肝脏最爱7大营养 文档.doc
中国是个“肝病大国”,调查显示,每12个中国人里,就有一个人有肝病。在我们身边,近些年来,患上脂肪肝、酒精肝、甲肝、乙肝、肝硬化,甚至肝癌等肝病的人也越来越多。怎样才能保护好我们的肝,成了不少人迫切想知道的事。“要想护好肝,必须知道肝脏最想要的是什么。”解放军302医院中西医结合肝病诊疗与研究中心副主任刘士敬最近在自己的博客上发表的一篇文章吸引了很多人的注意。他告诉生命时报记者,肝脏是人体中最大的消化腺,也是新陈代谢最旺盛的器官,它就像一个巨大的“化工厂”,每天要发生1500种以上的化学反应。“护肝的关键是,必须为它提供充足的营养,才能维持这个化工厂的运作。”刘士敬说,以下七种营养和肝脏关系最大。脂肪不是肝脏的敌人。看着身边得脂肪肝的人越来越多,不少人都以为脂肪是肝脏的大敌。实际上,不管有没有脂肪肝,脂肪都是肝脏必不可缺的营养,少了它,肝脏就没法正常工作。刘士敬说:“有些患者查出脂肪肝后就开始只吃蔬菜和水果,这是很大的误区。”即使得了脂肪肝,也不用彻底与肉类告别。大连营养学会常务理事、大连医科大学附属二院营养科主任医师王兴国告诉生命时报记者,要养肝护肝,每天吃的食物中,脂肪和蛋白质的比例最好分别占20%,剩下的60%为碳水化合物,也就是主食等。肝脏需要脂肪,但不代表需要过多的脂肪,所以瘦肉、低脂牛奶、虾等低脂食物是首选。蛋白质能修复肝脏。鸡蛋、豆腐、牛奶、鱼、鸡肉、芝麻、松子等“高蛋白、低热量”的食物,是肝脏的最爱。这些食物中丰富的蛋白质就像肝脏的“维修工”,能起到修复肝细胞、促进肝细胞再生的作用。刘士敬说,正常人每天摄取的优质蛋白应该多于90克,对于肝功能受到损害以及减弱的人来说,适当多吃高蛋白的食物更有利于肝脏恢复健康,防止它进一步受到伤害。患有急性肝炎的人每天摄入的蛋白质不能少于80克;患有肝硬化的病人则不能少于100克。肝脏爱吃糖。大部分人都不知道,糖是保护肝脏的重要物质。每克葡萄糖能提供人体所需要能量的70%左右,如果一个人长时间处于缺乏能量的状态,就会影响肝脏功能。糖还能合成一种叫肝糖原的物质,储存在肝脏中,可以防止摄入体内的毒素对肝细胞的损害。除糖尿病患者外,普通人可以按体重计算每天自己应该吃多少糖。每公斤体重摄取1克糖,60公斤重的成年人每天可摄取的糖不应超过60克。按照这样的标准,不但不会减寿,还会对健康有益。一般来说,糖类的主要来源有米饭、面食、白糖、蜂蜜、果汁、水果等。一大勺果酱约含糖15克,1罐可乐约含糖37克,3小块巧克力约含糖9克,1只蛋卷冰激凌约含糖10克。维生素A可抗肝癌。肝脏是人体储存维生素的“仓库”。当肝脏受损时,“仓库”储存维生素的能力也会下降。研究表明,维生素A能保护肝脏,阻止和抑制肝脏中癌细胞的增生。它能使正常组织恢复功能,还能帮助化疗病人降低癌症的复发率。王兴国说,人体每天需要摄入的维生素A为:男性800微克,女性750微克,千万不要超过3000微克,以免损害肝脏。每天食用一根胡萝卜、65克鸡肝、200克金枪鱼罐头或一杯牛奶就可以满足。番茄、胡萝卜、菠菜、动物肝脏、鱼肝油及乳制品中也含有大量维生素A。B族维生素是肝脏“加油站”。B族维生素就像体内的“油库”,它能加速物质代谢,让它们转化成能量,不仅能给肝脏“加油”,还能修复肝功能、防止肝脂肪变性,进而起到预防脂肪肝的作用。爱喝酒的人尤其要多补充点,因为有研究表明,B族维生素能增强肝脏对酒精的耐受性,从而起到护肝作用。由于B族维生素能溶解在水里,在体内滞留的时间只有几个小时,因此必须每天补充。王兴国说,已经患有肝病的人,每天的摄入量应该在10毫克30毫克之间,最高不能超过30毫克。猪肉、黄豆、大米、香菇等食物中含有丰富的B族维生素,但若想全部摄取比较困难,可以适当选择一些补充剂。维生素E是护肝新武器。西班牙索菲亚王后大学医院的科学家不久前表示,维生素E能起到阻止肝组织老化的作用。美国国家糖尿病、消化系统疾病和肾病研究所高级顾问帕特丽夏·罗比克也指出:“维生素E将成为治疗非酒精性脂肪肝的新武器。”麦芽、大豆、植物油、坚果类、绿叶蔬菜中,都富含维生素E。王兴国建议,健康人每天摄入12毫克维E即可,相当于2匙葵花油,杏仁、核桃、花生等坚果共3050克。如果患有肝病,每天则至少需要补充100毫克,才能以满足肝脏需要。肝脏喜欢绿色食物。研究发现,绿色、白色、浅蓝色有利于减轻肝病患者的心理紧张和对疾病的恐惧感。户外绿色的树荫草坪、风平浪静的湖水及幽雅的绿色环境,都能促进肝病患者康复。在办公桌上摆放一盆绿色植物,装修时选择淡雅的墙面颜色,甚至多穿淡绿色的衣服,都有助于养肝。中医说:“青色入肝经”,绿色食物能有益肝气循环、代谢,还能消除疲劳、舒缓肝郁,多吃些深色或绿色的食物能起到养肝护肝的作用,比如西兰花、菠菜、青苹果等。根据以上几种营养,首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院副院长沈雁英教授结合多年的养生心得,向大家推荐了五大护肝食物。小米等谷类食物是护肝首选,它富含丰富的蛋白质、维生素E和B族维生素,护肝的同时还能够保护胃黏膜。青苹果具有养肝解毒的功效,维生素丰富,可以多吃。海带的钙含量是牛奶的10倍,含有多种人体必需的微量元素,多吃对肝有益。肝是人体主要的解毒器官,蘑菇等具有强解毒功能的食物能对肝有很好的保护作用。牛奶含有优质蛋白质、人体易吸收的乳糖与乳脂和多种维生素,是养肝的天然美食。此外,专家指出,除了营养,肝脏最需要的还有好的睡眠:肝胆在晚上11点开始进行新陈代谢,这时进入梦乡能让肝脏进行自我修复,将不良影响降到最低。每天喝足10001500毫升水,也能帮助肝脏排毒,大大减少代谢产物和毒素对肝脏的损害。要想使肝脏强健,还要学会抑制情绪,尽力做到心平气和、乐观开朗、无忧无虑,以使肝气正常生发、顺调。吃完饭后静坐1030分钟再运动,能保证肝脏代谢正常。沈雁英指出,要保护肝脏,还要了解它最怕的是什么。首先,肝脏最怕烟和酒。尼古丁能对肝造成伤害,而酒精更是肝脏的“毒药”。肝脏害怕生活不规律,情绪不稳定。它害怕病毒侵害,因此定时接种甲、乙肝疫苗能有效保护肝脏。肝脏最怕垃圾食品,过量油炸食物和咖啡因会增加肝脏负担。China is a "disease" powers, investigation shows that, for each of the 12 Chinese, a man with liver disease. In recent years, in our side, to, suffer from fatty liver, alcohol liver,hepatitis A, hepatitis B, cirrhosis and even liver cancer, liver disease, more and more people. How can we protect our liver,a lot of people want to know. "To protect liver, must know what is the liver want most." The people's Liberation Army No.302 Hospital of Chinese and Western medicine combined with an article liver disease treatment and Research CenterDeputy Director Liu Shijing recently published in his blogattracted a lot of attention. He told "life times" reporter, the liver is the largest digestive gland in the human body, but alsothe new supersedes the old. The most exuberant organs, a huge "chemical plant" it is like, chemical reactions take placemore than 1500 day. "Liver is the key, must provide adequate nutrition for it, in order to maintain the 'factory' operation." Liu