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    英美国家概况Chapter 6、7、8、9.ppt

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    英美国家概况Chapter 6、7、8、9.ppt

    The History of the United Kingdom(3000 B.C.today),-Chapter 69,Main Stages of British History,Early Man and the Feudal Society,1,Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois Revolution,2,3,The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement,4,The British Empire and British Imperialism,4,Chapter 6 Early Man and the Feudal Society,Earliest SettlersIberians The earliest settlers on the British Isles were the Iberians,who came from the Iberian Peninsula between 3 000 and 2 000 B.C.What they left were only stone monuments,the biggest of which was the Stonehenge.,Stonehenge:a world heritage site,2.The Celts From 700 B.C.,Celts came from the Upper Rhineland and began to inhabit British Isles.The Celts,like the Iberians before them,remained tribesmen or clansmen.Rhineland refers to the west bank of Rhine.,Roman BritainIn 55 and 54 B.C.,Britain was twice invaded by Romans troops under Julius Caesar.It was Conquered by the Romans under Claudius in 43 A.D.Britain then became a Roman province and so it remained until the beginning of the 5th century.Romans built roads,walls and garrisons and villas for military purposes in Britain.In 410 A.D.,the Roman troops went back to the continent,leaving behind them Welsh Christianity,the roman roads and cities,especially London.,Anglo-Saxon BritainAnglo-Saxon SettlementFrom the middle of the 5th century,three Teutonic groups(Angles,Saxons and Jutes)began to migrate from the region of Denmark and the Low countries(Holland,Belgium and Luxemburg)and settle in Britain.By the end of the 7th century,all England had been Chiristianized.Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy As times went on,the Anglo-Saxon tribes combined to form small kingdoms.Seven of these are eventually recognized,collectively known as the Anglo-Saxon Heptarchy.,3.Danish InvasionIn the late 8th century(traditionally 787 A.D.)the Danes or Scandinavians began to attack the English coast.In 878,a peace treaty was signed between the Danes and Alfred,king of West Saxons:the eastern half of the island was to be subjected to the Danish law and came to be known as the Danelaw.From 1017 to 1042 England was ruled by Danish kings.Feudal SocietyIn early Saxon England,the main classes of people were:noblemen,freemen and slaves.With the development of agriculture and trade,a new aristocracy,the thegn,had appeared.The old system of clans and kinship had been completely displaced by the system of lords and tenants.,Feudal Society after Norman ConquestNorman ConquestCanute died at forty in 1036 and then his son,Edward,succeeded him.Edward was more French than English and more like a monk than a king,so he was called Eaward,the Confessor.During his reign,he paved the way for the Norman Conquest of 1066.On September 28th,1066,William Duke of Normandy crossed the Channel and defeated the English army in the battle of Hastings.,Development of Feudalism after Norman ConquestAfter Norman Conquest,feudalism was established in England.William I adopted several measures to consolidate his rule.In 1086,he had his officials go through England and make a record of each mans property.With this record at his elbow,he could tell how much each man should and could pay.The people feared it so much and called it“Doomsday Book.”Henry II is best remembered for his reform of the courts and law,King John and the Great Charter 1.King John demanded more feudal taxes and army service that custom allowed so as to revenge himself on France.The lords became angry,marched to London and forced him to sign a long document on June 17th,1215.The document is known as the Great Charter.2.The Great Charter contained three sets of provisions:that the king was not to exact extra payments from the feudal vassals(towns)without their consent;that laws were not to be modified by the arbitrary action of the king;that should the king attempt to free himself from,the vassals had the right to force him to obey law,by civil war or otherwise.,VI.Birth of Parliament1.All Estates Parliament”.The contradiction between the King and the lords became acute.Under the leadership of Simon De Montfort,the Kings brother-in-law,the lords forced the king(Henry III)to dismiss his foreign advisers and to accept their own council of advisers instead.Simon called a parliament in 1265 after a battle in which Henry III was defeated and taken prisoner.In addition to the older group,there were two knights from each shire and two citizens from each town.It was known as the“All Estates Parliament”.2.