大学英语口语教程 A Qualified University.ppt
A Qualified University,2.Aims of this unit,1)Grasp information of a qualified university.2)Introduce some famous universities.3)Master the key words and structures.4)Practice students spoken and written English.,3.Key words,conditions of a qualified university;degree;arts and sciences;undergraduate;graduate;post-graduate;Bachelor of Art;Bachelor of Science;doctor;doctorate;post-doctorate;freshman;sophomore;junior;senior;student council;receive a diploma;intern实习;certificate;,Teaching Assistant助教;lecturer教师;professor;lifetime professor;assistant professor助理教授;fail;pass;major;interesting lecture;class activities;kinds of scholarships;award;make an application;more opportunities;a wide range of resources;academic environment;research;facilities;library;gymnasium体育馆,4.Key structures,1)Each student at a qualified university should be assigned to a tutor.2)The qualified university provides different kinds of scholarships.3)The university will give financial and technical support to its teachers.4)Students should make sure that they are qualified for applying for a particular scholarship.5)The qualified university is a leader in research and is promoting good teaching.,6)Students choose lectures on the basis of their own special interests.7)The competition for scholarships is extremely strong.8)One of the facilities students have is a good library.9)Conditions of a qualified university on teaching and research should be in an advantageous position in research and facilities.10)A qualified university should have an academic environment.,5.Situational Practice,Situation 1:Peoples opinions on higher education vary from person to person.You and your roommates are debating over the degree and scholarship.Please make a dialogue using the words:higher education,degree,scholarship,graduate,undergraduate,post-graduate,Bachelor of Art,Bachelor of Science,fail,pass.,Situation 2:Your friend is very busy with her work,but eager to pursue a degree.She doesnt know what she will do.Please give her some advice on making a sensible choice of an interesting field.Present your ideas.,6.Dialogues related to the topic,Dialogue 1.role-playing:John:Lily,Im really worried about my grades here at the university.This whole first half of the year has been just awful for me.I dont know what Ill do if I fail or have to drop out.Lily:The first year is difficult,making the adjustment to university life and all the studying required.But if you have good study habits,you should be Okay.What are your study habits,John?John:I dont know,I guess I dont have any.Lily:That may be your problem.Do you set aside study time on a regular basis?Do you take good notes in class and then review them soon after while the information is still fresh in your mind?Do you have a quiet space,without distraction,for doing your studying?And,do you occasionally study with classmates to share important information and compare notes?,John:Wow!I have no idea all those things were important for good studying.Lily:Good study habits are essential for successful university life,John.John:Thinks for the advice.Ill put those concepts into practice right away.Lily:Good.Let me know how it goes.And,if there is anything else I can do to help you,just let me know.John:Youve been a big help,lily.Thinks a lot!Lily:my pleasure,John.And hang in there-university life can really be wonderful if you plan your time well.,Dialogue 2 act the dialogue:,Tom:Hows school going?Jerry:Just fine.I finally got the grant to go to graduate school.Tom:Great!Are you starting your doctorate?Jerry:Thats right.Im going to do it in biochemistry.Tom:Sound like an interesting field.Jerry:It is to me.Tom:Youve got a degree in unclear physical,havent you?Jerry:Just a Masters degree.Actually biochemistry is a lot better field for me.Ive always preferred chemistry to physics.Tom:What do you plan to do after you finish?Jerry:I havent decided yet,but probably medical research.Tom:Well,youve got some years of hard study ahead of you.Jerry:I know it.,7.Pictures about Harvard University,Do you know these famous places of Harvard University in these pictures?If you know,can you speak something about them?,(哈佛的校训school motto is:Amicus Plato,Amicus Aristotle,Sed Magis Amicus VERITAS。它是拉丁文,中文是:与柏拉图为友,与亚里士多德为友,更要与真理为友;,常春藤学校,哈佛大学,美林斯顿大学,耶鲁大学,哥伦比亚大学,康乃尔大学,布朗大学,宾洲大学和达斯茅斯学院,Harvard University,Harvard University,John Harvard的塑像,大名鼎鼎的哈佛创始人的塑像,商学院(Harvard Business School),哈佛大学可算是全美所有大学中的一项王冠,而王冠上那夺人眼目的宝珠,就是哈佛商学院.,哈佛大学肯尼迪学院Harvard Kennedy School).,Harvard Law School(法学院),是美国最古老的学院,Thank you!,