翻译实例评析Copyright Protection.ppt
翻译实例评析,Copyright Protection A copyright is a governmental grant,1 an acknowledgment that original writings are owned by the author.A copyright is the legal recognition of the special“property rights”of an authors work.Copyright protection is available for almost all writings books,short stories,magazine articles,newspaper columns,poetry,plays,screenplays,and songs.Both fictional and nonfictional works are covered,and copyright protection is even available for such writings as an index,a masters thesis,a map,even an original directory,such as the phone book,or a name and address guide to vegetarian restaurants.2,参考译文 版权保护 版权由政府授予即确认原著归作者所有。版权是在法律上承认作者对其著作具有特殊“产权”。几乎所有的著作书、短篇小说、杂志、文章、报纸专栏、诗、戏剧、电影剧本和歌曲都享有版权保护。虚构的和非虚构的作品都包括在内;连索引、硕士论文、地图,甚至像电话号码簿或素食馆指南那样的原始名录也都享有版权保护。,A copyright protects the specific way that you develop,detail and express your idea in writing.That is,if you have an idea for an article about nuclear-powered musical instruments of the future,you cant obtain protection for your concept.Anyone can use your idea,and write,copyright and publish his or her own article about nuclear-powered musical instruments of the future.However,if somebody else wants to write an article dealing with the same subject or idea of your copyrighted article,that second somebody had better not lift sentences or paragraphs from your article,and had better not even paraphrase your article,or parts of it,because that would be copyright infringement.,版权所保护的,是你用书面形式对某种观点进行构思、详述并表达的那种特定的方式。这就是说,你想写一篇关于未来核动力乐器的文章,那么,你的这一设想无法获得版权保护。因为任何人都可以利用你的设想,撰写出自己关于未来核动力乐器的文章,并取得版权。但是,如果有人写文章谈论与你拥有版权的那篇文章相同的题材或观点,那么这第二个写作者最好别从你的文章里摘句取段,甚至别诠释你的文章或其中的一部分,因为那样做就会侵犯版权。,“Words and short phrases”are not protected by copyright.A catchy slogan,a clever word if you are using these in business as a brand name for a product,or as the name of your musical group or other business,protection for the single word or short slogan may be available under the trademark laws,but not the copyright laws.What else is not protected?Lists of ingredients are not,hence,the major part of most recipes.3 Does this mean that you have no protection if you write a cooking article or cookbook?No,because your article or book as a whole presumably contains more text than a string of ingredients,affording you a basis for copyright protection.4,“词和短语”不受版权保护。一个吸引人的口号,一个隽永的词,如果在商业上用作产品的商标、乐队或其它行业的名称,可以受商标法的保护,却不受版权法的保护。还有什么是不受版权保护的呢?配料的成分表不受版权保护。因此,大部分食谱的主要成分是不受版权保护的。这是不是说,如果你写一本烹调书或一篇有关烹调的文章,你也得不到版权保护呢?不是,因为你的书和文章,作为整体,不会只列出一系列配料成分,而无详尽的叙述,这就为你提供了受版权保护的依据。,The same principle applies to chemical formulae,and to math problems.Copyright law wont allow these to be removed from the“public domain,”5 so an individual6 equation,such as E=mc2,even if developed today under the new copyright act,would not be protected under the copyright laws.However,your math book or chemistry text would contain far more than a string of formulae or equations,and would,as a whole be protected.,上述原则也适用于化学公式和数学题。