交通运输 物流 外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 综合框架逆向物流.doc
外文出处:Integrated Framework for Reverse (用外文写)Logistics 年月日签名: 附件1:外文资料翻译译文综合框架逆向物流1 引言 一个完整的供应链的概念,通常包括正向和反向物流。然而,逆向物流比正向物流研究得少的多。逆向物流最近已逐渐成为重要的问题并分为两种方法进行学术研究。逆向物流就是规划执行和控制的效率和成本原料的有效流动,从消费点开始在过程库存,成品及相关信息处置适当以夺回原点价值。在欧盟,废弃电器及电子设备( WEEE协议)协议在2005年8月开始生效,有害物质限制(官方协议)的协议在 2006年生效;协议要求公司对出售的整个产品的整个生命周期反向物流负责,这已成为公司刻不容缓的责任。许多以前的研究曾试图制订的逆向物流数学模型,Min等人就在这些研究的基础上介绍了部署集中返回中心的遗传算法的模型。克劳斯诺和亨德里克森探索了产品的回报率和逆向物流的策略之间的关系。 库勒和塞兰奇研究回收和价格贬值之间的联系。虽然这些优化模型提供部分逆向物流解决方案但它们包括的许多假设在现实中很难得到实施。由于逆向物流活动不太明朗,关于他们的信息最好以公式化结合起来。此外,一些研究调查表明这个问题要从整个供应链角度来看,举例来说,蒙在延长供应链里提出了绿色供应链的概念。 雷蒙德和罗杰斯讨论正向和反向物流在多个层面之间的区别。莫勒科普和卡洛斯从整个供应链过程中讨论隐藏价值的逆向物流。瑞奇等人在接受调查的逆向物流程序中宣称资料是一个关键因素。越来越多的公司正在利用逆向物流作为一个商业策略。举例来说,宽松的退货政策可能给客户的印象是产品高质量,此外企业从社会或环境负责的行为还可能获得顾客更高的满意度。然而这些逆向物流的战略可能会导致大量的商品返回和回收,企业需要额外的信息来解决此恶性循环,否则不透明的信息可能会引起一个巨大的牛鞭效应。作为企业可以在业务中获得更多信息来预测和准备来防止在逆向活动引起的不良影响。如果当他们由消费者向生产者的网站送回的产品是时尚商品,如电子产品或季节性的衣服,其价值可能下降。因此,如果具备足够的信息可以使企业早预测回报,企业就可以作适当的准备减少处理时间以维持其剩余的价值。另外,由于产品在欧洲联盟有执行电子设备协议所以制造商比在任何时间都要关注。这项研究的结果使这些逆向物流活动更加积极。一种基于代理的模型是增加整个供应链管理( SCM )信息透明度的程度。供应链中将具有 有高效率的信息技术ITD作为一个早期预警系统,。一个高信息技术的ITD能提高的整个供应链管理( SCM )的信息共享程度 。2 问题说明 先前的研究将逆向物流活动分为3组,即返回,修理和回收。在这一过程中正向物流中供应商提供原材料到制造商,制造商制造产品通过分销商然后再发送给客户。反之,客户可能会让一个产品返回、修理或循环再造。此外制造商和供应商还需要处理非工作原因或有缺陷的产品。回收者需要处理这些循环再造的产品,妥善转让可重复使用的材料给供应商和制造商,这一过程被称为逆向物流。这些逆向的活动有以下的问题:a)如果客户将产品转回给分销商,然后分销商将可返回的产品以某一方式传送回制造商。这种做法会对制造商产生不利影响,因为在这过程中谁能减少传回的产品的时间就能降低其剩余的价值。 b )回收的法律,如欧盟的电子设备协议和RoHS 协议明确了回收活动的重要性,企业需要监察回收比率以提高他们遵守回收的法律的意识。 c )在处理解决方面,处理解决的时间应减少可以以维持一个企业的形象 ,这也是逆向物流活动的定义,消费的产品在买了一定的时间内以任何理由(合理或不合理的)结果都要回报消费者。保证客户可能会收到一个完全相同的新产品并且相当于收回产品交换或全部的钱 , 客户一般会从厂家得到可使用的产品 。回收方回收消费者发送的没有价值的或不想要的产品但这样的客户可能会得不到厂家给的优惠。所有这些问题都是以客户为中心的和难以预料的。但如果在信息技术的整个供应链可以加以改善的话那么预测精度可以提高,让上游和下游企业的供应链尽量准备早。3 拟议的框架 这项研究在整个供应链系统中假设共生现象,供应链的参与者被假定为分享三个数据库,即客户,产品和交易。存取权限如下: a)在客户方面,所有其他用户只能查询但分销商可以介入和更新 。b)在产品方面,所有其他用户只能查询但经销商可以介入和更新 。 c)在交易方面,所有其他参与者只能查询但分销商可以介入和更新、制造商可以共享数据的定期更新。这共生的假设是战略合作伙伴一致的概念,客户的购买模式和今后的计划在这种创新型企业分享销售数据中能让客户和生产商成为合作伙伴。向来由常规的分析方法测得的逆向活动所引发的顾客是很难准确预测,启发式检测和人工智能技术可能会带来帮助。在先进的供应链中帕姆斯以自动化、供应链的配置以及性能的改善供应链的动态配置研制出一种基于代理的框架。不过,据我们所知,没有研究已申请代理商来扭转活动。这项研究提出了一种基于Agent的做法。说明在代理商中,传感器代理人和代理人的处置是整合拟议的框架。这个方法可以自主地监测环境的变化和反应自动完成一个目标来管理这个以客户为中心的问题。4 商业说明情况要明白拟议的框架,三类逆向物流活动的描述如下:4.1 返回的情况 根据建议的框架内,传感器剂监测数据,这是所收集到的消费者的网站和共享数据中心;执行每周交叉分析诊断的回报概率,并传送报警信号。举例来说,假设顾客是使越来越多的投诉,和她(他)个人资料(性别,教育)或女士较多 。传感器代理验证手令日期的关联交易。如果保证期间已经过期,那么“委婉”的发送信息。反过来说,如果产品仍然是不保证,那么发送一个“有威慑力的”信号,而如果初始的交易金额很大那么会发送标志“情况严重”的信号。系统处理器处理情况然后建议适当的解决,如果是温和的信号处理器自动发送电子邮件给客户确认客户的关注。 “有威慑力”的信号是处理器的意见通过客户代表联络客户以防止可能的投诉升级为严重的信号,处理器的建议执行相关的业务处理流程比如治疗后完成准备返回股票的位置,该传感器的代理人应跟进客户满意度并给予反馈给处置的信息。拟议的框架可以提供一个早期预警以防止制造商可能的回收情况,另外可以总结先前产品重新设计的原因,该信息技术将增加本框架下的效率。4.2 处理情况 在提出的框架的基础上,传感器的代理人分析消费者每月投诉并计算解决问题的可能性。举例来说,假设有些客户的电子产品放置在潮湿的地区不符合匹配的规则,传感器代理法官根据过去的数据预测部分这些产品可能发生故障的情况。如果这些零件是正常的材料,然后以“模式率”的信号传送。如果这些部分含有特殊的材料,然后一个“有威慑力的”信号发出。如果处理的行为将需要工程师的技能,那么发出“情况严重”的信号。由决策者处置代理人建议适当的治疗方法。一个“模式的影响”的信号,处理器的验证材料储存并自动安排这些处理的要求。 “有威慑力”的信号,以决策者来处理器的建议来采购材料,在这种情况下由于较长的处理期间所以需要为客户安排一个临时替代产品。为当遇到处理器发出严重的信号或建议要资深的工程师来解决。处理传感器代理人跟进客户的意见并在一定期限内(例如一个月)给出反馈给处置的代理人进一步的改善。该信息技术的供应链管理让维修中心准备可能发生的维修比在其他制度有更高的可靠性这样可以减少处理的时间。 4.3 回收情况 根据建议的框架内,数据库触发器通知传感器通过产品的大小和材料的检查判断循环再造的可能性判断是否销毁产品。如果该产品的材料是正常的,那么传感器的代理人发出了一个温和的信号。如果产品含有有毒或有害物质,那么传感器代理发送“严重”的信号。处理器通过信号建议决策者做出处理方法,对于 一个“温和”的信号,分销商建议进行关系营销让顾客关注他们的产品正确的使用方法 。此外,可通过邮件通知顾客对产品问题可以自己提出退货要求。当发出严重的信号时,处置代理人应提交给决策者国际协议拟定方案的该遵守的那些要求,提高供应链管理信息技术的效率同时可以增加预期回收的比例来使回收再利用变得更加灵活。5 结论 逆向物流活动最近已成为消费者和生产者维护自身利益立场的一个关键问题但目前还有一些难题。 a)企业正在越来越多地采取宽松的退货政策作为战略。然而在实践中收回的产品分销商无法迅速处理其库存安置这样制造商就不能迅速恢复其经济价值。b)作为新的环保法律越来越多地被执行,回收活动确实是企业对社会和环境 责任是制造商额外的负担 。此外对是没有必要进行回收的客户,能给他们的答复是有限的,并且 在实际操作中循环再造是难以实施的 。c)维修中心维修给客户带来不便。客户在产品修复期无法使用他们的产品,因此减少维修的时间可以改善客户的满意度。但是如果没有适当的资料维修中心不能获得附表所需的资源就难以缩短维修时间。