本科生毕业设计 (论文)外 文 翻 译原 文 标 题International Freight Forwarding Business Strategy Analysis and Development Forecasts译 文 标 题国际货运货代企业经营战略分析及发展预测作者所在系别经济管理系作者所在专业物流管理作者所在班级B08323作 者 姓 名张建作 者 学 号20084032327指导教师姓名郭凤艳指导教师职称教授完 成 时 间2011年10月北华航天工业学院教务处制译文标题国际货运货代企业经营战略分析及发展预测原文标题International Freight Forwarding Business Strategy Analysis and Development Forecasts作 者He LiHuan译 名何力环国 籍中国原文出处Economist 2010国际货运货代企业经营战略分析及发展预测国际货运代理是服务性行业中的一种类型,1926年5月31日在维也那成立的国际货运代理协会联合会(FIATA)作为联合国的常设顾问机构和一个在世界范围内最大的非政府和非赢利机构,其对国际货运代理的定义是“根据客户的指示,并为客户的利益而揽取货物运输的人,其本人并不是承运人,货运代理也可以依这些条件,从事与运输合同有关的活动,如集货、报关、报验、收款。”我国1995年颁布的中华人民共和国国际货物运输代理业管理规定对其定义为“接受进出口货物收货人、发货人的委托,以委托人的名义或以自己的名义,为委托人办理国际货物运输及相关业务并收取服务报酬的行业。”可见传统的国际货运代理业务是指国际货运代理企业为当事人办理国际货物运输及相关业务并收取服务报酬的行业。国际货运代理利用自身的有利条件,精通业务,熟悉国际货运市场的供求变化,航线运价的季节变化,熟悉各种运输手段及相关法律规定,与承运企业、贸易方、以及保险、银行、海关、商检、港口等有着广泛的联系和密切的关系,从而在较大范围内为委托人办理国际货物运输业务提供较好的服务,并在国际贸易运输发展过程中起着非常重要的作用。国际货运代理行业虽然已经有百年以上的历史,然而随着社会的发展,尤其是基于国际互联网的信息技术的飞速发展及当代物流行业的发展和逐步形成,传统的国际货运代理行业受到了巨大的挑战和冲击。作为国际化的服务行业,中国年轻的国际货运代理行业一样不可避免地要面对这种挑战和冲击。其实中国的国际货代行业在2000年已经走向分化,2001年我们将看到已经开始的分化所带来的更明显的效果,传统的货运代理业将感受到更加巨大的生存和发展压力。在此背景下,必须从战略的角度去分析研究中国货代业的形成、结构、走势与前途。货代企业也必须重新思索自己的定位与归宿。一、中国国际货运代理行业的形成及演变(1)国家垄断阶段1993年以前,由中国外贸运输总公司暨业内常说的中外运(SINOTRANS)在国家政策保护下高度垄断外贸运输业。(2)1993-2000承运人控制的货运市场阶段前期阶段,货代市场由垄断走向开放经营,但对外资企业依然严格限制,目前国内的大部分货代企业都是这一时期设立和发展的,目前总数已经在2000家以上,市场空前繁荣。由于在这一时期航运市场并没有完全开放,但改革开放带来的经济增长带动进出口贸易猛增,中国航运市场的需求大于供给,按照经济学的规律供给方占据了更有利的谈判地位,货运市场的控制权转移到承运人一方,有些基本的现象可以证明以上的分析,例如目前中国至欧洲航线的运价水平还没有90年代中期的水平;那时因船舶舱位不足而甩货的现象也时有发生等。在这一阶段,航运市场供给不足、运价信息不透明、由于政策的保护而很少有外资企业的竞争、承运人货运网络不完善而对货运代理的依赖等原因,使国内贷代企业用简单的经营手段却赚取了超额利润,享受了短暂的“黄金时代”完成了一定的资本积累,也形成了行业的初期规模。后期阶段这一阶段是货运市场分化的前导,国内中国远洋运输公司(COSCO)中国海运公司(CSCO)等大型承运人企业纷纷设立自己的货代机构,航运市场的开放使外资船公司,这些大型全球承运人开始直接向国内的货主企业揽取货载,目前交通部批准的已有15家以上外国船公司在华设立独资公司,另有270处以上的代表机构,全球20大班轮公司无一例外进入了中国市场,OOCL东方海外班轮公司不但介入了12条内支线,还同铁路部门合作,开出了郑州香港等6条铁路集装箱干线专列,在舱位与订舱回佣决定着传统货代业经营与利润空间的市场里,货代中间人的身份受到挑战,经营环境日趋恶化,老牌的SINOTRANS也无力阻挡市场的规律。例如上海航运交易所的设立及运价指数的公布使运价市场信息公开化,可以标志着货代暴利时代的结束;2000年6月以来,上海9家班轮公司以市场变化为由,先是取消上海至东南亚各地区的到付运费佣金,接着到欧洲、澳、新航线的到付佣金由2.5%降到1.5%,虽然经各方交涉而有所抵制,但佣金制度已经动摇。船公司在其自身已经具备货代功能的前提下对公共货运代理的依赖性显著降低。承运人一体化销售的成熟,并不仅仅威胁到眼前的代理佣金,而是作为中间环节的传统货代企业面临被淘汰的威胁,货代企业在这一时期比前期明显衰落,如果继续在市场中生存必须寻找新的利润空间,构筑新的核心竞争能力,这也是我国货代市场走向分化的动因。(3)2000年开始的分化时期国际航运、国际贸易市场的规范和完善使货代企业面对严峻的生存市场环境,开始反思与探索,靠出售提单、倒卖差价、套取佣金牟取暴利的时代已经过去,货代业在特定的社会经济背景条件下经历了畸形的不正常时期而开始自我调整,在服务创新、企业转型等方面开始战略思考,正在向提供增值服务,创造市场价值的新经营群体转化寻找突破。货代行业的最初结构,很大程度上是由行业内的竞争者,供给者和需求者的运行方式决定的,这种结构极不稳定,在大规模的经济、技术变革和竞争变化的条件下,行业结构就会发生变化,上面的过程就很好的说明了这点。二、国际货运代理企业当前的宏观环境分析在政治法律、经济、科技、文化等众多宏观因素中,两个因素将对国内的货运代理业产生影响,一个是中国即将加入世界贸易组织(WTO)一个是以INTERNET为代表的信息技术的广泛应用。辩证唯物论要求我们从两个方面看问题,对于中国加入WTO,我们既要看到带来的威胁,也要看到带来的机会。威胁:威胁主要来自于对竞争的担心。由于WTO的加入,中国将逐步彻底开放货运代理市场,逐步取消目前对外资企业在华设立独资企业的限制,国外的货运代理公司将在中国市场同中国企业直接竞争,他们多年的经营管理经验、雄厚的资本、国际化的网络经营不可避免的要冲击国内企业。但这也给了国内企业更多的学习借鉴的机会,同时我们必须看到在竞争的国际市场上狭隘的民族主义是不足取的,只有市场的规范、规模、繁荣才能带来企业的成长“窝里斗”的市场不会造就强者。孙子兵法·势篇“故善战者,求之于势,不求于人。”既只能借助于自己强大不可战胜之势,而不要指望别人不来攻击。机会:机会主要来自于货运代理市场的规模、其容量将随着WTO的加入而得以扩大。商品运输和商品交换是互为条件的,货物运输市场是经济贸易对货运劳务需求基础上产生的。与世界经济、国际贸易息息相关,当经济处于高速增长时期,国际贸易将出现相应的增长,货运市场也伴随着出现活跃繁荣的景象。中国加入WTO,其对外贸易规模将大幅度提高,根据海关统计,国际贸易额中80%是通过海运完成的,无疑国际贸易规模的提高将扩大对货运市场的需求,将给行业内的每一个企业带来更多的机会。基于国际互联网的信息技术普及应用对每一个行业的影响都将是深远的,我们虽然称未来是信息的时代,还是不可能窥其全貌。但对于国际货运代理企业,至少信息技术极大的提高了效率,包括服务,管理等多方面,同时为国际货运代理企业向物流企业发展提供了极大可能。三、行业动态分析货运市场是需求和供给的矛盾统一体,需求方为广大的货运服务消费者,即客户供给方就是众多的货运公司,业内的众多企业都是竞争者。企业要想在经营中取胜,除了分析大的宏观环境和自己企业控制的资源外,还必须对所处的行业环境进行认真的分析,制定出自己的经营策略和战略,方能“知己知彼,百战不殆”。国际货运代理市场客户需求的特点及影响需求的因素:(1)客户需求的无限扩展性如过去未曾有的对货物流向跟踪并提供信息的需求现在已成为货主选择货运服务的主要条件之一。客户的一种需求满足了,又会产生新的需求,循环往复,作为货运企业要不断开发新服务项目,以适应客户不断提高的需要。(2)客户需求的多层次性客户的需求是在一定支付能力等条件下形成的,因此其多种需求不可能同时得到满足,需要根据支付能力、客观条件的可能、有轻重缓急的逐步实现,这便是客户需求的多层次性。例如出口商强调运价的低廉及舱位的保证,而进口商可能更重视到货的服务,如通关能力,安排内陆运输的费用等。