金华外侨办邀请外国人来华篇一:给老外邀请函 篇一:老外英文邀请函模板下载 外商来华邀请函格式 a formal visa invitation格式 公司抬头 to attention: a formal visa invitation dear sir or madam: please note, however, that we dont assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of * in china. all expenses of journey to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yours sincerely, general manager signatur july 29, 2005 xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation (address) please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china. we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feelfree to inform me. yours truly, 办理邀请外商来华签证申报所需材料:(除英文之外的外文材料,请附中文翻译件并盖邀请单位公司章) 1、邀请外国人来华签证申报表 2、被邀请的每一人的护照复印件 3、双方购销合同 4、对方公司营业执照(如果今年贵公司未曾办理邀请函,也须提供营业执照) 上述四项材料为一份材料,您需要提供共三份材料。(部分国家有特殊要求,请点击“邀请有关国家商人来华最新要求”) 请您按次序装订好,到外侨办审核。一份材料由义乌外侨办留存,另二份材料经外侨办审核、签字、盖章后,由企业经办人送或特快寄金华市外侨办办理。外侨办的办理时间为随到随办,3-5分钟;外侨办的办理时间一般为3个工作日。外侨办办理好签证通知后,将电话通知“联系人”去金华取。 如何填写签证中的申请表呢? 在邀请外国人来华签证申报表中: “被邀请人情况”栏必须打印。被邀请人“国籍”和下面的“签证地”须用英语填写。 外商系首次来华时,“来华事由”栏要详细填写有关该公司的性质、经营范围等情况,以及如何与该公司结识的,本次来访的主要目的等内容。对于办理二次和半年多次往返的申报,“来华事由”栏要写明最近半年来华共有多少次和本次要申请多次往返的充分理由。 “邀请单位担保意见”内容大致如下: 兹有我公司*国客商*(护照号码为*)于200*年*月来义乌进行合法正当的商务活动,停留时间为*天,我公司担保客商在此期间不产生违反法律的行为。 “在华停留天数”最长为25天。 对于“签证地”与“国籍”不一致的客商,要求在每一份材料中附上该客商在“签证地”之国的居留证复印件,并注明“这是某某在某地的居留证。”,由邀请单位盖上公章。 办理多次往返的,要求企业前半年已邀请该客商五、六次来华,并在每一份材料中附上该客商的每次来华签证记录、海关出入境记录和贸易额凭据。“领导签名”栏,企业法人代表或其委托领导须亲笔签名(企业经办人不可擅自代签,也不可以盖领导签字章),后盖公章。 “联系人”要填写企业经办人自己的联系方法(为不耽搁您的宝贵时间,最好写上手机号),而且要表中所写的“联系人”本人去金华取签证通知,不可委托快递公司取。 护照的复印件必须包含如下四项内容: 1、外商的姓名全称; 2、国籍; 3、护照的有效期;4、护照的号码; 如果有身份信息,必须是商人身份,不可是与商务无关的身份。 双方购销合同要求是由外商签字、我方企业负责人签字并加盖公章后生效的合同或售货确认书等材料的复印件,以证明双方之间的经贸关系。 各种附件不可以使用感应传真纸,感应传真纸上的内容必须经复印后,方可使用。 各企业邀请外商来华,由各企业外事专办员到义乌外侨办办理。 以上小小资料,供参考! 一般邀请函有国外客户要来参观公司索要,还有政府邀请函是政府邀请一些人士进行政治活动所发出的信,一般来说,公司的邀请函就可以让客户办visa了。至于那些要你出据地方政府有关签证的, 就不要理他了. 办了邀请函后,你公司要对他在中国的不法事情付有相应的法律责任. 办理的步骤是:准备客户的营业执照复印件一份和护照的第一页 你们公司要准备: 营业执照复印件一份 申请报告一份 证明双方交流的信函2-3封 入境申请表2份 invitation letters invite your guests with warmth and friendship! be sure to include in your invitation letter: the name of the person sponsoring the event (who is the host/hostess?) exactly who is invited (can someone bring a guest, spouse, child?) what type of social event is being held the date, address, and time of the event directions or a simple map if the location may be difficult to find what type of dress is appropriate or preferred the phone number and deadline to reply; precede these facts with “r.s.v.p.” (french abbreviation for “please reply”). try to send your invitation letter two weeks or more in advance! sample formal invitation letter date dear professor _ sponsored by a grant form the mellon foundation, the research workshops at stanford are unique spaces where