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    LSAT考试全真试题三 含答案(4部分) .doc

    LSAT考试全真试题三SECTION 1 Time-35 minutes 24 Questions Directions: Each group of questions in this section is based on a set of conditions. In answering some of the questions, it may be useful to araw a rough diagram. Choose the resoonse that most accurately and completely answers each question and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet. Questions 1-6 Seven students-fourth-year students Kim and Lee; third-year students Pat and Robin: and second-year students Sandy, Tety and Val-and only those seven, are being assigned a rooms of equal size in a dormitory. Each room assigned must have either one or two or three students assigned to it and will accordingly be called either a single or a double or a triple. The seven students are assigned to moms in accordence with the following conditions: Lio fourth-year student can be assigned to a triple. No second-year student can be assigned to a single. Lee and Pobin must not share the same room Kim and Pat must share the same room.  1. Which one of the following is a combination of rooms to which the seven students could be assigned? (A) two triples and one single (B) one triple and four singles (C) three doubles and a stngle (D) two doubles and three singles (E) one double and five singles 2. It the room assigned to Robin is a single, which one of the following could be true? (A) There is exactly one double that has a second-year student assigned to it. (B) Lee is assigned to a stngle. (C) Sandy Fat and one other student are zseigned to a triple together. (D) Lixactly three of the rooms assigned to the students are singles (E) Exactly two of the rooms assigned to the students are doubles. 3. Which one of the following must be true?  (A) Lee is assigned to a single (B) Pat sharts a double with another student (C) Robin shares a double with another student (D) Two of the second-year students share a double with each other (E) Neither of the third-year students is assigned to a single 4. If Robin is assigred to a triple, which one of the following must be true?  (A) Lee is assigned to a single (B) Two second-year students share a double with each other (C) None of the rooms assigned to the students is a single (D) Two of the rooms assigned to the students are singles. (E) Three of the rooms assigned to the students are singles 5. If Terry and Val assigned to different doubles from each other, other, then it must be true of the students rooms that exactly (A) one is a single (B) two are singles (C) two are doubles (D) one is a triple (E) two are triples 6. Which one of the following could be true?  (A) The two fourth-year students are assigned to singles. (B) The two fourth-year students share a double with cach other. (C) Lee shares a room with a second-year student (D) Lee shares a room with a third-year student (E) Pat shares a triple with two other students Questions 7-11 A worker will insert colored light bulbs into a billboard equipped with exactly three light sockets, which are labled lights 1, 2, and 3. The worker has three green bulbs, three purple bulbs, and three yellow bulbs. Seiection of bulbs for the sockets is governed by the following conditions: Whenever light 1 is purple, light 2 must be yellow.  Whenever light 2 is purple, light 1 must be green.  Whenever light 3 is either purple or yellow, light 2 must be purple. 7. Which one of the following could be an accurate list of the colors of light bulbs selected for lights 1, 2 and 3, respectively? (A) green, green, yellow (B) purple, green, green (C) purple, purple, green (D) yellow, purple, green (E) yellow, yellow, yellow 8. If light 1 is yellow, then any of the following can be true, EXCEPT: (A) Light 2 is green. (B) Light 2 is purple (C) Light 3 is green (D) Light 3 is purple (E) Light 3 is yellow 9. There is exactly one possible color sequence of the three lights if which one of the following is true? (A) Light 1 is purple. (B) Light 2 is purple. (C) Light 2 is yellow (D) Light 3 is purple. (E) Light 3 is yellow  10. If no green bulbs are selected, there are exactly how many possible different color sequences of the three lights? (A) one (B) two (C) three (D) four (E) five 11. If no two lights are assigned light bulbs that are the same color as each other, then which one of the following could be true? (A) Light I is green, and light 2 is purple. (B) Light I is green, and light 2 is yellow. (C) Light I is purple, and light 2 is yellow. (D) Light I is yellow, and light 2 is green. (E) Light I is yellow, and light 2 is purple. SECTION IITime35 minutes25 QuestionsDirections: The questions in this section are based on the reasoning contained in brief statements or passages. For some questions. more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question. However, you are to choose the best answer, that is, the response that most accurately and completely answers the questions. You should not make assumptions that are by blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.1. When politicians resort to personal atacks many editortalists criticize thest attacks but most voters pay them scant attention. Eeveryone knows such attacks will end after election day, and politicians can be excused for mudslinging. Political commentators, however, cannot be. Political commentators should be engaged in sustained and senous debate about ideas and policies. In such a context personal attacks on opponents serve not to beat those opponents but to cut off the debate.Which of the following most accurately states the main point of the argument?(A) Dersonal attacks on opponets serve a usuful purpose for politicians.(B) Political commentators should not resort to personal attacks on their opponents.(C) Editonalists are right to criticize politicians who resort to personal attacks on their opponents.(D) The purpose of serious debate about ideas and policies is to counteract the effect of personal attacks by politicians.(E) Voters should be concerned about the personal attacks politicians make on each other.2. Throughout the Popoya Islands community pressure is exerted on people who win the national lottery to share their good fortune with their neighbors. When people living in rural areas win the lottery they invariably throw elaborate neighborhood feasts, often wiping, out all of their lottery winmmings. However, in the cities, lottery winners frequently use their winnings for their own personal investment rather than sharing their good fortune with their neighbors.Which one of the following true, contributes most to an explanation of the difference between the behavior of lottery winners in rural areas and those in cities?(A) Twice as many Popoyans live in rural areas as live in the city.(B) Popoyan city dwellers tend to buy several lottery tickets at a time, but they buy tickets less frequently than do rural dwellers.(C) Lottery winners in rural areas are notified of winning by public posting of lists of winners, but notification in the city is by private mail.(D) Families in rural areas in the Popoyas may contain twelve or foruteen people, but city families average six or seven.