Equitable Allocation of Congestion Relief Cost to Transactions 公平分配阻塞成本交易 Mesut E. Baran, Venkat Banunarayanan, and Kenneth E. Garren AbstractThis paper investigates a bid based congestion management scheme for a system that accommodates many bilateral transactions. The paper proposes a new allocation method for allocating the cost of congestion relief to transactions that cause the congestion. The allocation reflects the actual usage of the congested facilities by the transactions and recovers the cost. Also proposed in the paper is a “consistency” test to quantify and test the equity/fairness of the method. Test results illustrate that the method provides better price signals for relieving congestion on lines than the shadow prices. The test results also indicate that the method recovers the cost. The results on consistency indicate that the proposed method is consistent provided that the transactions causing counter-flows on congested lines be compensated-Index Termscongestion management, cost allocation, transmission access.摘要-这篇论文研究投标拥塞管理方案的系统,可容纳许多双边交易。提出了一种新的分配方法分配成本的拥塞以缓解交易造成的拥塞。该分配反映了拥挤的交易设施的实际使用情况和恢复的成本。本文提出的是一个“一致性”测试量化和测试公平/公正的方法。试验结果表明,该方法提供了更好的价格信号的挤塞线比影子价格。试验结果还表明,该方法恢复的成本。结果的一致性表明,所提出的方法一致的规定,交易造成反流拥挤线补偿指数条款-拥塞管理,成本分配,传输接入。 I. I NTRODUCTION I. 引言CONGESTION in a transmission grid occurs due to an operating condition that causes limit violations on one or more of the “flow-gates” in the system 1. Congestion has become more important in the emerging deregulated environment as the number and magnitude of power transactions increase.The importance of congestion relief as a transmission service is recognized by both the regulating bodies, especially by FERC2, and by utilities and NERC 3.Congestion management is especially challenging in a bilateral transaction environment, in which individual parties transact power among themselves 5. In United States, NERC6 proposed the reservation of necessary capacity over the“flow-path” of a transaction for congestion management. This approach tries to avoid congestion in advance, and if congestion occurs during operation, then the transacting parties are asked to curtail their transactions. The approach is quite conservative in that it leads to inefficient use of the system 1. In 79,nodal/zonal price based approaches with zero-revenue are proposed to address some of the challenges. In price based congestion management, the Independent System Operator(ISO) takes an active role in managing the congestion by re-dispatching the resources based on bids received from the market participants. Recently, Scandinavia 4 and California 10 adopted such price based approaches.One of the important issues in congestion management is the allocation of the congestion cost/revenue to the market participants. In nodal/zonal pricing based congestion management schemes, the congestion generates a revenue. This revenue can be distributed back to the transmission users (as in Norway), or (as in California) it can be paid-off to the holders of financial instruments called transmission congestion contracts. The practicality of this allocation scheme in a tightly interconnected system facilitating many bilateral transactions is questionable 1, 5, 9. In United States, FERC requests that the cost of relieving congestion be allocated in an “equitable”manner among all the market participants. The challenge here,is the “ equity” i.e., the distribution of the congestion relief cost in proportion to the degree of involvement by each market entity in the congestion. This issue has not received much attention yet in the literature. In 9 such a “usage” based method is investigated. The method is a two step process in which the total congestion cost is first allocated to the congested facilities and then to the transactions that use these facilities. This paperadopts a similar allocation approach.