人教版高中英语系列优秀课件,The British Media,British NewspaperThe Broadcast Media,How do British people spend their free time?,Watch televisionRead newspapersListen to the radio,The most popular leisure activity,In the evening,most Britons settle down to watch some television:96%of the population watch TV at least once a week.,The second most popular pastime,For most British people,most days begin with a look at the morning news-paper.On an average day,90%of Britons over the age of 15 read a national or local paper.,The third most popular pastime,The third most popular pastime,after watching television and reading newspaper,is listening to the radio,an activity in which 73%of the population engages in on a weekly basis.,Brainstorming,What functions do you think the media have?Provide people with information about political and social issuesProvide weather reportsCarry advertisingUsed for educational purposesProvide a forum for people to express their viewsSeek adviceGive people entertainmentServe for the political and economic systemWork as a monitor,The British media plays an important role in:,In British political system:inform the population about problems the country may be facing and what the government is doing to solve such problems.In engendering a national culture:people from different field all share the same experience,they could discuss what they had read or seenBritish are all part of the British culture.,Newspaper,BackgroundRelationships VarietiesRestrictionsChallenges,The Background,The British economy began to industrialize.The democratic franchise was extended to larger segments of the population.Literacy levels rose through the introduction of mass education.,The Observer,It first appeared in 1785.It is published every Sunday.It is the worlds oldest Sunday newspaper.,The Times,It began publishing in 1785.It is the United Kingdoms oldest daily newspaper.,Relationships,Relationship between newspapers and politicsRelationship between newspapers and businessRelationship between newspapers and social people,Relationship between newspapers and politics,Watch dog function:inform the electorate about politicskeep an eye on the government(a free press is considered important to the functioning of parliamentary democracy.)Many analysts criticize the power of the press has usurped(篡夺)the power of parliament.,Relationship between newspapers and business,Newspapers in UK are first and foremost businesses to earn money,not public panies use the press to sell products and services.Individual people also use the press to look for a job,buy house,and find babysitters.,The Advertising Code,Ensure that advertisements are legal,decent,honest and truthful.Have a sense of responsibility for consumer and society.Respect the principles of fair competition.PS:If enough people complain to the Advertising Standards Board,the company will be told to withdraw the ad.,The relationship between the newspapers and social people,Class and educational differences are reflected in the newspaper people read.Britain has one of the highest levels of newspaper sales per head of population.There are over 1400 different newspapers which cater for a wide range of political views,interests and levels of education,most people will choose to read a newspaper accords with their own feelings.,Varieties,The quality press(the broadsheets)The tabloids(the gutter press),The quality press(the broadsheets),1 carry more serious and in-depth(深入的)articles of particular political and social importance.2 carry reviews(评论)and feature articles(专题报道)about high culture.(for well educated,middle class audience),Some quality newspapers in UK,1、Times 泰晤士报 2、The Daily Telegraph 每日电讯报 3、The Guardian卫报 4、The Financial Times金融时报 5、Sunday Dispatch星期日电讯报 6、The Observer观察家报 7、The Sunday Times星期日泰晤士报,Left wing:The Guardian,suggest someone who is left wing and liberal in their politics,and interested in society and social issues.(soft on crime,feminist,interested in green politics),What is left wing?,In politics,left-wing are term applied to socially progressive and egalitarian(平等主义)positions.In contemporary political discourse,the term the Left usually means either liberal or socialist.The term is also used to describe social democracy and most forms of anarchism(无政府主义).,Right wing(conservative):Telegraph电讯报,Suggest someone is right wing and favor free enterprise over social programs.(support tough sentences for criminals,lack sympathy on single mothers),What is right-wing?,In politics right-wing are terms applied to conservative,and traditionalist positions.the term right is used to describe groups who stress tradition,fundamentalism and nationalism.,Some headlines on Guardians,Obama should beware the growing anger in America UK to become EUs populous country Our blogs:Join the conversation(The sharpest writing,the liveliest debate)We dont need tragedies spiced up City braces for mass G20 protests,Headlines on Telegraph,Pope let down by advisers,claims bishop Jonathan Aitken:Give prison officers bonuses to rehabilitate criminals Wine ingredients should be listed on the bottle Google Street View:a dangerous gizmo A levy on alcohol is both illogical and unlawful Heres a really Right-wing idea:learn poetry,The tabloids(the gutter press),Smaller format newspapers with color photos and catchy headlines.Deal in scandals and gossip.(about famous people,carry lots of crime,sports and sensational stories)The stories are short,easy to read and often rely more on opinion than fact.,Some tabloids in UK,1、The Daily Express每日快报 2、The Daily Mail 每日邮报 3、Daily Mirror 每日镜报4、The Sunday Express 星期日快报5、The News of the World 世界新闻报,News of the Worldis Britains biggest seller,The headquarters,Fleet Street Until the 1980s,almost all the national newspaper had their headquarters on or around Fleet Street.newspaper culture“Fleet Street”or the Street of ShameSome newspaper are available internationally,Fleet Street,Fleet Street is a street in central London,United Kingdom,named after the River Fleet,a stream that now flows underground.It was the home of the British press until the 1980s.Even though the last major British news office,Reuters,left in 2005,Fleet Street continues to be used as a metonymy for the British national press.,Is British press totally“free”?,While officially speaking the British press is“free”from government control and censorship and can print what it likes,there are limit to what will appear in the dairy paper.The example of the former chairman of the KGB,the Soviet Secret Service,The Restriction,The lawsThe Official Secrets Act,The