(3)客户需求的可诱导性客户需求的产生有些是基本的,有些是外界诱导有关的,货运企业营销的影响、社会交际的启示等会使客户的需求发生变化或转移,在这一点上,说明客户的需求是有弹性的,企业通过适当的营销途径,正确的影响和引导客户需求,可能将潜在客户变为现实客户。(4)货运市场客户的分散性随着国营外贸企业一统天下的局面被逐步打破,大量中小型生产企业、民营企业、外商在国内的投资或独资企业都可以独立的经营外贸进出口业务,客户群数量激增,在地域上分布的更加分散,同时在每一单的托运量也比较少,但频率高。这要求货运企业应采取灵活的揽货方式和服务方式适应货运市场结构的变化。指 导 教 师 评 语 外文翻译成绩:指导教师签字: 年 月 日注:1. 指导教师对译文进行评阅时应注意以下几个方面:翻译的外文文献与毕业设计(论文)的主题是否高度相关,并作为外文参考文献列入毕业设计(论文)的参考文献;翻译的外文文献字数是否达到规定数量(3 000字以上);译文语言是否准确、通顺、具有参考价值。2. 外文原文应以附件的方式置于译文之后。附件:外文翻译原文International Freight Forwarding Business Strategy Analysis and Development ForecastsInternational freight forwarding is a service industry type, May 31, 1926 in Vienna was established International Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) as the United Nations a permanent advisory body and in the world's largest non-government and non-profit institutions, its international freight forwarding is defined as" according to the customer's instructions, and for the benefit of our customers cargo doors to take people who are not their own carrier, freight forwarders can under these conditions, to engage in transportation contract-related activities, such as set cargo, customs clearance, inspection, collection. "promulgated in 1995 in China" The People's Republic of China International Freight Forwarding industry regulations, "its definition of" consignee of import and export of goods, delivery people entrusted to his client's name or the name for the client to handle international cargo transportation and related business and industry to collect service remuneration. "shows that the traditional international freight forwarding business is international freight forwarding company to handle international clients cargo transportation and related business and industry to collect service remuneration. International freight forwarding use its own advantage, proficient, familiar with international freight market, supply and demand, seasonal tariff route familiar with a variety of transportation means and the relevant legal provisions, and transportation enterprises, trade side, as well as insurance, banking, customs , commodity inspection, port has extensive contacts and close relations, which in a large range for the client to handle international cargo transport business to provide better services and transport development in international trade plays a very important role.Although the international freight forwarding industry has been more than a hundred years of history, but as the society's development, particularly the Internet-based rapid development of information technology and the development of modern logistics industry and gradually, the traditional international freight forwarding industries are huge in Le challenges. As an international service industry, China's young, like international freight forwarding industry is inevitable to face this challenge and impact. In fact, China's international freight forwarding industry in 2000 has been to divide, in 2001 we will see the division already brought about a more significant effect, the traditional freight forwarding industry will feel even greater pressure on the survival and development. In this context, must be analyzed from a strategic point of view of the Chinese freight forwarding industry in the formation, structure, trends and prospects. Freight forwarding companies have to rethink their position and destination.1.China International Freight Forwarders formation and evolution of the industry.(1) State monopoly stage Before 1993, by the China Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation, the industry often talk about cum-Sinotrans (SINOTRANS) in the State monopoly of foreign trade policy under the protection of high transport.