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    -by Martin Luther King,I have a dream,Martin Luther King,Luis Gerco,Career peak,ending,I have a dream,Devision,About Martin LutherKing Jr(1929-1968),nonviolence,Directaction,2/6/2023,in1929Martin LutherKing Jr was born in Atlantain a small huose,his father was a chaplain(教会牧师),and mother was a teacher。,1944,he was 15,he entered Morehouse college,and then,he acquireed a bachelor.,2/6/2023,in 1953Martin Luther King Jr married with Coretta Scott(科丽塔 斯科特),in 1951Martin Luther King Jr acquired Crozertheological seminary(柯罗泽神学院).,2/6/2023,1955Martin Luther King Jr acquired doctors degree of Boston University,1954 Martin LutherKing Jr became a prayer of Alabama montgomery dexter avenue baptist church(阿拉巴马州蒙哥马利的德克斯特大街侵信会),Montgomery Bus Boycott,1955,1,2,3,4,Sit-ins,March on Washington,1963,some pictures,About second part,2/6/2023,Rosa Parks was arrested for refusing to give up her seat.The Montgomery Bus Boycott,urged and planned by Nixon and led by King,soon followed.The boycott lasted for 385 days,and the situation became so tense that Kings house was bombed.King was arrested during this campaign,which ended with a United States District Court ruling in Browder v.Gayle that ended racial segregation on all Montgomery public buses.,Montgomery Bus Boycott,1955,2/6/2023,中文翻译,1955年12月1日,一位名叫罗沙帕克斯的黑人妇女在公共汽车上因拒绝给白人让座位,被以蔑视蒙哥马利市关于公共汽车上实行种族隔离的法令因而被当地警员逮捕。四天后,马丁路德金在该市组织55000名黑人举行罢乘运动,号召黑人“不与邪恶的规章制度合作,不要再给汽车公司以经济上的支持”。经过一年多的努力,联邦地区法庭最终裁定,阿拉巴马州关于在市立公共车上实行种族隔离的法律是违宪。1956年12月20日,马丁路德金宣布为期381天的罢乘运动结束。,2/6/2023,.,In 1950s,Martin led a boycott of the public-buses in the city of Montgomery.Though those people who boycotted were threatened or attacked by other people,or even arrested or jailed by the police.But after 380 days of boycotting the bus system,the Supreme court declared that the Alabama state segregation law was unconstitutions.,2/6/2023,Sit-ins,Peaceful protests where black Americans would sit in“White only”sections of restaurants,2/6/2023,March on Washington,1963,The 1963 March on Washington attracted an estimated 250,000 people for a peaceful demonstration to promote Civil Rights and economic equality for African Americans.Participants walked down Constitution and Independence avenues,then 100 years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed gathered before the Lincoln Monument for speeches,songs,and prayer.Televised live to an audience of millions,the march provided dramatic moments,most memorably the Rev Martin Luther King Jr.s I Have a Dream speech.,2/6/2023,i am Martin LutherKing Jr,2/6/2023,Martin Luther King Jr is a hero,Description of the third part,Description of the contents,Nobel Peace Prize,He was murdered,in honor of him,About third part,Nobel Peace Prize,At the age of thirty five,(1964)Martin luther king,jr.,was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize.when notified of his selection,he announced that he would turn over the prize money of$54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement.,2/6/2023,In his time,the African-Americans had no access to equal civil rights at all.In order to fight for their legal rights,Martin Luther King,Jr began his work.,Fighting for the rights,2/6/2023,He was murdered,In 1968,he was murdered,he was just 39 years old please see a short movie about this thing.,2/6/2023,Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr.s death did not slow the Civil Rights Movement.Black and white people continued to fight for freedom and equality.Coretta Scott King is the widow of the civil rights leader.In 1970,she established the Martin Luther King Jr.Memorial Center in Atlanta,Georgia.On Monday,January 20,1986,in cities and towns across the country people celebrated the first official Martin Luther King Day,the only federal holiday commemorating an African-American,WPS官方微博kingsoftwps,in 1986,President Ronald Reagan declared the third Monday in January a federal legal holiday commemorating Dr.Martin Luther Kings birthday.,in honor of Martin luther king jr,2/6/2023,the US set up a statue in honor of Martin luther king jr,2/6/2023,In stead of fighting by violence,he just use peaceful ways,such as leading the peaceful demonstrations and making encouraging speeches,and so on.,I have a dream,2/6/2023,A,On August 23,1963,a crowd of more than 250,000 people gathered in Washington,D.C.and marched to the Capitol Building to support the passing of laws that guaranteed every American equal civil rights.That day,Dr.King delivered a speech that was later entitled I Have a Dream.,I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slaveowners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood.,I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.I have a dream today.,2/6/2023,Thank you.Thats all.,


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