scholars from a variety of disciplines and professional cohorts meet to discuss work in progress in their fields of interest. i think you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a diverse audience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop. we will most certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with you in this informal, collegial atmosphere. if there are specific scholars at stanford you would like to invite to your talk, please feel free to do so. we will be back in touch soon to coordinate the logisticsof your visit. in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or _, our workshops graduate student coordinator (insert contact info here). the stanford humanities center, the research center on campus that manages the mellon workshop program, may also contact you. best wishes, faculty coordinator name of workshop stanford university 邀请函公司自己的格式(简单型): xxxx co.,ltd add: xxx , xxx , xxx , city , china tel: xxxxx/ fax : xxxxx invitation letter date : xxx xx xx xxx 客人公司 xxx 地址 name :- xxxx passport # :- xxxx date of birth: - xxxxx date of expiry :- xxxxx yours faithfullyname : 职务: 公司名: 公章篇二:给老外的邀请函 invitation letter mr.ravi thakur has informations on visa as follows: passport number: date of birthday: date of issue: date of expiry: mr.bibek goduka has informations on visa as follows: passport number: j2559622 date of birthday: 05,january,1993 date of issue: 10,october,2011 date of expiry: 09,october,2021 look forward to a good cooperation. yours sincerely. general manager: 外国人来华邀请函 一、申请邀请函的中国企业资格 1、在我省依法登记的法人企业(注册资金在50万元人民币以上)(以下简称邀请单位),可申办邀请与本单位有实质业务的外国人以商务(f字)签证入境。 2、注册资金不够的单位,必须出具与有申办资格单位的合同或担保函;没有出口权的单位,必须出具与有出口权单位的合作合同。 注:以上期限以合同期限为准。 二、备案,初次申办商务(f字)签证通知表需提交的材料(一式两份) 1、如实填写:”邀请单位申办被授权单位签证通知表备案表” 附件:申请单位备案表.doc 2、企业法人身份证复印件或护照复印件(签名、办公电话及手机号、加盖企业公章); 3、专办员(必须是邀请单位员工)身份证复印件(签名、办公电话及手机号、加盖企业公章); 4、邀请单位企业营业执照副本复印件(上年度已通过年审、加盖企业公章); 5、专办员授权书,邀请单位必须出具授权书给单位专办员(法人签名、加盖企业公章) (材料均用a4纸复印纸提交,材料不清楚或资料不齐全视为无效) 以上要求从2010年7月1日开始,任何邀请单位都必须备案。 三、审批流程 首先,根据外商来华目的,合资格的企业将申请资料送到顺德贸促会办理;然后,经顺德贸促会初审后,再送到省贸促会审批;最后,省贸促会把邀请函的正本寄回顺德贸促会,由顺德贸促会通知并转交申请企业。 四、申请资料 (材料均用a4纸复印纸提交,材料不清楚或资料不齐全视为无效,文件一式两份) 1. 外国人入境审批表一份;同一邀请单位每次邀请的外国商人一般不得超过2名;不得邀请未成年人入境。(附件:外国人入境审批表.doc附件:审批表填写说明.doc) 2. 申请报告(由邀请单位以单位信笺纸打印、盖章,说明来华(穗)目的、在华(穗)行程和相关承诺及担保事项);这是具有法律效力的申请报告,必须按原有格式,只能根据申请公司的具体情况作出相应的公司、人员、姓名、电话、公司地址等修改。(附件:申请报告.doc) 3. 邀请单位企业营业执照副本复印件(上年度已通过年审); 4. 邀请单位银行资信证明(内容包括:公司全称、注册帐号、是否有效、是否有经常往来、是否有存款); 5. 外国人有效护照复印件(必须清晰可见姓名、出生日期、国籍、护照号码、护照有效期等信息,且护照有效期须在半年以上);6. 被邀请人单位(个人)银行资信证明(英文证明内容包括:公司全称(个人姓名)、注册帐号、是否有效、是否有经常往来、有多少存款等)。 7. 被邀请人以往来华出入境记录(最后一次来华出入境记录)。 被邀请对象尚在我国境内的不予受理。 须经常来华(三个月以内两次以上进入中国境内进行商务活动的)的外籍商人,申请资料必须提供最后一次来华的出入境签证记录。不予提供者,我会不接受申请。 