(2) 1993-2000 phase of the carrier control the freight market In the previous freight forwarding market from a monopoly to an open operation (but still strict limits on foreign-funded enterprises), the majority of domestic freight forwarding companies are setting up and development of this period, the total number has now more than in 2000, the market unprecedented prosperity. As the shipping market during this period did not fully open, but the reform and opening up the economic growth to surge in import and export trade, the Chinese shipping market, demand is greater than supply, in accordance with the laws of economics, supply-side account for the negotiation of more favorable position control of the market transfer of cargo to the carrier side, some of the basic phenomenon can be shown above, such as the current route of the freight from China to the European level of the mid-level no 90; then the rejection due to lack of accommodation for cargo ship The phenomenon also occurs so. At this stage, the shipping market supply shortage, tariff information opaque, due to policies of protection and little foreign competition, imperfect carrier freight network dependent on the freight forwarding and other reasons, to make loans on behalf of domestic enterprises with a simple business means it earned excess profits and enjoy a brief "golden age", to complete a certain amount of capital accumulation, the formation of the initial size of the industry. The later stage: This stage is the freight division of the leading market, the domestic Chinese Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO) China Shipping Corporation (CSCO) and other large carrier of freight forwarding companies have set up their own agencies, the shipping market open to foreign shipping companies - those large-scale global the carrier to begin direct the owner to the domestic enterprises embrace pickup set (currently the Ministry of Communications has approved more than 15 foreign shipping companies to establish wholly-owned companies in China, while more than 270 representatives of institutions, without exception, the world's 20 largest liner companies entered the Chinese market, OOCL Orient Overseas shipping companies involved not only within the extension 12, also with the railway sector, out of the Zhengzhou - and Hong Kong Railway Container Route 6 train) and accommodation booking rebates in the traditional freight forwarding business operator decision and the profit margins of the market, freight broker identity is challenged, the business environment is getting worse, veteran SINOTRANS also unable to stop the law of the market. For example, the establishment of Shanghai Shipping Exchange and the freight index freight market information released to the open, you can mark the end of the era freight profits: Since June 2000, Shanghai, nine ground shipping lines to market changes, first cancel Shanghai to the Southeast Asian region to pay the freight commissions, then to Europe, Australia, new routes to the payment of commission from 2.5% to 1.5%, although the parties have negotiated and resisted, but the commission system has been shaken. Shipping freight in its own already has the function of the premise, the dependence on public freight agents significantly reduced. Sales of mature carrier integration, not just a threat to the immediate agency commission, but as the middle part of the traditional freight forwarding companies face the threat of being eliminated, freight forwarding companies in this period than the previous decline significantly, if it continues to survive in the market must find new profit space, and build new core competencies. This is the freight forwarding market and differentiate our motivation.