法学院入学考试(LSAT)绝密阅读笔记1一、阅读准备:1.新东方内部教材:gre北美题、国内题2.英语杂志:time、newsweek、national geology、scientific american3.英语教材:new concept english(book 4)二、文章分类按题材分a.humanity:文学艺术;esp. 文学评论b.social science:美国历史;e.g. 南北战争弱势群体;esp. 黑人、女性法律;e.g. 法律史c.natural scienced.life science按写法分a.presentation:全文仅有一种观点、一种声音b.argumentation:多种声音、观点并存按考种分详见后三、阅读原则至少三遍原则先做一遍,对答案再认真阅读一遍课堂上分析后再读一遍头脑空白原则一切以文章内容为依据,唯一的依据顺序原则先看文,后做题(与托福不同,因是逻辑阅读)先判定套路,后看文:即先阅读全文开头,每段开头总结:总结主题句(段落主题句,全文主题句)总结关键字(每段的key words)总结结构(每个段落在全文中的作用)总结人物(可用首字母表示)四、阅读环节重要的是做阅读笔记,按笔记答题记录要点:记主题句(段落主题句,全文主题句)(可划线表示)记关键词(可用缩写表示)记强对比(逻辑上的)(可用ab表示)表示强对比的词汇:on the contrary, on the other hand, contraste.g. red berries standing in vivid contrast against the snow.时间状语也可表示强对比,如说五十年前如何,后说五十年后又如何人数多少也可表示强对比,如说most people,后说but记强转折(可用ab表示)表示强转折的词汇:however, yet, while, but表示让步的词汇:though, althoughunless, nonethelessdespite, in spite ofinsteadin fact, actuallye.g. he said he would pay, but in point of fact he has no money.actually, few of us admit that examinations can contribute anything really important to the students' academic development.极端转折a, but b,表示b重要。在lsat中,常有a与b两项完全相反,所谓极端转折,此时可只看转折后的b项多重转折a, but b, while c, in fact d. 这时前几重转折无用,只看最后一重d。记因果关系(如a因,b果,可用ab表示)表示因果关系的词汇有:a. conclude (conclusive, conclusion)consequence (consequent, consequently), hencee.g. mr. foster has never been to china. consequently / hence he knows very little about it.result in , result from: “a result in b” means “ab”; “a result from b” means “ba”e.g. nothing has resulted from his efforts.acting before thinking always results in failure.lie in: “a lies in b” means “ba”reflect (reflection): “a reflects b” means “ba”e.g. the child's bad behavior reflects on his bad home training.factor: “a is bs factor” means “ab”e.g. her friendly manner is an important factor in her rapid success.记评价(在lsat中总有评价存在)正评价(用表示)负评价(用 表示)有正有负的评价,即混合评价正评价强于负评价(用> 来表示)负评价强于正评价(用 >来表示)记标点“ ”的作用引用原文(可助解时间题)强调作用(可助解信息题)表示负评价:或;的作用:可表示因果关系()的作用:注释,括号中内容不看,可用划去的作用:,其中内容不看,可用划去法学院入学考试(LSAT)绝密阅读笔记2必看与不看的句子判断句必看有系动词(be, remain)的是判断句,尤其在段落或文章开头部分更要重点阅读,这往往是主题句e.g. these matters remain in doubt.有情态动词(can, can not, may, must)的是判断句有自由褒贬词的是判断句:所谓自由指它可以游离于句子之外,句子缺少了它依然成立;所谓褒贬指它本身有评价色彩,多为形容词和副词e,g, your (brazen/penetrating) view (successfully/curiously) changed my attitude.记强调性语言最高级,比较级;如most, first, than, last, at most, more than, less thanmore than, less than:与其说,不如说e.g. it is more because a than because b. 这是更因为a,强调ai have less contact with a than with b. 与b联系更多,强调bequal(equality)唯一性:only, unique, sole, exclusive这些强调性语言在文中出现得少,但在选项中出现机会多,所以如选项中有most,文章、笔记中无,就可排除此选项记专用名词(用缩略语记)人名用首字母表示物种用首字母表示化学物质用前两个字母表示,但基本的如protein, carbon dioxide等仍需了解五、例题讲解book 1, reading 3, p71women's participation in the revolutionary events in france between 1789 and 1795 has only recently been given nuanced treatment. early twentieth century historians of the french revolution are typified by jaures(o(j), who, though() sympathetic() to the women's movement of his own time never( > )even mentions its antecedents in revolutionary france. even today most general histories treat only cursorily a few individual women, like marie (m)antoinette./ the recent studies by landes, badinter, godineau, and roudinesco (n(l, b, g, r), however(), should signal a much-needed() reassessment of women's participation.godineau and roudinesco point to three significant phases in that participation. the first, up to mid- 1792, involved those women who wrote political tracts. typical of their orientation to theoretical issues - in godlneaus's view, without practical effect - is marie gouze's declaration of the right of women. the emergence of vocal middle-class women's political clubs marks the second phase. formed in 1791 as adjuncts of middle-class male political clubs, and originally philanthropic in function, by late 1792 independent clubs of women began to advocate military participation for women. in the final phase, the famine of 1795 occasioned a mass women's movement; women seized food supplies, hold officials hostage, and argued for the implementation of democratic politics. this phase ended in may of 1795 with the military suppression of this multi class movement. in all three phases women's participation in politics contrasted( )markedly with their participation before 1789. before that date some noble-women participated indirectly in elections, but ()such participation by more than narrow range of the population - women or men - came only with the revolution. (g, r)what makes the recent studies particularly compelling(), however, is not so much (their organization of chronology)(a) as (their unflinching willingness to confront the reasons