光泵磁共振实验研究 光泵磁共振实验研究 摘要:光泵磁共振实验是指把实验样品置于光频和射频电磁场的共同作用下,使之发生共振。在探测磁共振时,不直接探测样品对射频量子的发射或吸收,而是探测样品对光量子的发射或吸收,即采用光探测的方法。由于光量子的能量比射频量子的能量高7-8个数量级,所以这种方法既保存了磁共振的高分辨率又提高了探测信号的灵敏度。本文运用光泵磁共振实验装置进行实验,先测定了朗得因子g的值及实验时地磁场的大小;然后将光泵磁共振仪改装成微弱磁场的测量仪器,并测定了其测量的范围;最后,测得了共振信号的线宽。关键词:共振;同位素; 塞曼分裂;光抽运; 激发 The Research of Optical Pumping Magnetic Resonance Experiment Abstract: The optical pumping magnetic resonance experiment is putting the experimental samples under the action by the optical frequency and radio-frequency electromagnetic field together and making them resonate. We detect the radiation or absorption about the optical quanta of the samples not about the radio-frequency quanta, when detecting the magnetic resonance. This is just the way of detection with light. This method not only keeps the high-definition but also improves the degree of sensitivity when detecting the signal, for the energy of the optical quanta is higher 7-8 orders of magnitude than that of radio-frequency quanta. In the paper, with optical pumping magnetic resonance instrument, firstly, the value of the landẻ g-favtor and the magnitude of the earth magnetic is measured; secondly, the optical pumping magnetic resonance instrument is changed into the weak magnetic signal measurement device, the range of its measurement is tested; finally, the line breadth of the resonance signal is measured. Keywords: Resonance; Isotopic; Zeeman splitting; Optical pumping; Excited.