由于经营条件,拥塞在输电网发生,导致限制行为的一个或多个“流量门”的系统 1。在新兴市场环境下随着电力交易的数量和规模的增加,拥塞问题已经变得越来越重要。作为一种传输服务拥塞缓解的重要性同时被规管机制意思到,尤其是联邦能源管制委员会2,公用事业和自然环境研究理事会3。在双边交易环境下,其中个别交易双方相互间 5的阻塞管理是特别具有挑战性。在美国,自然环境研究理事会6提出一种保留必要能力的“流道”交易阻塞管理方案。这种方法试图提前避免阻塞,如果在操作过程中发生阻塞,那么交易各方将被要求削减其交易。该方法相当的保守,将导致系统1的低效利用。在7-9中,提出了一种以节点/纬向价格与零收入为基础的方法用来解决上述的一些挑战。基于价格的拥塞管理,独立系统运营商在需要重新调度从市场参与者收到的投标为基础的资源管理拥塞中发挥积极作用。最近,斯堪的纳维亚半岛4和加利福尼亚州10采用以这种价格为基础的方法。市场参与者的拥堵成本/收入的分配是拥塞管理的重要问题之一。在节点/纬向定价的拥塞管理方案中,拥塞产生收入。这项收入可分布到传输的用户(如挪威),或(如加州),它可以支付一次性称为传输拥挤合同的金融工具的持有人。这个分配方案在紧密互联,促进多双边交易系统的实用性,是值得怀疑的1,5,9。在美国,联邦能源管制委员会请求,疏导成本在所有市场参与者之间的“公平”的方式分配。这里的挑战,是“公平”,即拥塞在每个市场主体参与程度的比例,以纾缓交通挤塞的成本分布。在很多文献中这个问题一直没有受到重视。在9就是基于研究“使用”的一种方法。这种方法分两个步骤,总阻塞成本先分配给拥挤的设施,然后使用这些设施的交易。本文采用了类似的分配方法。In this paper, a new allocation method is proposed for a bid based congestion management system in a bilateral transaction environment. The new method, outlined in the next section, reflects the actual usage of the congested facility by the transactions and recovers the cost. Cost recovery eliminates financial stakes for the ISO in congestion management. In Section III,the method is analyzed from the equity/fairness point of view by using a “consistency” test which has been developed based on the equitable allocation concept used in a variety of allocation problems in economics. Equitable allocation is important in order to get cooperation among market players and also to send the market correct “price signals” for the congestion and thus provide efficiency. Section IV outlines the tests conducted to illustrate the main features of the proposed method. Conclusions are given in Section V.在本文中,提出了一种在双边交易模式下基于投标的拥塞管理系统的新的分配方法。新方法,概述在下一节中,反映了实际使用的拥挤的交易成本和恢复。成本回收,消除了拥塞管理的独立系统运营商的金融股权。在第三部分,分析的方法从公平/公正的角度使用“一致性”的测试,已经制定了基于公平分配的概念,用于各种分配问题的经济学。公平分配是重要的,以便获得之间的合作,市场参与者也发送正确的”市场价格信号”为拥塞,从而提供效率。第四节概括说明了该方法的进行测试的主要特点,结论五给出了结论。 II. CONGESTION MANAGEMENT II. 拥塞管理The congestion management scheme considered in this paper is specially tailored for a bilateral transaction environment. We assume that the ISO receives all the transaction requests in advance of an hour/day and makes a congestion assessment study for the given conditions. If the analysis indicates some congestion conditions, then these conditions are announced to the market participants and the parties are asked to submit bids for re-dispatch for congestion relief. Based on the bids received, the ISO determines the most economical re-dispatch of the bid resources (with tools such as OPF or transmission constrained economic dispatch, TCED). If a feasible dispatch is found, then,in order to recover the cost of this dispatch, the ISO allocates this congestion relief cost in an equitable manner among all the transactions contributing to the congestion.本文考虑的拥塞管理方案是特别针对双边交易环境。我们认为独立系统运营商提前一小时/天收到所有的分配请求,并根据给定的条件制定拥塞评估方案。如果分析表明一些拥塞的条件,这些条件是宣布向市场参与者和当事人要求提交投标再调度拥塞缓解。根据收到的标书,独立系统运营商确定最经济再调度的出价,资源(与工具等潮流或传输约束的经济调度,TCED)。然后,如果一个可行的调度被发现,为了收回调度成本,独立系统运营商分配以一种公平的方式对所有参与输送拥塞进行拥塞费用的分配。The congestion management method considered here is similar to the Swedens “buyback” method, since it pools all the resources (bids) together for the congestion relief, and thus the method differs from California model which does not allow pooling of the bids together. The congestion relief considered is also similar to current utility practice, as the utilities currently use all the resources available to them to relieve congestion with a minimum congestion relief cost objective. The goal, and thechallenge taken in this paper is to develop an allocation method that is equitable and that it recovers the cost.