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    超市培训-生鲜,Fruits&Vegetable蔬 果 课,Participation 销售占比:35%of the Division Operating result 营运绩效:21.60%,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Separate fruit&vegetable.蔬菜和水果分开 Cleanliness of cold room.保持冷库的清洁 Temperature between 8 to 12 degrees.温度在8摄氏度到12摄氏度,Cold room management 冷库管理,Objective目的:Storage the products in good condition.在良好的环境下储存商品,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Basket should be 10 cm far from the wall.塑料垫仓板和周转篮须离墙10厘米 Receiving date on the basket.周转篮上标有收货日期 Cleanliness of cold room.保证冷库的清洁,Cold room management 冷库管理,Objective目的:Storage the products in good condition.在良好的环境下储存商品,Key points:要点,Receiving date收货日期,10cm far from the wall 离墙10CM,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Check the expiration date.检查保质期,Consumption charter 保质期限,Objective目的:To guarantee the freshness.保证新鲜,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Put the label price on the right hand top.标签贴在右上方 Check price,name matched to the product.检查价格与名称与产品一致,Packing date包装日期,Item name单品名,Unit price/kg单价,Item weight重量,Expiration date保质期,Consumption charter 保质期限,Objective目的:Pack the product in good condition.包装良好,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Fruits 水果,Vegetables 蔬菜,Mushroom 菌菇类,Condiment 调味类,Root 根类,Stem 茎类,Gourd 瓜类,Flower vegetable 花类,Leafy 叶类,Citrus 柑,Tropical without seeds热带无子水果,Tropical with seeds 热带有子水果,Import fruit 进口水果,Watermelon 西瓜,Orange 橘,Pomelo 柚子,Lemon 柠檬,Pear 梨,Apple 苹果,Product quality 产品质量,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&cleanness 新鲜、干净 Uniformity of growth&color 色泽形体均匀 No defect leaves(insect damage,disease)&rot leaves 无烂叶(虫斑、病斑),No defect leaves 无烂叶,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting&dirty 枯萎、脏 Size&color are not same 规格颜色不一 Have defect leaves&rot leaves 有烂叶,Rot leaves 有烂叶,Vegetables蔬菜 leafy 叶类,Uniformity of size 规格均匀,Size not same 规格不一,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&cleanness 新鲜、干净 Uniformity of color(green)绿色均匀 Firm 坚实,Uniformity of Color颜色均匀,Not Fresh不新鲜:Decay&dirty 烂、脏 Discoloration 变色 Not firm 不坚实,Color not same色泽不一,Vegetables蔬菜 Flower Vegetable 花菜类,Firm坚实,Not firm不坚实,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Shiny color&cleanness 色泽光亮、干净 Uniformity of shape,color&size 规格一致 No defect(mechanical injury&growth cracks)&No rot 无斑点(伤斑裂痕)、腐烂,Shiny&clean光滑、干净,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting,sprouting&dirty 枯萎、脏 Injured on surface&rot 表面不平、腐烂 Shape color&size are not same 颜色规格不一,Wilting&rot枯萎、腐烂,Vegetables蔬菜 Gourd 瓜类,No defect无斑点,Mechanical Injury裂口,超市培训-生鲜,Uniformity of shape color&size规格颜色统一,Wilting枯萎,Vegetables蔬菜 Stem 茎类,Fresh新鲜:Shiny color&cleanness 色泽光亮、干净 Uniformity of shape,color&size 规格一致 No defect(mechanical injury&growth cracks)&No rot 无斑点及腐烂,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting,sprouting&dirty枯萎、脏 Injured on surface&rot表面不平、腐烂 Shape color&size are not same 颜色规格不一,No defect无斑点,Injured受损,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&cleanness 新鲜干净 Uniformity of shape,color&size 规格形状及颜色统一 No defect(mechanical injury&growth cracks)&no rot 无坏损(碰撞或生长造成的裂痕)或斑点 No sprouting 无发芽现象,Freshness&Cleanness新鲜、干净,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting,sprouting&dirty枯萎、脏 Injured on surface&rot表面受损、烂 Shape color&size are not same 规格和颜色不一,Dirty脏,Vegetables蔬菜 Root 根类,No defect on the surface表面无斑点,Injured on the surface表面受损,超市培训-生鲜,No defect on surface无受损,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting,sprouting&dirty 枯萎、烂、脏 Defect on surface(mechanical injury,sunburn&insect damage)表面受损(碰伤,晒 斑或虫害)Rotten spot 有烂斑 Shape,color&size are not same 形状规格及大小不一,Mechanical Injury受损,Fresh新鲜:Shiny color&cleanness 色泽光亮、干净 Uniformity of shape,color&size 规格一致 No defect(mechanical injury&growth cracks)&No rot 无斑点及腐烂,Vegetables蔬菜 Condiment 调味类,Clean&Shiny干净光泽,Rotten