如被邀请人属首次来华,外国公司出具的在职证明扫描件(须用外国公司信笺纸出具该英文证明,内容包括该外国商人在该公司所任职务、护照号、来华目的、出入境时间、旅费是否足够等,加盖外国公司公章及相关负责人签名);邀请单位出具与外国公司商务往来证明(有效经贸合同,真实的商务往来email原件的打印件)。 (2)用新护照申请时,需同时提供旧护照复印页及旧护照来华签证记录。 (3)从2006年9月12日起,已停办理尼日利亚籍商人来华邀请,何时恢复办理,请留意网上有关通知。 7、所发签证通知表及邀请函仅具有建议权,供被邀请外国商人向我驻外国各大使馆、总领馆申请来华商务签证,最终是否获得签证及签证有效期、出入境次数由我驻外国各大使馆、总领馆决定。邀请单位每次邀请人数不超过2人,不受理外国商人前来签发单位申请。篇二:老外要邀请函 篇一:老外英文邀请函模板下载 外商来华邀请函格式 a formal visa invitation格式 公司抬头 to attention: a formal visa invitation dear sir or madam: please note, however, that we dont assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of * in china. all expenses of journey to/from china, their stay in china as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers. we send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip. yours sincerely, general manager signatur july 29, 2005 xxx, ceo xxx, vp sales xxxxxxxx corporation (address) please use this invitation letter to apply for your visa to china. we are all looking forward to seeing you soon, and should you have any questions, please feelfree to inform me. yours truly, 办理邀请外商来华签证申报所需材料:(除英文之外的外文材料,请附中文翻译件并盖邀请单位公司章) 1、邀请外国人来华签证申报表 2、被邀请的每一人的护照复印件 3、双方购销合同 4、对方公司营业执照(如果今年贵公司未曾办理邀请函,也须提供营业执照) 上述四项材料为一份材料,您需要提供共三份材料。(部分国家有特殊要求,请点击“邀请有关国家商人来华最新要求”) 请您按次序装订好,到外侨办审核。一份材料由义乌外侨办留存,另二份材料经外侨办审核、签字、盖章后,由企业经办人送或特快寄金华市外侨办办理。外侨办的办理时间为随到随办,3-5分钟;外侨办的办理时间一般为3个工作日。外侨办办理好签证通知后,将电话通知“联系人”去金华取。 如何填写签证中的申请表呢? 在邀请外国人来华签证申报表中: “被邀请人情况”栏必须打印。被邀请人“国籍”和下面的“签证地”须用英语填写。 外商系首次来华时,“来华事由”栏要详细填写有关该公司的性质、经营范围等情况,以及如何与该公司结识的,本次来访的主要目的等内容。对于办理二次和半年多次往返的申报,“来华事由”栏要写明最近半年来华共有多少次和本次要申请多次往返的充分理由。 “邀请单位担保意见”内容大致如下: 兹有我公司*国客商*(护照号码为*)于200*年*月来义乌进行合法正当的商务活动,停留时间为*天,我公司担保客商在此期间不产生违反法律的行为。 “在华停留天数”最长为25天。 对于“签证地”与“国籍”不一致的客商,要求在每一份材料中附上该客商在“签证地”之国的居留证复印件,并注明“这是某某在某地的居留证。”,由邀请单位盖上公章。 办理多次往返的,要求企业前半年已邀请该客商五、六次来华,并在每一份材料中附上该客商的每次来华签证记录、海关出入境记录和贸易额凭据。“领导签名”栏,企业法人代表或其委托领导须亲笔签名(企业经办人不可擅自代签,也不可以盖领导签字章),后盖公章。 “联系人”要填写企业经办人自己的联系方法(为不耽搁您的宝贵时间,最好写上手机号),而且要表中所写的“联系人”本人去金华取签证通知,不可委托快递公司取。 护照的复印件必须包含如下四项内容: 1、外商的姓名全称; 2、国籍; 3、护照的有效期;4、护照的号码; 如果有身份信息,必须是商人身份,不可是与商务无关的身份。 双方购销合同要求是由外商签字、我方企业负责人签字并加盖公章后生效的合同或售货确认书等材料的复印件,以证明双方之间的经贸关系。 各种附件不可以使用感应传真纸,感应传真纸上的内容必须经复印后,方可使用。 各企业邀请外商来华,由各企业外事专办员到义乌外侨办办理。 以上小小资料,供参考! 一般邀请函有国外客户要来参观公司索要,还有政府邀请函是政府邀请一些人士进行政治活动所发出的信,一般来说,公司的邀请函就可以让客户办visa了。至于那些要你出据地方政府有关签证的, 就不要理他了. 办了邀请函后,你公司要对他在中国的不法事情付有相应的法律责任. 办理的步骤是:准备客户的营业执照复印件一份和护照的第一页 你们公司要准备: 营业执照复印件一份 申请报告一份 证明双方交流的信函2-3封 入境申请表2份 invitation letters invite your guests with warmth and friendship! be sure to include in your invitation letter: the name of the person sponsoring the event (who is the host/hostess?) exactly who is invited (can someone bring a guest, spouse, child?) what type of social event is being held the date, address, and time of the event directions