2012 Dice 2012 Linux Jobs Report.ppt
2012 Linux Jobs Report,Strong Demand Drives Higher Salaries,More Perks for Linux Professionals,A survey and report by Dice and The Linux FoundationFebruary 16,2012,1,2,2,Executive Summary,It is well accepted that the IT job market is a bright spot in otherwise uneven economies.In the United States,the unemployment rate for tech professionals is 3.8 percent,a vast improvement from 5.3 percent just 12months ago and far better than the 8.3 percent national unemployment rate.1 With strong evidence of jobcreation tied to increased adoption and use of Linux,Dice and The Linux Foundation teamed up to betterunderstand the global 2012 hiring outlook for Linux professionals.,So just how big is the demand for Linux talent?And what does it tell us about the career outlook for Linuxdevelopers,system administrators,and other open source professionals?The ndings of the joint survey tella conclusive story:Companies everywhere need trained Linux professionals,and they need them now.The comprehensive survey includes responses from more than 2,000 hiring managers at corporations,Smalland Medium Businesses(SMBs),government organizations,and stafng agencies from across the globe.The combination of Dices network of tech-focused hiring managers and The Linux Foundations access toLinux-specic employers has surfaced an insightful report on Linux job trends.Key ndings from the 2012 Linux Jobs Survey and Report include:,Demand for Linux talent is on the rise,but nding those professionals is difcult.,Eight in 10(81%)survey respondents say that hiring Linux talent is a priority in 2012.This pressingmatter is particularly evident when Linux demand is compared to hiring in other skill sets:63 percent ofhiring managers are increasing Linux hires relative to jobs created in other skill areas.The issue?A full85 percent say nding Linux talent is somewhat to very difcult,making Linux professionals some of themost sought talent in 2012.,Companies are making signicant investments to attract and retain Linux talent.,Linux professionals garner more full-time positions and better salaries,bonuses and perks.While thepay increase for tech professionals averaged just two percent in 2011,Linux professionals have seen ave percent increase in salaries year-over-year and a 15 percent jump in bonus payouts2.,Flexible work schedules(37%)additional training and certication programs(30%)and salary increasesabove the company norm(28%)are among the perks Linux gurus can expect.Mid-level Linux developers and system administrators are the most in-demand.,Employers are seeking mostly Linux developers 67 percent-and systems administrators 55percent-with varying levels of experience;though,mid-level professionals appear to be the mosthighly sought:75 percent of respondents say theyre looking for Linux talent with three to ve years ofexperience.,Bureau of Labor Statistics,January 2012 Computer&Mathematical Operations unemployment rate(not,seasonally adjusted),and overall unemployment rate(seasonally adjusted),2012-2011 Dice Salary Survey,2012 Linux Jobs Report,90,70,60,50,40,30,10,3,Demand for Linux Talent Exceeds SupplyEven as overall unemployment rates remain high worldwide,the tech job market continues to thrive andthe demand for Linux talent,in particular,is booming.Eight in 10(81%)survey respondents say that hiringLinux talent is a priority in 2012.This urgency is driving a substantial uptick in recruiting activity,with nearlyhalf(47%)of hiring managers expecting to add more Linux professionals to their rms in the rst six monthsof 2012 than they did in the previous six months.,The career outlook for Linux developers,system administrators,andother open source professionals is strong,particularly when compared to,In 2012,is hiring Linux talent a priority for you?,demand in other skillsets:63 percent of hiring managers are adding Linuxhires relative to other skill areas.Likewise,56 percent of respondents that are adding more staff anticipatethese positions will be full-time jobs.In an economy where part-time andcontract work has become more prevalent,the survey results indicate thattrained Linux professionals have a unique ability to command more stableand secure full-time positions.But,the Linux expertise that companies seek isnt always easy to nd.In fact,85 percent of hiring managers say that nding Linux talent is“somewhat to very”difcult.To cope with this shortage in the talent pool,respondents say theyll use avariety of strategies including:continuing to search until they nd the rightperson(49%);seeking training for existing employees(39%);and hiring aconsultant(31%).,8020,81%,19%,With demand for Linux talent clearly outpacing the supply of qualiedprofessionals,Linux experts with the right skills are in a good position in,0,Yes,No,2012.,Relative to other skill areas,in the next six months do you think your hires forLinux professionals with Linux-related skills will:,To understand what is driving this demand,weasked what has changed in their organizationsto prompt this hiring activity.The results paint an,IncreaseStay AboutThe SameDecrease,3%,34%,63%,optimistic picture about company growth andthe use of Linux to support it.Forty-nine percentsay their company is growing,which is creatingthe need for additional Linux-focused teammembers,while another 48 percent say that theyare increasing their use of Linux and need in-housetalent to support it.And 30 percent say that Linuxhas become core to their business and they needto increase participation in the Linux community,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,through new hires.,2012 Linux Jobs Report,4,The full breakdown of demand drivers is as follows:What has changed in your organization that is driving hiring of Linux professionals in 2012,as opposed to 2011?1.Company is growing,creating need for additional Linux-focused team members(49%)2.Increasing use of Linux in our company and need in-house support(48%)3.Linux has become core to our business and we need to increase our participation in the Linuxcommunity(30%)4.Replacing systems with Linux and need Linux expertise to assist with migrations(27%)5.Difculty