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    【英语论文】中英文中虚拟语气翻译研究A Study of the Translation Skills on the Subjunctive Mood Used in English and Chinese.doc

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    【英语论文】中英文中虚拟语气翻译研究A Study of the Translation Skills on the Subjunctive Mood Used in English and Chinese.doc

    中英文中虚拟语气翻译研究A Study of the Translation Skills on the Subjunctive Mood Used in English and Chinese摘要本文旨在研究中英文中虚拟语气的表达方式,寻找二者的一致性和差异性,并通过对一些常见的虚拟语气误译的分析,尝试提出中英文中虚拟语气互译的翻译策略。虽然目前理论界对虚拟语气是否应该属于英语语法范畴存在分歧,但笔者仍沿用传统观点,从语法角度对英语虚拟语气的表达和时态等问题进行了分析。同时,针对中文中的情态动词和虚拟语气的表达方式的研究,了解到相对于英文的虚拟语气表达方式的规范性,中文的虚拟式的表达手段更加灵活、开放,因此在两者的互译过程中,对原文的理解和对译入语的语言表达能力是准确翻译中英文中虚拟语气的关键。本文还列举了近十个常见的虚拟语气的误译实例,来对上述翻译方法和技巧进行了探讨。关键词:虚拟语气;语法;情态动词;翻译Abstract This paper focuses its study on the performing methods of subjunctive mood in English and Chinese, and tries to find out their uniformities and differences. Through analyzing the common subjunctive mistranslations, the author attempts to come up with the translation strategy of subjunctive mood in English and Chinese.Though there is disagreement in theory whether the subjunctive mood should be considered as an English grammatical structure, the author of this paper still studied the tenses and expression methods of English subjunctive mood as an English grammatical structure along the traditional views. The author analyzed modal verbs and performing methods of subjunctive mood in Chinese. Comparing with the normative performing forms in English subjunctive mood, the author found out that Chinese subjunctive performing methods are more flexible. Accordingly the key of accurate translation of subjunctive mood in English and Chinese is the comprehension with SLT (source language text) and the language competency of the TL (target language) during translation.The paper still listed nearly 10 mistranslation examples of subjunctive mood to explore the translation skills and methods above.Key words: subjunctive mood; grammar; modal verbs; translationTable of ContentsPage1.    Introduction   -11.1 Research Background and Significance -11.2 Research Objective -1 1.3 Paper Organization -12.    Rationale -22.1 Definition of Subjunctive Mood -22.2 Comparison of “Subjunctive” in English-Chinese -2 2.3 Common Mistranslations on Subjunctive Mood -3 2.4 Translation Skill of Subjunctive Mood -3 2.4.1 Subjunctive Translation from Chinese to English -3 2.4.2 Subjunctive Translation from English to Chinese -43. Data Description -44. Data Analysis -5 4.1 Methods of Analysis -54.2.1 Different Performing Methods of Subjunctive Mood in English and Chinese -6 4.2.2 Mistranslation of Subjunctive Sentences -6 4.2.3 The Tenses of Subjunctive Mood -74.2.4 The Translation Skills on Subjunctive Mood Used in English and Chinese -85. Results and Suggestions-10 5.1 Results -10 5.2 Suggestions on the Use of Translation Strategies -11 5.2.1 Suggestions of Translating from English to Chinese -11 5.2.2 Suggestions of Translating from Chinese to English -126. Conclusion -12Bibliography-13Appendix I: 7 Tenses of Subjunctive Sentences -15Appendix II: Subjunctive Sentences and Their Translation -16Appendix III: Mistranslation Subjunctive Sentences and Their Translation -21A Tentative Study of the Translation Skills on the Subjunctive Mood Used in English and Chinese1. Introduction1.1 Research Background and SignificanceIn grammar, the subjunctive mood is a verb mood typically used in dependent clauses to express wishes, commands, emotions, possibilities, judgments, opinions, necessities, or statements that are contrary to fact at present. The details of subjunctive use vary from language to language. To a translator, it is very important to understand the source language authors implicative meaning. In English and Chinese translation, translators should try their best to attain “fidelity”, they not only should consider the factors like the contents of the original text and rhetoric, but also take into account the mood.In recent years there are quite a few arguments whether the subjunctive mood should be existed in grammatical field. As one mood in the traditional English grammar, the subjunctive mood still is an important factor and extensive existence. Even in Chinese, there are corresponding expressive methods. But it is still a difficulty to accurately translate the subjunctive mood in English and Chinese. Therefore, there is meaningful to research on the translation skills of the subjunctive mood used in English and Chinese.1.2 Research ObjectiveBy comparing the differences of the subjunctive mood in English and Chinese, the research intends to discuss the differences