laws,Many British laws limit the freedom of the pressContempt of courts lawLaws of libel and defamation,The Official Secrets Act,The media is also affected by the Official Secrets Act which stipulates(规定)that all government information is kept secret unless the government says it can be released.The example of Sarah Tisdall in 1984,Changes,Newspapers are now facing challenges The development of television and the Internet provides us with more choicesDecline in advertising revenue Online editions of newspapersHowever,many people still maintain their habit of reading a newspaper,The Broadcast Media,Television and Radio,The Broadcast Media,2 parts of broadcast media,Television,Radio,British Television,The third most popular leisure pastime:people spend 4 hours a day watching TV.TV listings and reviews of programs are widely read on newspapers.TV has a very important and great impact in British culture and society.,Functions of British Broadcast Media,Entertainment Provide British people with information about political and social issues;Provide weather reports;Carry advertising;Used for educational purposes;,Programs on TV,News,entertainment and sport are the favorites.Various kinds of programs including daily news,weather forecasts and the extremely popular live broadcast of the National Lottery each week.Comedy,drama and game shows are also favored by many people.,Special Features of British Broadcast,Limited number of television channels compared with the US.(Purpose:to help unify the entire country,avoid concentrations of media power in the hands of a few.)Satellite TV is not as popular or as widely available as the US.,2 Well-known and long-running Soap Operas,Coronation Street(加冕典礼街)East Enders(东区人),Coronation Street(加冕典礼街),Coronation Street is a British soap opera set in Weatherfield,a fictional town in Greater Manchester in North West England.Coronation Street was first broadcast on 9 December 1960.,Coronation Street(加冕典礼街),Early episodes told the story of student named Kenneth Barlow,who had won a place at university and thus found his background something of an embarrassment.The show in some ways predicts the growth of globalization and the decline of similar communities.,Coronation Street(加冕典礼街),The regular exterior buildings shown in Coronation Street include a row of terrace houses,and communal areas including a newsagents,a cafe,a general grocery shop,a factory and Rovers Return Inn public house.The Rovers Return Inn is the main meeting place for the shows characters.,Shot of the Coronation Street exterior set,Rovers Return Inn,The Interior SetThe Rovers Return set features walls and windows that can be removed to allow filming from different angles.There is a painted backdrop which looks over to the Websters house,Audreys salon and the flat above the salon.,East Enders,East Enders is a British television soap opera,first broadcast in the United Kingdom on BBC One on 19 February 1985 and continuing to today.,East Enders,East Enders storylines examine the domestic and professional lives of the people who live and work in the fictional in the East End of London.The series primarily centres around the residents of Albert Square which encompasses a pub,street market,night club,community centre,caf and various small businesses,in addition to a park and allotments.,The Queen Victoria Public House is the main focus point of Albert Square,East Enders,In the 1980s,East Enders featured gritty storylines involving drugs and crime,representing the issues faced by working-class Britain.The show dealt with prostitution,mixed-race relationships,shoplifting,sexism,divorce,domestic violence and mugging.,We dont make life,we reflect it.Creator/producer Julia Smith,BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation),Founded in 1927 by licenses fees as a public radio station,Because the BBC is founded by license fees,there are technically no commercials,although between shows there are trailers for upcoming shows and promotions for products associated with the BBC,later move into TV.,Renamed BBC1 when sister channelBBC was launched in 1964.,BBC one,Specialises in shows with broad appeal,suchas sports,entertainment,currentaffairs,dramas,and kids shows.,Currently the most watched television channel in the United Kingdom.,BBC two,Aims at a wide range of subject matter and interests.,Specialises in intelligent yet popular programme genres.,New development in media technologies,BBC3,BBC4 both launched after the begining of the 21st century.In November 2008,all standard BBC television channels were made available to watch online.,BBC three,A television channel from the BBC broadcastingvia digital cable,terrestrial,IPTV and satellite platforms.,The channel is an outlet for new drama,talent shows,comedy,films,etc,BBC Four,Available to digital television viewers in the UK.,Shows a wide variety of programmes including drama,documentaries,music,international film,comedy and current affairs,an alternative to programmes on the mainstream TV channels.,Nowadays,The BBC is no longer just about TV shows,it is a multimedia business with wide publishing and educational interests.Not only can you watch BBC shows about cars,pop music,cooking,holiday and gardening,but you can buy magzines which complement the shows by providing further imformation,recipes,and competitions.,Arm,The international arm of the BBC is the BBC World service,which Broadcasts in English and 43 other languages throughout the world.Its global weekly audience is estimated to be at least 140 million people.,TV plays an important role in British politics.,The change of the whole style of politics on TV.The Conservative Partys attitude towards TV.The change of the House of Commons attitude towards TV.Politicians from all parties spend a lot of time worrying about their TV images.,The change of the whole style of politics on TV.,In the past,politicians addressed public meetings and gave long speeches,like Churchill.Nowadays,long speeches are out;contemporary politicians have just 2 to 3 minutes to get their messages across.,The Conservative Partys attitude towards TV.,The Conservative Party in particular embraced TV and advertising.The British goverment is one of the countrys ten biggest advertisers.,The change of the House of Commons attitude towards TV.,At first,the sorts of shots the cameras were allowed to broadcast were strictly limited.Now,MPs are more relaxed with their roles as TV personalities.,Politicians from all parties spend a lot of time worrying about their TV images.,Mrs.Thatcher,Mr.Tony Blair,Thank you!,