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    CHAPTER 33第33章绿色建筑博客Nd9j5LC w4"y-hS y6Aw:o Z/i*Q0 SOLAR ENERGY EQUIPMENTa+lud4M0 yI b40 太阳能装置绿色建筑博客;F4o%o/YM.Vg"yw#K+A7E$y I +N-O0 序绿色建筑博客;A L!Te Ebm绿色建筑博客vs-SWF6bH)y.c8hwel SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS. 33.1D.W :F5HD*j ;b$R0 3OU HqfA0 太阳能供热系统绿色建筑博客odS0_FE(y)b!NaW5t0 绿色建筑博客,s0E4qK绿色建筑博客6? 1t7oK| Air-Heating Systems. 33.1绿色建筑博客9n!A$lAMUpu3keI9 RB0 空气加热系统绿色建筑博客%PU%Wn pc'Ex绿色建筑博客cY-U:yBg:o 绿色建筑博客;S(Q-zrw*y1npVo4T(I)L0 Liquid-Heating Systems.33.1绿色建筑博客p2M9d;s6T-L(?M1g gH j1E4C8Jn/U;u0 液体加热系统%N/V.Kp!o)V0 &HIk'sSr EW'z0 绿色建筑博客/U6vn0y#JVn1G io6Rs Ybo+G T0 Solar Energy Collectors.33.3绿色建筑博客 u6oy uN&u*_绿色建筑博客'h o!F*Rstks 太阳能收集器%,m gQ9C0绿色建筑博客 a3A2rpk:?&i o'FoXxQN0绿色建筑博客_ Dq;s nE,v3!Ds Module Design.33.8绿色建筑博客)|DdB&ra(绿色建筑博客WqKSL 模型设计绿色建筑博客#5T-A#i z5Tw绿色建筑博客k&g0wNkL8V4T |2T fn09K0 $Me5E QBx0 Array Design.33.9绿色建筑博客 JB9uZVC*K%B绿色建筑博客r:m&o$R 排列设计绿色建筑博客!0B6dj*XV绿色建筑博客%du6oC:Q 绿色建筑博客a:PL#q UseV4ktf%i0 Thermal Energy Storage.33.11 Kn$un5c0IV0绿色建筑博客GQs:6Z/e#A 蓄热绿色建筑博客!H n;k1v9KR7_2N绿色建筑博客z'z'd!r!PF&s E5X#r2*?w.y0绿色建筑博客Qkjc7o%KZ3 Heat Exchangers.33.15绿色建筑博客&-n4b3ix6|T1hi*ZF绿色建筑博客.AWi)O 热交换器5L7f"b#FIIZ0绿色建筑博客!M,i.zv4d%Z #B%lU*_$p;h4Fj0绿色建筑博客.K2l7m Q7d Controls.33.16绿色建筑博客Ko!PH,Kgx;T&4T hR u3HS2k0 控制绿色建筑博客8t V3L-V2L$t*U-_)Q*g55sLH/XC4L0 绿色建筑博客h.a$jYs'J_|%v:t3?u$u2TX0 PHOTOVOLTAIC SYSTEMS.33.18j ZUZ4D cB0绿色建筑博客n9O EMY 光电转化系统8f P icF-W m R0 1SRr d/B O)t%c5dg03h,)qB3C0 COMMERCIAL and industrial solar energy systems are generally classified according to the heat transfer medium used in the collector loop (i.e., air or liquid). Although both systems share basic fundamentals of conversion of solar radiant energy, the equipment used in each is entirely different. Air systems are primarily limited to forced-air space heating and industrial and agricultural drying processes. Liquid systems are suitable for a broader range of applications, such as hydronic space heating, service water heating, industrial process water heating, energizing absorption air conditioning, and pool heating, and as a heat source for series-coupled heat pumps. Because of this wide range in capability, liquid systems are more common than air systems in commercial industrial applications. Photovoltaic systems, an entirely different class of solar energy equipment, convert light from the sun directly into electricity for a wide variety of applications.&v-Gn0 商业和工业太阳能系统通常以收集循环中的热传输介质进行分类(例如,气或是液)。尽管这两个系统,在太阳辐射能转化基本原理上是共通的,但每个所应用的装置是完全不同的。气体系统主要限于强制气体空间供热和工农业烘干处理。液体系统适用范围较宽,像液体循环空间加热、服务水加热、工业处理水加热、能量吸收空调、联合供热,和连续-联合热泵的热源。因为其能力的广泛应用,液体系统在商业工业应用中,比空气系统更普遍。