of the mode expression and thinking between English and Chinese. And it will analyze some common mistranslations on subjunctive mood, to achieve having the good command of the translation skills in practice.1.3 Paper OrganizationThe paper is divided into four parts. In Part One, the author will define the key words and describe the main theories related to the study. In Part Two, the author will go further into the study of subjunctive mood translation by comparing the different expression and methods of English and Chinese. In Part Three, the author aims to expatiate on the causation of familiar mistranslation. And in Part Four, the author will summarize the whole research and present the implications for the future practice and research.2Rationale 2.1 Definition of Subjunctive MoodIn English subjunctive mood is the mood of a verb expressing wishes, stipulating demands, or making statements contrary to fact. On the other hand, there are factual supposition and counterfactual supposition in Chinese. Liu Miqing (刘宓庆, 2006) considered that subjunctive mood has two functions in English, one is grammatical meaning, that is to say it has grammatical form in a certain degree. And the other is functional meaning, that is to say it has particular signification purpose. Chinese and English belong to different language systems, but they both have identical functions above.2.2 Comparison of “Subjunctive” in English and Chinese“Generally Chinese expresses supposition mood by dint of some lexical means (e.g. optative verbs) and the clauses led by associated words.” (Liu Miqing, 2007, P186). In contrast, Chinese expression method is open, and English is oppositely formal. The main axis of English subjunctive is the variety of verb forms. It is the basic rule to make use of the back shifting of the verb tense forms. Bo Bing (薄冰, 2007) summarized 7 variety of the forms of subjunctive mood. The primary approach of subjunctive expression in Chinese is glossary. Liu Miqing(Liu, 2007) detailed explained the three explicit methods of subjunctive in Chinese. Peng Lizhen (彭利贞, 2009) listed the use of Chinese modals in dissertation of relation between modality and situation. By comparing the use methods of glossary in English and Chinese, we can comprehend the differences and comparability further.2.3 Common Mistranslations on Subjunctive MoodAccording to comparison of the subjunctive in English and Chinese, we will progress to analyze some familiar mistranslations on subjunctive mood in English and Chinese. Hu Lanying (胡兰英, 2001) pointed that there are some common mistranslations on subjunctive mood. They are auxiliary verb mistranslations, the tense mistranslations, mistranslations of the keywords contained subjunctive meaning and the implied subjunctive mistranslations etc.2.4 Translation Skills of Subjunctive MoodOn functions, any modal meaning of English subjunctive mood can be translated into Chinese, and it is same to Chinese. How to translate subjunctive better is the main aim of this study. The problems of subjunctive translation skill would be the ability of language performance, and the ability of language comprehension.2.4.1 Subjunctive Translation from Chinese to EnglishFor Chinese subjunctive is an open language system, there is no precise normalization. But Chinese can use all words to express factual supposition and counterfactual supposition. Liu (Liu, 2006) named it vicarious function.1)In translation subjunctive from Chinese to English, we should grasp two point. One is the logical relationship of the whole sentence (e.g. 天若有情天亦老。Translation: If Heaven had human feelings, Heaven might also become old).2)The other point is situation of the sentence (e.g. 小的说:“并不曾借本,何得有利?”严牟绅说小的当时拿回借约,好让他把银子借与别人生利,因不曾取约,他将廿两银子也不能动,误了大半年的利钱,该小的出。儒林外史。 Translation: “I didnt borrow the money, so why should I pay interest?” I asked. Senior Licentiate Yen said if I had taken the agreement back at once, he could havelent the money to someone else. As it was, I had prevented his using those twenty taels 单词tael的中文意思是:银两,两。, and made him lose half a years interest. Now I must pay it. Yang Hsienyi and Gladys Yang).2.4.2 Subjunctive Translation from English to ChineseIn the translation of English subjunctive, Liu Miqing (Liu, 2006) argues English subjunctive has so much glossary and phrasings to express supposition, whereas it focus on the changing of the verbs modal, and it is precise and easy to discriminate its grammatical meaning. Hu Lanying (Hu, 2001) generalizes some crux of the translation problems of English subjunctive.1) In view of the difference of English and Chinese on subjunctive, we should give full play to the function of Chinese glossary, but not be superstitious the function of some Chinese words. ( e .g . As if I were a child. 