1,第五章 句 法 翻 译,2,第一节 换 序 译 法(Recasting translation),3,英汉句子词序的差异英汉文化差异-思维差异:顺序思维、逆序思维、混合思维,4,一、逻辑顺序的差异,汉语 语义型语言 英语 形态性语言 不同的词序,5,(一)在时间上,英语句子的词序主要是根据语境的需要安排,而汉语通常按事情发生或出现的先后顺序排列。,6,例如:1、He went to bed after he finished his homework.译文:他做完作业后便上床睡觉了。2、A loud applause exploded from the audience when the actress went on the stage.译文:当女演员登上舞台时,观众中爆发出一阵掌声。,7,3、Calmly mother looked around before she turned back fearlessly,closing the door behind her and dashed to the window.译文:母亲镇定地怀顾四周、然后毫不畏惧地回到屋子里,顺手关上门,一个箭步奔到窗口。,8,(二)在对事理的叙述上,英语的词序比较灵活,但通常开门见山,直奔主题,然后再做解释。因果、假设、条件等逻辑关系中主从句可先可后。而汉语词序比较固定,一般(例外情况:补充说明)是先原因,后结果,先假设,后可能。(这一点,当句中的关联词省略不用时尤其如此),,9,例如:1、I cant trust her because she is not honest.译文:她不老实,我不能信任她。2、I think we should have been told if there was anything up.译文:我想要是真发生了什么事,他们应该通知我们的。,10,3、这些斗争和探索,每一次都在一定的历史条件下 推动了中国的进步,但又一次次地失败了。译文:All the attempts ended in failure one after another,although they helped promote progress in China under given historical condition.4、抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题都可以迎刃而解。(先假设后可能)译文:Once the principal contradiction is grasped,all problems can be solved.,11,(三)在对某事发生评论时,英语通常先评论或表态,然后再说明有关情况。汉语则正好相反,通常先叙述(即事实或描写)后表态(即判断或结论)。,12,例如:1、I believe strongly that it is in the interests of my countrymen that Britain should remain an active and energetic member of the European Community.译文:我坚信,英国应该继续担当欧洲共同体中一个积极而充满活力的成员,这是符合我国人民利益的。,13,2、It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.译文:凡有产业的单身汉,总要娶位太太,这已经成了一条举世公认的真理。3、It is important that everyone does his duty.译文:每个人各司其责,这一点是很重要的。,14,二、英汉语法结构上的差异要求在翻译时做语序的调换,15,(一)语法成分的简单换序1、About 1840,a canal was constructed across the meadows of the Marsh Farm.(D.H.Lawrence,The Rainbow)译文:大约在1840年,横穿马什农场的草地开凿了一条运河。(主语换序)2、Its good youre so considerate.译文:你想得这样周到是很好的。(主语从句换序),16,3、Formerly a worker himself,he was now an engineer.译文:他过去是工人,现在当了工程师了。(同位语转换)4、Even the wild animals of his homeland,it seemed to Kunta,had more dignity than these creatures.译文:昆塔觉得,即使他家乡的野兽也比这群人自尊自重。(插入语换序),17,5、From the moment they set foot on the territory of their motherland,they were warmly received by their compatriots.译文:他们从踏上祖国土地的时刻起,就受到同胞们的热情接待。(定语从句换序),18,6、On and on Byron talked.译文:拜伦滔滔不绝地讲述着。(状语换序)7、But before she went to join her husband in the Belgic capital,Mrs.Crawley made an expedition into England,leaving behind her little son upon the Continent,under the care of her French maid.译文:克劳莱太太到比利时首都找丈夫之前,先到英国走了一趟,叫那法国女佣人带着儿子留在欧洲大陆。(状语换序),19,8、Cheerfully,efficient and warm-hearted,they will do everything to make your journey smooth and comfortable.译文:他们乐观、能干、热情,总是想法设法使你一路顺利舒适。(状语移位,并转换为谓语),20,9、Send us a messenge in case you have any difficulty.译文:万一有什么困难,请给我一个信儿。