Visual C++程序设计外文翻译、英汉互译、中英对照.doc
Visual C+程序设计21世纪将是信息化社会,以信息技术为主要标志的高新技术产业在整个经济中的比重不断增长,随着计算机技术的飞速发展,社会对人才的计算机应用与开发水平的要求也日益增高,为适应形式,其中VC+技术及其产品是当今世界计算机发展的一块巨大领域。Windows xp/vista 是目前主流图形化操作系统,运行各种各样的window操作系统的个人计算机已在全球的家庭和办公坏境中广泛使用,而越来越多的个人计算机具有internet功能和多媒体功能又推动了对各种各样功能强,速度快的应用软件的进一步需求。目前有一种对microsoft所取得的成功进行诽谤的气氛,然而,microsoft的成功加上它对标准化的承诺,使得有承诺的windows编程人员利用他们掌握的技术在全球范围内得到越来越大的回报,由于西方社会的承认和计算机已越来越深入到每个人的生活中,因而对他们的技术需求与日俱增,从而使得他们的回报、经济收入和其他各方面相应地取得了满意的结果。 Visual C+编程语言是由Microsoft公司推出的目前极为广泛的可视化开发工具,利用Visual C+可以开发基于Widnows平台的32位应用程序,依靠强大的编译器以及网络与数据库的开发能力,用Visual C+可以开发出功能强大的应用程序。 VC+6.0是操作系统中快速应用开发环境的最新版本。它也是当前Windows平台上第一个全面支持最新WEB服务的快速开发工具。无论是企业级用户,还是个人开发者,都能够利用VC+6.0轻松、快捷地开发优秀的基于通信的程序,开发高效灵活的文件操作程序,开发灵活高效的数据库操作程序,等等。VC+6.0是惟一支持所有新出现的工业标准的RAD坏境,包括XML(扩展标记语言)/XSL(可扩展样式语言),SOAP(简单对象存取协议)和WSDL(Web服务器描述语言)等。 VC+6.0是可视化的快速应用程序开发语言,它提供了可视化的集成开发坏境,这一坏境为应用程序设计人员提供了一系列灵活先进的工具,可以广泛地用于种类应用程序设计。在VC+6.0的集成开发坏境中,用户可以设计程序代码、运行程序、进行程序错误的调试等,可视化的开发方法降低了应用程序开发的难度。VC+6.0的基础编程语言是具有面向对象特性的C+语言。C+具有代码稳定、可读性好、编译速度快、效率高等优点,并将面向对象的概念得到充分的发挥,使这种语言有了全新的发展空间。 使用VC+6.0,我们几乎可以做任何事情,还可以撰写各种类型的应用程序,动态链接库(DLL)、CON、或CORBA对象,CGI/ISAPI程序,Microsoft Back Office应用程序。程序的规模小到简单的个人数据库应用,大到复杂的企业的多层次分布式系统,都可以使用VC+6.0进行开发,其友好的集成开发界面,可视化的双向开发模式,良好的数据库应用支持高校的程序开发和程序运行,备受广大程序开发人员的好评。尤其是VC+6.0对数据库应用的强大支持,大大提高了数据库应用软件开发的效率,缩短了开发周期,深受广大数据库应用程序设计人员的喜爱。VC+6.0为数据库应用开发人员提供了丰富的数据库开发组件,使数据库应用开发功能更强大,控制更灵活,编译后的程序运行速度更快。 在Visual C+中包含了大量新功能:一些新的控件(例如,你可能在Microsoft Outlook 电子邮件应用程序中日期选择器控件)目前已能应用到你自己的应用程序中。各种图像现在已能与组合框中的项相关联,而且可以利用扩充的组合框控件将图像显示在组合选择框中和下列列表中。在Office 97 和 Internet Explorer 4 中已使用的一般的工具条和尺寸可调节的工具条都以集成在其类库中,以供你用于你自己的应用程序中。你可以在你自己的应用程序中使用Internet Explorer,查看Web页和HTML的内容。 面向对象体系结构技术有助于创建行业性软件开发机构。例如交通规划尽管具有差别,但各城市所需要的软件基本上是相同的,这就为软件开发机构提供了一种制作面向交通规划的软件框架(注意这里讲的是软件框架而不是通用性软件)的机会。这种框架一旦开发成功,就可以多次反复利用。 思维方式决定解决问题的方式,传统软件开发采用自顶向下的思想知道程序设计,即将目标分为若干子目标,字母表再进一步划分下去,知道目标能被编程实现为止。面向对象技术是包含数据和对数据操作的代码实体,或者说实在传统的数据结构中加入一些被称为成员函数的过程,因而赋予对象以动作。而在程序设计中,对象具有与现实世界的某种对应关系,我们正式利用这种关系对问题进行分解。 BMP是bitmap的缩写,即为位图图片。位图图片是一种称作“像素”的单位存储图像信息的。这些“像素”其实就是一些整体排列的色彩(或黑白)点,如果这些点被慢慢放大,你就会看到一个个的“像素中填充着自己的颜色,这些“像素“整齐地排列起来,就成为了一副BMP图片,并以.bmp(.rle,.dib等)为扩展名。BMP(Bitmap-File)图形文件是Windows采用的图形文件格式,在Windows坏境下运行的所有图像处理软件都支持BMP图像文件格式。BMP:Windows位图可以用热河颜色深度(从黑白到24为颜色)存储单个光栅图像。Windows位图文件格式与其他Microsoft Windows程序兼容。它不支持文件压缩,也不适用于WEB页。 从总体上看,Windows位图文件格式的缺点超过了它的优点。为了保证图片图像的质量,请使用PNG文件、JPEG文件或者TIFF文件。BMP文件适用于Windows中的强纸。优点:BMP支持1位到24位颜色色深度。 BMP格式与现有Windows程序(尤其是较旧的程序)广泛兼容。缺点:BMP不支持压缩,这会造成文件非常大。 BMP文件不受WEB浏览器支持。 计算机技术迅速发展的时代,图像文件作为传递信息的重要方法之一有着重要作用。每种图像格式都有自己的特点与应用领域,各种图像文件通过格式转换软件实现相互的转换,用户根据自身的需求选择合适的格式以达到最佳的使用效果随着计算机软件、硬件技术的如新月异的发展和普及,人类已经进入一个高速发展的信息化时代,人类大概有80%的信息来自图像,科学研究,技术应用中图像处理技术越来越成为不可缺少的手段。图像处理所涉及的领域有军事应用、医学诊断、工业监控、物体的自动分检识别系统等等,这些系统无不需要计算机提供实时动态、效果逼真的图像。 前 言会议,是人类社会经济生活中不可或缺的一部分,有关的研究表明,通信的有效性约55%依赖于面对面(face-to-face)的视觉效果,38%依赖于说话语音,视听是人们获取信息的最重要形式,而面对面的讨论(face-to-face)是人类表达思想最丰富的一种方式。自工业革命后,科技的发达使得通信技术有了突破性的进展,电话和电报的发明,使远地的人们可以立即传送声音和文档。然而,除了言语的沟通外,人类更注重的是表情和肢体的表达,仅仅是声音的传送已经无法满足现代人交流的需求,即时并且互动的影像更能真实自然的传送信息。(1)视频会议系统正是在这种迫切需要的推动下产生的新一代通信产品。视频会议(VideoConference)系统是一种能把声音、图像、文本等多种信息从一个地方传送到另一个地方的通信系统。有效发送基于视频的信息,可以在远程部门和部门间开展合作,同时还可以实现诸如视频会议和视频点播等视频应用技术。视频会议系统是计算机技术与通信技术相结合的产物,它作为多媒体通信技术的一个重要组成部分,正随着波及全球的信息高速公路的兴起而迅速发展起来。 视频会议从出现至今已有三十多年,从最开始的减少旅行费用,提高工作效率,到911时的加速国内外协作,保障人身安全等,再到SARS时保障社会的稳定和各项工作最低限度的运转,视频会议的优越性正在越来越被广泛的显示出来。(2)鉴于视频会议系统在军事、经济、文化等领域给人类带来的巨大作用和经济效益,各国竞相研究和开发视频会议系统,特别是在超大规模集成电路、压缩算法及视觉生理研究方面取得了突破性进展和关于视频会议的一系列国际标准相继出台,以及各种图像实时处理芯片纷纷推出后,视频会议系统的实用化才得到长足的发展。目前国内外的主要应用有:商务交流商业会议企业客户服务和产品开发远程教学和技术培训市场调查和情报收集远程医疗和会诊科研合作和工程设计跨国企业应用招募员工 从目前的发展来看,有关视频会议技术的研究很多,有关的产品也非常丰富,尽管视频会议系统有十分诱人的广阔前景,但在这个领域中还有相当多的技术问题亟待解决,其中在现阶段影响视频会议系统实用性、通用性及友好性的相关技术和有关问题有:软件技术、数据库技术、网络技术、共享技术、资源控制技术、保密技术和会议模型技术。(3)本项课题主要研究的是用软件的方式,配合一些必要的外设,实现一个小型视频会议系统。