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    Bluetooth Handsfree System,蓝牙免提系统,Johnson Controls,June 22,2009.Confidential and Proprietory年6月22日。机密及专有资料,With Navigation Bluetooth Handsfree System使用导航 蓝牙免提系统,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,2,Bluetooth Handsfree System Features蓝牙免提系统-特性,Pair a compatible Bluetooth phone(up to 6 phones)匹配兼容蓝牙手机(最多6部手机)Make and receive calls using steering wheel buttons or Navigation screen拨打和接听电话-使用方向盘按钮或者导航屏幕Transfer Phonebook from cell phone to Navigation Screen将电话簿从手机传输到导航屏幕Display Battery,Signal and Roaming(if the phone sends the information)显示电池、信号和漫游状态(如果手机发送信息)Ability to send DTMF tones(digits,#or*)发送DTMF音的功能(数字,#或*)Available in Cantonese or Mandarin Chinese可使用粤语或普通话Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,,Button presses-quick guide,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,4,Phone Pairing,电话注册/电话匹配,1.Power on Navigation System,启动导航系统,2.Push Menu Button,按“菜单”按钮,3.Select and push“phone”,选择并按下“电话”,Phone Pairing,电话注册/电话匹配,4.Hang Down knob(central control,unit),按下 Knob(中央控制)按钮,5.Select and push“Bluetooth set up”,选择并按下“蓝牙设定”,6.Select and push“mobile phone,login”,选择并按下“移动电话登录”,Phone Pairing电话注册/电话匹配7.Set up your bluetooth passcode“1234”.(this is promptingyou to put the same passcode in your mobile phone将蓝牙密码设置为“1234”,这是提示输入与移动电话相同的蓝牙密码)8.Begin pairing process on your phone开始与电话进行匹配,9.,You will also see the phone information/name on theNavigation screen会听到系统提示“电话已配对。请在嘀声后说出电话的名称”,Phone Pairing手机匹配,Notes About Pairing:,关于手机匹配的注意事项:,11.2.,The HFT system will link to the most used phone when you re-enter the vehicleHFT在您重新进入车辆时将连接最常用的手机If you want to connect to a different paired phone如果你希望连接到另一部匹配手机,a.b,You must select“next phone”on the Navigation Screen and the system will search for the nextphone that has been used the most.您必须在导航屏幕上选择“下一部手机”,此后系统将搜索下一部最常用的手机。if there are no other paired phones then the system will re-link to the first phone and a messagewill be displayed that no phone was found.如果没有其他匹配手机,系统将重新连接第一部手机并显示“没有找到手机”的信息。,If you try and pair a 7th phone the system will prompt you to delete a phone.如果您试图匹配第7 部手机,系统将提示您删除一部手机。Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,3.8,Phonebook Transfer电话簿传输1.Power on the Navi System启动 NAVI系统2.Push Menu button按“菜单”按钮3.Select the push“phone”选择并按下“电话”44.Hang the knob down(central control unit)按下 Knob(中央控制)按钮,5.,it”,Select and push read phonebook you will be prompted with a message“readingdata from the phonebook,please wait选择并按下“读取电话簿信息”-将会显示提示消息“正在从电话簿中读取数据,请稍候”,Phonebook Transfer电话簿传输,Notes,注意事项,1.You can download up to 1,000 contacts and 10,000 numbers and the Navigation,system memorizes 2,000 phone numbers for each registered phone,您最多可下载1000 个联系人和10000 个号码,导航系统可为每个注册的手机保存2000,个手机号码,2.The phonebook will not automatically update,you must re-import your phonebook for,updates.,电话簿不会自动更新,您必须重新导入电话簿进行更新。