(状语从句换序)10、Never before has our country been as united as it is today.译文:今天,我们的国家空前团结。(倒装句换序),21,(二)较为复杂的换序(多项定语、状语修饰词的换序)(单词及短语修饰语的前置和后置,包括形容词性修饰语及副词性修饰语)。英语修饰语的位置一般比较灵活,倾向于后置;汉语的修饰语比较固定,倾向于前置。很多英语修饰语后置的词序在译成汉语时要按照汉语的习惯重新安排表达顺序,不能拘泥于其原先的后置语序。汉译英也是如此。,22,1、He witnessed the sixth post-war economic crisis of serious consequencethat prevailed in various fields in the USA.译文:他亲眼目睹了美国战后第六次后果严重的波及各个领域的经济危机。,23,2、这三个县经历了那场中国七十年代第四次极为严重的遍及数省的自然灾害。译文:The three counties underwent the fourth most serious natural disaster that plagued several provinces in China in the 1970s.,24,3 For this reason our company explained solemnly to your company many times in February last year译文:我公司为此于去年二月郑重地多次向贵公司表示。,25,4、我们为顾全大局于同年秋末在第三方的调停下开诚布公地多次强烈要求贵方赔偿我们的一切损失。译文:With the third party acting as an intermediary,to take the interest of the whole into account,we strongly demand with frankness and sincerity many times at the end of the autumn of the same year that you should compensate all our loss.,26,知识点补充:英语中多项定语修饰同一中心词:冠词、指示代词不定代词、名词所有格、序量词等充当的定语;表达主观判断的定语;描述客观表象的定语;国别定语、时间定语;用途定语。用in、of、that、which等介词或连词进行后置处理。汉语中多项定语修饰同一中心词:限定性定语;国别定语;时间、地点定语;量、种类、次第;判断性定语;陈述性定语;本质性定语+中心词(汉语没有后置定语)。英语中多项状语的次序一般为:条件状语;目的状语;主语;程度状语;谓语;方式状语;频度状语;时间状语;宾语 汉语中多项状语的次序一般为:主语;目的状语;时间状语;条件状语;方式状语;程度状语;谓语;宾语。,27,小 结:换序法的运用:理清结构,弄懂原意,分析语义,理解关键;再根据“亲疏远近”关系,重点信息,形式方面作适当变通,结构上稍作调整;脱离原句的层次和结构安排,摆脱原文语序和句子形式的约束,注意原文的轻重、分寸及语气,按汉语叙事论理的习惯重新组合语言。,28,翻译下面句子,注意换序。1、The music world and the world at large became poorer places on the April 8,when Marian Anderson,the great alto from Philadelphia died at 96.2、She published her first collection of short stories in1963,two year after she had received her masters degree from the University of Wisconsin and became an instructor of English at the University of Detroit.3、父亲刚去世,我就迁往1500里以外的兰州,成家并开始了自己的事业。4、尼卡县(Tunica)曾经是密西西比州最贫困的县,现在它却是拥有八个赌场和一个大型娱乐中心。,29,5、The family from whom she rented her room and bath ignored her activities so long as her rent was promptly paid.,30,6、This preface must necessarily be short and modest,for I cannot claim to be an expert in painting,merely an ardent lover of the art.7、Of course,he would wish to be remembered for the Declaration of Independence,which not only gave birth to the new American nation but gave it a democratic creed and gave a philosophy of human rights to the world.8、她刚刚毕业,虽然英语很糟糕,可是由于那时劳动力缺乏,他终于在当地图书管里谋得一份工作。9、花园的建造始于1558年,但由于资金缺乏,时建时停,20年以后才建成。10、因为工作繁忙和三个年幼的孩子,除了家人聚会以及节假日之外,我从未花时间去探望她。,31,翻译下面句子,注意划线部分的译法。1、在那场战争中,这道城墙开始出现许多裂痕。2、发生了这样的事不是你的错。3、她,一个瘦弱多病的女孩子,以她坚强的毅力写出了一部催人奋进的小说。4、刘四爷没搭碴儿,想了想,问道:“话匣子呢?唱唱!”5、她认真热情,一字不漏地记下了所有的话。6、东西越小,地心引力对它的吸吸力就越小,重量也就越轻。7、一直在一旁观看的小学生们开始鼓起掌来。8、她每天早上教我们学法语。9、会议没能取得一致意见就结束了。10、我们还在一些老解放区大大推广了农业生产互助组的组织。,32,The end,