译文:我又不是小孩。)2)Seeing varied Forms of English subjunctive, there is no counterpoint in Chinese, we should translate the sentence according Chinese customs. ( e. g . God damn! 译文:天杀的!)3)As there is no verbs tense changing in Chinese, connectives can be use to precisely express the meaning of original text. (e. g. Though it rain heavily tomorrow, we shall go on with the work. 译文:纵使明天下大雨,我们也要继续干下去。)4)According the context, some subjunctive mood need not to be translated into Chinese. (e.g. “Would you mind calling them children to sit down by you? Children made me nervous. I want all you all to sit down right together there where youre at.” A Good Man is Hard to Find 译文:你能不能叫两个孩子挨着你坐下来?我一见孩子就心烦。我要你们一块儿坐在原地不动。好人难寻 )3. Data Description The data of the paper mainly are cited from three books. One is A Guide to English Grammar(英语语法指南) written by Bo Bing (薄冰), who is very famous linguist in China. The book was first published by foreign language teaching and research press in 2006. The sentences in A Guide to English Grammar mainly are used to explain the subjunctive expression forms. The other two are both written by Liu Miqing, Mr. Liu and his books are all acquainted in China translation field. He and his books are the representative of the translation studies field in China New Era. The author of the paper made use of reference two books of Mr. Liu. They are A New English-Chinese Comparison and Translation(新编汉英对比与翻译)and Literary Forms and Translation (文体与翻译)successively published by China Translation & Publishing Corporation (CTPC) in 2006, 2007. In the two books above, the author excerpted some sentences or texts to compare the differences of expression between English and Chinese. The data concerning mistranslation cited from the thesis Familiar Mistranslation of Subjunctive from English to Chinese (英译汉常见的虚拟语气误译) written by Hu Lanying, and published in Journal of Guangxi University Wuzhou Branch No.1 Vol.11 Jan 2001. The author cited 4 sentences to compare difference between English and Chinese subjunctive, and 9 sentences to analyze the subjunctive translation mistranslation.The paper analyzed subjunctive translation skills by means of 57 examples of sentences and texts. All the presentation of the data is listed in the Appendix at the end of the article. 4. Data Analysis 4.1 Methods of AnalysisThe purpose of the research is to explore the features of subjunctive mood in English- Chinese and to seek for a corresponding translation strategies, which can serve as a reference for translation practice. Therefore, the focus is on the translation skills in details and general rules that can be used as principles in handling some translation.In order to provide a good translation reference to readers, the data analysis in this project will cover the following aspects: a) different performing methods of subjunctive mood in English and Chinese, b) mistranslation of subjunctive sentences, c) the tenses of subjunctive sentences, d) the translation skills on subjunctive mood used in English and Chinese.4.2.1 Different Performing Methods of Subjunctive Mood in English and ChineseSubjunctive mood has dual functions in English. One is grammatical meaning, the other is function meaning. Chinese and English belong to different language systems, but they are the same in the two points above. The difference is that Chinese grammatical form is embodied in vocabulary means. In Chinese, for expressing its supposition meaning we can use all methods: various vocabulary, all kinds of sentences, which are explicit or hidden. It is no matter whether the supposition is fact or non-fact.Comparing with Chinese, English subjunctive sentences can be easily distinguished to show the fact and non-fact. English subjunctive mood mainly represents in the changing of verbs forms.In example 1, the sentence “谢天谢地别再这么帮忙了!”, it is not concerned about the verb “Zai bang mang” (再帮忙) and whether the sentence shows fact or non-fact, it just expresses an strong emotion that has no alternative.In example 2, from the sentence “If only he would stop helping!” we can distinguish that it is a counterfactual supposition from “if only” and “would”. And the expression of meaning is euphemistic, indirect and hidden. It is easily to distinguish that the sentence is subjunctive mood.In example 3, it is different with example 2, “他就别装着不知情了。” the Chinese expression is clear and direct. But it does not show any specifically grammatical category.


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