雅思口语变题季应对技巧 雅思口语变题季每年都有3次,分别在1、4、9月。每到变题季,雅思口语都会有新题出现。那么怎样应对雅思口语变题季呢?下面就和大家分享怎样应对雅思口语变题季,来欣赏一下吧。怎样应对雅思口语变题季雅思口语换题是指的什么?雅思口语换题月是指每年的 1、5、9 月份。意思就是说,雅思考试每隔四个月就要换掉一些题目,而被换掉的题目只是口语题,不包含笔试题目。雅思口语换题对考试的影响雅思口语话题数量上part1一般稳定在30个左右,part2一直稳定在50个左右。雅思考试有一个“1、5、9”的说法,在每年的1月、5月、9月雅思口语会进入换题季。雅思口语大概有20%-30%的旧题需要被换掉。这个规律其实对于雅思口语来讲尤其重要。因为雅思口语考试有这样一个硬性规定,就是在雅思考试过程当中,考官向你问的第一部分和第二部分,题目必须出自同一个固定的题库。这样,同学们可以根据题库内容来准备题目。在变题期有同学之前对新题没有准备看到题目就慌乱了。其实,在雅思口语考试中,很多题目都是相通的,同学们可以由自己之前积累的题目联想到下一个新题目,或者由老题素材变换花样用于新题中。在备考方面,语言功底扎实、雅思临场经验丰富的考生,受变题的影响不会太大,但想要冲高分还是会有一些阻碍;对于英语实力不够强、以背题为主要策略的考生就需要提高警惕了,因为大量新题的出现会大大降低遇到熟题的几率。不过,考生也不必太恐慌,雅思口语出题终归还是有规律可循,只要掌握正确的备考方法与应试技巧,下半年的雅思口语考试依然可以安全通关。按照口语的出题规律,新题出现后,较之旧题重复利用率会比较高。雅思口语换题季需要注意的一些问题雅思口语part 1注意事项整个雅思口语part 1受雅思口语变题季的影响很小,本身口语part1话题难度不大,都是偏日常的口语话题,考生们都有话可说,所以完全不必太过紧张。需要注意的是表述上的细节。根据小站雅思君的经验,考官比较喜欢一些细节,也是很多考生容易忽略,却偏偏能够得分的点。举个例子:关于shoes这个话题,不管是女生还是男生,关于鞋子都会说到不同的鞋子类型,按照场合分有舞鞋,皮鞋,高跟鞋,雪地靴,溜冰鞋,凉鞋,拖鞋,运动鞋等等,每个场合都有自己的内容可以说;按照鞋子的材质可以:皮鞋,塑料拖鞋,水晶鞋,帆布鞋等等,那么考生们如果掌握了这部分词汇,那么在词汇这个细节上就比大部分考生只说shoes更能博得考官好感。除了细节,考生们也不要太过炫技。好吧,很多考生为了能迅速“讨好”考官,原本part1只需要说2句话,非要拉长成4句话,还都是复杂句。首先,长句不是不可以说,但不要把话题故意拉长,一些无意义的赘述会让考官内心os:朋友,你废话太多了。比如:天气(weather)这个话题,考官问:Which months have the best weather in your country(你们国家最宜人的天气在那几个月?)考生:好吧,根据不同的经纬度其实我们国家的天气是很不同的,并没有最宜人的天气之说,不过我觉得我比较喜欢南方的9月,晴空万里考生为了炫耀自己会经纬度,故意用一个强调句It is quite different that the changeable weather in our country according to the latitude, different 和changeable其实表达的是一个意思,而且这句话强调并没有什么特别的意义,反倒给考官的感觉是,这考生是在强调啥?我只是想知道对他来说哪个季节更舒服而已。我当然知道经纬度不同,天气不同啦,我问的不是气候climate.建议考生如果真的要“炫技”,留给part 2, part 2中可以多用3-4个复杂句。当然,复杂句用得要恰当好处,这个留到下面说。很多考试机构的老师只交给学生很多语法和长难句,却忘了提醒考生如何在恰当的场合恰当的使用,于是很多国内的考生的口语表现就留给口语考官一种:啰嗦又说不到重点的感觉。雅思口语part2部分目前更新了5个话题,分别是:Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time(一个单身人士的业余活动);Describe an experience that you were scared(某次被吓到的经历);Describe a television program/ film that made you laugh(让你笑惨了的电视节目或电影);Describe a book you have recently read(最近在读哪本书),Describe a law/rule that you think is good(一条好的法律或规则)。Part 2的话题难度瞬间就提升了一个level了,很多考生如果事前没有一定的储备,确实很难在口语考试给定的30秒-1分钟内想出2分钟的内容,更别提话题内容能够出彩了。这时候口语题库的重要性就出来了。雅思口语题库内大约有500个口语话题,不过按照类别分也就:人物,物品,事件和地点。当然雅思口语话题现在的趋势是:内容中既有人物和事件,或者人物和地点的组合话题越来越多。考生们的话题其实可以集约起来复习,尤其是很多考生不仅考试经验不足,甚至人生阅历都很少,能记得的法律或规则恐怕只有不要乱穿马路或者酒驾吊销驾驶证这些。雅思口语part 2注意事项:时态。好吧,很多考生拿到话题之后,很容易忽略时态这个问题,这个挺致命的。有些话题如最近看过的一本书,这是很明显用过去时的话题,但是有一些话题是用将来时,这时候考生会需要一些虚拟语句辅助,但是考生常常会忽略。关于卡壳了怎么办。讲真,考试难免紧张,考生们未必真的是背诵模板,但是卡壳之后一定不要长时间停顿,费力翻白眼回忆下一句该怎么说。根据你的表现,考官内心一定会判定你是在背模板。这时候,你可以用oh, let me see, frankly, I think that would be a long story, so I almost forgot some parts of detailsI have no idea about that, maybe使用这些过渡句一方面可以缓解紧张情绪,一方面也给你回忆接下来的内容有一个缓冲。遇到不熟悉的话题该怎么办。硬切,转移话题。对于不熟悉的话题,考生们完全没必要尬聊,首先聊不下去,时间空的多你补不回来。另一方面,你会讲的很烂,考官也很痛苦。举个例子:本季新题,单身人士的业余活动,这个话题对大部分单身狗来说,真的太容易了,但是万一是已婚人士怎么办?或者本身就是一个宅男,那怎么办?很简单,你完全可以将话题重心转成活动,一个人的活动。比如一个人打游戏,游戏可以延伸出你熟悉的话题了吧。所以,考生没必要每个话题都准备到位,但一定要事前准备几个自己熟悉的领域的话题,并准备充足的语料。雅思口语part2高分话题范文:犯过的错误Describe a mistake you once made.You should say:what it washow you made this mistakewhen it wasand explain how it affected you.雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:The biggest mistake in my life was falling in love with the wrong girl who had a completely different view of life, love and relationship. I was hardly 17 years old when I fall hard for this girl.Initially, we were classmates and then became friends. In a year I started to feel something about her that was quite extraordinary and hard to explain. I guess people call this love. My whole world started to shift and I was surrounded by a mirage for this whole time. Not a single moment had passed when I didnt think about her. She