大学英语口语教程 Pushy Parents.ppt
,Pushy Parents,A1,A2,B1,B2,Pair-work,Oral Practice,Read the following description carefully and act out the conversation based on the information provided.Situation:You are working in pairs talking about pushy parents.Student A:You heard that there is a popular newspaper article about pushy parents and you want to know what it is about.In your conversation with Student B,who has read the report,you try to find out what the article is about and try to make comments from your own experiences.Please write down the questions youd like to ask:Questions:1_2_3_4_5_,Student B:Read the following passage and try to answer your partners questions.,Pushy Parents Raise More Successful Kids,Children of pushy parents are more likely to excel(优秀)in high school,graduate from college and grow into young adults who are happier with their lives and more prosperous(获得成功的)in their careers,according to the findings of the latest survey conducted by EPIC-iViRA.The prevailing(流行的)attitude is that children should be nudged(轻推),not pushed;nurtured(培育),encouraged to find their own way in an environment of low pressure and low expectations.However,this survey found that parents who didnt mention college much have only an one-in-11 chance of seeing their children graduate from college,while those with pushy parents are much more likely to earn a college degree and land in jobs that make them happier and pay them more than those with hands-off(不干涉的)parents.,Useful Expressions,One should be a pride of his/her family.Hard work amounts to something.One should strive for excellence.Better education leads to a better life.The higher the parents expectation,the better children can do.Too much push from parents results in childrens anxiety and depression.Failing to meet parents high expectations might make children lack of self-confidence,学期英语口语课活动安排,Lecture:English story,news,report etc.准备一条英语谚语或典故和与之相匹配的5分钟以内的英语故事、新闻、轶事等,按学号顺序在口语课上讲述;注意结合讲述内容用相关英语谚语点名主题。注意:1)积极准备,每堂课由4-5名同学讲述。2)采取百分制计分,过期不补。3)制作简明的幻灯片课件供讲解参考。注意课件的直观性和生动性,标明宣讲主题、学生姓名、学号和班级。4)注意内容的生动性和教育性,并要求表达自然、流畅;同时要求脱稿讲述。5)全班(小班)每次25-30分钟。2.剩余时间根据教师提供的材料安排话题讨论。,