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    欧美精品PPT模板欣赏(做的超级有个性) .ppt

    JAMES NACHTWEY,PHOTOJOURNALISTTED 2007 winner,“Photographers go to the extreme edges,of human experience to show peoplewhats going on.Sometimes they puttheir lives on the line,becausethey believe your opinions and yourinfluences matter.They aim theirpictures and your best instincts:generosity,the sense of right and,wrong,the ability and the willingnessto identify with others the refusalto accept the unacceptable.”,INTRODUCTION:Excerpt,“Open-source software,blogs,song-sharing networks,free Internettelephony-theyre each disruptingmultibillion-dollar industries andreshaping the landscape of business,politics,and culture.Whats thecommon thread behind them all?Us.”“The Power of Us”,Business Weekmagazine,June 2005,MEDIA FRAGMENTATION:40S,RadioNewspaperMagazineCinemaTheaterPoster,MEDIA FRAGMENTATION:50S,RadioNewspaperMagazineCinemaTheaterPosterTVLong Play,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“World War I a railway war ofcentralization and encirclement.”“World War II a radio war ofdecentralization concluded by theBomb.”“World War III a TV guerilla war with nodivision between civil and militaryfronts.”,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“The most human thing about usis our technology.”,http:/,MEDIA FRAGMENTATION:60S,RadioNewspaperMagazineCinemaTheaterPosterTVLong PlayTapeSatellite,MEDIA FRAGMENTATION:80S,Radio,Newspaper,Magazine,Cinema,Theater,Poster,TV,Long Play,Tape,Satellite,CD,Walkman,Video Game,Personal Computer,VideocassetteRecorder,Mobile Phone,Laserdisc,MEDIA FRAGMENTATION:90S,Radio,Newspaper,Magazine,Cinema,Theater,Poster,TV,Long Play,Tape,Satellite,CD,Walkman,Video Game,Personal Computer,VideocassetteRecorder,Mobile Phone,Laserdisc,DVD,QuickTime,Internet,Email,Webcam,TiVo,PDA,Smartphone,MEDIA FRAGMENTATION:2000,Radio,Newspaper,Magazine,Cinema,Theater,Poster,TV,Long Play,Tape,Satellite,CD,Walkman,Video Game,Personal Computer,VideocassetteRecorder,Mobile Phone,Laserdisc,DVD,QuickTime,Internet,Email,Webcam,TiVo,PDA,Smartphone,Satellite Radio,HDTV,Blue Ray,iTunes,Podcasting,Blog,RSS,Flickr,BitTorrent,YouTube,Wikipedia,Joost,COMMUNICATION:Four phases,OralityManuscriptsPrintElectronic,MARTIN LUTHER KING Jr.(1929-1968),“Injustice anywhere is a threatto justice everywhere.”,Hollywood Africans,Jean Michel Basquiat,Evan Roth,Graffiti Research Lab,http:/,DIGITAL AGE:From Analog to Digital,ImageAudioVideoInformationLife,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“The role of the artist is to createan Anti-environment as a meansof perception and adjustment.”,DIGITAL AGE:Convergence,Mobile phone with cameraWatch with calculator,PDAiPhoneRadio with InternetTelevision with InternetPrint Design with Web DesignBroacast Design with Web Design,MASS MEDIA:Tone&Manner,PassiveInterruptiveOne-wayDictationScatter gunOne size fits all,MARSHALL McLuhan(1911-1980),“All media exist to invest our liveswith artificial perceptionand arbitrary values.”,http:/,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“The discarnate TV user livesin a world between fantasy and dream,and is in a typically hypnotic state,which is the ultimate formand level of participation.”,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“The medium is the message.”,GUSTAVO MACHADO(1969-),“The manipulated medium is the message.”,MASS MEDIA:Tone&Manner,PassiveOne-wayDictationMass Marketing,MASS MEDIA:Formats,TV 30/60 sec CommercialRadio Spot,Press AdAdvertorialPosterBillboardClassified AdTransit Ad,MASS MEDIA:Collaborators,DirectorsProduction CompaniesMedia BuyersAdvertisersIllustratorsDesigners,MASS MEDIA:Aesthetic,CraftedProfessionally MadeSelf-AggrandizingPerfectly Formed,USER-GENERATED MEDIA:Tone&Manner,ActiveTwo-wayConversationOne-to-One Marketing,USER-GENERATED MEDIA:Formats,BlogRSSPodcastingRich MediaPDFCraigs ListViral MarketingEmail MarketingWiki,ANDY WARHOL(1928-1987),“Everyone will be famous for 15 minutes.”,USER-GENERATED MEDIA:Collaborators,Programmers,YouMedia OwnersStock Photography/IllustrationCustomizable Design Templates,LEV MANOVICH,“It has become a clich to announcethat we