视频会议系统主要有三个部分组成,即通信网络、会议终端和多点控制单元。视频会议系统实质上是计算机技术和通信技术相结合的产物,所以通信网络是视频会议系统的基础组成部分之一,会议终端是将视频、音频、数据、信令等等各种数字信号分别进行处理后组合成的复合数字码流,再将码流转变为与用户-网络兼容的接口,符合传输网络所规定的信道帧结构的信号格式送上信道进行传输。多点控制单元是视频会议系统用于多点视听信息的传输与切换部分,它是根据一定的准则处理视听信号,并根据要求分配各个要连接的信道,但它并不是视频会议所必须的。(1)通信网络是一系列的设备、机构和进程,通过它们,附着在网络上的终端用户设备能够进行有意义的信息交换。它涉及到网络传输协议、网络编程接口等内容。(4)视频会议系统的终端设备承担了多种媒体信息的输入、输出和处理,以及用户和网络之间的连接、交互和控制等多项任务。它属于用户数字通信设备,在系统中处在用户的视听、数据输入/输出设备和网络之间。(1)视频会议中有时需要进行多点间的信息传输和交换,这时可以借助于多点控制单元(MCU)来实现。多点控制单元实际上就是一台多媒体信息交换机,实现多点呼叫和连接,实现视频广播、视频选择、音频混合、数据广播等功能,完成各终端信号的汇接与切换。MCU将各个终端送来的信号进行分离,抽取出音频、视频、数据和信令,分别送到相应的处理单元,进行音频混合或切换,视频切换、数据广播、路由选择、会议控制、定时和呼叫处理等,处理后的信号由复用器按照H.221格式组帧,然后经网络接口送到指定端口。(5) Fundamentals of Programming Visual C+The 21st century are the information societies, unceasingly grow take the information technology as the main symbol high-tech industry in the entire economical proportion, along with the computer technology rapid development, the society also day by day enhance to talented person's computer application and the development level request, are the adaption situations, VC+ technology and its the product are a huge domain which now the world computer develops. Windows 2000/xp is the present mainstream graph operating system, moves the various Windows operating system personal computer already in the global family and the work environment the widespread use, but more and more many personal computer had the Internet function and the multimedia function impel to be strong to various function, speed quick application software further demand. At present has one kind the success which obtains to Microsoft to carry on the slander the atmosphere, however, the Microsoft success adds on it to the standardized pledge, the technology which enables to have the Windows programmers which pledge uses them to grasp in the global scope to obtain the more and more big repayment, because the western society's acknowledgement and the computer more and more penetrated into in each person's life, thus grows day by day to their technical demand, thus caused them the repayment, the income and other various aspects correspondingly has obtained the satisfactory result. Visual the C+ programming language is at present extremely widespread visible development kit which promotes by Microsoft Corporation, may develop using Visual C+ based on the Widnows platform 32 applications procedure, depends upon the formidable compiler as well as the network and the database development ability, may develop the function formidable application procedure with Visual C+. VC+6.0 is in the operating system the rapid application development environment newest edition. It also is in the current Windows platform the first comprehensive support newest Web service fast development kit. Regardless of is the enterprise level user, or individual development, all can be relaxed using VC+6.0, quickly develop outstandingly based on the correspondence procedure, the development highly effective nimble document operation sequence, the development nimble highly effective database operation sequence, and so on. VC+6.0 is the industry standard RAD environment which the only support all newly appears, (expansion mark language) /XSL (may expand style language) including XML, SOAP (simple object deposit and withdrawal agreement) and WSDL (Web server description language) and so on. VC+6.0 is the visible fast application procedure development language, it has provided the visible integrated development environment, this environment has provided a series of nimble and the advanced tool for the application programming personnel, may widely use in the type application programming. In the VC+6.0 integrated development environment, the