苏威孚B:第三季度报告全文(英文版) .ppt
,-,-,-,-,Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.,The Third Quarterly Report for 2011(Full-text),WEIFU HIGH-TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO.,LTD.THE THIRD QUARTERLY REPORT FOR 2011(FULL TEXT)1.Important Notes1.1 Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as the Company)and its directors,supervisors and senior executives herebyconfirm that there are no any fictitious statements,misleading statements,or important omissionscarried in this report,and shall take all responsibilities,individual and/or joint,for the reality,accuracy and completion of the whole contents.1.2 The Third Quarterly Financial Report of 2011 has not been audited by CPAs.1.3 Wang Weiliang,Principal of the Company;Sun Qingxian,Person in Charge of AccountingWork;Sun Qingxian,Person in Charge of Accounting Organization(Accounting Officer)herebyconfirm that the Financial Report of the Third Quarterly Report is true and complete.2.Company Profile2.1 Main accounting highlights and financial indexes:In RMB Yuan,2011.9.30,2010.12.31,Increase/decreasescope(%),Total assets(RMB),7,469,258,682.60,6,761,622,809.90,10.47%,Owners equities attributable to,the shareholders of listed,4,715,080,099.85,4,106,208,383.62,14.83%,company(RMB),Share capital(Share),567,275,995.00,567,275,995.00,0.00%,Net assets per share attributable,to the shareholders of listed,8.31,7.24,14.78%,company(RMB/Share),Increase/decrease over theJuly-Sept.2011 same period Jan.-Sept.2011of the lastyear(%),Increase/decrease over the sameperiod of thelast year(%),Total operating income(RMB),1,177,452,796.94,-11.22 4,455,012,543.90,12.02%,Net profit attributable to the,shareholders of listed company,210,973,144.56,-29.14,855,636,774.06,38.71,(RMB),Net cash flow arising fromoperating activities(RMB)Net cash flow arising fromoperating activities per share(RMB/Share),151,180,725.140.27,-64.89-64.47,Basic earnings per share(RMB/Share)Diluted earnings per share(RMB/Share)Weighted average return onequity(%)Weighted average return onequity after deducting,0.370.374.66%4.66%,-28.85-28.85-4.36-4.35,1.511.5119.22%19.10%,38.5338.53-0.37-0.38,1,-,Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.non-recurring gains/losses(%)Items of non-recurring gains and losses,The Third Quarterly Report for 2011(Full-text),Applicable,Inapplicable,In RMB Yuan,Items of non-recurring gains and lossesGains and losses from the disposal of non-currentassetGovernmental subsidy calculated into current gainsand losses,while closely related with the business of,Amount3,314,005.81,Remarks(Ifapplicable),the Company,excluding the,fixed-amount or,1,815,300.00,fixed-proportion governmental subsidy according tothe unified national standardCost invested for getting subsidiaries,affiliatedcorporation and joint corporation is more than,income arising from fair value of recognizable netasset of invested units when getting investmentincomeOther non-operating income and expenditure besidefor the aforementioned itemsImpact on income taxImpact on minority shareholders equityTotal,1,240,984.11188,796.45-931,937.27-420,141.265,207,007.84,2.2 Total number of shareholders at the end of the report period and shares held by the topten shareholders with unrestricted conditionsIn Share,Total number of shareholdersat the end of report period,36,506,Particulars about the shares held by the top ten shareholders with unrestricted conditions,Full name of shareholder,Unrestricted shares held atperiod-end,Type of shares,Wuxi Industry Development Group Co.,Ltd.China Construction BankFuguo TianboInnovation Theme Stock Securities InvestmentFund,28,363,800 RMB common share18,989,869 RMB common share,ROBERT BOSCH GMBHGUOTAI JUNANSECURITIES(HONGKONG)LIMITEDGAOLING FUND,L.P.DRAGON BILLION CHINA MASTERFUNDChina Construction Bank Huaxia AdvantageGrowth Stock Securities Investment Fund,18,387,20013,038,37512,502,71510,936,04610,884,194,Domestically listedforeign shareDomestically listedforeign shareDomestically listedforeign shareDomestically listedforeign shareRMB common share,Bank of Communications E-fund ScienceStock Securities Investment FundAgriculture Bank of China China Post Core,10,260,006 RMB common share8,990,507 RMB common share2,Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.Growth Stock Securities Investment FundAgriculture Bank of China ChangshengTongde Theme Growth Stock Securities,The Third Quarterly Report for 2011(Full-text)6,591,631 RMB common share,Investment Fund3.Significant events3.1 Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financialindex,and explanations of reasons,Applicable,Inapplicable,Note receivable shows 40.15%up over that of year beginning,mainly results from the soaringbusiness income.Account paid in advance shows 41.36%up over that of year beginning,mainly due to the increase ofamount paid in advance for equipments.Construction in progress shows 208.91%up over that of year beginning,mainly because moreinvestment in technology reforming and parent company increase