Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CIPCleaning In Place,CIP Parameters CIP Concepts Cleaning around the bends,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Focus on CIP-Why,Ensuring customer satisfaction-Homogeneous product quality-Safe cleaning,Optimized Cleaning-Maximizing uptime-Minimized use of consumer goods-Decreases environmental load,CIP is not just a unit,it is part of the total process,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Principle of cleaning,Contact time,Thermal effect,Mechanical effect,Chemical effect,Impurity,Forces binding impurity to surface,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Important parameters,CIP-Cleaning In Place,TemperatureTimeFlowConcentration,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cause of hygiene Problems,Rawmaterial,Process equipment,Aseptic transfer,CIP,Packaging machine,Packagingmaterial,Operational,Statistic from 65 un-sterility cases around the world.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cause of hygiene Problems,Rawmaterial,Process equipment,Aseptic transfer,CIP,Packaging machine,Packagingmaterial,Operational,40-50%of the hygienic problems are related to poor CIP.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cause of hygiene Problems,Flow,Time,Concentra-tion,Tempera-ture,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cause of hygiene Problems,Insufficient flow is the most common reason,Rawmaterial,Process equipment,Aseptic transfer,CIP,Packaging machine,Packagingmaterial,Operational,Flow,Time,Concentra-tion,Tempera-ture,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Required velocity in pipe,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Mechanical cleaning effects,Velocity=TurbulenceTime dependentTemperature independent,1,5 m/s is required to achieve an adequate mechanical cleaning effect in product tubes,1,5 m/s,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Deposit Removal as a Function of Time v=1,0 m/s,6,5,4,3,2,1,100,80,60,40,20,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,%,Minutes,0.25,3.0,1,3,5,2,4,6,NaOH%,Temp.C,50,65,80,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Effect on temperature on cleaning time,Temperature C,time to clean(min.),Cleaning solution 1%NaOH:1%+Additive velocity:1.0 m/s Pasteurisation temp.:72C,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Effect of flow velocity on cleaning time,time to clean(min.),velocity of flow(m/s),Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Detergent formulation,time to clean(min.),concentration NaOH(%w/w)with 1.0%Additive,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Soil characteristics,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Alkalinity(Caustic),Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Acidity(Acid),Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cleaning procedures,Recovery of product residuesPre-rinse waterCleaning with detergentRinsing with fresh waterDisinfection,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CIP programs,1.Pre-rinse Cold/warm water 45C3 min2.Alkaline circ.NaOH 0,5-1,5%,75C10 min3.Inter.Rinse Fresh water 2 min4.Acid circ.HNO3 0,5-1,0%,70C 10 min5.Final rinse Fresh water 3 min,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cleaning Program Example Dairy,HotSurface,ColdSurface,Water,Water,Lye,Water,Acid,Water,1-2 min,3-5 min,30 min,1-2 min,15 min,5 min,Water,Water,Lye,Water,1-2 min,3-5 min,5-10 min,5 min,Full cleaning(=hot surface)each 10th production,Tap water,Tap water,50-55 C,75-85 C,65 C,Tap water,Tap water,Tap water,50-55 C,75-85 C,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cleaning Program Example Beverage,Water,Lye,Water,Acid,Water,3-5 min,30 min,10 min,30 min,10 min,Water,Lye,Water,3-5 min,20 min,5 min,Full cleaning(=hot surface)each 10th production,Tap water,Tap water,70 C,70 C,Tap water,Tap water,Tap water,70 C,ColdSurface,HotSurface,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,EXAMPLE:Bacteriological effect of CIP and Disinfection,CIP:Before cleaning 1500 cfu/cm2After detergent cleaning 60 cfu/cm2After final rinse 10 cfu/cm2After disinfection 1 cfu/cm2,Eequipment can be disinfected in the following ways:1.Thermal disinfection(boiling,hot water,steam)2.Chemical disinfection(chlorine,acids,iodophors,hydrogen peroxide),(cfu=Colony Forming Unit),Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Good Advice after Cleaning,Keep the object:DryColdLow pH,It prevents bacterias from growing,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Verifying cleaning result,Visual checkNo product residuesBacteriological testSwab testATP luminescence testManual single sampleAutomatic continuos in line,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Monitoring cleaning function,Generating alarm if parameter is out of limitPrinting alarm reportLogging alarms and changesLogging continuously,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Flow is the most important CIP parameter,Flow is seldom checked-Tetra Alcip/GEA has Flow-meter/indicatorsA too low flow can not be compensated by time,temperature or concentration.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CIP Theory,CIP Concepts CIP Methods Process design Cleaning procedures CIP programs Verifying cleaning result,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CIP Methods&Concepts,Cip liquids Single use/Recovery CIP Systems Centralised/Decentralised Heating Batch/Inline Routing of liquid Detergent tank/Balance tank DisinfectionThermal/Chemical,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CIP Liquids,Single use Recovery,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Single use,UHT CIP Or other heavily fouled objects,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Single use,AdvantagesAlways new CIP liquids.Inexpensive investment.,DisadvantagesHigh running cost.High environmental load.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Recovery,Cleaning detergent WaterIntermediate rinse/Final rinseCirculating pre-rinseSavings up to 50%of water consumption,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Recovery,AdvantagesReduced consumption of detergent,energy,water,etc.Less load on waste water system.,DisadvantagesMore expensive investment.More space required,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CIP systems,Centralised De-centralised,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Centralised CIP,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Decentralised CIP,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Centralised CIP,AdvantagesOne control.Handling of CIP liquids at one location.,DisadvantagesLong piping,Decentralised CIP,AdvantagesShorter piping.,DisadvantagesOne PLC at each CIP station.