Operation of the Defense Acquisition System[国防采办系统的运作](PPT79).ppt
DoD Instruction 5000.028 December 2008Operation of the Defense Acquisition System Statutory and Regulatory Changes(including policy impacts from DTM 09-007,Implementation of the Weapons System Acquisition Reform Act of 2009),Bradford BrownDirector for Acquisition&Program management,DoDI 5000.2:2003 vs.2008New Policy Directed by CongressNew or Revised Regulatory PolicyStatutory&Regulatory Information&Milestone RequirementsNew/Revised Enclosures to DoDI 5000.02The Defense Acquisition Management System-Milestones,Phases and Key Activities,DoDI 5000.02,December 2008,Topics:,Policy Flowing from Numerous New/Revised sections of Public Law since 2003(some with Multiple Requirements)Approved Policy Appearing in over 25 Policy Memos and DoD Responses to the GAO,IG,and CongressReference to 10 Updated or Newly Issued DoD Publications Consideration of Over 700 Defense Acquisition Policy Working Group(DAPWG)Comments,Changes to the May 2003 DoDI 5000.02,IOC,Technology Development,Production&Deployment,Operations&Support,FRP DecisionReview,FOC,MaterielSolutionAnalysis,Materiel Development Decision,User Needs,Technology Opportunities&Resources,Defense Acquisition Management System-2008,ProgramInitiation,IOC,ConceptRefinement,System Development&Demonstration,Production&Deployment,Operations&Support,FRP DecisionReview,FOC,TechnologyDevelopment,ProgramInitiation,Design ReadinessReview,ConceptDecision,User Needs&Technology Opportunities,Defense Acquisition Management Framework-2003,Comparison of 2003 vs.2008,Focus of major changes,Engineering and Manufacturing Development,Post-CDRAssessment,4,PDR,Dec 2009 ver.5.6,Operations&Support,The Defense Acquisition Management System 2008,Incremental Development,A,Production&Deployment,TechnologyDevelopment,Engineering&Manuf Development,JCIDS,Acquisition Process,C,“Following the Materiel Development Decision(MDD),the MDA may authorize entry into the acquisition management system at any point consistent with phase-specific entrance criteria and statutory requirements.”,User Needs,Joint Concepts,Capabilities-Based Assessment,OSD/JCS,COCOM,Strategic Guidance,MaterielSolutionAnalysis,ICD,Technology Opportunities&Resources,AOA,IOC,B,Technology Opportunities&Resources,MaterielSolutionAnalysis,FRPDecisionReview,FOC,Materiel DevelopmentDecision,The Defense Acquisition Management System 2008,User Needs,Changes to Decision Points,Old(2003),New(2008/2009),Change from 2003,Concept Decision(CD),Materiel Development Decision(MDD),MDD required prior to entering process at any point,Design Readiness Review(DRR),Post-CDR Assessment,MDAs assessment of PMs CDR Report,PDR,CDR,ICD,AoA,Pre-Systems Acquisition,Systems Acquisition,Sustainment,Post CDRAssessment,PDR,Technology Development,Production&Deployment,Operations&Support,Engineering and Manufacturing Development,MDAPs require PDR prior to MS B&Post-PDR Assessment at MS B.*Non-MDAPs may have PDR&Post-PDR Assessment after MS B.,MDAs assessment of PMs PDR Report,N/A,Post PDRAssessment,*WSARA requires PDR before MS B for MDAPS,The Defense Acquisition Management System 2008,Changes to Phases,Old(2003),New(2008),Change from 2003,Concept Refinement(CR),Materiel Solution Analysis,More robust AoA(result of changes to JCIDS),Technology Development(TD),Competitive prototyping,Systems Development&Demonstration(SDD),Engineering&Manufacturing Development(EMD),More robust system engineering,IOC,B,Technology Opportunities&Resources,FOC,User Needs,ICD,MaterielSolutionAnalysis,Technology Development,Production&Deployment,Operations&Support,Engineering and Manufacturing Development,FRPDecisionReview,Materiel DevelopmentDecision,Post CDRAssessment,PDR,CDR,AoA,PDR,Pre-Systems Acquisition,Systems