was the centre and power source of my universe. When I proposed her, she expressed her boundless joys and acted as if I should have proposed her earlier. So far, this is a sweet and innocent love story of a teenager and I was happy to have her in my life.However, it took me only a few months to realise that she was not serious about our relationship. When she was my whole world, I was her just another temporary boyfriend. The relationship ended in ten months and I was so broken-hearted that I could not concentrate on anything for a while. My parents also knew about it and they were very supportive of me. First few days, it was quite difficult for me to get back to my normal life, study or go outside. I simply could not appease my mind that I made a great mistake and it was like an illusion that I need to come out from soon. However, when I started realising that I made a big mistake by approaching a serious relationship without even knowing the girl genuinely, I started making peace with my mind. I was completely honest with myself and that eventually helped me to get out of the depressive time I went through at that time.The lesson learned from this mistake made me more cautious about making any kind of relationship and I am happy that I took this mistake as an event to learn a lesson. However, I often feel bad that how someone could be so naive to play with someones sentiment so cheaply.雅思口语part2高分话题范文:有影响力的音乐家Describe a creative person, such as an artist or musician, who has influenced you.You should say:who this person ishow he/ she is creativehow you know him /herand explain why you admire this person.雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:The American songwriter, artist, writer and singer, Bob Dylan, whose original name is Robert Allen Zimmerman is a very creative person I know about. I also admire for his creative songwriting and noteworthy songs. He is, in fact, one of the most influential songwriters and singers of all time and I respect him greatly.He was born in 1941 in the USA and due to his remarkable contributions to literature, he was awarded the Nobel Prize recently. The Nobel Prize for literature is awarded both for lasting literary merit and for evidence of consistent idealism to a great extent. Dylans songs have such creativity, consistent idealism and universal appeal and without any doubt, he is a very talented and creative person.He is such a powerful and influential singer that his song like The times they are a-changing and Blowing in the wind became anthems for the American civil rights and anti-war movements.His creative and dazzling lyrics incorporate a vast range of social, political, psychological, philosophical, and literary influences. As a musician, he has sold more than 10 million records. Besides, he is also a talented painter.I knew him first when I heard his song Slow Train from his album Slow Train Coming in my early college days. I have explored his music and heard most of the songs sung by him. I have also read several articles online about him and his works. I know him as a revered songwriter and he is one of my favourite singers of all time.I admire him mostly because of his talent and outstanding contribution to the music, lyrics, and literary works through his songwriting. There were times when his music personally inspired me, motivated me and helped me forget my pain. I have never met him in person but he seems like someone I know for a long and very closely. I respect him as a great musician, admire him as a songwriter and consider him one of the greatest minds of the present era.雅思