user may design the procedure code, the operating procedure, carries on the program error the debugging and so on, the visible method of exploitation reduced the application procedure development difficulty. The VC+6.0 foundation programming language has the object-oriented characteristic C+ language. C+ has the code stably, the readability good, the translation speed is quick, the efficiency higher merit, and the object-oriented concept will obtain the full display, enable this language to have the brand-new development space Uses VC+6.0 , we nearly may handle any matter, but also may compose plants each kind of type the application procedure, dynamic link storehouse (DLL), CON, or CORBA object, CGI/ISAPI procedure, Microsoft Back Office application procedure. The procedure scale to the simple individual database application, is slightly big to the complex enterprise's multi-level distributional system, all may use VC+6.0 to carry on the development, its friendly integrated development contact surface, the visible bidirectional development pattern, the good database application support highly effective procedure development and the procedure movement, prepares the general procedures development personnel's high praise. VC+6.0 to the database application formidable support, greatly enhanced the efficiency in particular which the database application software develops, reduced the development cycle, deeply general databases application programming personnel's affection. VC+6.0 was the database has provided the rich database development module using the development personnel, caused the database application development function formidable, control more nimble, after the translation procedure running rate was quicker. In 6.0 has contained the massive new functions in Visual C+: Some new controls (for example, you possibly email application procedure date selector control in Microsoft in Outlook) at present to be able to apply in you application procedure. Each kind of image could now be connected with the combination frame in item, moreover may use the combination frame which expands to control and following tabulates the pictorial display in the combination choice frame. The tool strip 97 and Internet Explorer in 4 which has used the common tool strip and the size may adjust which in Office all to integrate in its kind of storehouse, by uses in you application procedure for you. You may use Internet Explorer in you application procedure, examines the Web page and the HTML content .The object-oriented system structure technology is helpful to the foundation prefessional software development organization. For example ,transportation plan although has the difference, but various cities need software basically is same, this provided one kind of manufacture for the software development organization (to pay attention to here lecture face the transportation plan software frame is software frame but was not versatile software) an opportunity. This kind of frame once develops successfully, may repeatedly use many times. The thinking mode decided solves the question way, the traditional software development uses the from the top thought instruction programming, soon the goal divides into certain subtargets, the subtarget further divides again, can program until the goal the realization. The object-oriented technology brings the enormous change for the software design domain, it carries on the procedure development using the software object, the so-called object is contains the data and the logarithm according to the operation code entity, or said is joins some in the traditional construction of data to be called the member function the process, thus entrusts with