这里提到的拥塞管理方法与瑞典的“回购”方法类似,因为它把所有的资源(价格)都集中到拥塞中,而与不允许将价格统一的加利福尼亚州模式不同。拥塞缓解也被认为与现在使用的方法类似,作为公用事业目前使用的所有资源提供给他们,以纾缓挤塞纾缓交通挤塞最低成本目标。本文的目标和挑战是建立一个公平和分配方法,使其恢复成本。The cost of congestion relief can be allocated easily if the congestion occurs only on one facility. Consider congestion on a transmission line , for example. Assume that the ISO solicited the resources to relieve the congestion (by performing a TCED, for example) and the total cost incurred for relieving the congestion on this line is . To recover this cost, the ISO can allocateto the transactions in proportion to transactions usage of line; that is, (1)where , is the cost of congestion allocated to transaction ,and is the power-flow in MVA on line allocated to transaction before the congestion relief. The complex power-flows are obtained by using the aggregated allocation approach proposed in 11. The allocation uses the complex power-flow, rather than the real power-flow since complex power is a better measure of the actual usage of a line.A unique problem arises when two or more lines become at the same time. Then the congestion cost allocation becomes challenging due to the fact that only one re-dispatch is done to relieve congestion on all the lines simultaneously. The approach in this case is to allocate the total congestion relief cost first to the lines that are congested and then, further distribute the allocated cost for each line to the transactions that are using the line. Two main approaches were investigated in this study.These approaches are explored below.如果拥塞仅发生在一个设备,那么将很容易的分配拥塞费用。例如,假设在传输线路上存在拥塞。假设独立系统运营商为缓解拥塞征求资源(例如,通过担当一个TCED)并且在线路上为缓解拥塞产生的总的费用为。为恢复成本,独立系统运营商可以计算出在线路上在总的交易中占得比例,即 (1)这里,是交易分配的拥塞费用,是潮流增值在线路分配给交易之前的拥塞缓解。通过使用汇总分配方法提出11复杂的功率流。由于复杂的功率是一种更好衡量线路实际使用量的工具,所以使用的是复合的潮流,而不是实际的潮流。当在同一时间有两条或者多条线路产生拥塞时问题将变得复杂。阻塞费用分摊变得具有挑战性的,因为只有一个再调度,以减轻对所有的线同时挤塞。本文主要研究两种方法,方法如下A. Nodal MethodA、节点法This method makes use of the nodal/zonal based pricing schemes 9. Assuming that the congestion relief is provided through an optimization procedure (such as TCED or OPF), the method uses the shadow prices associated with congested lines to allocate the cost of congestion relief to the congested lines.For example, if is the shadow price for congestion relief on line , then congestion relief cost for line is: (2)where is the minimum amount of MVA “relief” needed to relieve the congestion (i.e., the amount of MVA which is over line s limit). Once the cost is allocated to the individual constraints, then we use (1) to allocate to individual transactions.这种方法使节点/纬向为基础的定价计划9。假设,通过优化程序(,如TCED或自有)提供纾缓交通挤塞,该方法使用拥挤的线路分配拥挤的线路成本,以纾缓交通挤塞的影子价格。例如,假设线路上拥塞的影子价格为,则线路上的拥塞费用为: (2)这里是需要缓解阻塞的最低数额(即MVA的增值超过了线路的限度),一旦成本分配给个人的限制,那么我们使用(1)分配给个别交易。Shadow prices are good price indicators for small corrections around the unconstrained operating point at which they are calculated. However, these prices may not be correct especially when the congestion requires considerable amount of re-dispatch, as it will be illustrated in the test results section.Furthermore, the shadow prices will not recover the cost, i.e., (where, is the total cost of congestion), and therefore, we will have a mismatch that needs to be allocated for cost recovery.影子价格是好的价格指标小更正围绕约束工作点的计算。然而,特别当拥堵需要大量的再调度时,这些价格可能不正确,因为它将会在测试结果部分说明。甚至,影子价格将不能恢复成本,即,(这里是拥塞的总费用),因此,我们需要一个纠正错误的式子以恢复分配成本。B. Aggregated Allocation MethodB .