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Personal Information:Name: Age: 21Permanent Domicile: Correspondence Address: School of Literature and Journalism of Nanjing University, Nanjing City, Nanjing ProvinceEmployment Object: To work in a University in south of China to teach literature lecture, gain more educational experiences, and can eventually have an opportunity that joining a press or research institution to have further development. Qualifications: The person in charge of Literal Association of my universityThe leader of the editorial office of a portal siteA tutorEducation: M.E. (Master of Education), Ancient Literature, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, 20132016B.A. (Bachelor of Arts), Chinese Language and Literature, Nanjing University, Jiangsu, 20092013Work Experience: Being a tutor for 3 years from 2011 to 2014, mainly taught students in high school to acquire the skill of writing and help them solve the problems in Chinese homeworkAs the person in charge of Educational Association of Beijing Normal University, arranged for members to take part in education clubs and literature activities inner or with other associations As the leader of the editorial office of the portal site of Nanjing University and an editor of the educational site of Beijing Normal University, finished the daily work of edition, organized some important competition about network on my own, such as the rebuilding competition of the site Special Skills: Giving a speech WritingBasic English reading and writing skills Familiar with MS Office Publications: Life in the University, High Education press, 2013 Social Activity: Made a group to investigate and survey the content and development of Xiangxi civilization, 2010 Honors and Awards: National Scholarship, 2010First place in Classical Chinese Speaking Competition, 2011Second place in Creative University Educational Survey Competition, 2015Hobbies and Interests: Reading and singing References will be furnished upon request. - 欢迎下载资料,下面是附带送个人简历资料用不了的话可以自己编辑删除,谢谢!X X X 个 人 简 历个人资料姓 名:xxxx婚姻状况:未婚照片出 生:1987-06-24政治面貌:团员性 别:男民 族:汉学 位:本科移动电话:专 业:英语电子邮件:地 址: 教育背景2006.9-2010.6吉林工程技术师范学院-外国语言文学系主修课程本科阶段主修大学英语精读,大学英语泛读,英语口语,英语听力,英语写作,英语口译,翻译学,词汇学,语法学,英美概况,英国文学,美国文学,语言学,日语,中外名胜。特长及兴趣爱好除了有专业的英语方面知识外,我在校生活部工作一年, 在系宣传部和秘书处各工作一年。为全面发展,大三上学期,我加入系文学社,参于了我系心韵杂志的创刊和编辑工作。在这些活动中锻炼了我的领导和团队协作能力,学会了更好的与人相处,这些在我以后的工作中一定会有很大的帮助。计算机能力能熟悉使用Office工具以及Photoshop、Flash等软件。获国家计算机二级等级资格证书。外语水平通过英语专业四级考试,能熟练进行听说读写译。奖励情况:2007-2008 优秀学生会干部 200807 师生合唱比赛一等奖普通话水平测试等级证书英语专业四级证书自我评价X X X 个 人 简 历个人资料姓 名: 婚姻状况:未婚出 生: 政治面貌:团员性 别: 民 族:汉学 位: 移动电话:专 业: 电子邮件:地 址:教育背景2006.9-2010.6吉林工程技术师范学院-外国语言文学系主修课程大学英语精读,大学英语泛读,英语口语,英语听力,英语写作,英语口译,翻译学,词汇学,语法学,英美概况,英国文学,美国文学,语言学,日语,中外名胜。能力及特长这要写你明你有什么样的能力及经验,最重要就是告诉用人单位,你会做什么?计算机能力能熟悉使用Office工具以及Photoshop、Flash等软件。获国家计算机二级等级资格证书。外语水平通过英语专业四级考试,能熟练进行听说读写译。奖励情况2007-2008 优秀学生会干部 200807 师生合唱比赛一等奖普通话水平测试等级证书英语专业四级证书实习经验(或实践经验或兼职经验)这里写上你的实习经验或实践经验或兼职经验等信息吧,标题自己起一个贴切的。自我评价本人性格开朗、稳重、有活力,待人热情、真诚。工作认真负责,积极主动,能吃苦耐劳。有较强的组织能力、实际动手能力和团体协作精神,能迅速的适应各种环境,并融入其中。我不是最优秀的,但我是最用功的;我不是太显眼,但我很踏实;希望我的努力可以让您满意。这里不要照抄哦,不会写自我评价的朋友,你可以访问http 这里有很多自我评价范文可以参考。(按住键盘的CTRL键,再用鼠标点链接就可以直接打开网站,不用复制到浏览器的。)本人性格热情开朗、待人真诚,善于沟通,应变能力较强。懂得珍惜拥有的一切。