spot腐烂,Wilting枯萎,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Mushroom head is close 菇头合拢 No insect injury,disease 无受损 No rotten spot 无斑点 Natural color 自然色,Mushroom head is close菇头合拢,Not Fresh不新鲜:Mushroom head is open 菇头打开 Have insect injury,disease 有受损 Rotten spot 烂、斑点 Discoloration 颜色不自然,Mushroom head is open菇头打开,Vegetables蔬菜 Mushroom 菌菇类,No rotten spot无腐烂斑点,Rotten spot腐烂斑点,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Firmness&clean shiny skin 光泽、坚实 No rotten spot,insect damage,rotten core&mechanical injury 无受损、腐烂 Uniformity in shape,color&size 规格统一,Clean shiny Skin光泽,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft or wilting skin 软、皮皱 Have rotten spot,insect damage,rotten core&mechanical injury 有受损、腐烂 Shape,color&size are not same 规格不一,Wilting skin皮皱,Fruits水果 Apple 苹果,No rotten spot&injury无斑,Mechanical Injury受损,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Firmness&clean shiny skin 结实,有光泽 No rotten spot,insect damage,rotten core&mechanical injury 无受损、腐烂 Uniformity in shape,color&size 规格一致,Clean shiny skin 光泽,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft or wilting skin 软、蔫 Have rotten spot,insect damage,rotten core&mechanical injury 斑点、受损、腐烂 Shape,color&size are not same 规格不一,Dirty skin表面脏,No rotten spot&mechanical Injury无受损,Rotten spot&rotten core腐烂斑点,Fruits水果 Pear 梨,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&juiciness 新鲜,多汁 Clean&shiny skin 干净,有光泽 No disease damage,rotten spot 无腐烂和受损,Clean&shiny Skin 光泽,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft or wilting skin 软、蔫 Have defect(disease damage rotten spot)on the surface 受损、腐烂,Disease&rotten spot霉斑,Fruits水果 Citrus 芦柑,No disease&rotten无腐烂斑点,超市培训-生鲜,Clean shiny Skin光泽,Rough surface表面粗糙,Fruits水果 Lemon 柠檬,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&juiciness 新鲜,多汁 Clean&shiny skin 干净,有光泽 No disease damage,rotten spot 无腐烂和受损,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft or wilting skin 软、蔫 Have defect(disease damage rotten spot)on the surface 受损、腐烂,No injury on surface无受损,Injury on the Surface受损,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&juiciness 新鲜,多汁 Firmness 坚实 No disease damage,rotten 无受损及腐烂,Smooth skin表皮光滑,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft and no juice inside 软、无水分 Disease damage or rotten on the surface 表面受损腐烂,Fruits水果 Pomelo 柚子,No injury on surface表面无受损,Mechanical Injury受损,超市培训-生鲜,Firmness坚实饱满,Wilting skin凹凸,Fruits水果 Orange 橘,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&juiciness 新鲜,多汁 Firmness 坚实 No disease damage,rotten 无受损及腐烂,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft and no juice inside 软、无水分 Disease damage or rotten on the surface 表面受损腐烂,No rotten无腐烂,Rotten腐烂,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Right maturity 刚熟 Firmness&juiciness 坚实,多汁 No disease damage,mechanical injury&rotten spot on the surface 无受损、表面无斑点,Right maturity刚熟,Not Fresh不新鲜:Not maturity or too maturity 太生/过熟 Wilting inside 无水分 Have disease damage,mechanical injury&rotten spot on the surface 受损、斑点,Disease,rotten spots on the surface 腐烂,Fruits水果 Watermelon 西瓜,No disease,rotten on the surface表面无受损,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Fresh branches&smooth skin 枝干新鲜,外表光滑 Firmness&juiciness 坚实,多汁 No insect damage&rotten piece in the whole bunch 整束中无任何受损腐烂、虫斑,Smooth skin&Firmness光滑表面,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting branch or skin 枝干或表皮枯萎 Not maturity or too maturity 过熟/不熟 Have insect damage,rotten piece in the whole bunch 有腐烂坏损、虫蛀部分,Rotten pieces腐烂,Fruits水果 Import fruit 进口水果,No rotten Piece 无腐烂,Decay branch腐枝,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&Firmness 新鲜结实 Clean&smooth skin 干净并且表皮光滑 No insect damage,rotten spot&mechanical injury 无虫害,腐烂斑点及碰伤,Clean&smooth skin表皮光滑,Not Fresh不新鲜:Soft or wilting skin 软、表皮萎缩 Too much black spots on the skin 黑色斑点 Have mechanical injury,rotten spot,insect damage on the surface 表皮上有虫害,腐烂斑点及碰伤,Rotten腐烂,Fruits水果 Tropical with seeds有子热带水果,No defect on the surface无斑,Black spot on the surface黑斑,超市培训-生鲜,Fresh新鲜:Freshness&cleanness 新鲜干净Natural smell 自然气味No broken,mildew spot 无受损、发霉Soft skin 皮软,Freshness&cleanness 新鲜、干净,Not Fresh不新鲜:Wilting or dirty skin 表皮萎缩肮脏 Broken or mould spot on surface 表皮受损或发霉 Hard skin 皮硬 Sour smell 有酸味,Dirty skin表皮脏,Fruits水果 Tropical without seeds无子热带水果,No broken,mildew spot无破损、发霉,Hard skin硬,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Before opening,first in first out(FIFO)for all assortment.