(E) Twice as many lottery tickets are sold in rural areas as are sold in the city.3. A new medication for migraine seems effective, but there is concern that the medication might exacerbate heart disease. If patiens with heart disease take the medication under careful medical supervision. however, harmful side effects can definitely be averted. The concern about those side effects is thus unfounded.The argument depends on which one of the following assumptions?(A) The new medication actually is effective when taken by patients with heart disease.(B) No migraine sufferers with heart disease will take the new medication except under careful medical supervision.(C) Most migraine sufferers who have taken the new medication in trials also had heart disease(D) The new medication has various other side effects, but none as serious as that of exacerbating heart disease.(E) The new medication will displace all migrame medicztions currently being used.4. The highest-ranking detectives in the city s police department are also the most adept at solving crimes. Yet in each of the past ten years. the average success rate for the city s highest-ranking detectives in solving crimnal cases has been no higher than the average success rate for its lowest-ranking detectives.Which one of the follwing, if true, most helps to resolve the apparent paradox?(A) The detectives who have the highest success rate in solving criminal cases are those who have worked as detectives the longest.(B) It generally takes at least ten years for a detective to rise from the lowest to the highest ranks of the city s detective force.(C) Those detectives in the police department who are the most adept at solving criminal cases are also those most likely to remain in the police department.(D) The police department generally gives the criminal cases that it expects to be the easiest to solve to its lowest-ranking detectives.(E) None of the lowest-ranking detectivesin the police department had experiecne in solving critninal cases prior to joining the police deparment.5. Imgation runoff from neighboring farms may well have increased the concentration of phosphorus in the local swamp above previous levels, but the claim that the increase in phosphorus is harming the swamp s native aquatie wildlife is false: the phospborus concentration in the swamp is actually less than that found in certain kinds of bottled water that some people drink every day.The argument is vulnerable to criticism on the ground that it(A) makes exaggerations in formulating the claim against which it argues(B) bases its conclusion on two contradictiry claims(C) relies on evidence the relevance of which has not been established(D) concedes the very point that it argues against(E) makes a generalization that is unwarranted because the sources of the data on which it is based have not been specified.6. Copyright laws protect the rights of writers to profits earned from their writings. whereas patent laws protec: inventors rights to profits earned from their inventions In jawade, when computer-software writers demanded that their rights to profit be protected, the courts determined thatinformation written for a machine does not fit into either the copyright or the patent category. Clearly, therefore, the profit rights of computer-software writers remain unprotected in Jawade.Which one of the following is an assumption on which the argument depends?(A) Computer-software writers are not an influential enough group in Jawade for the government to consider modifying existing copyright laws in order to protect this group s profit rights.(B) No laws exist, other than copyright laws and patent laws, that would protect the profit rights of computer-software writers in Jawade.(C) Most of the computer software used in Jawade is imported from other countries.(D) Computer software is more similar to writings covered by copyright laws than it is to inventions covered by patent laws.(E) Copyright laws and patent laws in Jawade have not been modified since their original adoption.7. Brownlea s post office must be replaced with a larger one. The present one cannot be expanded. land near the present location in the center of town is more expensive than land on the outskirts of town. Since the cost of acquiring a site is a significant part of the total construction cost, the post office clearly could be built more cheaply on the outskirts of town.Which one of the following, if true, most seriously undermines the argument s stated conclusion?(A) The new post office will have to be built in accordance with a demanding new citywide building code.(B) If the new post office is built on the outskirts of town, it will require a parking lot, but if sited near the present post office it will not.(C) If the new post office is built on the outskirts of town, current city bus routes will have to be expanded to provide access.(D) If the new post office is built on the outskirts of town, residents will make decreased use of post office boxes, with the result that mail carriers will have to deliver more mail to homes.(E) If the new post office is built near the center of town, disruptions to city traffic would have to be minimized by taking such steps as doing some construction work in stages at night and on weekends.8. in the past, the railroads in Ostronia were run as regional monopelies and opeerated with little regard for what customers wanted. In recent years, with improvements to the Ostronian national highway network the railroad companies have faced heavy competition from longdistance trucking companies. But because of government subsidies that have permitted Ostronian railroad companies to operate even while incuring substantial losses, the companies continie to disregard customers needs and desires.If the statements above are true, which one of the following must also be true on the basis of them?(A) If the government of Ostronia ceases to subsidize railroad companies. few of those companies will continue to operate.(B) Few companies in Ostronia that have received subsidies from the government have taken the needs and desires of their customers into account.(C) Without government subsidies, railroad companies in Ostronia would have to increase the prices they charge their customers.(D) The transportation system in Ostronia is no more efficient today than it was in the past.(E) In recent years, some companies in Ostronia that have had little regard for the desires of their customers have nonetheless survived.9. Although Damon had ample time carlier in the month to complete the paper he is scheduled to present at a professional conference tomorrow morning he repeatedly put off doing it. Damon could still get the paper ready in time, but only if he works on it all evening without interruption. However, his seven-year-old daughter s tap-dance recital takes place this evening and Damon had promised both to attend and to take his daughter and her friends out for ice cream afterward. Thus, because of his procrastination. Damon will be forced to choose between his professional and his farmily responsibilities.The argument proceeds by(A) providing evidence that one event will occur in order to establish that an altemative event cannot occur(B) showing that two situations are


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