TD-LTE和LTE FDD同步发展的可行性,爱立信(中国)通信有限公司 中国移动全国业务部 首席技术官 侯新利 博士,GSMEDGE,CDMA1X EV-DO,WCDMA HSPATD-SCDMA,LTE-FDD-TDD,3GPP,3GPP2,移动技术的演进路线,LTE的频谱灵活性,Spectrum flexibility to enable operation in differently-sized spectrum allocations,20 MHz,3 MHz,1.4 MHz,Duplex flexibility to enable operation in paired and unpaired spectrum,fDL,fUL,FDD,fDL/UL,TDD,Paired spectrum,Unpaired spectrum,Both FDD and TDD avoid fragmentation,TD LTE对 TD-SCDMA的继承,Efficient co-existence with TD-SCDMAEvolved,compatible frame structure Enables co-siting,LTE is the natural evolution path of TD-SCDMA,TD-SCDMA4DL:3UL,LTE TDD 2DL+DwPTS:2UL,UpPTS,DwPTS,GPGuard period,GPGuard period,UpPTS,DwPTS,TD LTE:唯一的LTE TDD技术,Harmonized LTE TDD/FDD benefit from economy of scale,Simple dual mode terminalsone physcial layer-two frame formats for FDD and TDDMaximum commonalityHigh performanceOptimized for FDD and TDDFDD and TDD have similar high spectral efficiencyStandardized in 3GPPglobal open standardization with focus on interoperabilitySmooth evolution,LTE FDD与TD LTE的比较,Harmonized LTE TDD/FDD benefit from economy of scale,LTE FDD与TD LTE的比较,Harmonized LTE TDD/FDD benefit from economy of scale,TD LTE/LTE FDD:同步的标准化进程,TD LTE 获得各方广泛关注,标准化工作取得显著成效3GPP2008三月深圳会议之后,TD LTE 3GPP标准化进程与LTE FDD完全同步目标:在下次3GPP全会上解决所有TD LTE主要遗留问题,运营商对LTE的支持,July 2006:NTT DoCoMo invited suppliers to submit proposals for development of LTE equipmentNov.2007:Verizon announced plans to develop and deploy its fourth generation mobile broadband network using LTE Long Term Evolution the technology developed within the Third Generation Partnership Project(3GPP)standards organization.Feb.2008:China Mobile,Vodafone and Verizon jointly announced initiative to drive TD LTE development,爱立信演示基于同一平台的 LTE FDD/TDD,FTPclient,LTE RBS,LTE UE,BS-PC/Server,UE-PC/Server,FTPclient,Video conferencing,Video conferencing,LTE RBS subsystemFDD/TDD support20 MHz 2.6 GHz2 TX,2 RXDL:144 Mbps(FDD)DL:80Mbps(TDD,3:2 assym.)Application server support,LTE UE subsystemFDD/TDD support20 MHz 2.6 GHz1 TX,2 RXUL:40 Mbps(FDD)UL:15 Mbps(TDD,3:2 assym),爱立信LTE发展的大事记,Ericsson is one of the key companies who took the initiative in the LTE standardization work since 2004Ericsson started the LTE system development since year 2005Ericsson made a number of worlds first on LTE demonstration since year 2007Ericsson selected as Super 3G/LTE vendor by NTTDoCoMo on Feb 2008The first Ericsson LTE commercial product is expected to be available within 2009.,爱立信 LTE移动平台 建立在3G领导地位上的M700,Powerful mobile broadband experience Uplink 50 Mbps,downlink 100 MbpsMIMO radio solutionDesigned for Embedded modulesPC cards PhonesFlexible configurationsStand-alone LTEIntegrated LTE,HSPA,GSM platformI/f to other chipsets vendorsMeeting market expectationSamples of ASICs in 2008commercial release in 2009products based on the platform in 2010,小结,协调的TD LTE和LTE FDD标准化进程为TD LTE与LTE FDD的同步发展奠定了基础融合的TD LTE/LTE FDD壮大了LTE的经济规模,使TD LTE、LTE FDD的同步发展成为可能爱立信基于同一平台的LTE FDD/TDD演示系统证明了TD LTE、LTE FDD的可行性有运营商的推动,设备商和移动平台厂商的支持,TD LTE与LTE FDD就一定会同步发展,