光电系统,是完全不同的另一种太阳能装置,直接将太阳光转化为各种应用的电。R-J.N1R-Kze0 SOLAR HEATING SYSTEMS太阳能供热系统绿色建筑博客"x-v%T8r3T$|Solar energy system design requires careful attention to detail. Solar radiation is a low-intensity form of energy, and the equipment to collect and use it is expensive. Imperfections in design and installation can lead to poor cost-effectiveness or to complete system failure. Chapter 33 of the 2003 ASHRAE HandbookInteroperability: Getting Building Geometry from CADhttp:/www.eere.energy.gov/buildings/energyplus/ifc.htmlw)Sv#S#E0Interoperability: Getting Building Geometry from CAD;se l9 G1Rf?8d0(U.S.EERE)绿色建筑博客&z%R v3MU绿色建筑博客 1L(gD N 绿色建筑博客2t|3uRK1The use of energy simulation tools has historically been hampered by the difficulty involved in gathering and accurately entering the myriad building descrption data required for simulation. The International Alliance for Interoperability (IAI) is developing a common data model for the exchange of data between software applications for the Architectural/Engineering/Construction and Facilities Maintenance Industry (AEC/FM). This data model is called Industry Foundation Classes (IFC). Software that implements the IFC data model can easily share input and output data that is stored in IFC data files.绿色建筑博客pVe6|4GU0q能源模拟工具的应用,由于需要收集和准确输入海量的模拟用的建筑描述数据,在(自身)历史的发展中遇到阻碍。国际通用性联盟(IAI)正在开发一个用于在建筑/工程/结构和设备维护(AEC/FM)产业的软件应用之间进行数据交换的通用数据模型。这个数据模型被称作Industry Foundation Classes (IFC)。实行IFC数据模型的软件可以很容易的共享储存在IFC数据文件中的输入和输出数据。绿色建筑博客(E-z.l1Sh绿色建筑博客 hJ1C O0 绿色建筑博客Pw'Y'ioFor more information on IFC-compliant software tools visit the IAI Implementation Support Group website. To check on the status and availability of specific IFC-compliant software tools see the International Overview of IFC-Implementation Activities.绿色建筑博客 N(?Atv想了解更多满足IFC的软件工具请访问IAI执行支持小组的网页。想查看特殊IFC软件工具的状况和有用性,请看国际IFC执行活动总览的网页。!o_c8c2F6N.?g0EnergyPlus Interoperability with CADE+与CAD的通用性绿色建筑博客iQ*HXxMv)m7Ad:X06U Y'l B1D?X0Several popular CAD tools now have implementations of IFC-compliant import/export capabilities that allow the geometry created in these tools to be written to, and read from, IFC data files. Commercially available versions of these tools will likely be based on different released versions of the IFC data model, including R1.5.1, R2.0, and the 2x Platform. A software development middleware tool called BSPro COM-Server by Olof Granlund Oy (see access to IFC data files based on all of these release versions, and is tailored to the Building Services sector of the AEC/FM Industry.绿色建筑博客 4Gwq,m.Z!oB;_许多流行的CAD工具现在支持IFC执行的输入/输出能力,允许在这些工具中创造几何构型以写入IFC数据或读出IFC数据。