Mobile Internet,Whats app,Johan L,Agenda,Mobile Internet evolutionMobile Internet value chain dominanceSmartphone growth and usageMobile user targetingMobile advertisingMedia industry and mobileFuture thoughts,Mobile Internet 1.0,2G GSM circuit switched dataWAPText based,simple graphicsNo Internet browsingBad user experienceData usage billing,Mobile Internet 1.5,2.5G mobile infrastructureDoCoMo iModeProprietary Japanese phonesOperator walled gardenSubscription based billing+data usage billing,Mobile Internet 2.0,3G mobile infrastructureOpen Internet browsingSmartphone technologyIntuitive user interfaceSocial networking(e.g.Facebook)Video(e.g.YouTube)VoIP(e.g.Skype)Applications/App storeFlat fee data usage billing+app billing(many free),Mobile Internet value chain,Mobile Internet 1.0,Mobile Internet 1.5,Mobile Internet 2.0,EuropePhones:Nokia,JapanOperator:DoCoMo,United StatesApps:Apple,Innovation game:New services,App stores,applications and contentChallenge:attract large scale developer communityDominated by Internet giants and startups,Platform game:Infrastructure and reach/economies of scaleHost as many apps/services as possibleChallenge:rapid growth of spectrum/bandwidth usageDominated by Mobile operators,Handset vendors,Internet Giants,Mobile bandwidth challenge,More than just a phone,Internet browsingE-mailInstant messaging/social mediaTabletBookreader/eReaderMusic player/recorderMusical instrumentPhoto camera/editorVideo player/recorderGPS deviceCar electronics deviceHome electronics deviceGame computerLots of handy utilities,Smartphone sales,Smartphone sales Q4 2009 41%growthBest performers Apple iPhone and Google Androidsource Gartner feb 2010,Mobile App marketing/distribution,Mobile fit with social networking,Mobile Internet user targeting,Commercial TV:Global user segments,global usage figuresInternet:Individual user behaviour,contextual advertisingMobile Internet:High degree of personalization possible:-consumer value(ARPU,post-paid only)-demographics(sex,age,address,post-paid only)-handset type and brand-usage statistics-always on-location-short-and long distance journey patterns-individual contributions(blogging,twitter)-buying behaviour,Business models mobile,Accessflat rate,time based,volume based,freeFreeLoyalty,support existing businessSubscriptionareas:music,films,newspapers,magazines,booksAdvertisingareas:news,magazines,radio,TVTransaction-Premium 0900,SMS Classic Internet vs.Mobile:free vs.paid services based on phone specific content and ease of billing-App one-time fee-M-commerce,Mobile advertising,Recent acquisitions worldwide:-Google buys AdMob($750 M)-Apple buys Quattro Wireless($275 M)-Opera buys Marvel($8 M)STIR/Nedstat lab mobiel initiativeSmartphone installed base drives mobile advertisingMobile advertising implies mobile landing pagesAd needs to be content related/context relevantDifferent types of mobile Advertising:-SMS/MMS-Mobile search-Mobile video-Mobile game-Mobile banners-Branded content,Newspapers and magazines,Of all media newspapers and magazinessuffer from biggest ad income declineOn-line shift fromtext to video and interactivityMobile offering starts asa copy of paperTech-based andspecial interest mags/sitesare early adopters ofnew technologye.g.Wired tablet app,Radio,Weekly music consumption time-Radio Next 2008 US,6-10%listening time onlineBroadcast radio will loosemarket share to personal radioExisting Radio companieswell positioned to fundpersonal radio,however most are unableto make digital shiftMobile phone:-Access to music shop downloads-CD player-Broadcast radio tuner(home,car)-Personal music streamer-Personal radio streamer,Television,Trends:-End of mass-media advertising growth-Growth of on-line on-demand consumption-TV integrated internet browsing-Personal TV(e.g.using iPad)Uitzending gemist-150 million videos in 2009-8 million NOS Journaal-growth 25%in 2009-2 M unique visitors/monthUitzending gemist mobile-2,7 million videos on mobile in 2009-last 4 months 230.000 app downloads-last 4 months 2 million iPhone videos,Mobile in your marketing mix,Mobile website:-offers better navigation than standard website-works on any smartphoneApp:-dedicated functionality-navigation speed-good user experience-some functionality only available in app-smartphone specific-dependency app storeUse of dedicated Apps will migrate to mobile websitesBest to develop both types for leading OSs,Standard website,Mobile website,App,Conclusions,Shifting dominancy in Mobile Internet value chainMobile internet access will surpassfixed internet access soonMedia convergence is everywhere:its easier than ever to reach a large audience,but harder than ever to really connectMobile Phone unique as personal media deviceAdvertising on mobile needs to be morecontent related than ever(contvertising)Mobile becomes a must in any marketingmix,Mobile Internet,Whats app,