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    Unit 7 Journeys,How long was the Silk Road?Which places did it go through?(穿越)What was it used for?,1st Skim the text and find the answers to the questions(p78),It was 6,500 kilometres long(from Xian to Rome).2.It went through Asia,the Middle East,North Africa and Europe.3.It was used to trade silk and many other things.,Read quickly,2nd Reading:skim paragraph 1-6 and match.,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 6,The introduction of Wuwei,The briefly(简要的)introduction of the Silk Road,The description(描述)of Jiayuguan,The introduction of Dunhuan,The description(描述)of Yumenguan,The feeling of this trip,A,B,C,D,E,F,Summary:Ways to get main idea of paragraphs,How can you find the main idea of each paragraph?,Read the first sentence.,The topic sentence,Turn to Page 82.,Scan(浏览)the paragraph2-5.Find out the topic sentences.,How do you find it?,Whats the passage mainly about?,Topic sentences,Para.2,Para.3,Para.4,Para.5,This whole trip has been very difficult.,First,its not easy to move over the white snow and ice that feels like an ocean.,Another challenge of the journey is preparing food.,I think the hardest part is to protect our feet.,Turn to Page 159.Read the article quickly and answer:,Whats the passage mainly about?,Read the article quickly.and match the paragraph with the headings.(读文章,匹配各段段意)。,Answers:1.-2.-3.-4.-5.-,e,a,b,d,c,How can we find the main idea?,How many parts(部分)can we divide the passage into?,Turn to Page 78Read the passage again,Introduction about the journey.,Description of the cities.,Feeling about the journey.,Part 1,Part2,Paragraph,Main idea for each part,1,2-5,6,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1.What did the writers family do last summer?,2.What places did the writers family go to?,3.What changes did the cities have between past and now?,4.Why did the family choose the journey along the Silk Road?,3.What changes did the cities have between past and now?,Wuwei,past,Now,3.What changes did the cities have between past and now?,Jiayuguan,past,Now,3.What changes did the cities have between past and now?,Yumenguan,past,Now,A place of interest,3.What changes did the cities have between past and now?,Dunhuang,past,Now,4.Why did the family choose the journey along the Silk Road?,Turn to page 87.Lets read another passage and answer the questions.,Whats the passage mainly about?,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1.What did the writers family do last summer?,2.What places did the writers family go to?,3.What changes did the cities have between past and now?,4.Why did the family choose the journey along the Silk Road?,1.What did Monkey King do in heaven?,2.What did Monkey King do for Xuanzang?,3.What are similarities(相似处)between Monkey King and pigsy?,4.Why did Xuanzang go with the demons(妖怪),1.What did Monkey King do in heaven?,He was given a job in heaven guarding a peach garden.,2.What did Monkey King do for Xuanzang?,He went along on the journey to India and protect Xuanzang.,3.What are similarities(相似处)between Monkey King and pigsy?,They were both from heaven;They both protect Xuanzang to India to get some special books.,4.Why did Xuanzang go with the demons(妖怪),Many of the demons could change themselves to look nice and friendly,so they often tricked Xuanzang into going with them.,What have you learnt from the journey to the west?,What have you learnt from this lesson?,Different journey,Different achievements,Lets enjoy them.,Homework:Read the passage after the tape.Write a passage about your journey.,Thank you for listening!,


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