商业上,这些工具的有效版本可能基于不同版本的IFC数据模型,包括:R1.5.1, R2.0和 the 2x Platform.。一个软件开发的中间体工具,被Olof Granlund Oy称作BSPro COM-Server(见 Services部分。)G0?A+rf.P8o0 6nY7t+Tj&|5)L0s)O0?o 'i Ng;iw0LBNL developed client software module based on the BSPro COM-Server that automatically acquires the geometry of spaces, walls, windows, doors, floors, and roofs from an IFC data file, and generates an EnergyPlus input data file (IDF) containing this building geometry. The EnergyPlus client to the BSPro COM-Server, referred to as the IFCtoIDF utility. The current version of the IFCtoIDF utility is compatible with EnergyPlus Version 1.2.2 and can be downloaded separately (EXE 1.4 MB).绿色建筑博客!b+y#fWvpLBNL开发的基于BSPro COM-Server的客户程序模块,它可以从IFC数据文件自动提取出空间、墙体、窗体、门、地板和屋顶的几何信息,并产生包括这个建筑几何信息的E+输入数据文件。对于BSPro COM-Server的E+客户(这里的to,应是从属关系吧?a key to my bike),涉及IFCtoIDF utility(E+里的一个工具)。现有IFCtoIDF utility的版本与E+1.2.2版本兼容,并可以单独下载。Q+K7NOY0绿色建筑博客,T1gl t SU8wz 绿色建筑博客*;D#q ZnzIFCtoIDF Utility Limitations绿色建筑博客H(Ch3z DPlease note that the IFCtoIDF utility is still in beta testing. This utility, along with the BSPro COM-Server and several other software tools have been officially certified by the IAI as being compliant with IFC Releases 1.5.1 and 2.0 and are in the process of certification for Release IFC 2x. However, this does not mean that the utility is capable of seamlessly importing all data required for an EnergyPlus simulation from an IFC data file. The utility focuses on geometry only at this point. For example, construction material characteristics are currently defaulted in the resulting IDF. These data are not imported from an IFC data file simply because there is not yet an IFC-compliant tool that provides a user interface for inputting material characteristics. Furthermore, interoperability based on the object-oriented IFC standard is still a relatively new technology. Even the seemingly simple exchange of geometry representing objects such as a space and the parts of walls, floors and ceilings that bound this space can result in misunderstandings between different tools. More experience in exchanging data between a wide variety of software tools is required before this technology matures to a stage of full and foolproof functionality.? S/z.H0请注意IFCtoIDF utility还在测试阶段。这个utility,与BSPro COM-Server和许多其他软件工具,已经被IAI正式鉴定为与IFC 1.5.1 和 2.0版本兼容,与IFC2.x的兼容性正在测试中。然而,这并不意味着utility能从IFC数据文件中“无损”的(提取)所有E+模拟所需的数据。在这点上,utility仅仅聚焦几何条件。举个例子,结构材料特性现在在导入IDF文件时5a_DU2xU8y)o0是默认的。这些数据不能简单的从IFC数据文件中输出,因为还没有一个符合IFC标准的工具提供用来输入材料特性的用户界面。此外,基于原始对象的互用性IFC标准还是一个相对新的技术。甚至表面上,几何代表物(像空间和约束空间的墙体部分、地板和屋顶)看起来很简单的交换,都会导致不同工具间的误解。在这项技术成熟到一个完全和简单的阶段之前,在更大范围软件工具内,交换数据上的更多经验是急需的。