Acquisition,Sustainment,Post PDRAssessment,N/A,The Defense Acquisition Management System 2008,PDR Before Milestone B(MDAPs),Planned for in Technology Development StrategyPDR Report provided to MDA at MS BIncludes recommended requirements trades,B,Engineering&Manufacturing Development,C,TechnologyDevelopment,PDR,CDR,Post CDRAssessment,PDR,Preliminary Design Review,PDR After Milestone B(non-MDAPs),Planned for in Acquisition StrategyPDR Report provided to MDA prior to Post PDR AssessmentReflects requirements tradesAt Post PDR Assessment,MDA considers PDR report;determines action(s)required to achieve APB objectives and issues ADM,Post PDRAssessment,The Defense Acquisition Management System 2008,B,Engineering&Manufacturing Development Two Major Efforts,C,CDR,Post CDRAssessment,Integrated SystemDesign,System Capability&Manufacturing Process Demonstration,Old(2003),New(2008),Change from 2003,System Design,Integrated System Design,Establishment of Product Baseline for all Configuration Items,System Demonstration,System Capability&Manufacturing Process Demonstration,Manufacturing processes effectively demonstrated;production-representative article(s)demonstrated in intended environment;T&E assesses improvements to mission capability and operational support based on user needs.,Military Equipment Valuation(accounting for military equipment)MDA Certification at Milestones A&BCost type contract for EMD Phase requires written determination by MDA Lead Systems Integrator RestrictionsReplaced System Sustainment Plan Configuration Steering Boards(CSBs),New Policy Directed by Congress,New MAIS Reporting Requirements“Time-Certain”IT Business Systems DevelopmentDefense Business Systems OversightMDA assessment of compliance with chemical,biological,radiological,and nuclear survivability(CBRN)requirements at Milestones B and CData Management Strategy,New Policy Directed by CongressContinued,Detailed Acquisition of Services PolicyIndependent management reviews(Peer Reviews)for supplies and services contractsInterim Beyond LRIP ReportDOT&Es Role in Testing Force Protection Equipment/Non-Lethal WeaponsNunn-McCurdy breach/APB Revision ProcedureCost of energy in AoA and resource estimate,New Policy Directed by CongressContinued,Signed by President May 22,2009(Public Law 111-23)Established requirements that directly impact operation of the Defense Acquisition System and duties of key officialsDirective-Type Memorandum(DTM)09-127,4 Dec 2009,Implements WSARADTM is effective immediately and will be incorporated into DoDI 5000.2,the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement(DFARS)and the Defense Acquisition Guidebook within 180 days.,WSARA DTM is available at http:www.ditic.mil/whs/directives,Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act(WSARA)of 2009,New Policy Directed by CongressContinued,Analysis of Alternatives Study GuidanceAcquisition Strategies to Ensure CompetitionCompetition and Considerations for the Operation and Sustainment(O&S)of Major Weapon SystemsCompetitive PrototypingCost EstimationDevelopmental Test and Evaluation(DT&E)Systems EngineeringPerformance Assessments and Root Cause Analysis(PARCA)Assessment of MDAP TechnologiesPreliminary Design Reviews(PDR)Certification IAW 10 USC 2366a and 2366bCritical Cost GrowthRevised MDAP Definition,Most apply to MDAPs(ACAT I);some apply to MAIS(ACAT IA);some apply only to MDAPs/MAIS for which USD(AT some apply to all programs,New Policy Directed by CongressContinued,Weapon Systems Acquisition Reform Act(WSARA)of 2009,RDT presentations on WSARA and the DTM implementing WSARA are available from the DAU Center for Acquisition and Program Management.,New or Revised Regulatory Policy,Detailed Systems Engineering PolicyProgram Support Reviews(PSRs)Integrated Developmental