live in a remix culture.What was referred to in post-moderntimes as quoting,appropriation,and pastiche no longer needsany special name.Now this is simplythe basic logic of cultural production.”,PABLO PICASSO(1881-1973),“If there is something to steal,I steal it!”,USER-GENERATED MEDIA:Aesthetic,RawHandmadeSelf-DeprecatingOpen-Ended,SOCIAL MEDIA:Culture of Sharing,OpinionsInsightsExperiencesPoints-of-viewEverything,PABLO PICASSO(1881-1973),“Success is dangerous.One begins to copyoneself,and to copy oneself is moredangerous than to copy others.It leads to sterility.”,Fight Club,USER-GENERATED MEDIA:Blogs,Over 70 million blogsOpportunity for emerging writersand activistsCorporations already started payingattention to this new channel,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“Any new technology is an evolutionaryand biological mutation opening doorsof perception and new spheresof action to mankind.”,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“Great ages of innovation are the agesin which entire cultures are junkedor scrapped.Scrapped.”,BLOGS:Examples,DisinformationTree HuggerPost SecretThe Consumerist,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“The bias of each medium of communicationis far more distorting thanthe deliberate lie.”,FIRST THINGS FIRST MANIFESTO,“The professions time and energy is used upmanufacturing demand for things that areinessential at best.Many of us have grownincreasingly uncomfortable with this view ofdesign.Designers who devote their effortsprimarily to advertising,marketing and branddevelopment are supporting,and implicitlyendorsing,a mental environment so saturatedwith commercial messages that it is changingthe very way citizen-consumers speak,think,feel,respond and interact.To some extentwe are all helping draft a reductive and,immeasurably harmful code of public discourse.”,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“Advertising is the art formof the 20th century.”,Bas de Reuver,AdBusters Magazine,NOAM CHOMSKY(1928-),“All over the place,from the popularculture to the propaganda system,there is constant pressure to makepeople feel that they are helpless,that the only role they can haveis to ratify decisions and to consume.”,U2,Pop Mart Tour,http:/,Banksy,USER-GENERATED MEDIA:Podcasts,Close to 20 million users*22%of users are 35-44 years oldWell-educated(24%have a degree)*Wealthy(19%have a 100K+household income)*Tech News,National News and LocalNews are among their major interests*eMarketer*Edison Media Research,PODCASTS:Examples,SVA Design as Author MFASeed MagazineTED Conference,U2,Zoo TV Tour,http:/,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“The greatest propaganda in the worldis our mother tongue,that what welearn as children,and which we learnunconsciously.That shapes ourperceptions for life.”,U2,Zoo TV Tour,http:/,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“All words,in every language,are metaphors.”,U2,Zoo TV Tour,http:/,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“Language is a sense,like touch.”,U2,Zoo TV Tour,http:/,U2,Zoo TV Tour,http:/,Banksy,KEVIN KELLY(1952-),“Money is just a type of information.”,Paper recycling business,Brazilian landfill,Ben Franklin,Chris Jordan,Depicts 125,000 one-hundred dollar bills($12.5 million),the amount our government spends every hour on the war in Iraq.,Plastic Bottles,Chris Jordan,Depicts two million plastic beverage bottles,the number used in the US every five minutes.,Cans Seurat,Chris Jordan,Depicts 106,000 aluminum cans,the number used in the US every thirty seconds.,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“In an age of multiple and massiveinnovations,obsolescence becomesthe major obsession.”,Cell Phones,Chris Jordan,Depicts 426,000 cell phones,equal to the number of cell phones retired in the US every day.,Cigarettes,Chris Jordan,Depicts 65,000 cigarettes,equal to the number of American teenagersunder age eighteen who become addicted to cigarettes every month.,Handguns,Chris Jordan,Depicts 29,569 handguns,equal to the numberof gun-related deaths in the US in 2004.,Pain Killers,Chris Jordan,Depicts 213,000 Vicodin pills,equal