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Heating,Heating in lineHeating in tank,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Heating in line,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Heating in tank,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Heating in line,AdvantagesFlexible temperature program.Heater is always clean.Cleaning liquids stored at lower temperature.Low risk of having thermofilic bacteria in the water.Smaller CIP tanks,insulation not required.,DisadvantagesMore expensive to add CIP pressure lines.High momentary steam consumption.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Detergent tank temperature,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Heating in tank,AdvantagesLess expensive to add CIP pressure lines.Low momentary steam consumption.Possible to combine conductivity measuring with the circulating system.,DisadvantagesNot possible to adjust temperature if needed.Heater needs cleaning.Big insulated tanks required.Whole tank needs to be heated before cleaning.Risk for thermofilic bacteria.Difficult to manage thermal disinfection.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Routing of liquid,Balance tank Detergent tank,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Balance tank,DisadvantagesFoaming might create problem in a small balance tank.Large objects might create long cleaning times,due to cooling in object.,AdvantagesOnly small cleaning volumes needed.Dirty liquid could be sent to drain.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Detergent tank,DisadvantagesWhen a object with lots of impurity is cleaned,whole tank volume needs to be replaced.,AdvantagesShorter cleaning times for large objects,if the tank have the right cleaning temperature.Better when foaming occurs.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Disinfection,ThermalSteam 1 barHot water 90-95 C,ChemicalChlorineHydrogen peroxideAcid(per acetic-,citric-acid),Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Thermal disinfection,AdvantagesDirect contact is not needed,microbes in product residues are killed.Short time required.Not dangerous if mixed in product.Flushing with water not needed.,DisadvantagesHeat resistant bacteria may survive.Energy consuming.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Chemical disinfection,AdvantagesNo heating required.Kills heat resistant bacteria.,DisadvantagesSome bacteria types takes long exposure time.Long exposure time may give corrosion.Must be flushed out with water.,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Sterilization,ThermalSteam 2,5-2,8 barWater,pressurised and heated to 130 CSuperheated air 300-400 CChemicalHydrogen peroxide,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CIP Methods,Manually Time Flow Volume,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Equipment/ComponentsSanitary design,Always look at the whole process,CIP unit only a small part!,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cleaning result also depends on,Equipment designPipe system designCIP circuit designMaterial&Surface in the equipment,Always look at the whole process,CIP unit is only a piece of the process!,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cleaning tanks,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cleaning turbine,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cleaning Equipment,LKRK,LKSB,LKTA,LKRJ,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Cleaning Liquid Status,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Difficult to clean,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Good VS Bad Design,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Good VS Bad Design,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Circuits,Piping&Installation,CIP liquid separated from productNo dead ends or pockets in circuitPossible to drain after CIP or during product fillingMaterial which can stand CIP liquids;ss,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Sanitary Design/Seals,Bad,Good,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Separating CIP from product,Two seals,space between seals open to atmosphereMix-proof valveMix-proof valve combinationRemovable pipe,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,SMP-SC-valve closed,Mix-proof valve,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Mix-proof valve combination,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Mix-proof valve combination,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Removable pipe,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Installation Design,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,How to start:How many objects/circuits?What capacity is needed?What kind of objects?What kind of product?What kind of detergent?How long cleaning times?No:of pressure lines?Recovery or not?Hot water disinf.or chemical disinf.What kind of automation level?Flexibility?,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CCCBMC Syrup Room CIP Equipment,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Yellow squareindicate option,CCCBMC Syrup Room CIP EquipmentGEA Supply,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Flow Indicator/Regulator,Conductivity Probe,CCCBMC Syrup Room CIP Equipment,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Features Benefits,Automatic with individual time settingsFlow indicatorRecovery of detergent bytimeFrame mounted and pretestedTopping up system optionalLocally supplied tanks,Consistently high hygiene and trimmed circuitsTo avoid insufficient cleaning through low velocityLow running cost andlow environmental loadCompact and quick installationEnsures correct concentration during circulationLow investment or second-hand tanks,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,No.Tetra Alcip:48,JI04,CIP Process,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,No.Tetra Alcip:49,JI05,CIP Process,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,No.Tetra Alcip:46,JI06,CCCBMC Syrup Room CIP EquipmentGEA,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,CCCBMC Syrup Room CIP EquipmentGEA,Employee Engagement Harmonious Family Team,Thank Youfor your time,