“Model Parliament”,Chapter 7Decline of Feudalism and the Bourgeois Revolution,The Decline of FeudalismHundred Years War(1337 1453)The rich in England desired to control more market and the nobility wanted to regain their lost territories on the Continent.In 1337,Edward III launched a war against French.This war was feudal in nature and lasted intermittently for over one hundred years.Hence called Hundred Years War.This war was also a trade war.,Black Death(1348)It was a deadly bubonic plague that struck Europe in the middle of the 14th century.About 40%of the population died in England.Black Death brought higher wages and greater freedom to the wage labors and it brought equal advantages to the villains.,3.Wat Tylers Uprising(1381)During the reign of Richard II,a new poll tax was imposed upon the peasants.This made their life even worse.In the summer of 1381 the peasants in Essex rebelled.The peasants uprising met with its failure,it gave a heavy blow to the nobles and shool the very foundation of the feudal society in Britain.,Wars of the Roses(1455 1485)The feudal nobility split into two groups:the Lancastrians and the Yorkists.They were contending for wealth,power and ultimately for the possession of the Crown.The war went on for 30 years.The old feudal nobility was greatly weakened.In 1485,the war came to an end when Henry Tudor killed Richard III and Henry Tudor became the founder of a new House-the House of Tudor.,II.The Bourgeois RevolutionThe background Capital Accumulation:The discovery of the New World and of the New sea routes and the expansion of trade with the Continent and the East brought enormous wealth to Britain.Religious Reformation:Under Henry VIII,the church of England got its independence of Rome.,2.The RenaissanceThe renaissance was a re-birth,i.e.revival of interest in many things that the early middle ages had cared little about.The greatest dramatist during this period in Britain was William Shakespeare(1564 1616).With the process of enclosure,two classes appeared:proletariat and bourgeoisie.As the bourgeoisie became more and more powerful,they found that the feudalism prevented them from further development.The persecution of Puritans was another reason of the bourgeois revolution.,3.The ProcessThe outbreak of the Revolution in 1640,Charles I was forced to call a parliament to get money to subdue the Scots but he was refused.The First Civil War(1642 1646)The war was between the Kings men and supporters of Parliament.The Second Civil War(1648)in 1649,Charles I was executed.The Commonwealth(1649 1660)Cromwell cruelly ruled the country.The Restoration and the“the Glorious Revolution”In 1688,the two bourgeoisie parties united and put William of Orange on the throne.,Charles I,The Historic SignificanceIt was epoch-making.It swept away the obstacles of feudalism and paved the way for the development of capitalism.It exerted great influence on the French and American revolutions.It marked the beginning of a new era,the era of capitalism.,Chapter 8The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement,The Industrial RevolutionConditions for the Industrial RevolutionEnclosures brought about numerous landless and homeless people,who became the labor reserve.England won sea supremacy,especially after she defeated the Spanish Armada in 1588.The British foreign trade and slave trade constituted a great source of wealth.The colonial exploitation constituted another great source of wealth.,The Process of the Industrial RevolutionJames Hargreaves:Spinning Jenny in 1765Richard Arkwright:invented a spinning machine run by waterpower in 1769Edmund Cartwright:the power loom in 1785James Watt:steam engine in 1769 and improved it in 1784Steamboat built in 1803 and the first steamboat crossed the Atlantic in 1819First locomotive railway was built in 1825,The Consequences of the Industrial RevolutionThe industrial bourgeoisie gained supremacy in the 1840s in both economic and political life in Britain.Productivity was greatly increased.Populations was more and more concentrated in cities and towns.The rapid growth of capitalism brought enormous wealth to the bourgeoisie and at the same time caused miseries and disasters to the working people.,Charles Dickens,The Chartist MovementThe Chartist movement was a movement when the working fought for their political rights.In 1837,workers in London drew up a petition to Parliament,in which were embodied the Six Points that afterwards known as the Peoples Charter.The peoples Charter was endorsed at gigantic meetings all over the country.This was called the Chartist Movement.,The Chartist movement reached its climax in 1839 1842.It declined after 1848.It failed eventually.This is largely due to divided leadership and lack of a strong basis for class unity.The working class was still immature,not yet organized into a strong political party with socialism as its program.However,Chartism was“the first broad,really mass,politically formed,proletarian revolutionary movement”.