绿色建筑博客;v Ps1S9c#dg6k8TTools for Creating EnergyPlus Input FilesTools for Creating EnergyPlus Input Files(U.S. EERE)绿色建筑博客,GCt$u-yJ/jA number of tools are available to create EnergyPlus input files (IDF). These include ECOTECT, EP-GEO, EP-SYS, EP-Quick, and ESP-r.绿色建筑博客1x%53YwQ!R"5g现在有很多编制E+ IDF文件的工具可以使用。包括:ECOTECT, EP-GEO, EP-SYS, EP-Quick, and ESP-r.UwHc7Y*W!W'|A 0绿色建筑博客 D RNO5O JG,rECOTECTECOTECT from Square One couples an intuitive 3D design interface with a comprehensive set of performance analysis functions (visualization, solar and daylighting analysis, shadows and shading, lighting design, thermal performance, UK building regulations, ventilation, and acoustic analysis) with interactive information displays. It also can export an EnergyPlus IDF file.绿色建筑博客)7 A*q?ECOTECT(来自Square One ,这个词组都大写开头,应该是公司、研发小组之类的吧?)整合了一组全面技术性能分析的功能于一个直观的3D设计界面,这些可以实现交互式信息演示的功能包括:可视化,太阳和白日照明分析,阴影和遮阳,照明设计,热能的表现,英国建筑规则,通风和声学分析。绿色建筑博客#w*Hb_Iv:rEP-Quick(对应网页上有图)绿色建筑博客CF"Ux9?)AEP-Quick creates input files for many different buildings using built in templates for the shape and zone layout. By using templates for commonly shaped buildings and zone layouts, the time needed to create an EnergyPlus input file is greatly reduced and it works for any sized building building. Version 1.0 was released in April 2005.J? UG3M0EP-Quick通过外形和区域设置的模板,来针对许多不同建筑编写输入文件。通过这个针对一般外形和区域设置的模板,编写时间大为缩短,且适用于任意大小的建筑。2005四月版本1.0发布。绿色建筑博客'xP z'U/Ov nStart by pressing the "NEW" button, selecting a template and the types of floors. Once a template is selected, zoning and shape are fixed but the overall dimension of the building can be changed. The buildings are "prismatic" and are the same shape and size on all floors. Windows and doors may be added and constructions and schedules may be modified.:a+Krm-?0按键“NEW”,选择一个模板和地板种类。模板一经选中,分区和外形固定,但建筑的最大尺寸可以更改。建筑呈“棱镜”状(这是个什么状?是不是只有框架?),且所有地面都是相同尺寸和大小。窗户和门可以(后)加,构造和时间表可以更改。q1fP8n&u.Fs#a0Use main "tree" interface to examine and modify the many different details of the building. The main parts of the tree are:,71x u0Third-party EnergyPlus Tools( U.S. EERE )3Ztxi6dI0These tools are developed and provided through third-party vendors. Contact the vendors for pricing and availability.绿色建筑博客u F"It T4jN!L第三方卖主开发并提供。价格、使用事宜请联系第三方卖主。绿色建筑博客, tQ0? R'lo:v y&b B0DrawBDL+DrawBDL allows users to visually review the building geometry in EnergyPlus and DOE-2 input files. DrawBDL can export the DOE-2 surface data in EnergyPlus IDF format-useful for those users who wish to convert their DOE-2 input files into EnergyPlus input files.-c f Z;k6iL+F0DrawBDL允许用户将EnergyPlus 和 DOE-2里的输入文件中的建筑几何构型变为可视化。