and Operational Test&EvaluationRestricted use of performance requirements that do not support KPPsComparison with current mission capabilities during OT&EAssessment of Operational Test Readiness(AOTR)Contract Incentives StrategyLife-Cycle Sustainment Plan(LCSP),New or Revised Regulatory PolicyContinued,Contracting for Operational Support ServicesApproval of Technology Development Strategy prior to Release of final RFP for Technology Development PhaseApproval of Acquisition Strategy prior to release of final RFP for EMD or any succeeding phase.Reliability,Availability,and Maintainability(RAM)strategyReview and Assessment of New or Modified Communications Waveforms.Evolutionary Acquisition Revised,c,From two processes,To one process,Evolutionary Acquisition,Capability delivered in increments,recognizing up front need for future capability improvementsEach increment:depends on mature technologyis a militarily useful and supportable operational capability Successive Technology Development Phases may be needed to mature technology for multiple increments,Incremental Development:End-state is known;requirements met over time in several incrementsSpiral Development:End-state is not known;requirements for increments dependent upon technology maturation and user feedback.,Enclosures to DoDI 5000.02,1 References2 Procedures3 ACAT and MDA 4 Statutory and Regulatory Information and Milestone RequirementsTable 5.EVM Implementation PolicyTable 6.APB PolicyTable 7.Unique Decision Forums5 IT Considerations6 Integrated T&E7 Resource Estimation8 Human Systems Integration9 Acquisition of Services10 Program Management11 Management of Defense Business Systems12 Systems Engineering,New,Tables Updated,Requirement,Comment,Reference,Data ManagementStrategy,10 USC 2320,Military Equipment Program Valuation,PL 101-576&Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards,No 6.,WhenRequired,MS A,B,C&FRPDR,MS C&FRPDR(orEquiv),Part of TDS or Acq Strategy,Part of AcqStrategy,Enclosure 4,Table 2-1,Statutory Requirements Added For MDAPs&MAIS,Analysis of Alternatives(AoA)*,10 USC 2366aTitle 40,Sec III,MS A,B CPgm Initiation for Ships,Updated as necessary at MS B and C,*WSARA requires Director,Cost Assessment and Program Evaluation(DCAPE)(new position replaces Dir,PA&E)to develop AoA study guidance for joint requirements for which the JROC is validation authority.MDA attaches the study guidance to the Materiel Development Decision ADM.,Requirement,Comment,Reference,MDA Program Certification,10 USC 2366 a&b,WhenRequired,MS A&B MS C(if program initiation),Nunn-McCurdy Assessment&Certification,10 USC 2433,When Service Secretary reports an increase in cost that equals or exceeds the critical cost threshold,increase of 25%over“current”PAUC or APUC APB values.Increase of 50%over“original”PAUC or APUC APB values,Replaced System Sustainment Plan,10 USC 2437,MS B,Requires cost est.at MS A,Statutory Requirements Added For MDAPs Only,Program initiation for ships,Enclosure 4,Table 2-1,Requirement,Comment,Reference,WhenRequired,Notification of a significant change to the Defense Committees,10 USC 2445c,NLT 45 days after receiving MAIS Quarterly Report indicating a significant change,Schedule change of more than 6 mos,but less than 1 yr;incr in development cost or life cycle cost of at least 15%,but less than 25%;or significant adverse change in expected performance,Assessment&certification of a critical change to the Defense Committees,10 USC 2445c,NLT 60 days after receiving a MAIS Quarterly Report indicating a critical program change,Failed to achieve IOC w/in 5 yrs after funds were first obligated;schedule change of 1 yr or more;incr in dev cost or life cycle cost of 25%or more;or a change in expected performance that undermines ability of sys to