Shijing said, the following seven kinds of nutrition and liverrelationship. Fatty liver is not the enemy. More and more people arelooking around to fatty liver, many people think of fatty liver.In fact, no matter whether the fatty liver, liver fat are essentialnutrients, without it, the liver is not work. Liu Shijing said:"some patients have fatty liver and began to eat onlyvegetables and fruits, which is a big mistake." Even with fatty liver, also need not completely and meat goodbye. DalianNutrition Society executive member of the Council, the Second Affiliated Hospital of Dalian Medical Universitynutrition division chief physician Wang Xingguo told "life times" reporter, to nourishing and protecting liver, eat thefood, fat and protein percentages are best accounted for 20%, the remaining 60% to carbohydrates, also is the staple food. Liver fat, but does not need too much fat, so lean, low-fat milk, shrimp and other low-fat food is preferred.The protein can repair the liver. Egg, bean curd, milk, fish,chicken, sesame seeds, pine nuts and other "high protein,low calorie" food, is the most love liver. As the liver proteinrich in their food "repair", to repair liver cells, promote theregeneration of liver cell. Liu Shijing said, the high quality protein in normal human daily intake should be more than 90 grams, the liver damage and weaken the people, appropriate to eat more high protein food is more conducive to the liver to restore health, to prevent it from further damage. Patients with acute hepatitis person daily intake of protein should not be less than 80 grams; liver cirrhosis patients cannot be less than 100 grams.Liver eat sugar. Most people do not know, sugar is an important material for protecting liver. Each gram of glucose can provide the energy needs of the body about 70%, if a person is long time in lack of energy state, will affect liver function. Sugar can synthesize a liver glycogen, stored in the liver, can prevent the ingestion of the toxin on the liver cell damage. Except in diabetic patients, ordinary people can by body weight every day should eat much sugar. Per kilogram of body weight 1 grams of sugar, 60 kg adult daily intakeshould not exceed 60 grams of sugar. According to thisstandard, not only will not cut Shou, will be beneficial to health. Generally speaking, the main source of carbohydrateswith steamed rice, pasta, white sugar, honey, fruit juice, fruit,etc. A spoonful of jam of about 15 grams of sugar, 1 cans of cola contains about 37 grams of sugar, 3 small pieces ofchocolate contains about 9 grams of sugar, 1 chicken rolls ice cream is about 10 grams of sugar.Vitamin A against hepatocellular carcinoma. The liver is the body stores of vitamin "warehouse". When the liver is damaged, "warehouse" vitamin storage will also decline.Research shows that, vitamin A can protect the liver, preventand inhibit cancer cell proliferation in the liver. It enables organizations to resume their normal function, but also helpreduce the recurrence rate of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Wang Xingguo said, the human body needs a daily intake of vitamin A: male 800 micrograms, 750 micrograms of women, do not exceed 3000 micrograms, so as not to damage the liver. Eating a carrot, 65 grams per day,200 grams of chicken liver canned tuna or a cup of milk to meet. Tomato, carrot, spinach, animal liver, cod liver oil and dairy products also contain a lot of vitamin A. www.jnqy-Vitamin B is the liver "gas station". Vitamin B is in the "oil", it can accelerate