版权法是不会让化学公式和数学题从“公众享受”的范围中排斥出去的。因此孤立的方程式如E=mc2,即使它是在今天有新版权法的情况下推导出来的,也不能受到版权法的保护。但你写的数学书或化学课本的内容远远不止一些公式和方程,因此,作为整体是会受到版权保护的。,Computer programs software is an area where copyright laws are up in the air.Right now,software is not adequately protected under the copyright laws,but this situation may soon change.However,depending on the circumstances,protection is sometimes available under the“common law”of unfair competition and trade secrets.,计算机程序(软件)是否受版权保护目前还是一个悬而未决的问题。就目前而论,软件没有受到版权法的充分保护,但这种情况很快就会改变。现在,软件有时候可以依据有关不正当竞争和商业秘密的“习惯法”得到保护,但这要视情况而定。,The Copyright Office does not make an extensive examination of the substance of your work,because what you are keeping from the public domain is your way of expressing a concept,which concept7 anyone is entitled to use in his or her own words.That is,your“monopoly”does not work a serious hardship on the public,so your work does not have to pass a serious muster to earn its copyright protection.Obviously,if your work was primarily copied from a public domain work and you find yourself holding a certificate of copyright registration nonetheless,an“infringer”you seek to sue over the matter can raise a public domain defense,despite your registration.8,版权局对你著作的内容不作全面审查,因为你要求保护的,是你表达思想的方式;至于思想本身,则是任何人都有权以自己的语言加以使用的。这就是说,你的“垄断”并不对公众构成严重的障碍,因此,你的著作无须通过严格的审查就能获得版权保护。不言而喻,如果你的著作主要是从某种公众共享的著作中抄袭而来的,而你却照样取得了版权注册证;那么尽管你已经注册了,你想控告的版权“侵犯者”仍可以“公众共享”为由为自己辩护。,Now,what about“fair use”?Fair use,as defined by Marybeth Peters,senior attorney/advisor to the Copyright Office,9“allows copying without permission from or payment to,the copyright owner where the use is reasonable and not harmful to the rights of the copyright owner.”However,what is“reasonable”and“not harmful”is not necessarily determined by your personal beliefs.10Fair use is one of the most nebulous,tricky areas viewed differently depending on who is taking the copyrighted material from where,and to what end!11,那么“正当使用”又是怎样回事呢?按版权局高级律师兼顾问马丽贝思 彼得斯的定义,所谓正当使用,就是“在未经著作权人许可或不给著作权人付酬的情况下,准许复制,但这种复制必须合理并且不损害著作权人的权利”,这就未必按照你个人的看法来判定了。“正当使用”是法律保护方面最模糊最棘手的一个课题,对此,人们的看法不一。是否“正当使用”,要根据谁以什么目的,从哪里挪用了旁人拥有版权的材料而定。,For example,your use of chunks of material from a copyrighted work,properly credited to the copyright owner,might be“fair use”in your doctoral thesis.But your use of the exact same chunk of quoted material,even if credited to the copyright owner,could get you into hot water if it is included in your article for the Chicago Tribune.Why?In determining“fair use”,the courts look to the“purpose and character of the use,including whether such use is of commercial nature,or for educational purposes.”,例如,你把著作权人某著作中整段整段的材料用于你的博士论文,并适当地说明这些材料是属于其著作权人的,这算是“正当使用”。但是,如果你摘引同样的材料,写成文章,发表在芝加哥论坛报上,那么,即使你声明了著作权人是谁,也会给你带来麻烦的。为什么呢?因为在判定是否属于“正当使用”时,法庭要研究你使用的目的和性质,是属于商业性用途呢还是出于教育方面的目的。