在营业前,所有分类按先入先出法则陈列。,Objective目的:Maximum of merchandise in sales area except leafy,sensitive fruits.在销售区拥有最大的商品排面(除叶类菜和敏感性水果),Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜 Opening Time开始营业,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Any time damaged goods are removed into the loss area.随时把坏掉的取走报损 Vaporize leafy all day long.一天内持续为叶类菜喷水 Do not vaporize fruits.水果不要喷水,Objective目的:To guarantee quality&freshness all day long.保证一整天的质量和新鲜,Key points:要点,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜 All Day Long 一整天,超市培训-生鲜,Alley are free from empty basket,dirties,empty bags.走道上不能有空篮子/袋子 Re-opening ready at 4 pm.下午四点作好二次开店准备,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜 All Day Long 一整天,Objective目的:To facilitate customer choice.便于顾客选择,Key points:要点,Do rotation before full the shelves 翻转商品,超市培训-生鲜,Objective目的:To guarantee quality of sensitive items.保证敏感产品质量,Sensitive items are well displayed on plastic bags in order to be stored in cold room during the night.(Exp.Red grapes,Kiwi fruit)敏感商品用塑料膜包装好陈列,以便晚上放进冷库储存(例如:红缇、猕猴桃),Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜 Closing time 结束营业,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Objective目的:Volume image.确保陈列的量感,Adapt the number of display to the daily volume.根据一天的销售情况,调整陈列的量,Flexibility 灵活性,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,During the day,number of display decreases,but presentation stays bulky.在白天,展示的商品量逐渐减少,但要平铺着陈列,以免有空洞。,Objective目的:To preserve the image of volume&freshness all day long.确保商品全天的量和新鲜度,Flexibility 灵活性,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Objective目的:To be different than our competitors.区别与我们的竞争对手,To propose bulk and packed item at the same place.包装和散装放在一起,Good practice良好实践,Key points:要点,超市培训-生鲜,To show the quality of inside of the product.显示产品内在品质,Good practice良好实践,Key points:要点,Objective目的:To be different than our competitors.区别与我们的竞争对手,超市培训-生鲜,To have the right assets.选择正确的资产 Participation on the turnover=30%to 45%营业额占比=30%到45%Margin毛利率:25%,Good practice良好实践,Key points:要点,Objective目的:To be different than our competitors.区别与我们的竞争对手,超市培训-生鲜,Good practice良好实践 customers service(scale area)客户服务(称重台),Objective目的:To facilitate the customer flow.方便顾客,Only one area 只有一个区域,Located in the middle of the department位于部门的中间,-Clean 干净-Employee smile 微笑的员工,Employee use 2 scales at the same time 2名员工同时工作,超市培训-生鲜,Cold room management 冷库管理,Consumption charter 保质期限,Quality&freshness 质量/新鲜,Product quality 产品质量,Good practice良好实践,Management tools 管理工具,Contents 内容,Flexibility 灵活性,超市培训-生鲜,Management Tools 管理工具 Display organization 陈列管理,Objective目的:To attract the customers.吸引顾客,Customer flow 顾客流向,TG No.&TG items name TG编号及TG单品名称,Key points:要点,Plan a week ahead the TG volume.TG每周1个计划 Seasonal products welcome customers in department.季节性产品受欢迎 Leafy are first in customer flow/vegetable/fruits/dry fruits.叶类菜最先呈现在顾客面前,其次是蔬菜、水果和干果。,超市培训-生鲜,Objective目的:To develop the turnover by analyzing of the volume and margin by TG.通过对TG销售及毛利的分析以增长营业额,Analyze with the section head every week.每周与各课课长分析结果,Management Tools 管理工具 TG Following TG跟踪,Key points:要点,Daily sales Qty日销量,Daily sales turnover日营业额,Weekly total turnover周营业额,Weight of TG items turnover on total Dept.turnover TG单品销售占部门销售比率,Thanks for your Attention谢谢观看,2010.05.01,超市培训-生鲜,


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