这项研究提出了一种基于Agent的框架用来提高在这些反向活动中的信息透明度的程度。一个传感器代理的运作像一个早期预警系统,以侦测可能扭转活动积极。处置代理的运作就像一个顾问向决策人推荐处理方法,甚至可以让相关的业务流程自动运行。拟议的框架预计将增加供应链的资讯透明度的程度以及改善逆向供应链的活动性能 。今后的研究将集中于执行本框架并通过真实的数据和通过实地调查研究来核实其业绩和成效。附件2:外文原文 Integrated Framework for Reverse Logistics1 Introduction A complete supply chain concept typically includes forward and reverse logistics. However, reverse logistics has been much less examined than forward logistics. Reverse logistics has recently emerged as crucial issues in both practices and academic studies. Reverse logistics encompasses planning, implementing and controlling the efficient and cost effective flow of raw materials, in-process inventory, finished goods and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin to recapture value or dispose properly . In the European Union, the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) directive, this came into force in August 2005, and the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (Ro HS) directive, which came into force in 2006; requires companies to take responsibility for product that they sell throughout the product entire lifecycle. Reverse logistics has become imperative for business. Many previous studies have attempted to formulate mathematical models of reverse logistics. Among these studies, Min et al. presented a genetic algorithm model to deploy centralized return centers. Klausner and Hendrickson explored the relationship between product return ratio and reverse logistics strategy . Kulshreshtha and Sarangi examined the link between recycling and price discrimination. Although these optimization models provide partial reverse logistic solutions, they include many assumptions that would not hold in reality. Since reverse logistic activities are too uncertain to formulize, the information about them should ideally be combined. Additionally, some studies have investigated this issue from the perspective of the entire supplychain. For instance, Beamon extended the forward supply chain, and proposed the green supply chain concept . Tibben-Lembake and Rogers discussed the distinction between forward and reverse logistics in multiple dimensions . Mollenkopf and Closs discussed the hidden value of reverse logistics from the entire supply chain . Richey et al. surveyed reverse logistics programs, and claimed that information is a critical factor. Companies are increasingly utilizing reverse logistics as a business strategy. For instance, loose return policies might give customers the impression of high product quality. Additionally, a business may earn goodwill from socially or environment responsible behavior. However, these reverse logistics strategies might lead to a large amount of returned and recycled merchandise. Businesses require additional information to resolve this vicious circle. Otherwise, the opaque information might invoke a huge bullwhip effect. As business obtains more information, they can predict and prepare, or even prevent bad effects in reverse activities. If the returned products are fashion merchandise, such as 3C electronic product or seasonal clothes, then the product remaining value might fall when they are sent back by the consumer to the producer site . Therefore, if sufficient information is available to enable businesses to predict returns early, then business could properly prepare and reduce process time to maintain their remaining values. Additionally, due to the enforcement of WEEE or RoHS in European Union, manufacturers would become concerned with the recycle ratio at any time. This study considers these reverse logistic activities more actively. An agent-based model is presented to increase information transparency