the object by the movement. But in the programming, the object has with the real world some kind of corresponding relations, we are precisely use this kind of relations to carry on the decomposition to the question. BMP is the bitmap abbreviation, namely for position chart picture. The position chart picture is called as "the picture element" with one kind the unit storage picture information. These "the picture element" actually is some neat arrangements colored (or black and white) the spot, if these is slowly enlarged, you can see center adds to one each one "the picture element" is imitating own color, these "the picture element" neatly arranges, has become a BMP picture, and take bmp (rle, dib and so on) as the extension. BMP (Bitmap-File) the graphic file is the graphic file form which Windows uses, moves all imagery processing software under the Windows environment all to support the BMP image document format. BMP: The Windows position chart may (as black and white use any color depth from as 24 colors) to save the single diffraction grating picture. The Windows position chart document format and other Microsoft the Windows procedure is compatible. Its supporting documentation compression, also ill uses in the Web page. Looked from the overall that, the Windows position chart document format shortcoming has surpassed its merit. In order to guarantee the picture picture the quality, please use the PNG document, the JPEG document or the TIFF document. The BMP document is suitable in Windows the wallpaper. Merit: BMP supports 1 to 24 colors depths. The BMP form and the existing Windows procedure (an older procedure) widespread is in particular compatible. Shortcoming: BMP does not support the compression, this can create the document to be extremely big. BMP document not Web browser support.The computer technology rapid development time, the picture document has the vital role one of as transmission information important methods. Each kind of picture form all has own characteristic and the application domain, each kind of picture document through the format conversion software realization mutual transformation, the user acts according to own demand choice appropriate form to achieve the best use effect. The development and the popularization which along with computer software, the hardware technology changes with each new day, the humanity already entered a high speed development the information time, the humanity probably has 80% information to come from the picture, in the scientific research, the technical application the picture processing technology more and more to become the essential method. Picture processing involves the domain has the military application, medicine diagnosis, industry monitoring, the object automatic minute examines recognition system and so on, these systems need the computer to provide the real-time tendency all, the effect lifelike picture.1 IntroductionMeeting of human society an integral part of economic life, the study shows that approximately 55% of the effectiveness of communication depends on the face (face-to-face) of the visual effects, 38% rely on talking voice, audio-visual people The most important form of access to information, and face to face discussions (face-to-face) is the most abundant human expression of ideas way. Since the industrial revolution, the technological advancement made a breakthrough progress in communication technology, telephone and telegraph invention of the distant sound of people and documents can be sent immediately. However, in addition to verbal communication, the human beings pay more attention to facial expressions and body expression, only voice transmission has been unable