more construction in industry zone.Short-term loans show 100.64%up over that of year beginning,mainly because short-term loansfrom bank increased for business operation need.Note payable shows 44.99%down than that of year beginning,mainly because the note payable hasbeen paid for expiration.Account received in advance shows 46.58%up over that of year beginning,mainly results from theaccount that received in advance from goods.Non-operating income shows 499.00%up over same period of last year,mainly due to the increaseof net income from disposal of fixed assets as well as the increase of government grants.Non-operating expenses show 36.74%down than same period of last year,mainly because net lossesfrom sales of fixed assets decreased.Operating profit,total profit and net profit attributable to parent company shows 46.94%,48.93%and38.71%respectively than same period of last year,mainly due to the growth of main business andcontrol in management expenses and sales cost.Income tax show 201.57%up over same period of last year,mainly results from the soaring profits.Net cash flow from operating activities show 64.89%down than same period of last year,mainlybecause cash paid for goods and for receiving labor increased.Subtotal of cash in-flow from investment activities show 169.66%up over same period of last year,mainly because dividend income received from stock-jointly enterprise.Cash paid for purchasing fixed assets,intangible assets and other long-term assets shows 208.94%upover same period of last year,mainly because cash paid for purchasing fixed assets increased forcapacity expansion.Net cash flow arising from financing activities shows 116.81%down than same period of last year,mainly because cash paid for dividend by the Company increased.3.2 Progress of significant events,their influences,and analysis and explanation of theirsolutions3.2.1 Qualified opinion,Applicable,Inapplicable,3.2.2 Particular about fund offers to controlling shareholders or associated parties andexternal guarantee that against the regulation.,Applicable,Inapplicable,3.2.3 Particular about signing and implementation on significant contracts of ordinarymanagement.,Applicable,Inapplicable,3,Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.3.2.4 Others,The Third Quarterly Report for 2011(Full-text),Applicable,Inapplicable,The Company issued non-public RMB ordinary share(A share)to major shareholder Wuxi IndustryDevelopment Group Co.,Ltd(hereinafter referred to as Industry Group)and foreign strategicinvestor Germany Robert Bosch Co.,Ltd(hereinafter referred to as Bosch Company)which wasreviewed and passed on the 14th and 15th meeting of the 6th session of board of directors as well as2010 secondary extraordinary shareholders general meeting.On June 29 of 2011,event about bringing foreign strategic investor in this non-public issue programhad obtained principle reply from national commerce department(SZP 2011 No.678 Reply to thatCommerce Department Agreed that German Robert Bosch Co.,Ltd Strategically Invests Wuxi WeifuHigh-Tech Group Holding Co.,Ltd).Commerce Department agreed in principle that German RobertBosch Co.,Ltd subscribes non-public RMB ordinary shares(A share)issued by Wuxi WeifuHigh-Tech Group Holding Co.,Ltd in cash.Acceptance Notification was received by the Company on 6 July 2011 from CSRC,and the FeedbackNotification obtained on 12 August 2011 from CSRC.The“proposal of Pre-plan of Non-public placement of the Company(Revised)”was deliberated andapproved by 20th Meeting of 6th Session of the Board.Presently the program about the non-public issue had been reported to CSRC.Implementation couldbe only when CSRC approved it.And the approval finally depends on the decision of ChinaSecurities Supervision Administration Commission.3.3 Implementations of commitments by the Company,shareholders and actual controllerCommitments made by the listed company and its directors,supervisors,senior executives,theshareholders with holding above 5%shares and its actual controller in the report period or lastinguntil the report period.,Applicable,Inapplicable,Commitments,Promiser,Content of commitments,Implementation,Net profit of RMB 8.5 hundred milliongained from 2006 to 2008,amongwhich RMB 3.4 hundred milliongained in 2008.Base on the circulated,Commitments for Wuxi IndustryShare Merger DevelopmentReform Group Co.,Ltd.,A shares before the Share MergerReform,additional 0.5 sharesdistributed for every 10 shares.Proportion of cash dividend from 2006,Implemented,to 2008 is not less than 50%ofdistributable profit for investorsrealized by the Company in currentyears.Commitmentsmade in,Acquisition Report Inapplicableor Reports onChange in InterestsCommitments,Inapplicable,Inapplicable,made in MaterialAssets,Inapplicable,Inapplicable,Inapplicable,Reorganization,Commitmentsmade in issuing,Inapplicable,Inapplicable,Inapplicable,4,Items,Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.,The Third Quarterly Report for 2011(Full-text)In order to promote the