,Dial from the Phonebook通过电话簿拨号,,Ensure Navi system is powered on确保导航系统已启动Push“menu”button on Navigation system按下导航系统上的“菜单”按钮Select and push“phone”选择并按下“手机”Push knob down and select phonebook按下按钮,然后选择“电话簿”Select the registered/paired phone youwould like to use选择所要使用的已注册/匹配的手机Select“read phonebook information选择“读取电话簿信息”Select“dial”(you may select“amend”ifyou selected an incorrect digit)选择“拨号”(如果所选数字不正确,则可选择“修正”),Digit Dial直接拨号,,Ensure Navi system is powered on确保导航系统已启动Push“menu”button on Navigation system按下导航系统上的“菜单”按钮Select and push“phone”选择并按下“手机”Select and press ENTER PHONE NUMBER选择并按下“手机号码输入”Select the numbers to dial选择所要拨打的数字Select“dial”(You may select“amend”if you selected anincorrect digit)选择“拨号”(如果所选数字不正确,则可选择“修正”),Making a Call拨打电话There are several ways you can make a call您可以使用多种方法拨打电话1.Digit Dial using the Navigation Screen使用导航屏幕的数字拨号2.Dialing from the phonebook使用电话簿拨号3.Dialing from the call log(stores the last 30 incoming and 30 outgoing calls)从呼叫记录中拨号(可保存最近的30个来电和30个拨出)4.One touch dial numbers(5 contacts you input into the menu screen for quick access)一键式拨号(您可在菜单画面中输入5个联系人以便快速拨号),Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,13,Receive a call接听电话There are 2 ways you can receive a call The phone must be paired to the system接听电话有两种方法-该手机必须与系统匹配,1.,Using the buttons on the steering wheel使用方向盘上的按钮,a.b,Press and release the pick up button to answer按下并松开接听键即可接听Press and release the hang up button to reject.按下并松开挂机键即可拒绝。,2.,Using the Navigation Screen使用导航屏幕,a.b.,The Navigation screen will display“incoming call“.导航屏幕将显示“来电”。Select“accept“if you want to take the call or“reject“如果需要接听,按接受,否则按拒绝,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,14,Sending DTMF Tones发送DTMF音During an active call if you can send digits or the#or*for a password or extension forexample有效通话期间,您能够发送数字、#或*作为密码或者分机号,例如1.Be in an active call正在有效通话期间2.Input the digits,#or*from the Navigation Screen使用导航屏幕输入数字、#或者*,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,15,Call Waiting呼叫等待This is the ability to answer a second call while already in a call这是在某个通话中接听另一个来电的功能。1.During a call when you hear the ringtone indicating another incoming call push the“pick up”button on the steering wheel.在通话期间,当您听到表示另一个来电的铃音时,按方向盘上的”接听”键。2.This will put the first call on hold and answer the second caller.If you want to swapbetween callers,continue to use the pick up button to go back and forth由此可保持第一个通话,并接听第二个来电。如果您希望在两个通话方之间切换,继续使用接听键来回转换3.To hang up on the active caller and talk to the 2nd caller,press the“hang up”button如需挂断有效通话方并接通第2 个呼叫方,按”挂机”键,Note:注意:,Please check the website in ensure you phone will dothis function properly请访问网站 确保您的手机可正确执行该功能,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,16,General Settings一般设置In this area of the HFT system it allows you to do the following:在该区域中,HFT系统可帮助您完成以下操作:1.Set settings for call information Enable or Disable the call information tat is shownduring a call and message notifications完成呼叫信息设置-启用或者禁用在来电和消息通知期间显示的来电信息2.Auto answering settings Enable or Disable自动应答设置-启用或者禁用3.Password setting密码设置4.System Clear/Resetting the system to factory settings.系统清理/将系统恢复到出厂设置,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,17,System Clear系统清理Will delete all paired phones,delete all phonebook entries,and put the HFT system backinto factory default mode将删除所有匹配手机、电话簿条目并使系统恢复出厂默认模式1.On the Navigation Screen while in the HFT menu options select“General Settings”在导航屏幕上进入HFT菜单选项,并选择“一般设置”2.Then select“System Clear”然后选择“系统清理”3.The system will ask for a confirmation of the system clear系统将要求确认系统清理操作4.The system will give a“in progress”message while it clears the system在清理系统时,系统将显示一条“正在处理”信息5.The system will provide confirmation that the system has been cleared successfully.