对于那些想把DOE-2输入文件转入E+的用户,DrawBDL能输出DOE-2的表面数据surface data以E+的IDF有效形式。绿色建筑博客&AdVNq$Z'PDrawEzPlus and EzPlus-Parm绿色建筑博客 MI,De#cDrawEzPlus is a 3-D geometry rendering tool that displays the geometry imbedded in an EnergyPlus file. Users can toggle between line and surface (fill) presentation modes, and can select to draw any mix of key building objectsASHRAE2004目录(guliuxinyong译)各章节的目录索引绿色建筑博客0lF$O+?绿色建筑博客6reL1x6c 看看哪章是你感兴趣的。绿色建筑博客+ruCEb#V7L$7绿色建筑博客9NwM0MP1Y0S J/FT pWsD0空调系统和供热系统W4hZ-m*k0 8xu#m )SQ0第一章,HVAC系统分析和选择3V6u3Y6h2m0 9ev1iY,Cse6no+?)b0第二章,建筑空气分配Q$L('6h I0 0X/x.L#w9u1W0第三章,室内终端系统绿色建筑博客#W!sl5j|'E7d0X9L)y w(y h-QCO0第四章,中央冷却和供热u$r&Dw+tg,m)o3E0 0sh+F)NH6N0第五章,分散冷却和供热绿色建筑博客8uR'Kf2P+J3_9Oc3W)T6d'XI0第六章,镶板冷却和供热GUt9v9P0绿色建筑博客G;AW*dnr&c 第七章,联产系统和发动机、涡轮机驱动1X2,zz2u+F0绿色建筑博客l:sK$G(s9jR 第八章,应用热泵和热回收系统a*hIyT?_q0绿色建筑博客/ a"xb0gNG p 第九章,小型强迫通风供热和冷却系统的设计绿色建筑博客5W#Pb.YY N%3M.Q*g*u| k.d1MYfF0第十章,蒸汽系统绿色建筑博客Ku _.rXV4JcHu0第十一章,区域制冷供热9j vc&b+N)"c0 .b.cjT,my8O;h.c0第十二章,液体制冷供热系统设计"x-BrQoM1v+e0 Ou V/E3E"G9H0第十三章,水冷系统绿色建筑博客Kb Ms2k)BX;i绿色建筑博客i$D5G/8OTr "| 第十四章,中高温水加热系统绿色建筑博客h&)R/p8O'?G5VRJ.YBs)p0第十五章,红外辐射加热;Y B,C3m%#X0绿色建筑博客6M$rm-bf4R 空气处理装置绿色建筑博客g.Z5x7bdr #H Y0第十六章,管道构造绿色建筑博客Kp1*dl$H6;)E+p2z1|-AR&o D0第十七章,室内空气分配装置绿色建筑博客;o$Q5k+yJ Eiw-y绿色建筑博客#d&h!b9f Y:xt7m 第十八章,风机绿色建筑博客xn KXz3hP S78P绿色建筑博客q;A4P-P,y*a 第十九章,蒸发空气冷却装置绿色建筑博客P,H5_(n'E9c绿色建筑博客8y+elw 第二十章,加湿器_ e tyk0绿色建筑博客KPE+IOIy/g 第二十一章,空气冷却和除湿盘管Hko!g_.e.nt$Wb%u0绿色建筑博客"oz1|f'c; 第二十二章,干燥剂除湿和压力-干燥设备绿色建筑博客VEn-yP9J8qc0第二十三章,空气加热盘管Y6PNwox&H0 o;D;O+ v*Z4|8li0第二十四章,微粒污染物空气净化器9wuw9SUGe0绿色建筑博客Wd G tu/P 第二十五章,工业气体净化和空气污染控制+WM7H)O CN:l;-C9A0绿色建筑博客'| qQ!u:T)I 供热装置k1|p;y0 *Tb"T?,/a0第二十六章,自动燃料燃烧装置-H'd4u;pS0绿色建筑博客6u8n0Qs I2S$Q 第二十七章,锅炉绿色建筑博客%D$%y#W+V%e6RF-bkyj)VZ N+"0第二十八章,高炉42l$q1R7ya0 3 k o&Xv0第二十九章,住宅内部供热装置rq8MIG/jg vX0 T0l'NN0第三十章,烟囱、气体出口和壁炉系统绿色建筑博客M*zg-vvxo绿色建筑博客HaH$S*p+ 第三十一章,通风单元、加热单元和补充空气单元绿色建筑博客N J%?iF9zOLNP De.T0第三十二章,液体循环热量分配单元和辐射装置7E-aWBS m6g&x0 ,Ve sT;qG0第三十三章,太阳能装置绿色建筑博客,BmQ2t)b qs:Q绿色建筑博客_ |"vh(q 常规部件绿色建筑博客r!x9Rq&B q+b'PF"0*N0第三十四章,压缩机m,JhlS Qu x(v3Y0绿色建筑博客9Us.R i)ih MuJR 第三十五章,冷凝器绿色建筑博客 7I-n.M J?un5TX*|40第三十六章,冷却塔$n'PB7y2d L2q*Y0 q-FTt RB0第三十七章,液体冷凝器x7a-Gp*i;&e9eB c0绿色建筑博客O3a7u3iV#S,Y 第三十八章,液体E+ interfaceEnergyPlus Interfaces绿色建筑博客hAh#P#Gh q-4UZgVw J#S3|g0http:/www.eere.energy.gov/build . /ep_interfaces.html绿色建筑博客Aq;AQ o9S"K2Vt/r*r0More than five graphical user interfaces for EnergyPlus are under development or available now. E2AC is now available. Two others (DesignBuilder, EPlusInterface) are currently available in development (beta) versions and two more (E+IEQ, EFEN) should be available


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