ST东海B:第三季度报告正文(英文版) .ppt
Short Form of the Stock:ST Donghai-A,ST Donghai-B,Notice No.:2012-026,Stock Code:000613,200613海南大东海旅游中心股份有限公司Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.Summary of 3rd Quarterly Report for 2012Disclosure Date:October 24,2012,0%,-,-,Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.,Summary of 3rd Quarterly Report for 2012,The Third Quarterly Report For 2012I.Important NotesBoard of Directors and the Supervisory Committee of Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as the Company)and its directors,supervisors and seniorexecutives hereby confirm that there are no any fictitious statements,misleading statements,orimportant omissions carried in this report,and shall take all responsibilities,individual and/or joint,for the reality,accuracy and completion of the whole contents.All directors of the Company are attended the Meeting for quarterly report deliberation.Li Yuanbin,Principal of the Company;Chen Liurong,Person in Charge of Accounting Works;andLi Zhi,Person in Charge of Accounting Organ(Accounting Officer)hereby confirm that theFinancial Report of the Third Quarterly Report is true and complete.II.Company Profile(I)Major accounting data and financial indexesWhether retroactive adjusted on previous financial report or not,Yes,No,Not applicable,Increase/decrease in,2012.9.30,2011.12.31,this period-end overperiod-end of lastyear(%),Total assets(RMB)Owners equities attributable to the shareholdersof listed company(RMB)Share capital(Share)Net assets per share attributable to theshareholders of listed company(RMB/Share),112,016,929.4781,466,062.38364,100,000.000.22,118,036,774.8081,985,125.82364,100,000.000.23,-5.1%-0.63%-4.35%,Increase/decrea,Increase/decre,July-,se over the,January-,ase over the,September of same period of September of same period of,2012,the last year(%),2012,the last year(%),Total operating income(RMB),3,385,946.00,-5.61%23,811,585.30,7.96%,Net profit attributable to the shareholders oflisted company(RMB)Net cash flow arising from operating activities(RMB)Net cash flow arising from operating activitiesper share(RMB/Share)Basic earnings per share(RMB/Share)Diluted earnings per share(RMB/Share)Weighted average return on equity(%)Weighted average return on equity afterdeducting non-recurring gains and losses(%),-,-1,108,479.69-0.003-0.003-1.36%-2.05%,-,70.96%71.43%71.43%3.16%2.5%,-519,063.44-852,149.91-0.0023-0.0014-0.0014-0.64%-1.28%,90.48%-353.38%-355.56%90.67%90.67%5.81%5.49%,Items and amount with non-recurring gains/losses deducted2,Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.,Summary of 3rd Quarterly Report for 2012,Applicable Not applicableAmount from,ItemGains and losses from disposal of non-current assetsTax refund or exemption out of authorization,with absence of official approvaldocument or accidentallyGovernmental subsidy calculated into current gains and losses(while closelyrelated with the normal business of the Company,excluding the fixed-amount orfixed-proportion governmental subsidy according to the unified nationalstandard)Fund occupation expenses received from non-financial enterprises that reckoninto current gains/lossesIncome occurred when investment cost paid by enterprise for obtainingsubsidiaries,associates and joint ventures are lower than its share in fair valueof net realizable assets of invested unitsGains and losses from exchange of non-monetary assetsGains and losses from entrusted investment or management assetsVarious asset impairment reserve provided for force majeure,such as naturaldisasterGains/losses from debt reorganizationReorganization expenses,such as expenditure for allocation of employees andintegration feeGains and losses from excess of transaction which are conducted on anon-fair-valued basis over its fair valueCurrent net gains and losses of subsidiaries occurred from combination underthe same control commencing from period-begin to combination dateGains and losses from contingent events which has no relation with normalbusiness of the CompanyGains and losses from change of fair values of held-for-transaction financialassets and financial liabilities except for the effective hedge business related tonormal business of the Company,and investment income from disposal oftransactional financial assets and liabilities and financial assets available for saleReversal of impairment reserve for account receivable with separate