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    Campus work experience risk assessment form:校园工作经验风险评估表.doc

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    Campus work experience risk assessment form:校园工作经验风险评估表.doc

    GOLDSMITHSUniversity of LondonCAMPUS WORK EXPERIENCE RISK ASSESSMENTName of school pupil:Age:Name and address of school:Name of contact at School:Telephone No:What tasks will school pupil be given?Where on campus will school pupil be working?Department hosting work experience:Start and finish dates of work experience:Work hours per day:Significant hazards:Controls and precautions against the hazards:Name and contact of responsible staff memberPupil unfamiliar with buildings and emergency procedures§ On first day, supervisor uses Parts 1 and 2 of the New staff induction health and safety checklist to brief pupil on health and safety and emergency arrangements § Induction includes tour of work area and introduction to Department H&S CoordinatorInexperience of work§ Pupil must be supervised by competent staff while at work (not during lunch or other breaks)§ Explain to pupil their hours of work, breaks and locations of toilets and café etc§ Work experience hours must not be during nightshifts or longer than eight hours per day and must include regular rest and meal breaks§ Carry out specific risk assessment if work experience includes weekend or closure days Machinery (including office equipment)§ Pupil must not operate any machinery without permission from their supervisor§ They must not attempt to repair machinery on their own§ They should report faults to their supervisor§ Carry out specific risk assessment if using workshop tools or machineryHandling heavy and awkward objects§ Pupil must not be given tasks involving lifting or carrying heavy loads§ Carry out specific risk assessment for manual handling tasksWork at height (e.g. off ladders or platforms, on roofs or above pits)§ Pupil must not set up access equipment or work at height unsupervised § Show correct way to set up and use access equipment e.g. ladder§ Carry out specific risk assessment for work at heightHazardous chemicals§ Pupil must not work with or near hazardous chemicals unless supervised and safe handling rules have been explained to them§ Carry out specific risk assessment for using hazardous chemicalsProtective clothing and equipment(PPE)§ Pupil must be provided with any protective clothing and equipment necessary and shown how and when to use it § Explain where to get replacements for disposable, dirty or damaged PPEHousekeeping§ Explain importance of keeping work area tidy, not trailing cables, safe storage of materials etc§ Explain Department recycling proceduresAccident reporting§ Accidents involving pupils on work experience must be reported on Goldsmiths accident report form§ Forms available from building receptions and downloadable from http:/www.gold.ac.uk/health-safety/accidents/§ Also notify the school immediately of any injury to a pupil while on work placement§ Pupils on work experience are considered as employees for accident reporting purposes and the Head of Health and Safety will complete RIDDOR reports if necessaryChild protection§ Explain how and why department child protection officer can be contactedInsurance cover for work experience§ Notify Insurance contact in Finance Department of proposed work experience activities, dates and any specific risks that have been assessed§ Pupils on work experience are normally covered by the Employers Liability policyUseful contacts for work experience organisersFor advice and help in carrying out risk assessmentshealthandsafetygold.ac.ukInsurance contact in Finance Depts.carrangold.ac.ukName of person completing this form:Date:Arrangements approved by Head of Department/ Line Manager:Date:Name of Goldsmiths Department:


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