托福口语高效训练法详细攻略 托福口语的练习提分在很多人看来都是需要耗费大量备考时间才能达成的结果。然而实际上只要考生能够学会正确高效的备考方法,30-60个小时的练习就足以保证大家考出较为理想的口语成绩。下面就和大家分享托福口语6步高效训练法详细攻略分享,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语6步高效训练法详细攻略分享第一步:划定训练时间托福口语的单次练习时间不宜太长,一般来说每一次练习的时间安排在1小时以内比较合理。时间太长的话考生的注意力容易分散不集中,之后的训练效果就会大打折扣,所以1个小时最多,之后该休息就得休息。第二步:题型不做具体限制考生可以任意挑选口语6个TASK中的两题,题型本身不重要,1、2题可以,4、6题也可以。总之不要刻意安排题型,确保所有题型都能得到充分练习才是首要目标。第三步:熟悉答案尽量背出将选出的一个题目的答案,首先读10-20遍,来熟悉答案,争取做到能够背下来的水平,就是为了给自己以充分的准备。换句话说,这段内容对于你来说,不再是一串单词,而是一个段中文的讲话印在你的脑中。第四步:根据记忆复述答案将这份材料放在一边,再按照自己的脑中所记忆的内容,或者说记忆的中文的内容,将每一句话复述出来。是的,你在这个时候也许说的不是很好,但是别急,其实这只是你通向成功路上必经的崎岖。第五步:刚才的答案重复10遍将你刚才的答案再重复10遍。这么做的目标很明确,就是为了让考生加深印象以确保彻底记住答案。而且这个步骤的作用还有一点,就是让考生逐渐把死记硬背的答案融会贯通用自己的语言说出来,这样才能把别人的东西转变成自己的东西。第六步:答案录音进行评估在上一步骤后,考生需将第11遍的答案进行录音。之后如果大家有口语评分的渠道,就可以把这段录音拿去做一下评估了,如果没有也没关系,和自己一开始要背的答案做一下对比也能帮助大家更好地发现仍然存在的一些问题并加以改进。而经过大约30-60个小时的训练,其实绝大多数的人都已经有了很好的通过自己的大脑进行组织语言,或者说组织英语的能力了。换句话说,你也就满足了托福考试的口语线的要求了。但是在这里请注意,其实要达到口语线还是有一些前提的,第一点就是听力不能有瘸腿,否则你听都听不懂,3-6题就没法回答了。第二点就是不能有发音错误,如果你有很重的非主流英语口音(主流为美式发音和英式发音),那么你还需要进行纠音的练习。但是,对于绝大多数的考友来说,其实达到一个满足托福100分的口语分数,只要按照上文的方法进行30-60小时的练习,就完全可以达成目标。托福口语话题范文赏析The one that I personally admire the most is a character named Alan Shore in a TV series called Boston Legal. Maybe you have heard about it. This character has changed my definition of what a perfect man is and what characteristics one should hopefully possess. He is decent, a man of his word, one of the very few that I regard as having a strong sense of justice. Yet he is not bound up by the rules and knows when to break them to achieve the ultimate good. And he is interesting and eloquent, all the things that I desire to have.托福口语话题语料:考高分,应该有奖励么?Task1Should parents reward children with money when they get good grades?Sample ResponseI do not think that parents should reward children with money for good grades because it undermines the benefits of learning.Learning is an essential life-long skill that children must acquire, and grades in school are only steps along the way. If children associate grades with money, they may not see the value of learning for the sake of bettering oneself.Not only is knowledge reduced to financial gain, but students may also learn less in class because they are focused on memorizing specific points to pass a test rather than understanding the process of solving problems. Without such creative thinking skills, children are not well prepared for obstacles in the world outside the classroom.Therefore, it is better for parents not to reward good grades with money.托福口语