impairmenttestinggains/losses from external entrustment loansGains and losses arising from change of fair value of investment propertieswhose follow-up measurement are at fair valueAffect upon current gains/losses arising from the one-off adjustment in subjectto requirement of laws and rules in relation to taxation and accountingIncome from entrusted custody operationOther non-operating income and expenditure except the abovementionedOther item that satisfied the definition of non-recurring gains and lossesInfluenced amount of minority shareholders equityImpact on income taxTotal3,year-begin toperiod-end(RMB)3,920.00349,581.69175,186.39528,688.08,Note-,Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.,Summary of 3rd Quarterly Report for 2012,(II)Total shareholders at period-end and top ten shareholders,Total,number,of,shareholdersat the end of report period,Top ten holders of the shares without subscription limitation,29,525,Amount of,Type/amount of shares,Shareholders,unrestricted sharesheld at period-end,Type,Amount,Haikou Agriculture&Industry&Trade(Luoniushan)Co.,Ltd.Yangfu Tongrong InvestmentManagement Consultant Co.,Ltd.Sanya Yongli InvestmentCo.,Ltd.,61,190,270 RMB common share12,640,832 RMB common share6,930,000 RMB common share,61,190,27012,640,8326,930,000,Shanghai H.K.Wanguo Security,6,247,022,Domestically listed foreignshare,6,247,022,China Jianyin Investment CITICAssets Management CO.,Ltd.Cao Huili,4,620,000 RMB common share4,143,939 RMB common share,4,620,0004,143,939,CITRINE CAPITAL LIMITEDCHINA MERCHANTSSECURITIES(HK)CO.LTD.Mai Lijian,3,265,2002,764,7012,518,440,Domestically listed foreignshareDomestically listed foreignshareDomestically listed foreignshare,3,265,2002,764,7012,518,440,Rural Credit Cooperative Union of Sanya City,2,310,000 RMB common share,2,310,000,The Company is unknown whether there exists associated relationship or,Explanation on shareholders,belongs to the consistent actor regulated by the Management Measure ofInformation Disclosure on Change of Shareholding for Listed Company among,the other shareholders.III.Significant events(I)Particulars about material changes in items of main accounting statement and financialindex,and explanations of reasonsApplicable Not applicableParticulars and reasons for material changes:1.Monetary fund decrease RMB 10,398,277.81 over that of year-begin with 84.03%changed;mainly resulted by the equityinvestment by cash.2.Account receivable increase RMB 541,752.39 over that of year-begin with 46.13%changed;mainly because the current accountincreased.3.Inventory decrease RMB 278,732.27 over that of year-begin with 44.63%changed;mainly resulted by the decrease of contractinventory in restaurant.4.Long-term equity investment decrease RMB 9,059,470.61 over that of year-begin with 100%changed;mainly due to theinvestment in Hainan Luoniushan Agriculture Technology Co.,Ltd5.Long-term expenses to be amortized decrease RMB 295,896.06 over that of year-begin with 21.57%changed;mainly because thedecoration charge has been amortized.6.Account payable decrease RMB 1,758,347.87 over that of year-begin with 45.41%changed;mainly due to the amount for goodspurchasing are paid on time.7.Account paid in advance decrease RMB 2,119,402.24 over that of year-begin with 58.12%changed;mainly because the amountfor room charge received in advance decreased8.Taxes payable decrease RMB 288,826.02 over that of year-begin with 29.98%changed;mainly due to the vary taxes are paid on4,commitments,appropriat was,Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.,Summary of 3rd Quarterly Report for 2012,time.9.Operating cost decrease RMB 1,431,014.63 y-o-y with 32.12%changed;mainly because the restaurant contract reducing the costin operation.10.Financial expenses decrease RMB 76,682.78 y-o-y with 29.56%changed;mainly because no loan interest need to paid11.Investment income increase RMB20,004.41 y-o-y with 100%changed;mainly due to the investment in Agriculture Technology12.Operation profit presented a less deficit of RMB 4,679,201.86 y-o-y with 81.70%changed;mainly because there are nodecoration constructions for the hotel in reporting period13.Non-operating income increase RMB255,549.94 y-o-y with 93.16%changed;mainly resulted by the debt reorganization14.Net profit presented a less deficit of RMB 4,933,778.34 y-o-y with 90.48%changed;mainly because the income from debtreorganization and there are no decoration constructions