or a simple map if the location may be difficult to find what type of dress is appropriate or preferred the phone number and deadline to reply; precede these facts with “r.s.v.p.” (french abbreviation for “please reply”). try to send your invitation letter two weeks or more in advance! sample formal invitation letter date dear professor _ sponsored by a grant form the mellon foundation, the research workshops at stanford are unique spaces where scholars from a variety of disciplines and professional cohorts meet to discuss work in progress in their fields of interest. i think you will enjoy a lively exchange of ideas with a diverse audience of faculty and graduate students in your workshop. we will most certainly enjoy the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with you in this informal, collegial atmosphere. if there are specific scholars at stanford you would like to invite to your talk, please feel free to do so. we will be back in touch soon to coordinate the logisticsof your visit. in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact myself or _, our workshops graduate student coordinator (insert contact info here). the stanford humanities center, the research center on campus that manages the mellon workshop program, may also contact you. best wishes, faculty coordinator name of workshop stanford university 邀请函公司自己的格式(简单型): xxxx co.,ltd add: xxx , xxx , xxx , city , china tel: xxxxx/ fax : xxxxx invitation letter date : xxx xx xx xxx 客人公司 xxx 地址 name :- xxxx passport # :- xxxx date of birth: - xxxxx date of expiry :- xxxxx yours faithfullyname : 职务: 公司名: 公章篇二:给老外的邀请函 invitation letter mr.ravi thakur has informations on visa as follows: passport number: date of birthday: date of issue: date of expiry: mr.bibek goduka has informations on visa as follows: passport number: j2559622 date of birthday: 05,january,1993 date of issue: 10,october,2011 date of expiry: 09,october,2021 look forward to a good cooperation. yours sincerely. general manager: good afternoon from china. i am david mcmullan (englishman) the export manager of the xxx factory. to date i am the only englishman employed in this capacity in china, i am not an agent or a distributor i am employed directly by the factory and as such offer factory prices. i have written to you because in the last year you have requested information on our products. if you no longer require info on such products please drop me a line and ill not contact you again (i know how annoying spam can be). i wanted to take this opportunity to invite you to have a look at our exhibition stand at the canton fair, if you are attending and wish to see out range of products (or pick up a catalogue) please