雅思口语详解Part3答题技巧 雅思口语Part3是口语中难度最高的一部分,也是雅思口语的压轴项,能否回答好Part3的问题对于口语分数也有这很大的影响。下面就和大家分享雅思口语详解Part3答题技巧,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语详解Part3答题技巧一.雅思口语Part3难点解析都说雅思口语Part3难,那么雅思口语Part3难在哪里?它的难点是什么呢?我们来详细分析一下。1.问题更有深度先来说雅思口语Part3的第一个难点,问题。Part3的问题不同于part1和Part2,问题更有深度。比如你在Part2谈论了旅行,那么接下来可能会问你旅游业的利弊,或者问你交通的利弊等等。这些话题有的听起来可能跟part1相似,但却问的是更为深层次的内容。有的时候一些Part3的问题可能会让你一时无法想出合适的回答。总之,这个阶段难度上升最能直观感受到的就是口语问题难度增加。2. 答题要求更高雅思口语Part3不仅问题更有深度,对于回答的要求更高了,此时决不能一句话回应考官的问题,建议举出实例说明观点。比如,当问到关于城市的话题时,考官问你,你觉得住在城市有什么好处?如果你只用一句话“城市生活给人们生活提供了极大的便利”回应问题,那么口语分数肯定高不了。你要根据问题去具体地具体说明为什么生活在城市生活会便利,比如交通更方便,购物更方便,上学更方便等等。一定要注意,这一题答题要求更高,不能一两句就敷衍过去。3.没有准备时间虽然Part3要求大家尽可能答的具体,但是考试中并没有给大家预留出额外的准备时间,考官问完问题后,你就要立刻根据问题来回答,几乎没有思考时间。这也是雅思口语Part3的难点之一。二.雅思口语Part3答题技巧解析1.创造准备时间我们在上文中提到,雅思口语Part3几乎没有思考时间,要根据问题立刻回应考官,大家要依靠一些技巧去给自己争取一些思考时间。最为实用的方式就是重复问题,但是不能原句重复,要学着用Paraphrasing 的技巧去重复问题,这样就能为自己争取到一些思考时间。如果对于所问话题一点思路也没有的话,不要沉默,可以开口讲“让我考虑一下”讲完以后可以考虑几秒钟,迅速组织答案回答问题。2.根据话题准备素材每次口语考试前都会有关于雅思口语考试的机经预测,建议大家根据口语机经上的话题准备答题素材,确保在口语答题中能够举出实际例子。根据话题准备雅思口语Part3素材的时候可以根据话题去准备一些能够套用到不同话题的素材,在考试中遇到类似问题就用这些素材来答题。3.答案不能太窄注意逻辑思维雅思口语Part3的答题面虽然不宜太过宽泛,但是也不能太窄,如果论述面太窄不利于展开论述。另外在答题的时候也要注意一下答题的逻辑思维,如果考官针对你的答案提出异议,你要会自我辩护或者自圆其说。雅思口语Part3虽然难度较高,但是只要大家清楚口语表达的难点,并且打好基础掌握备考技巧,就能轻松应付Part3,拿到口语高分。2020年9-12月雅思口语范文part3:想法有趣的人Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinionsYou should say:Who the person isHow you know the personWhat the person doesAnd explain why you think his/her ideas and opinions are interesting我想讲的是一位外国著名导演卡梅隆,我最早看的是他的泰坦尼克,除此以外当然他是很多著名影片的编剧导演作者。尤其从他的科幻电影,终结者和阿凡达中,我发现他非常有创意,他一直有各种有趣与众 不同的想法,这些想法非常超前,甚至推动了电影业的技术发展。Im going to talk about the award-winning movie director James Cameron. I first came to knowhim from his most famous movie Titanic. It was really popular in China at the time. Even though Iwas quite young when I saw the movie, I was deeply moved by the story. Cameron found major success after directing and writing a wealth of (大量的) science fiction action films and built hisreputation (建立声誉) in this genre. He is the writer, director and producer of The Terminator,Aliens and Avatar. I absolutely love those films because I was amazed every time by the original,peculiar and unique ideas in those films. Terminator was created quite a few years ago. The moviepresents unique thoughts on the future and interesting ideas of a killer robot from the future. A lotof the things that were science fiction in Terminator are now actually around us. The story of Avatar, which I bet (我相信) you know, had been scratching at Camerons dream and imagination since he was a child. He surprised audiences with his very creative idea which was set in the future,on a jungle planet Pandora and a with different race from humans. This idea had to wait many yearsas the technology didnt even exist to make the film. Cameron then helped develop cutting edge 3D camera systems, which pushed technological innovation (技术革新) in film making. I really respect James Cameron for his interesting ideas and creativity. Even though I will never make movies, I feel there is much to learn from his ideas and how he takes action (采取行动) with ideas right away.2020年9-12月雅思口语范文part1:Sky1.When was the last time you drank tea or coffee?Well, actually I am a big fan of coffee and I have the habit of drinking this kind of beverage everyday. You know, I just had a cup of espresso this morning. I am really partial to it because just a sipof coffee can keep me refreshed and energetic. As for tea, it is not a common thing in my daily life.2.Do Chinese people like to drink tea or coffee?I believe that most people in our country are more likely to choose tea, because it is an essential part of our culture. But since coffee was introduced into China and it is regarded as a modern beverage,the number of coffee lovers is also growing. Especially among the young people, drinking a cup of Americano has become a habit in the morning.3.Do you prepare tea or coffee for guests at home?Definitely coffee! The reasons are simple. Personally, Im not interested in drinking tea, so you can find anything but tea in my apartment. Besides, the flavor of coffee can be changed according toguests preferences. You can add a dash of milk or sugar if you dont like bitter taste, but the flavor of tea is not changeable. So I am not sure it is suitable for every visitor.雅思口语详解Part3答题技巧