for the hotel in reporting period15.Net cash flow arising from operation activities decrease RMB 1,188,459.13 y-o-y with 353.38%changed;mainly because theexpenses of good purchasing and labor service receiving increased(II)Progress of significant events,their influences,and analysis and explanation of theirsolutions1.Qualified opinionApplicable Not applicableThe CPA issued a modified opinion on financial report for year of 2011 of the Company.In reporting period,the Company adjustedoperation strategy on time according to the changes in tourism market.Enlarged and reinforce market occupation step forward byexpanded marketing and perfected market measures;meanwhile,the general operation indexes are present a favorable tendencyunder the help of serials management measures such as energy-saving and downsizing for efficiency.Items in explanatory paragraphwill be solved gradually.2.Particular about fund offers to controlling shareholders or associated parties and externalguarantee that against the regulation.Applicable Not applicable3.Particular about signing and implementation on significant contracts of ordinarymanagement.Applicable Not applicable4.Other Applicable Not applicableProgress of internal control for 3rd quarterly of 2012 of the Company:In July 2012,staff of the Agency for establishment of internal control mechanism are attended the Company for field guiding,andproposed a primary reforming measures and plan for the issues found in the Company and South China Hotel.In appliance with the Notice of Implementation on Internal Control Mechanism for Enterprises Listed in Main Board for year of 2012by category in turns(CBH2012 No.30),co-printed by Ministry of Finance and CSRC dated 14 August 2012,due to the impossiblecompletion of whole rectification for 2012 in short period,the Implementation Plan for Internal Control Mechanism,which wasdeliberated and approved by 2nd extraordinary meeting of 7th session of the Board dated 29 March 2012,will postpone to the year of2014,being combine with actual conditions.More details found in the resolution of 8th meeting of 7th session of the Board.(III)Commitments made by the Company or shareholders holding above 5%shares of theCompany in reporting period or extending to reporting period.,Applicable,Not applicable,Commitments,AccepterThe,ContentsFound more,Commitm Commitment date ent term,ImplementationPart of the,Commitments for Share Merger Reform,Company orshareholderswith over,details in 6(2)2008-06-2 Inof Section X.0Significant e time implemented,5%shares,5,Event in Full,while part of,Hainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.,Summary of 3rd Quarterly Report for 2012,held,Text of AnnualReport 2011,them not yet,Commitments in report of acquisition orequity changeCommitments in assets replacementCommitments made in issuingOther commitments for medium and smallshareholders,NotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicableNotapplicable,Not applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicable,Not Notapplicable applicableNot Notapplicable applicableNot Notapplicable applicableNot Notapplicable applicable,Not applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicable,Completed on time or notDetail reasons for un-complement andfurther planWhether made a promise to horizontalcompetition and related transactions thatresulted or notSolution term promisedSolution wayComplementation,Yes No Not applicableNot applicableYes No Not applicableNot applicableNot applicableNot applicable,(IV)Estimation of operation performance for year of 2012Estimation of accumulative net profit from the beginning of the year to the end of next report period to be lossprobably or the warning of its material change compared with the corresponding period of the last year andexplanation of reason,Applicable,Not applicable,(V)Particulars about other significant events which needed explanations1.Particular about security investment,Applicable,Not applicable,2.Particulars about derivatives investment,Applicable,Not applicable,3.Particulars about the positions of derivatives investment at the end of report period,Applicable,Not applicable,4.Registration form of receiving research,communication and interview in the report period,Applicable,Not applicable,5.Corporate bond issuanceWhether corporate bond issued or not Yes NoBoard of Director ofHainan Dadonghai Tourism Centre(Holdings)Co.,Ltd.October 22,20126,