(Lenin),The Growth of EconomicsThe social economic changes brought about by the Industrial Revolution stimulated the growth of economics,which stems from Adam Smith,whose Wealth of Nations(1776)argued for non-interference by government with business.The school of“classical economics”headed by Thomas Malthus and David Ricardo later developed Smiths thinking of economy.,3.Against the terrible permission of the individualist economics arose socialists,who refused to accept as irremediable the bad conditions brought by the Industrial Revolution.The experiment by Robert Owen at New Lanark was a cooperative community scheme for improving the conditions of the workers.,Experiment of Robert Owen,Robert Owen,Chapter 9 The British Empire and British Imperialism,The Formation of the British EmpireThe first British colony overseas was Newfoundland founded in 1583.The Empire kept expanding.In 1876,it embraced about one-fourth of the world population,boasted as one“on which the sun never sets”.People in British colonies fought against the cruel rule of British colonists.In 1783,the United Stated formed after eight years(1775 1783)fight.In 1857,the Indians rose to fight for their independence.,George Washington,In 1840,the British colonists launched an aggressive war against China.From 1856 1860,Britain and France jointly waged a war of aggression against China.In 1900,Britain allied with seven imperialist powers invaded China.In Africa,Britain occupied many countries.1901,Britain defeated Boers in South Africa.Then the British Empire reached its peak.By 1900,Britain had been transformed from capitalism into imperialism.The export of capital and monopoly are two features of imperialism.,Britain in World War I and Post-war PeriodCauses of the WarGermany and the U.S.became strong imperial powers in the late 19th century and they,together with Japan,France,Italy and Russia competed with Britain for world domination.They wanted to re-divide the world.Two blocs formed:Triple Alliance including Germany,Austria-Hungary and Italy;Triple Entente including Britain,France and Russia.In 1914,the Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife were shot and killed.This became the fuse of the World War I.,The Loss of Britain during the WarBritain lost its sea supremacy by the end of the war as 70%of her merchant ships were sunk or damaged.Britain came out of the War with a huge national debt,ten times as large as that before the War.Britain in the Post-War PeriodBritain experienced the most serious economic crisis from 1929 1933.The working class fought one battle after another against the capital class.,Britain in World War IIBritish Foreign Policy during the two Wars British Foreign Policy was characterized by its hospitality towards Soviet Union and the policy of non-intervention and appeasement towards Fascist aggression.Britain during the WarBritain repel German attacks in the Battle of Britain under the leadership of Winston Churchill.In 1941,the pressure relieved for England when Germany attacked the Soviet Union.,Fall of the British EmpireWorld War II sealed the fate of the British Empire.After World War II,a wave of national liberation and a movement of national independence swept over Asia,Africa and Latin America.In July 1966 Egypt seized the Suez Canal.The British Empire had completely disintegrated.,Britain in the Post-war PeriodWorld War II caused a tremendous loss to Britain.Domestic capital was seriously depleted.Britain lost greater part of her export owing to the collapse of the Empire.The Labor Party and Conservative Party come into power in turn.,Sino-British RelationsIn 1950,Britain recognized the Peoples Republic of China.In 1972,the two countries established diplomatic relations on the ambassadorial rank.On July 1st,1997,Hong Kong was returned to China.,Exercises,Choose the correct answer from four choices.In the late _ century the Danes or Scandinavians began to attach the English coast.A.6th B.7th C.8th D.9thThe new aristocracy,the thegn,had appeared by _ century in Britain.A.9th B.10th C.11th D.12thThe Great Charter was made in the interest of _.A.The King B.the Feudal LordsC.The townsmen D.the merchantsBlack Death to some extent brought _ to villains.Higher wages B.greater freedomC.Better life D.both A and B,5.The two centuries just before outbreak of the Bourgeois revolution were a period of _.A.capital accumulation B.colonization abroad C.foreign territorial expansion D.enlightenmentThe Kings men at the beginning of the First Civil War were called _.A.Cavaliers B.Roundheads C.Puritans D.PresbyteriansOne of the Corn Laws placed a ban on _ import when the price fell below 50 shillings per quarter.A.corn B.wheat C.barley D.any food,8.The Peoples Charter was not _.A.a long document drawn up by workers organized in London Workingmans Association in 1837 B.accepted by Parliament C.endorsed at gigantic meetings D.presented to parliamentThe principle of population was formulated by _.A.Adam Smith B.David Ricardo C.Thomas Malthus D.Robert OwenChina and Britain established the diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial rank in the year of _.A.1950 B.1954 C.1972 D.1997,Explain the following in English1.the Great Charter 2.Puritans3.“glorious revolution”4.Peterloo Massacre5.The British Commonwealth of NationsIII.Answer the Following Questions 1.How was gradually feudalism established in England and how was it developed after Norman Conquest?2.What was the nature of the Wars of Roses?What were the consequences of the wars?,What was the sign


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