for the collapse of the women's movement)(b). for landes and badinter, the necessity of womens having to speak in the established vocabularies of certain intellectual and political traditions diminished the ability of the women's movement to resist suppression. many women, and many men, they argue, located their vision within the confining tradition of jean-jacques rousseau, who linked male and female roles with public and private spheres respectively. but, when women went on to make political alliances with radical jacobin men, badinter asserts, they adopted a vocabulary and violently extremist viewpoint that unfortunately was even more damaging to their political interests. (l, b)each of these scholars has different political agenda and takes a different approach - godineau, for example, works with police archives while roudinesco uses explanatory schema from modern psychology. yet() admirably(), each gives center stage to group that previously has been marginalized, or at best undifferentiated, by historians. and in the case of landes and badinter, the reader is left with a sobering awareness of the cost to the women of the revolution of speaking in borrowed voices. (总结)上文属新老观点对立型,它往往是喜新厌旧(过去的观点常错)、标新立异(多数人的观点常错),同情弱者。阅读步骤:先判定套路(新老观点对立型)看层次标出强对立(如contrast)注意比较(not, so much as)法学院入学考试(LSAT)绝密阅读笔记314. which one of the following best states the main point of the passage?此题属主题题,主题题的做法为:三出现原则:在选项中重要的关键词必须出现细节不能出现新内容不能出现(a) according to recent historical studies, the participation of women in the revolutionary events of 1789-1795 can most profitably be viewed in three successive stages.(b) the findings of certain recent historical studies have resulted from an earlier general. reassessment, by historians, of women's participation in the revolutionary events of 1789-1795.(c) adopting the vocabulary and viewpoint of certain intellectual and political traditions resulted in no political advantage for women in france in the years 1789-1795.(d) certain recent historical studies have provided a much-needed description and evaluation of the evolving roles of women in the revolutionary events of 1789-1795.(e) historical studies that seek to explain the limitations of the women's movement in france during the years 1789-1795 are much more convincing than are those that seek only to describe the general features of that movement.15. the passage suggests that godineau would be likely to agree with which one of the following statements about marie gouze's declaration of the rights of women?此题属信息题,回笔记中定位(a) this work was not understood by many of gouze's contemporaries.(b) this work indirectly inspired the formation of independent women's political clubs.(c) this work had little impact on the world of political action.(d) this work was the most compelling produced by a french woman between 1789 and 1792.(e) this work is typical of the kind of writing french women produced between 1793 and 1795.16. according to the passage, which one of the following is a true statement about the purpose of the women's political cubs mentioned in line 20? (信息题)(a) these clubs fostered a mass women's movement.(b) these clubs eventually developed a purpose different from their original purpose.(c) these clubs were founder to advocate military participation for women.(d) these clubs counteracted the original purpose of male political clubs.(e) these clubs lost their direction by the time of the famine of 1795.17. the primary function of the first paragraph of the passage is to:(a) outline the author's argument about women's roles in frances between 1789 and 1795(b) anticipate possible challenges to the findings of the recent studies of women in france between 1789 and 1795.(c) summarize some long-standing explanations of the role of individual women in france between 1789 and 1795.(d) present a context for the discussion of recent studies of women in france between 1789 and 1795.(e) characterize various eighteenth-century studies of women in france.18. the passage suggests that landes and badinter would be likely to agree with which one of the following statements about the women's movement in france in the 1790s?此题用虚拟语气,属改善题,做法为回笔记,找缺点,去克服(a) the movement might have been more successful if women had developed their own political vocabularies.(b) the downfall of the movement was probably unrelated to it alliance with jacobin men.(c) the movement had a great deal of choice about whether to adopt a rousseauist political vocabulary.(d) the movement would have triumphed if it had not been suppressed by military means.