perform anticipated functions,Enclosure 4,Table 2-1,Statutory Requirements Added For MAIS Only,DoD CIO Confirmation of CCA Compliance,Sec 811,PL 106-398,MS A,B,C,Full Deployment DR,MS C if pgm initiation or equiv to Full Deply DR,Requirement,Comment,Reference,Notice of MAIS Cancellation or significant reduction in Scope,Sec 806,PL 109-163,WhenRequired,60 Days prior to MDA decision to cancel or significantly reduce scope of fielded or post MS C MAIS,MAIS Annual Report to Congress,10 USC 2445b,Annually,after first occurrence of any of the following events:MDA designation,MS A,or MS BD,MAIS Quarterly Report,10 USC 2445c,Quarterly following initial submission of a MAIS Annual Report,DBSMC Certification for Business Systems Modernization,10 USC 2222,Prior to obligation of funds,See Encl.11,DoDI 5000.02,Enclosure 4,Table 2-1,Statutory Requirements Added For MAIS Only,continued,Due 45 days after the Presidents Budget is submitted to Congress,Statutory Requirements Added For ACAT II and Below Programs(unless otherwise noted),Requirement,Comment,Reference,Analysis of Alternatives(AoA)all IT including NSS,40 USC Subtitle III,WhenRequired,MS A,B&C,Data ManagementStrategy(ACAT II only),10 USC 2320,Military Equipment Program Valuation,PL 101-576&Statement of Federal Financial Accounting Standards,No 6.,MS B,C&FRPDR,MS C&FRPDR(orEquiv),Part of AcqStrategy,Part of AcqStrategy,LRIP Quantities(ACAT II only),10 USC 2400,MS B,Enclosure 4,Table 2-2,Updated as necessary at MS B and C,Regulatory Requirements Added/Revised For All Programs(unless otherwise noted),Requirement,Comment,Reference,When Required,Corrosion Prevention Control Plan,DoDI 5000.02,MS B&C,Part of Acq Strategy ACAT I only,Life Cycle Sustainment Plan,DoDI 5000.02,MS B,C&FRPDR,Part of Acq Strategy,Acquisition InfoAssurance Strategy,DoDI 8580.1,MS A,B,C&FRPDR or FDDR,All IT,Including NSS,Life Cycle Signature Support Plan,DoDD 5250.01,MS A,B,&C,Enclosure 4,Table 3,Analysis of Alternatives(AoA),DoDI 5000.02,MS A,B,&C Full Deployment DR for AIS,Updated as necessary at MS B and C,AoA Study Guidance,DoDI 5000.02,MDD,Component Cost Estimate,DoDI 5000.02,MDAP:MS B&FRPDR MAIS:whenever EA is required,Mandatory for MAIS;optional for MDAP,Regulatory Requirements Added/Revised For All Programs(unless otherwise noted),Requirement,Comment,Reference,WhenRequired,Post Critical Design Review(CDR)Report,DoDI 5000.02,Post-CDRAssessment,Systems Engineering Plan(SEP),DoDI 5000.02,MS A,B,&C,DoDI 5000.02,MS B&C,IUID Implementation Plan,Preliminary Design Review(PDR)Report*,DoDI 5000.02,MS B,Enclosure 4,Table 3,Net-Centric Data Strategy,DoDD 8320.02,MS A,B,C,Requires a Post-PDR Assessment,*PDR and PDR Report are mandatory prior to MS B for MDAPS(WSARA)included in the MS B program certification to Congress(10 USC 2366b).For non-MDAPs,if conducted after MS B,requires a formal Post-PDR decision point scheduled in the acquisition strategy.,Requirement,Comment,Reference,System Threat Assessment Report(STAR),DoDI 5000.02DoDD 5105.21DIA Dir.5000.200DIA Inst.5000.002,WhenRequired,Program Deviation Report,DoDI 5000.02,Immediately upon a program deviation,Systems Threat Assessment(STA),MS B&C,DoDI 5000.02,MS A,Test&Evaluation Strategy(TES),MS B&C,ACAT I&IA,&all DOT&E Oversight List Programs,DoDI 5000.02DoDD 5105.21DIA Dir.5000.200DIA Inst.5000.002,ACAT II,Regulatory Requirements Added/Revised For All Programs(unless otherwise noted),Enclosure 4,Table 3,APB breaches,Spectrum Supportability Determination,DoDD 4650.1,MS B&C,Encl 5,IT Considerations,changes,“Title 40/CCA”replaces term CCA.Subtitle III of Title 40,US Code was formerly known as Division E of Clinger-Cohen Act Table 8 slightly modified for readabilityAdded:Investment Review Board(IRB)role as“OIPT”for MAIS and MDAP business systemsTime-