The House of Hanover,Unit 10,George I,Born in Hanover,Germany;Elector of Hanover;The first Hanoverian king of Great Britain;,How could George become the king of England?,Why could George from Hanover succeed to the English throne after Queen Annes death in 1714?Who rebelled against him in 1715?Why?Why did George I rely heavily on his ministers to rule over England?Who was Robert Walpole?,George I,Protestant,Catholic,Protestant,Protestant,Sophia,What happened during the reign of George I?,Jacobites,followers of Catholic James Stuart,strived for the return of the Stuart kings to the thrones of England and Scotland.The cabinet system of government;The first Prime Minister-Robert Walpole;,George II,The second Hanoverian king;In 1743,George led his troops into battle against the French at Dettingen,the last British king to fight alongside his soldiers.Britain was involved in the Seven Years War(1756-1763).,Who was Frederick?,What do you know about“Seven Years War?,The third Hanoverian king;The first Hanoverian monarch to be born in England;Losing American colonies;Going mad;,George III,What drives Americans to independence?Why was George II prone to madness?Who was Prince Regent?,1536年和1542年的联合法令把英格兰与威尔士在行政、政治和法律上统为一体。苏格兰与英格兰的结合,起始于1603年时,当时原本是苏格兰王的詹姆士六世继位成为英格兰王,世称英格兰的詹姆士一世(James I of England),并且将原本属于他名下的苏格兰王国与英格兰合并成为一个暂时性的个人联盟。1707年5月1日,联合法案(Act of Union)通过,苏格兰正式与英格兰合并为一个国家,成为大不列颠王国(Kingdom of Great Britain),1800年的通过合并法使爱尔兰与英格兰于1801年1月1日与之合并。1920年设立北爱兰郡,并于1921年至1922年允许爱尔兰南部脱离其统治,成立独立国家。,George IV,Becoming Prince Regent after his father was declared insane;Naturally gifted;Well taught and remarkably handsome;Fat,vain,lazy,wasteful,Did anything significant happen during the reign of George IV?,A satirical caricature of George,the Prince Regent,showing his fast decline from handsome,charming Gent to bloated Re-Gent,What do you know about the Englands War Against Napoleon?,William IV“Sailor King”“Silly Billy”,Queen Victoria,