listed,companys,steady,and,healthy,development,fully mobilize seniorexecutives so as to ensure to combine,the interests of the governance and The,aforesaid,Other commitments(includingadditionalcommitments),Wuxi IndustryDevelopmentGroup Co.,Ltd.,shareholders of the Company,Weifu commitment is beingIndustry Group committed:after Weifu implemented,andHigh-tech finishing Share Merger would be performedReform,under related regulations of since related police is,the state and Wuxi government in released.terms of governance encouragementsystem of listed company,the Groupwould the stock incentive plan formanagement level of Weifu High-tech.3.4 Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of nextreport period to be loss probably or the warning of its material change compared with thecorresponding period of the last year and explanation of reason,Applicable,Inapplicable,3.5 Particulars about the other significant events which needed explanations3.5.1 Particular about security investment,Applicable,Inapplicable,3.5.2 Activities on receiving research,communication and interview in the report period,Date2011-07-012011-07-07,PlaceConferenceroom of theCompanyConferenceroom of theCompany,WaySpot researchSpot research,The receivedpartiesUnion Life;HuachuangCITICSecurities,Contents discussed andmaterials suppliedOperation status and futuredevelopment of the CompanyOperation status and futuredevelopment of the Company,3.6 Particulars about derivatives investment,Applicable,Inapplicable,3.6.1 Particulars about the positions of derivatives investment at the end of report period,Applicable4.Appendix4.1 Balance sheet,Inapplicable,Prepared by Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.,30 Sept.2011,In RMB Yuan,Balance at period-end Balance at year-beginConsolidation Parent Company Consolidation Parent CompanyCurrent assets:,Monetary fundsSettlement provisionsCapital lent,532,766,107.38 111,670,025.63 596,958,764.21 149,943,763.55,Transaction,finance,asset5,in,Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.,The Third Quarterly Report for 2011(Full-text),Notes receivableAccounts receivable,1,170,625,413.461,059,698,079.60,371,261,157.18 835,266,266.32 291,611,147.00604,692,474.08 999,798,439.30 567,607,398.18,Accountsadvance,paid,148,676,214.95 31,173,550.49 105,176,780.11,42,468,803.76,Insurance receivableReinsurance receivablesContract reserve ofreinsurance receivableInterest receivable,Dividend receivable,293,937,925.48 286,931,298.97,8,496,690.22,Other receivablesPurchaserestituted,9,286,087.77 155,764,285.72,6,892,216.92,137,067,355.21,finance asset,InventoriesNon-current asset duewithin one year,871,005,977.34 267,880,344.26 917,694,296.54,277,723,002.78,Other current assets,11,624,005.28,9,210,782.24,Total current assetsNon-current assets:,4,097,619,811.2 1,829,373,136.3 3,470,997,545.66 3 4,1,474,918,160.70,Granted,loans,and,advancesFinance asset availablefor salesHeld-to-maturityinvestment,Long-termreceivable,account,Long-term,equity 1,658,832,263.1 2,467,090,112.1 1,892,112,152.4,2,558,225,582.6,investmentInvestment property,44,582,945.50,5,64,965,879.52,2,Fixed assets,1,124,172,150.18,540,049,722.60 1,110,068,115.28,538,628,218.28,Construction in progress 439,446,522.31 368,773,500.79 142,256,732.63Engineering materialDisposal of fixed asset,125,932,175.31,Productive,biological,assetOil and gas asset,Intangible assetsExpense on Researchand Development,86,981,728.05 26,231,104.11 85,655,823.12,26,733,764.37,GoodwillLong-term expenses tobe apportioned,1,784,086.799,240,503.38,1,784,086.797,473,629.75,asset,Deferred income tax,46,598,671.99 15,980,273.57 46,308,844.71,16,198,870.70,6,Weifu High-Technology Group Co.,Ltd.Other non-current asset,The Third Quarterly Report for 2011(Full-text),Total non-current assetTotal assetsCurrent liabilities:,3,371,638,871.3 3,418,124,713.2 3,290,625,264.2 3,265,718,611.24 2 6 87,469,258,682.6 5,247,497,849.5 6,761,622,809.9 4,740,636,771.90 5 0 8,Short-term loansLoan from central bankAbsorbing deposit andinterbank depositCapital borrowedTransactionfinancialliabilitiesNotes payable,541,740,012.28 511,740,012.28214,512,149.59 109,230,000.00,270,000,000.00 240,000,000.00389,985,533.69 200,278,487.00,Accounts payable,1,171,514,846.75,722,769,528.38,1,195,053,077.84,766,617,178.72,Accounts received inadvance,61,962,123.43 25,217,537.39,42,271,899.15,20,438,892.15,Selling financial asset ofrepurchaseCommission charge andcommission payable,Wage payableTaxes payable,273,050,098.34 182,501,034.0546,368,015.90 19,372,802.56,269,751,945.96 168,133,427.32107,903,963.31 28,582,184.41,Interest payable,794,885.00,720,000.00,490,000.00,320,000.00,Dividend payable,18,696,539.18,Other accounts payableReinsurance payablesInsurancecontractreserveSecurity trading ofagencySecurity sales of agencyNon-current liabilitiesdue within 1 year,83,954,217.50 175,337,438.76,62,501,613.74 56,125,853.06,Other current liabilities,30,841,731.90,560,253.18,24,330,259.35,Total current liabilitiesNon-current liabilities:Long-term loansBon