系统成功清理之后,将显示确认信息,Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,18,Handsfree System Hints免提系统提示,1.2.,Be sure to use an approved Bluetooth phone 务必使用经过批准的蓝牙手机-Ensure you have the right Bluetooth settings on your phone(examples below)确保已经在您的手机上完成正确的蓝牙设置(参见后文示例),a.b.c.,Turn Bluetooth on permanently not temporarily(this is typically the default setting)永久(而非临时)打开蓝牙功能(这是典型的默认设置)Some devices require you to select“trusted device”某些设备要求您选择授信设备”For some phones that share numbers/letters on QWERTY keyboards when putting in the pinof“0000”you must select“shift”or“alt”to get the number input instead of letter inputs对于某些在QWERTY键盘上共享数字/字母的手机,在输入代码“0000”时,您必须选择“shift”或者“alt”才可输入数字而非字母,If a call is dropped,remember that the HFT system only replicates the phones service.It does notenhance it.So if the service drops a call so will the HFT system如果出现掉话问题,请记住HFT系统的功能只是再现手机服务,但并不能改善服务。所以如果手机服务出现掉话问题,HFT系统也会出现这种问题Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,33.19,Handsfree System Troubleshooting免提系统故障排除,1.,Phones can have software bugs or issues,if you are having problems with your HFT systemconnecting or stay connecting to the phone:手机可能存在软件问题或者缺陷,如果您的HFT系统在连接手机时出现问题或者不能与手机保持连接,a.b.c.,Do a soft reset on your phone-take out the battery,leave it out for a few seconds thenreplace it在您的手机上执行一次软复位-取出电池,数秒之后装回电池Delete the HFT system out of your phone and then try re-pairing从您的手机中删除HFT系统,然后尝试重新匹配Turn the vehicle completely off,take the keys out,open and shut the door,wait a fewseconds and then retry using the system车辆完全熄火,取出钥匙,打开并关闭车门,等待数秒后重试系统,Ensure you have the latest software for your phone确保您的手机上已经安装了最新软件For audio issues,make sure the windows are rolled up,HVAC is turned down,and audio is turnedup on the radio如果出现语音问题,确保车窗已经关闭,空调已经降低,收音机上已经提高音量Global Electronics Goals FY 2009,2.3.20,Voice Prompts,Prompt Response(English)Mute is cancelled.Audio transferred to phone.Audio transferred to HFT.List Phonebook.While listing,youmay choose from the followingoptions:Skip to Next Name-short press ofPICKUPCall Current Name-long press ofPICKUPEnd List-short press of HANGUPDelete Current Name-long press ofHANGUPPress PICKUP for Mandarin orHANGUP for Japanese.Press PICKUP for Mandarin orHANGUP for English.,ContextAlternate verbage for#54The phone call audio was previously playedover the vehicle speakers(hands-freephone call).At the user request,this audiohas been tranferred to the mobile phone(nolonger in hands-free mode).At the user request,the phone call audio hasbeen tranferred from the mobile phonehandset to the hands-free telephone system(return to hands-free mode).System help prompt when entering the ListPhonebook menu.While the system slowlylists each name in the phonebook,the usercan take one of four actions by pressing(orpressing and holding)one of the twobuttons.System instructions on language selection.System instructions on language selection.,Simplified Mandarin静音已取消。音频已传输到电话。音频已传输到 HFT。列出电话簿。列出时,您可以选择以下选项:跳到下一姓名-快速按 PICKUP 呼叫当前姓名-长按 PICKUP 结束列表-快速按 HANGUP 删除当前姓名-长按HANGUP按 PICKUP 选择普通话,或按 HANGUP选择日语。按 PICKUP 选择普通话,或按 HANGUP选择英语。,


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