degree (ITD) of the entire supply chain management (SCM). A supply chain with a high ITD serves as an early warning system, and works very efficiently. A High ITD enhances information sharing within an entire supply chain management (SCM).2 Problem DescriptionsPrevious studies have categorized reverse logistic activities into three groups, as shown in Table 1, namely return, repair and recycle. In the process of forward logistics, suppliers provide raw material to manufacturers, who make products, which are then sent to customers, generally through distributors. Conversely, a customer might send a product back for return, repair or recycling. Additionally, manufacturers and suppliers also need to deal with defective or nonworking products. Recycling collectors need to dispose of these recycled products properly, and transfer reusable materials back to the supplier and manufacturer. This process is known as reverse logistics. These reverse activities have the following problems. (1) If a customer returns product to a distributor, then the distributor might stock returned products to a particular level, then send them back to manufacturer. However, this practice adversely affects the manufacturer, who has less time to process the returned products, thus the lowering their remaining value. (2) Recycling laws, such as WEEE and RoHS in the European Union, increase the importance of recycling activities. Businesses need to monitor recycle ratios, and raise them to comply with recycling laws. (3) Finally, in the repair aspect, repairing processing time should be reduced to maintain the image of a business. Table 1. The definition of reverse logistic activities Activity Definition Result Return Consumers return the products bought within certain period of time for any reason (rational or irrational).Depending on policies, customer may receive another identical new product, an equivalent product exchange or full money back. Repair Consumers send broken product to repair center (or original producer). Customer generally would receive workable product back. Recycle Consumers send unvalued or unwanted product to recycling collectors. Customers might or might not receive rewards. All these problems are customer-centric and difficult to predict. However, if the ITD of the entire supply chain could be improved, then the prediction accuracy could be enhanced to enable the upstream and downstream enterprises of supply chain to be prepared early.3 Proposed FrameworkThis study assumes symbiosis in the entire supply chain system. The supply chains participants are assumed to share three databases, namely customer, product and transaction. The access permissions are as follows. (1) In the customer DB, the distributor can insert and update and all other participants can only query. (2) In the product DB, the manufacturer can insert and update and all other participants can only query. (3) In the transaction DB, the distributor can insert and update; manufacturer can update, and all other participants can only query. The shared data are updated regularly. This symbiosis assumption is consistent with the concept of strategic partners, in which innovative enterprises share sales data, customer buying patterns and future plans with their partners .Since most reverse activities are triggered by customers, and are hard to predict accurately by conventional analytic approaches, heuristics and AI techniques might help. In the forward supply chain, Piramuthu developed an agent-based framework to automate supply chain configuration, and to improve the performance of the supply chain with dynamic configuration. However, to our knowledge, no study has applied agents to reverse