(3) 2000 division period International shipping, international trade market, standardize and improve the freight forwarding companies to face tough market conditions for survival began to reflect on and explore, by selling a bill of lading, reselling price difference, earn a commission profits has passed, freight forwarding industry in the particular socio-economic background conditions, not experienced abnormal normal times and begin to self-adjust in the service Chuangxin, corporate restructuring, and so start its strategic thinking, Zhengzai to provide value-added services to create market value of the new operation Quntizhuanhua find a breakthrough.The initial structure of freight forwarding industry, largely by industry competitors, suppliers and demanders of the operation mode determined the structure extremely unstable, large-scale economic and technological change, and competitive conditions change , industry structure will change, the above process is well illustrated this point. Second, international freight forwarding business of the current macro environment. In the political and legal, economic, technological, cultural and many other macroeconomic factors, both Yin Su Guo Nei's freight forwarding industry will produce effects, one is China's accession to World Trade Organization (WTO), a Shi Wei INTERNET representatives of information technology widely used. Dialectical materialism demands that we look at the issue from two aspects, for China's accession to WTO, we must see the threat, but also see the opportunities. Threats: The main threats to competition concerns. Since WTO accession, China will gradually open freight forwarding market completely, to phase out the current foreign owned enterprise in China's restrictions on foreign freight forwarding companies in the Chinese market in direct competition with Chinese companies, their many years of management experience, strong capital, international network operations to the inevitable impact of domestic enterprises. But also to the more domestic enterprises to learn from the opportunities, but we must see in a competitive international market, narrow-minded nationalism is irrational, only the market standard, size, prosperity, can bring about business growth "Wo Lidou" The market will not bring up strong. "The Art of War articles ? Potential" "so and skilled persons, help of trend momentum, not for others." Not only can turn to their own powerful momentum can not be beat, but do not expect other people not to attack. Opportunities: The opportunities are mainly from the freight forwarding market size, its capacity will be with the WTO accession and to expand. Transport of goods and commodities exchange is reciprocal conditions, cargo transport market is the needs of economy and trade on the basis of freight services produced. With the world economy, international trade is closely related to, when the economy is in a period of high growth, international trade will be a corresponding increase in freight market is accompanied active prosperity. China's accession to WTO, will greatly increase the size of its foreign trade, according to customs statistics, 80% of international trade is done by sea, no doubt, increase the scale of international trade will increase the demand on the freight market, will give the industry every bring more opportunities for an enterprise. On the Internet popularization of information technology, the impact of each industry would be far-reaching, though we say the future is the era of information, or can not