlIn science and technology for development today, wireless remote control technology application has been very extensive, big to satellite, small to household air-conditioner, TV, acoustics are using remote control technology to operate. The development of remote control technology was considered a modern symbol, it can be fully make people from multifarious physical labor liberated from a distance, follow one's inclinationsly control, such as: TV remote control can make people sit to transform lie freely favorite TV program, make the person enjoy sufficient rest. Remote control technology development makes people enjoy a scientific charm. Due to control technology can reduce labor intensity, improve labor productivity and improve the safety of homework plays an active role in industrial automation control, the application of the control technology already more and more attention by people.In daily life we use wireless remote control means of transmission for infrared linetypes, most for its low cost and easy people accept. But as the control mode, direction and distance by launching the constraint of larger, application, limitations in industrial wireless control field shows insufficient. And now it is widely used in the industry of wireless control areas remote control device, the mainstream is the way for transmission wireless signals. Under with wireless remote control system of crane characteristics, advantages and development situation, use simple introduction of remote control system classification. 1.3.1 cranes use remote control system has the following a few advantages (1). Save manpower For bridge type and gantry crane and automobile crane, loading and unloading equipment, its operation can be borne by one link operator may look operation, need not command. For work efficiency low crane equipment, one can also manage multiple crane equipment. But in crane, complete with manipulating and associated conveyer, plus other equipment van distributor, control and management. (2). Improving work efficiency Due to the operator and the ground control by one bear operator may decide, and assignments, improve the working efficiency and accuracy of the assignments. Avoid the past operators and ground command misunderstandings among, apply to equipment assembling etc. Precise installation work. Tell the driver, under a crane brings a lot of inconvenience. (3). Environmental safety improvement In toxic gases, high temperature, dust and dangerous work site, optional choose good environment, and safe operation, the position of the operator's personal safety protected, operation conditions improve. (4) accurate inspection fault 1.3.2 With wireless remote control systemcrane characteristics Reliability. Remote control system once breaks down, will affect the normal operation of production. So the system and hardware must have high reliability. Safety. Remote control system of crane control device, if the action that will happen is wrong, the accident loss, wounded. Therefore must ensure that remote control system of 100 percent security, with the operator should be able to direct the emergency stop and automatically abrupt stop safety protection. (3) strong anti-jamming. Can not be electric welding, such as electric and crane inverter electromagnetic clutter interference, can in the small scope and multiple use, not interfere with each other. (4) can use in bad environment. Must have strong dustproof, gas, oil resistance, impact resistant properties. Light and small operation is convenient. (5) launch system is operated by the operator, reason should carry small volume, light weight, easy to carry 1.4 existing bridge crane remote control flaw Crane's remote control are not completely popularization, the main reason boils down to the current remote control interface circuit. At present the mainstream remote control interface circuit for relays - contactor controlling. Crane electric drive system used more winding type ac motor, the CAM controller directly control or by Lord command controller release control command to relay - contactor system, to resection of motor rotor resistance of the way, and the operation speed totally on the crane in the cockpit, the traditional remote operation way has the following questions: 1) remote operation changed the original crane's performance. To make remote operation is simple, remote control buttons generally less, correspondingly receiver output contacts are also less. General crane cart, car, are main hook and vice hook four agencies, each agency needs at least remote seven points, plus start, abrupt stop and point move and main hook fast, the remote control under need at least 32 points, accept machines need to be 32 single speed buttons or 24 dual speed key, to realize the full function, the operator must operating simultaneously two or more buttons, the operator that feel operation busy, and will cause confusion, forming operator safe hidden trouble, so remote usually set the output points less, so use relay contactor interface can realize the partial function of the crane, usually agencies to speed speed operation, lost original crane five timings.this performance, so the application of remote control technology to form the obstacles. 2) poor reliability.Relays - contactor interface circuit must have relay ark, especially complex relay control is the most easy to malfunction link. Two kinds of interface circuit need contactor ark, often in frequent points because crane and other heavy work under dynamic task, hence increasing contactor coi