to the number of emergency room visitsyearly in the US related to misuse or abuse of prescription pain killers.,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“Privacy invasion is now oneof our biggest knowledge industries.”,Big,Brother,Pale,White,Dot.,WIRED.COM:The See-Through CEO,“Google is not a search engine.Google isa reputation-management system.Andthats one of the most powerfulreasons so many CEOs have become moretransparent:Online,your rep isquantifiable,findable,and totallyunavoidable.In other words,radicaltransparency is a double-edged sword,but once you know the new rules,youcan use it to control your image inways you never could before.”,MARSHALL McLUHAN(1911-1980),“For me any of the little gesturesI make are all tentative probes.Thats why I feel free to make themsound as outrageous or extreme aspossible.Until you make it extreme,the probe is not very efficient.”,Bad News-The Decline of Reporting,the Business of News,and the Danger to US All,Thomas Fenton(CBS News Senior Foreign Correspondent),When News Lies-Media Complicity and the Iraq War,Danny Schechter,Media Control The Spectacular Achievements of Propaganda,Noam Chomsky,Consumed How Markets Corrupt Children,Infantilize Adults,and Swallow Citizens Whole,Benjamin R.Barber,The Death of Broadcasting?Medias Digital Future,Jock Given,The Death of Media and the Fight to Save Democracy,Danny Schechter,Atomic Bomb,Andy Warhol,H.G.WELLS(1866-1946),“All of the past is but a beginningof a beginning;all that the humanmind has accomplished is but the dreambefore the awakening.”,JOHN LENNON(1940-1980),“A dream you dream alone is only a dream.A dream you dream together is reality.”,GUSTAVO MACHADO(1969-),“Gustavo Machado is a designerand educator with an almost utopiandream:redesign the world.”,WORKS CITED,100 Million iPods Sold.Apple.09 April 2007.Apple Inc.17 Jun 2007.Adbusters CultureJammer Headquarters.2007.Adbusters.17 Jun 2007.Banksy.2007.17 Jun 2007.,WORKS CITED,Barber,Benjamin R.Consumed:How MarketsCorrupt Children,Infantilize Adults,and Swallow 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Broadcasting?Medias Digital Future.1st ed.Sydney,Australia:New South WalesUniversity Press,1998.,WORKS CITED,GNN-Guerrilla News Network.2007.Guerrilla News Network.17 Jun 2007.Google Watch.2007.Public InformationResearch,Inc.17 Jun 2007.H.G.Wells-Encyclopedia Britannica.2007.Encyclopedia Britannica,Inc.17 Jun 2007.,WORKS CITED,Johansen,John L.Steves Thoughtson Music.So Sue Me.06 February 2007.17 Jun 2007.John Lennon-The Official Site.2007.17 Jun 2007.Jordan,Chris.Chris JordanPhotographic Arts.2007.17 Jun 2007.,WORKS CITED,Kelly,Kevin.Kevin Kelly.2007.17 Jun 2007.King,Coretta S.The King Center.“2004.Dr.Martin Luther King,Jr.17 Jun 2007.Lyons,Daniel.Attack of the Blogs.F.14 November 2005.F Inc.17 Jun 2007.,WORKS CITED,Manovich,Lev.Lev Manovich.2007.17 Jun 2007.McLuhan,Marshall,and Eric McLuhan.The Book of Probes.1st ed.Corte Madera,CA:Gingko Press,2003.McCarthy,Michael.Illegal,violent teenfight clubs face police crackdown.USA Today.01 August 2006.Gannett Co.Inc.17 Jun 2007.,WORKS CITED,MFA Design,School of Visual Arts.2007.The School of Visual Arts.17 Jun 2007.Pablo Picasso-Official Web Site.2000.Succession Picasso.17 Jun 2007.Palahniuk,Chuck.Fight Club.ChuckP.2007.17 Jun 2007.,WORKS CITED,Plunkett,John,and Louis Rossetto.Mind Grenades:Manifestos fromthe Future.1st ed.San Francisco:HardWired,1996.PostSecret.2007.17 Jun 2007.Roth,Evan.Graffiti Research Lab.2007.GRL.17 Jun 2007.,WORKS CITED,Schechter,Danny.Death of Mediaand the Fight to Save Democracy.1st ed.Hoboken,NJ:MelvilleHouse Publishing,2005.Schechter,Danny.When News Lies:Media Complicity and the Iraq War.1st ed.New York:Select Books,2006.Schwarzman,Michel L.Na era doWe Media quem faz conteudoe o consumidor.INTERCON 2006 September2006 17 Jun 2007.SlideShare.2007.,WORKS CITED,Scribd.2007.Scribd.17 Jun 2007.Seed Magazine-Science is Culture.2007.Seed Media Group,LLC.17 Jun 2007.Siegel,Randy.Google 2084.The New York T.10 October2005.The New York Times Company.17 Jun 2007.,WORKS CITED,Sifry,David.State of the 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