国际贸易术语培训讲座PPT FOB.ppt
国际贸易术语,FOBFree on Board(named port of shipment),即船上交货(指定装运港),一、Definition,“Free on board”means that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ships rail at the named port of shipment.“船上交货”是当货物在指定的装运港越过船舷,卖方即完成交货。This means that the buyer has to bear all costs and risks of loss of or damage to the goods from that point.The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport.这意味着买方必须从该点起承担一切费用和货物灭失或损坏的风险。FOB术语要求卖方办理货物出口报关手续。该术语仅适用于海运或内河运输。,The particular points about the sales under FOB,(1)Risk-transfer point The risk-transfer point under FOB is at the ships rail at the named port of shipment.Thus,a strong warning has been made in the preamble of FOB that the term should not be used when the parties do not intend delivery across the ships rail.风险的转移点 FOB风险的转移点在装运港的船舷。FOB的预言中有强烈的警告,若当事方无意超过船舷交货则不应使用该术语。,Link-up of vessel and goods 船货衔接问题:,Stocking notice 备货通知,Send out boats notice 派船通知,Shipment notice 装船通知,In order to further specify the costs,variants have been created.They mainly include five items:FOB的5种变形 FOB Under Tackle:It allows the seller to cover the costs until the goods are placed somewhere within the reach of the tackle of the vessel nominated by the buyer.Other cost will be born by the buyer.FOB吊钩下交货,装运港吊钩下交货,返回目录,FOB的5种变形,FOB Liner Terms:The ship will be responsible for loading.With this term,the buyer bears the loading cost since he is responsible for contacting and paying for carriage.FOB 班轮条件,装运港船上交货班轮条件。装船费用由买方负担 FOB Stowed:Under this term the seller has to cover the loading charges as well as the stowage charge when the goods are places inside the hold of the ship.船上交货并理舱,包括理舱费在内的装运港船上交货,返回目录,3.2 INCOTERMS,FOB Trimmed:Besides loading the goods on board the vessel,the seller should also trim the goods to make the vessel evenly balanced.船上交货并平舱,包括平舱费在内的装运港船上交货 FOB Stowed and Trimmed:Stowage and trimming charges often occur together.This one requires the seller to cover the stowage and to trim charges apart from the main loading cost.卖方负责将货物装入船舱并承担包括理舱费和平舱费在内的装船费用。,返回目录,3.2 INCOTERMS,Warm note:The FOB term requires the seller to clear the goods for export.This term can be used only for sea or inland waterway transport.FOB术语要求卖方办理货物出口清关,The seller The buyer,FOB,Deliver the goods on board the vessel交货,Contract for the carriage of the goods 租船订舱,Obtain export license获得出口许可证,Obtain import license,Cover cargo insurance 投保,Provide documents for the buyer and ask for payment 交单议付,Pay the price and take delivery of the goods,返回目录,warm note,FOB条件下:记住3个时间(注:FOB条件下,租船订舱是由买方负责的,但是如有必要买方可请求卖方租船订舱,但费用一切由买方承担,而且卖方有权拒绝这项工作)1、卖方货妥通知的期限(the time limit to notify the buyer that goods have been prepared)2、买方派船通知的期限(the time limit to notify the seller of the ships information)3、卖方装船通知的期限(the time limit to the buyer that good have been loned)跟美国人签订FOB合同时应注意:写上FOB New York subject to Incoterms 2000.,warm note,FOB价格构成:FOB价格=进货成本价+国内费用+出口税金+净利润,FOB 贸易术语的选用,一般由买方主动提出使用FOB,原因是:(1)交易的货物数量比较大,够租一条整船或大部分舱位时,买方为了节省运费,或为了货物安全,自己租船。(2)买方租船比较方便,可以自己选择租船。,温馨提示 warm note:,FOB条件下:记住3个时间(注:FOB条件下,租船订舱是由买方负责的,但是如有必要买方可请求卖方租船订舱,但费用一切由买方承担,而且卖方有权拒绝这项工作)1、卖方货妥通知的期限(the time limit to notify the buyer that goods have been prepared)2、买方派船通知的期限(the time limit to notify the seller of the ships information)3、卖方装船通知的期限(the time limit to the buyer that good have been loned)跟美国人签订FOB合同时应注意:写上FOB Vessed New York subject to Incoterms 2000.,Case study:案例:,FOB United Kingdom(the buyer)would like to buy products(10000000)from Xian(the seller),and required that the goods were shipped to Qingdao.After arrival terminals warehouse,there was a fire in the night before delivery.According to this case,combined with textbook knowledge,please answer the following two questions,Q1:Under FOB,who should bear the risk of the loss of or damage to the goods?Why?The seller:As the definition of FOB shows that the seller delivers when the goods pass the ships rail at the named port of shipment.And the risk-transfer point under FOBis at the ships at the named port of shipment.It means that the seller has to bear all cost and risks of loss of damage to the goods.,Q2:Actually,what kind of lesson can we?no insurance;It was not consideration that xian is the inland city,generally,it was not recommended to use FOB.In terms of the seller,from xian to Qingdao for a long distance,so it means that the goods should be delivered for a long time.Also means that the seller should bear the big risk if the goods were lost.,分析:由FOB的定义可知,货物在指定装运港越过船舷时,卖方就完成了交货的义务。由此也可知,FOB风险转移点就是装运港的船舷。但事实上,货物在装上货船之前就已经被毁了,没有越过风险转移点,这就意味着 卖方要承担所有的风险。2没有买保险;无考虑到西安是内陆城市,不建议用FOB对卖方而言,从西安到青岛有一段距离,也意味着货物脱手时间长,承担风险也越大。,CASE STUDY,国内某公司曾按每吨242美元FOB Vessel New York 条件与美商签订进口200吨钢材的合同.后我方公司如期开出金额为48400美元的信用证.但美商收到信用证后来函要求增加信用证金额至50000美元,不然有关出口捐税及签证费用应由我方另外电汇。问:美商的要求是否合理?,CASE STUDY,国内某贸易公司以FOB条件进口一批货物。在目的港卸货时,发现有几件货物外包装破裂,并且货物有被水渍的痕迹。经查证,货物是在装船时因吊钩不牢掉在甲板上摔破的,因包装破裂导致里面的货物被水浸泡。该贸易公司能否以对方未完成交货义务为由提出索赔?,CASE STUDY,买卖双方签订FOB合同,卖方向买方出口一级大米300吨,装船时货物经公证人检验,符合合同规定的品质条件。卖方于装船后及时发出装船通知。货物运输中由于风浪过大,大米被海水浸泡,品质受到影响,当货物到达目的港后,只能按三级大米价格出售。买方要求卖方赔偿差价损失。问卖方是否应该负责?为什么?,CASE STUDY,我国某公司曾以FOB条件出口日本一批荔枝。合同规定:“3月15至25日装运”。尽管我方多次催促,直至3月31日,仍未见船只踪影。于是我方转售他国,并立即向日方提出撤销合同并要求损害赔偿。问我方的做法是否合理?为什么?,