the metabolism, let them into energy, not only can give the liver "gas", can repair the liver function, preventfatty degeneration of the liver, thereby preventing fatty liver in mice. People love to drink especially to supply more, as research shows, vitamin B can enhance the tolerance of the liver to alcohol, which play a protective effect. Becausevitamin B can be dissolved in water, only a few hours in vivo retention time, therefore we must supplement every day.Wang Xingguo said, has been suffering from liver disease,daily intake should be between 10 mg, 30 mg, the maximumnot exceeding 30 mg. Pork, soy, rice, mushrooms and other foods rich in B vitamins, but intake for all the more difficult,may be appropriate to select some supplements. Vitamin E is protecting new weapons. Said the Spanish queen Sophia University Hospital scientists recently, vitamin E canplay to prevent the aging effect of liver tissue. The United States National Institute of diabetes, digestive and Kidney Diseases Research Institute senior adviser Patricia ROBICalso pointed out: "vitamin E will become a new weapon in the treatment of nonalcoholic fatty liver." Barley, soybean,vegetable oils, nuts, green leafy vegetables, aren addition, experts point out that, in addition to nutrition, liveris most needed and good sleep: the new supersedes the old.Hepatobiliary began at 11 p.m., then to sleep can make the liver for self repair, the bad influence to a minimum. Every dayto drink 1000 to 1500 ml of water, can also help liver detoxification, greatly reduce the damage of metabolites andtoxins to the liver. In order to make the liver strong, but also learn to suppress emotion, try to be in a calm mood, optimistic and cheerful, be light of heart from care, in order to make the normal germinal Qi, smooth. After dinner sit in 10 - 30minutes before exercise, can guarantee the normal livermetabolism. n addition, experts point out that, in addition to nutrition, liveris most needed and good sleep: the new supersedes the old.Hepatobiliary began at 11 p.m., then to sleep can make the liver for self repair, the bad influence to a minimum. Every dayto drink 1000 to 1500 ml of water, can also help liver detoxification, greatly reduce the damage of metabolites andtoxins to the liver. In order to make the liver strong, but also learn to suppress emotion, try to be in a calm mood, optimistic and cheerful, be light of heart from care, in order to make the normal germinal Qi, smooth. After dinner sit in 10 - 30minutes before exercise, can guarantee the normal livermetabolism.Shen Yanying points out, to protect the liver, but also to understand what it is most afraid of. First of all, most afraid oftobacco and alcohol liver. Nicotine can cause damage to theliver, liver and alcohol is the "poison". Liver afraid not the law of life, emotional instability. It is afraid of viruses, so timingvaccination armor, hepatitis B vaccine can effectively protect the liver. The liver is most afraid of junk food, fried food andexcessive caffeine can increase the burden of liver.Shen Yanying points out, to protect the liver, but also to understand what it is most afraid of. First of all, most afraid oftobacco and alcohol liver. Nicotine can cause damage to theliver, liver and alcohol is the " poison". Liver afraid not the law of life, emotional instability. It is afraid of viruses, so timingvaccination armor, hepatitis B vaccine can effectively protect the liver. The liver is most afraid of junk food, fried food andexcessive caffeine can increase the burden of liver.