make your way to stand no 21-1 g32&33 where there will be a drink or a hot cup of tea waiting for you. i hope to see you at the exhibition, if not enjoy a prosperous year and contact me if you need any more information. yours david mcmullan. letter of invitationdear sirs/madam: were one of the manufacturers specialized in sanitaryware, it would be a great pleasure to meet you at the exhibition.we exhibition center : the continental exhibition center booth number : g-k105 g-k-106 date : apr 15th to 20th 2006 best regards mr.su jia jian general manager 回复2:the continental centre is a magnificent trade fair in pazhou. you can reach us easily by any of the following 4 ways: by cacfair shuttle bus-take cacfair free shuttle bus when by taxi- simply ask taxi driver to take you to the continental by showing cacfair address in chinese as below. cacfair address in chinese: 回复3:看来广交会来了,还真是很多人要这发邀请函,我公司的格式如下: dear xxx, we treasure every opportunity to meet with you, our valued . from 28 april - 1 may 2006, we will be exhibiting at the hong kong gifts & premium fair 2006. we cordially invite you to visit our booth. our booth number is 3d11 in hall 3. you may click here to find our location. letter of invitation (r+t asia 2010) dear sirs, cassette awnings, electric roller shutters, automatic garage doors and all of necessary fittings. therefore, it would be a great pleasure to meet you at our booth so that we can introduce our products to you. enclose: booth no. of wenzhou orjeer industry co., ltd.: w4d30 in hall w4 contact:miss. jean wang mobile: +86 (0) 13867760370r+t asia 2010 date: 3.23 to 3.25, 2010 vanue: shanghai pudong new international expo center no.2345 longyang road,pudong new area,shanghai 201204 website:/ online service: trade manage: wzorjeer skype: jeanwang8185 invitation dear sir/madam:篇三:邀请外国人来华申报流程 1. (一)执法依据 1、中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发关于调整派遣临时出国人员和邀请外国人员来华审批权限的实施办法的通知; 2、外交部关于贯彻执行中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅关于调整派遣临时出国人员和邀请外国人员来华审批权限的办法的细则; 3、武汉市政府办公厅印发市外办关于调整武汉市派遣临时出国人员和邀请外国人员来华审批权限的实施办法的通知; 4、中共中央、国务院、外交部有关出国(境)、来华审批的文件。 (二) 报批材料 1、邀请单位请示。 2、邀请外国人来华申报表。 3、被邀请人资料。 (三) 重要提示 1、填写邀请外国人来华申报表,此表可在市外事办政府网站()首页右侧的“表格下载”栏目中下载; 2、该表中被邀请人姓名(外文填写)、邀请单位名称(中外文填写)要求字迹清楚,字母用大写。被邀请人的国籍、职务(中文填写)和护照号码要求核对清楚,入境时间和停留天数力求准确,; 3、申报单位和主管部门的主要领导签字盖章后,报市外侨办审批并发被授权单位邀请函或邀请确认函; 4、需提供的相关材料 1)邀请外国人来华的情况说明; 2)邀请单位注册证明或营业执照或个人身份证明; 3)邀请单位从事经营等活动的文件(如进出口单据、完税证明、合同等); 4)被邀请人护照复印件; 5)被邀请人访华日程; 6)保证书(内容包括被邀请人在华期间产生的所有费用能够得到有效保证,邀请单位将敦促、监督被邀请人遵守中国法律法规并按时离境,并由法人代表或个人亲笔签名); 7)被授权单位要求提供的其他材料。 5、邀请单位将被授权单位邀请函或邀请确认函传真或邮寄给被邀请人 (四)工作程序 1、受理审查。 2、办文审批。 3、发签证通知函。 (五) 规费执行武价函199671号文 (六)办理窗口 出国(境)管理处 责任人:王捷联系电话 : 82827331投诉电话 : 8283578823