activities. This study presents an agent-based approach. As illustrated in Figure 1, two agents, the sensor agent and the disposal agent, are integrated within the proposed framework. Since an agent could autonomously monitor the changing environment and react automatically to complete a goal, they might helpfully manage this customer-centric problem.4 Business Illustrative ScenariosTo understand the proposed framework clearly, the three classes of reverse logistic activity are described as follows.4.1 Return ScenarioAccording to the proposed framework, the sensor agent monitors the data, which are gathered from the consumer site and shared data center; performs weekly cross analyses to diagnose the return probability, and transmits alarm signals. For instance, assume customer is making an increasing number of complaints, and that her (his) profile (Gender, Education)=(Female, High) matches one return pattern in Table 3. The sensor agent verifies the warrant period of the related transaction. If the guarantee period has expired, then a “moderate” signal is sent. Conversely, if the product is still under guarantee, then an “influential” signal is sent, while if the original transaction amount was also large, then a “serious” signal is flagged. The disposal agent then recommends appropriate treatments. For moderate signals, the disposal agent automatically sends an e-mail to a customer acknowledging the customers concerns. For “influential” signals, the disposal agent advises a customer specialist to contact the customer in order to prevent possible return. For serious signals, the disposal agent recommends performing related business processes such as preparing return stock-location. After the treatment is completed, the sensor agent should follow up the customer satisfaction and give feedback to the disposal agent. The proposed framework could provide an early warning to the manufacturer about possible returns, and additionally could summarize the top 10 return reasons for product re-design. The ITD would increase under this framework.4.2 Repair ScenarioBased on the proposed framework, the sensor agent would analyze the complaints from consumers monthly, and calculate the repair possibilities. For instance, suppose that some customers of electronic products live in the moist area, matching a rule in Table 2. The sensor agent judges, according to the past data, that some parts of these products might malfunction later. If these parts are normal materials, then a“ mode rate” signal is transmitted. If these parts contain special materials, then an “influential” signal is sent. If the repairing behaviors would require particular engineer skills, then a “serious” signal is flagged. The disposal agent recommends appropriate treatments to the decision maker. For a “mode rat” signal, the disposal agent verifies the material stocks, and automatically schedules these repair requirements. For “influential” signals, the disposal agent recommends material procurements to the decision maker. In this case, owing to the longer repair period, the disposal agent arranges a temporary replacement product for customers. For serious signals, the disposal agent schedules another engineer, or recommends further training for engineers. After the treatment is completed for certain period (say one month), the sensor agent follows up customer opinions, and gives feedback to the disposal agent for further improvement. The ITD of the SCM is higher under the proposed framework than in other systems, enabling the repair center to prepare for possible repairs to accelerate the repair time.4.3 Recycling ScenarioAccording to the proposed framework, database triggers notify the sens