汇总分配方法This method adopts the allocation approach proposed in 11 (in which the method is used to allocate transmission line flows to transactions) to allocate the total congestion relief cost to the congested line as the first step of the allocation. In the second step, as in the nodal method, the costs allocated to congested lines are further allocated to transactions. The aggregated allocation method adopted for the first step calculates the marginal and incremental cost of relieving each congested line, and then assigns the average of these two costs to the line as the aggregated cost. The main steps of the method are as follows:在11中提出了这种分配方法(这种方法用于输电线路流量分配交易),分配的总阻塞成本的拥挤线路作为第一步的分配。在第二步,同节点法一样,成本分配到线路的阻塞进一步分配给交易。集合分配方法第一步进行每条线路边际成本和增量成本的计算,然后这些平均费用分配线路综合成本。以下是它的主要步骤:Step 0 Determine the total congestion relief cost (with all the transactions and all the constraints),.步骤0、确定总的拥塞缓解费用(包括所有的交易和所有的约束)。Step 1 For each congested line步骤1、假设每条拥塞线路 Consider only the congested line , and determine the cost of relieving this congestion,This is the marginal cost associated with constraint .假设只有一条拥塞线路,并且已知缓解这条线路的拥塞费用为,这是边际成本与约束, Consider all congested lines except , and determine the cost of relieving congestion for this case, . The incremental cost associated with constraint is then .假设除了线路外的所有拥塞线路,并且确定这种情况下缓解线路拥塞的费用为。线路边际成本与约束为。 Calculate the aggregated congestion relief cost allocated to line as, (5)计算分配给线路上的汇总阻塞成本为, (5)Step 2 Distribute the cost allocated to lines to the transactions:步骤2、分发分配给线路的交易成本: Calculate the total allocation mismatchand distribute it to the lines in proportion to the relief each line receives: (6)计算总的分配,然后计算每条线路上的拥塞费用(6) For each transaction , Calculate the congestion relief cost allocated to transactionby summing the allocations to transactionfrom each congested line : (7)假设每个交易为,计算从每个拥塞线路交易的拥塞缓解费用占总的交易的费用: (7)As it will be illustrated in the test results section, the aggregated costs calculated for congested lines in the first step of this method provide more accurate cost signals than the shadow prices used in nodal method. The method, as the first method,explicitly incorporates the actual usage of the congested lines by transactions into the allocation process, especially in the second step, by distributing the line congestion charges to the transactions in proportion with the transactions usage of the line. The method also redistributes the mismatch, the error in the original allocation, to the transactions in order to recover the cost. We will use this mismatch term in assessing the performance of the method, since it is desirable that a method should give as small a mismatch as possible.测试结果说明,该方法第一步中汇总成本计算阻塞线路提供了比节点法中影子价格更准确的成本。作为第一种理论,该方法在分配过程中通过交易明确纳入拥塞线路的实际使用情况,特别是在第二步,通过在交易中分发线路拥塞费用使用比例。该法还在原有的分配错误下重新分配,以收回交易成本。我们将使用这种不匹配的项来评估该方法的性能,因为它是得出应尽可能小的不匹配最好的方法。One of the important issues in allocation process is the counter-flow a transaction may cause on a congested line, i.e., the line-flow due to a transaction on a congested line being in the opposite direction to the net line-flow. The implication of the counter-flow is that, the transaction causing the counterflow is actually helping to ease the congestion. The issue is then, whether the transaction with the counterflow should be compensated. The proposed method compensates the counterflows, as it distributes the line charges to transactions in the second step in proportion with the usage of the line by each transaction. Later in the test results section, it will be shown that this compensation is necessary in order for the method be “consistent.” The notion of consistency is introduced in the next section.分配过程中的一个重要的问题是在一个拥塞的线路上可能会导致逆流交易, 这个流线是由交易在拥塞线路上相反方向