in retaining Linux-related talent is creating openings that we need to backll(13%)6.I dont know(7%)7.Other(5%)Linux Pros Command Better Pay Raises and PerksAs Linux and open source continue to provide the foundation upon which the Internet,smartphones,supercomputers,and more are built,the survey results show that the companies that rely on it areincreasingly willing to loosen their purse strings and policies to recruit and retain the best Linux talent.,Nearly two-thirds(66%)of surveyrespondents are taking aggressive steps,What steps are you taking to retain Linux-based talent?,to ensure that they retain and reward topLinux professionals.,Flexible WorkSchecules,37%,While the average pay increase for techprofessionals averaged just two percentin 2011,the 2012 Linux Jobs Reportindicates that Linux experts can expectand command more.In fact,accordingto Dices annual Salary Survey,in 2011,Linux professionals saw a ve percentincrease,year-over-year,in their payas well as a 15 percent jump in bonuspayouts.Its clear that professionals withexpertise in open source software and the,AdditionalTraining&CerticationsSalary IncreasesAbove CompanyNormMake LinuxTalent BonusEligibleAdditionalStock OptionsAll of the Above,6%,8%,18%,30%28%,collaborative development model have,unmatched levels of job security,as well as,0,10,20,30,40,unique opportunities for career growth.2012 Linux Jobs Report,65%,68%,Corporate,On-Site Training,39%,39%,Courses,5,Hottest Openings:Linux Development and Systems Administration,To start 2012,hiring managers are pursuingLinux developers(67%)and systemsadministrators(55%)most often to ll openpositions,although IT managers(20%)and outside consultants(15%)are also indemand.The survey nds that companiesare most aggressively targeting the mid-level professional,with 75 percent ofrespondents looking for Linux professionalswith three to ve years of experience.,What kinds of professional development opportunities do you use for newand existing employees who need to learn more about Linux?Self-DirectedLearningBooks andManualsSend EmployeesTo Technical 49%ConferencesIndividualTraining 43%Courses,Its important to note that among the worlds Online/Virtuallargest organizations(companies with 500+employees),the most sought-after skillsare different.Large enterprises are seeking,Linux application development(49%)andkernel development skills(46%)above all,Other,3%,others.Not only do these companies rely,0,10,20,30,40,50,60,70,on Linux-based systems to power theirbusinesses,theyre also becoming increasingly involved with core Linux kernel development and contributingmore back to the kernel.They require in-depth understanding at the kernel and application levels,providing alucrative niche for some Linux developers.To help existing Linux professionals come up to speed on the most important skills,our respondentsreport that they primarily use self-directed learning opportunities,books and manuals,technical events andindividual training courses.Seizing the OpportunitiesAccording to the 2012 Linux Jobs Report,Linux professionals with the right open source chops have lots ofreasons to be optimistic about the future.For people with well-honed Linux skills and up-to-date training,thejob market is thriving and the opportunities put Linux professionals directly in the center of disruptive andexciting innovations that are changing the way we work and live.Regional Notes,North American GrowthMore than half of allNorth American surveyrespondents citecompany growth as theprimary driver for theirincrease in Linux jobcreation and workforcedemands,indicatingthat as the economy strengthens,Linux is helping driveinnovation in the third industrial revolution.Additionally,71 percent of these respondents are primarily seekingLinux developers.,Booming Asian MarketAsia shows an evenhigher percentage ofrespondents looking forLinux talent.Nearly ninein 10(86%)of surveyrespondents from Asiasay that hiring Linuxtalent is a priority in theyear ahead,citing anincreased use of Linuxas the primary driver.This is consistent with reportsabout the increasing use of Linux among consumerelectronics makers largely concentrated in theAsia/Pacic market.2012 Linux Jobs Report,6,2012 Linux Jobs Report Methodology,From December 6 to December 16,2011,Dice and The Linux Foundation surveyed hiring managers atcorporations,Small and Medium Businesses(SMBs),government organizations,and stafng agencies.Morethan 2,300 responded with 42 percent indicating their company was headquartered in the United States,27 percent in Europe,11 percent in Asia,seven percent in South America,as well as Africa,Australia/NewZealand,Japan,the Middle East,Mexico and Central America.Respondents needed to have hired at leastone Linux professional in the last year,or have plans to hire Linux professionals in 2012 to participate in thesurvey,and were allowed to check as many responses to questions as appropriate.About Dice,Dice,a Dice Holdings,Inc.service,is the leading career site for technology and engineering professionals.With a 21-year track record of meeting the ever-changing needs of technology professionals,companies andrecruiters,our specialty focus and exposure to highly skilled professional communities enable employers toreach hard-to-nd,experienced and qualied technology and engineering candidates.www.DAbout The Linux Foundation,The Linux Foundation is a nonprot consortium dedicated to fostering the growth of Linux.Founded in 2000,the organization sponsors the work of Linux creator Linus Torvalds and promotes,protects and advancesthe Linux operating system by marshaling the resources of its members and the open source developmentcommunity.The Linux Foundation provides a neutral forum for collaboration and education by hosting Linuxconferences,including LinuxCon,and generating original Linux research that advances the understandingof the Linux platform.Its web properties,including L reach approximately two million people permonth.The organization also provides extensive Linux training courses that feature the Linux kernelcommunitys leading experts as instructors.www.LinuxFoundation.org,2012 Linux Jobs Report,