,Because of the ill-defined,continuum nature of fair use,there is no rule advising how many words you may quote before crossing the border from fair to unfair use.Another factor is timeliness.If youve had 6 months lead time,youre expected to have had the opportunity to contact the copyright owner whose work youd like to quote.If your article is due at the printers in two days,however,and you want to add a quoted sentence or two from somebodys article published this morning,the courts may conclude that your failure to obtain permission for use of the small quote was reasonable.,由于“正当使用”定义不清,加之文字表达具有连续性,所以没有什么规则能说明引用多少词才算不超过正当使用的界线。另一个因素就是及时性。如果你有六个月付印准备期,就要求你设法同你要援引其作品的作者取得联系。但是如果你的文章两天内必须付印,而你想从人家今天早上发表的文章中援引一两个句子,那么法院会认定,你无法得到引文作者的许可是情有可原的。,Does attributing the quoted portion to the author relieve you of liability for copyright infringement?No,but the reverseomitting the author creditmay well make your copying appear to be intentional plagiarism,so that the equitable defense of fair use wont apply.Fair is fair.Also,as a practical matter,a quoted author is less likely to feel ripped off if properly credited,and,accordingly,is less likely to sue you.Fair use does not automatically prevent an irate author or publisher from suing you and/or your publisher for copyright infringement with respect to the quoted material.It merely permits you a defensean excuse to tell the judge if suit is filed.,是不是引文注明了原作者就可以免除你侵犯版权的责任了呢?不是的。但其反面不注明版权所属很可能使你的摘引成为故意剽窃,你也就无法以“正当使用”为由进行公平的辩护了。“正当使用”是一种合理的行为。从实际情况来看,如果恰当地说明了版权所属,那么,被援引的作者也就不大会有被剽窃之感,因而也就不大可能告你了。“正当使用”,并不能理所当然地阻止一位激怒的作者或出版商来告你或你的出版商引用了他的材料而侵犯了他的版权。如果对方起诉,“正当使用”只能用作你向法官提出的一个抗辩理由而已。,【概述】本文属于法律英语范畴,但并非严格的法律条文,而是一篇比较浅显的关于版权保护的介绍性文章,语言通俗,逻辑严密,说理性强。翻译时不能太拘泥、死板,而应力求语言流畅,通俗易懂。本文涉及到词性转移法、增词法、语态变换法、正说反译法等翻译技巧。,【翻译要点评析】1.a government grant:英文中这种搭配较常见,如译为“政府的授予”则很别扭,不如采用词性转移法,将其改为“由政府授予”更符合汉语的表达习惯。下文中的acknowledgement和recognition 也转换成动词,分别译作“确认”和“承认”。2.vegetarian restaurants:指“专供素食者用餐的餐馆”,而非“蔬菜馆”。vegetarian是“食素的人”。3.hence,the major part of most recipes:这是英语特有的句子结构,hence后面加名词词组,就可以构成一个完整的句子。汉语没有这样的句子结构,所以译成有主谓的句子,“因此,大部分食谱的主要成分是不受版权保护的”。4.more text than a string of ingredients,affording you a basis for:该句中的morethan是从正面说明,翻译时可采用正说反译法,译为“不会只”。affording you 是分词短语,相当于一个句子and this affords you,译文应加词“这就是为你提供了”。,5.public domain:不受版权(或专利权)限制的状态,可以译成“公众享受”。in the public domain 指(著作、发明物等因无版权或专利权保护)为公众所共有。6.individual:意为“孤立的”、“单独的”,如果译作“个别的”,则容易引起误解,仿佛除了这个公式外,其它公式或等式可以受版权法保护。7.which concept:该句是一个非限定性的定语从句,对前面的concept 进一步加以说明,且带有强调意味,译文也要表现出这一层含义,译成相对独立的汉语分句,“至于思想本身,则是任何人都有权以自己的语言加以使用的“。8.despite your registration:这部分为让步状语,翻译时作语序调整,把它提前。,9.Marybeth Peters,seniorCopyright Office:表示身份的词语,英语是把长的放在名字之后,作同位语,汉语则相反,长的放在名字之前,该句译为“版权局高级律师兼顾问马丽贝思彼得斯”。10.belief:如译成“信念”,则过于严肃,与整篇文章通俗易懂的语言风格不相吻合,不如译做“看法”或“观点”。11.viewed differently depending onto what end:viewed 前省略了which are,属于被动语态,翻译时用“语态转换法”改为主动形式,另起一句,并增添主语,译成“对此,人们看法不一”。depending on是分词短语,可译作汉语的一个分句,这种方法是英译汉的常用手法之一,因为英语句子结构紧凑,汉语相对松散,译文往往不能或不必保持原文句子的结构,而需要加以改变,才更符合汉语的表达规范。,