(e) the movement viewed a rousseauist political tradition, rather than a jacobin political.19. in the context of the passage, the word "cost" in line 63 refers to the此题可用竖读法解,先看第一词:(a) dichotomy of private roles for women and public roles for men(b) almost nonexistent political participation of women before 1789.(c) historians' lack of differentiation among various groups of women.(d) political alliances women made with radical jacobin men.(e) collapse of the women's movement in the 1790s.20. the author of the passage is primarily concerned with:此题为主题题,亦可用竖读法解(a) criticizing certain political and intellectual traditions(b) summarizing the main points of several recent historical studies and assessing their value.(c) establishing a chronological sequence and arguing for its importance(d) comparing and contrasting women's political activities before and after the french revolution(e) reexamining a long-held point of view and isolating its strengths and weaknesses.法学院入学考试(LSAT)绝密阅读笔记4六、套路分析新老观点对立型老观点出现在开头,有两种表现形式,一是古老的时间状语,如traditionally, once, old, recently(既可表示新观点,也可表示老观点),二是大多数人,通常的说法,如usually, most, many+强转折,一般在第一段中间或第二段开头现象解释型现象,一般是自然科学中的现象,在社会科学中现象多为史实,用时间、人物、时间来表示+解释,由关键词,评价(正或负),评价的原因组成;另外,往往为多种解释,负评价,负评价,最后才是正评价法学院入学考试(LSAT)绝密阅读笔记5文章套路新老观点对比型a.结构:老观点+驳斥老观点+新观点b.特点:喜新厌旧、标新立异c.判断标志:喜新厌旧的语言特征:古老的时间状语,traditionally,old,was (it was once believed),recently(可能是老观点),usually标新立异的语言特征:most,,many,frequently如果发现重要的转折词则可以确定为新老观点对比型d.新观点出现的位置:一段中部或二段开头e.主题句:说明新观点的句子要特别注意主题句,对于内容性的主题句尤其应当如此现象解释型a.结构:现象+解释b.现象:自然科学中的现象;社会科学中的史实,由人物、时间、事件构成c.解释:会存在多种解释,其中正确的解释是文章的主题句;有的文章也许没有正确理论(主题句),但仍属于现象解释型问题解决型a.结构:提问+解决b.提问:疑问性问题:文章一开始就是问句,有疑问词或问号;或者以 “question”,“puzzle”等词的形式出现。着重看如何回答。任务性问题:以“difficulty”,“task”,“challenge”等词的形式出现。着重看如何完成。c.解决:往往有多种解决方案,各有评价;往往是负评价+负评价+正确的解决方案(通常在最后)d.主题句:说明正确的解决方案的核心句就是主题句;但也有些文章都是大负小正的评价,此时看过程不看结果,无主题句就无内容型的主题题。结论解释型a.总分结构b.特征:开始先说观点,标志性强,通常是判断句,以系动词,情态动词,自由褒贬词为标志;此时可看文章各段的开头c.主题句:如开头的判断句是文章的总论,它就是主题句5.后三种套路的区分看文章开头的后半部分:描述原因的是现象解释型;讲述改进方法,解决问题的是问题解决型;更具体的描述是结论解释型客观题题型1.直接事实题a.特征:对文章的具体细节进行提问,题干有时会表示明显的因果关系b.做法:看笔记,做定位,回原文做同义变换c.同义变换:a. 换词:同义词例:the historians have broadened the conventional view of nineteenth-century feminism. the historians have expanded the traditional view of nineteenth-century feminism.b. 换句型:名词结构换为动词搭配例:the minority groups lack access to the sizable orders that are generated by large companies. the minority groups do not have sufficient opportunity to secure business created by large corporation.c. 逻辑变换:做逆否变换例:the suffragists were demanding power that was not based on the institution of the family, womens traditional sphere. those who participated in the women suffragists movement sought social roles for women that were not defined by womens familial roles.2.取非题otherwise表示相反关系;a otherwise b,文中有a,问b如何,则对a取非简单取非:有明显的强对比的词,如on the contrary, on the other hand, contrast等,直接做180度的转变。如告诉你一个的特征,问另一个。改善题形式:虚拟语气(标志)+表示改善或更好的说法(往往用比较级,如if, more)做法:回原文中找缺点,做取非;如一人漏了大的,拿了小的,问如何改善,做取非,都拿。例:however, these patterns cannot be viewed as an adaptation to wind pollination because the spiral arrangement occurs in a number of non-wind-pollinated plants.question: it can be inferred from the passage that the claim that the spiral arrangement is an adaptation to wind pollination would be more convincing if which of the following were true?(a) such an arrangement occurred only in wind-pollinated plants.(b) such an arrangement occurred in vascular plants as a whole.(c) such an arrangement could be shown to be beneficial to pollen release.(d) the number of bracts could be shown to have increased over time.(e) the airflow patterns over the cones surfaces could be shown to be produced by such arrangements.法学院入学考试(LSAT)绝密阅读笔记63.逻辑题(类似于逻辑单题)支持题形式:which of the following, if true(标志), will most support(strengthen)/weaken the view in the passage?做法:直接事例法:文章中有抽象的的理论,我们把它具体化、量化例:which of the following, if true, would most clearly demonstrate the interaction mentioned in the last sentence?(a) female larks respond similarly both to short, simple songs and to longer, more complicated songs.(b) male canaries use visual ornamentation as well as elaborate song repertoires for mate attraction.(c) both male and female blackbirds develop elaborate visual and vocal characteristics.(d) male jays use songs to compete among themselves and to attract females.(e) male robins with elaborate visual ornamentation have as much reproductive success as rivals with elaborate vocal characteristics.搭桥法:如文中说a b,找 a c b例:in one behavioral experiment, researchers successfully trained an anteater to distinguish between two troughs of water, one with a weak electrical field and another with none. such evidence is consistent with researchers hypothesis that ante