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    Communication Workshop,1,Unit 21 Human Biology,Should people in coma bekept on life support machines?,life support machines,a person in coma/vegetative person,Should people in coma be kept on life support machines?,Think about:I f you were the coma patient,you would rather live in this way or have a mercy killing?,mercy killing refers toending a life in a painless manner(especially someone suffering from an incurable illness)同义词:euthanasia,ju:neizj voluntary dying physician-assisted dying,What is mercy killing?,Task 1:Vocabulary Quiz:Tell me the Chinese meanings of the words we learned yesterday,and count how many words you can remember.,mercy killing/euthanasia,painless,incurable,terminal,diagnose,sensitive,permanent,sacred,ruling,illegal,implementperform/carry out,torture,dignity,Task 2.First Reading:Skim the boldfaced words above the title and the title,and guess the writing style of the passage.expository essay/writing narrative essay/writing essay/argumentation/an argumentative writing,说明文,记叙文,议论文,Task 3:Second Reading,Read the article.Match these headings with the paragraph A-D(Exercise 2:),A B C D,4.introduction of the topic,2.what doctors know and dont know about comas,3.chances of recovery,1.conclusion,Task 4:Thirding Reading:Read the text for the third time and fill in the table.,conclusion,Task 4:Thirding Reading:Read the text for the third time and fill in the table.,introduction of the topic,doctors knowledge of coma,chances of recovery,conclusion,A case:A woman,1._Terri,was 2._the life support machines.Her parents believed 3._.Her husband disagreed,and said that Terri wouldnt 4._.The court 5._.Others claimed that 6._.Many people would say7._.,Doctors dont 8._comas and the process of 9._.,Even with 10._,they maynever 11._.,The writers opinion:I agree with 12._,however,patients should 13_,Task 5:,Complete the text with these linking words and phrases.(Exercise 3),although,even though,however,therefore,while,Answers:1.Even though 2.Even though3.Although4.Therefore5.While 6.however,legal,Netherland(荷兰),Belgium(比利时),Luxembourg(卢森堡),Switzerland(瑞士),Task 6:QuestionDo you know which countries have made mercy killing legal?,Should mercy killing be legalizedin China?,Task 7:Disscusion,?,Present situation In China,The problem of euthanasia has not been discussed formally yet.Many examples of active euthanasia have been reported.China still does not have the conditions to legislate(立法)for euthanasia.,1.Release the patients from suffering great pains2.have the right to choose to die 3.Maintain patients dignity4.Lessen financial burden5.Save resources for the society,Supporters:,1.Death is not just a personal issue.2.Choose a possitive ttitude towards life 3.Against the doctors duty:A doctors role in society is to save people,not kill them.4.Cause other social problems:We cannot avoid the incorrect use of mercy killing.,Opponents:,Further Thinking:What kind of attitude should we choosetowards life and death?,Let life be beautiful like summer flowers,and death like autumn leaves Tagore,死亡医生,Sharing:If you want to know more about euthanasia,you can watch this TV series.,HOMEWORK,1.Exercise 1&3 on page 40,2.Write a short essay to express your opinion on the legalization of mercy killing in China.,Thank U,To live with suffereings or to die with dignity?,Period 2,Exercise 3,Complete the text with these linking words and phrases.,although,even though,however,therefore,while,让步状语从句,引导让步状语从句的连词主要有:although(虽然,纵然)even if/even though(即使纵使)though(虽然,纵然)while,as(虽然.但是.)no matter+疑问词(不管都):no matter what,no matter where.despite(尽管)in spite of(尽管)whether.or.(无论是否或不管是还是)疑问词-ever:whatever,however,whenever.regardless of+名词/名词短语/名词从句,Now complete the sentences with the correct words from the brackets.,B Coma patients may seem to be asleep all the time or they may sleep,wake up,move and make sounds.(2)_ the patient may seem to be“awake”sometimes,their brain remains unconscious and cannot be woken up.they are not able to form a connection with other people or the world around them._(3)doctors dont fully understand comas and the process of recovery,it is generally agreed that a patients chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma.Patients who remain in an“awaken but unaware”state for more than three months after their recovery.(4),patients who have stayed this way for more than two years have never returned to their former mental state.,Even though,Although,Therefore,C,Even in less severe cases,doctors admit that they dont know if or how well patients will progress.When there is a minimum of harm to the brain and the coma is brief,patients often return to normal but with some loss of memory or other brain function.When the harm to the brain is worse and the coma is longer,some patients recover slowly(5)others show little or no progress over a period of years.Even with treatment,they may never return to normal.,while,D,I agree with the decision of the courts and medical institutions in the United States,that in the case of long-term coma states,close family members should be allowed to take their loved one off of life support machines.(6),in all cases,patients should receive the best treatment possible for as long as there is hope of recovery before such a decision is considered.,However,1.(Despite/Because of)taking lots of vitamin C,his cold hasnt gone away.2.(Therefore/Although)my dad rarely gets sick,he goes for a checkup every year.3.People dont like the taste of the medicine.(Even though/Therefore)we give it to them by needle.,4.Ive broken bonesbefore,(however/furthermore),this is the first time Ive broken my leg.5.The older patients like to read in bed(while/besides)the younger ones like to play with toys.6.You cant take this medicine with meals or in the morning.(Although/Furthermore)you mustnt take it with milk.,1.(Despite/Because of)taking lots of vitamin C,his cold hasnt gone away.2.(Therefore/Although)my dad rarely gets sick,he goes for a checkup every year.3.People dont like the taste of the medicine.(Even though/Therefore)we give it to them by needle.4.Ive broken bones before,(however/furthermore),this is the first time Ive broken my leg.5.The older patients like to read in bed(while/besides)the younger ones like to play with toys.6.You cant take this medicine with meals or in the morning.(Although/Furthermore)you mustnt take it with milk.,The answers to Exe.3,


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