欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS EN 581:户外家具:用于野营,家用和公共场所(camping,domestic and contract)的桌椅板凳BS 4875:室内家具桌椅,沙发,推车及储藏家具安全要求BS EN 1022:室内椅子的稳定性要求BS EN 1335:办公椅要求BS EN 527:办公桌要求,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS EN 581:BS EN 581-1:一般要求 BS EN 581-2:椅子板凳的机械安全要求和测试方法 BS EN 581-3:桌子的机械安全要求和测试方法,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS EN 581-1:1997 1,Shear and squeeze points:两个可接触部件之间距离不小于18MM 和大于7MM.2,externally accessible opening:管末端开口应小于7MM 如果直径7MM 的探针能进入深10MM的钻空,缝隙,洞穴.这些开口应被盖住.,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS EN 581-2:2000:*Scope:only be used for adult.*test apparatus(测试仪器):loading point template(椅子座位,靠背及凳子座位模板).small seat loading pad(小座位垫块)seat loading pad(座位垫块)back loading pad(靠背垫块)Mass M(leather bag)(冲击皮袋)impact hammer(冲击锤)见附图,欧洲家具一般要求简介,*Stability(稳定性):参照 EN 1022*Seat strength and fatigue(座位强度和疲劳要求):seat static load test seat fatigue test seat impact test 要求:上述测试完毕,无破坏或变形影响产品安全和功能.:,欧洲家具一般要求简介,*back strength and fatigue back static load test cyclic test on the backrest test of alternating forces on the backrest for reclining seating backrest impact test要求:上述测试完毕,无破坏或变形影响产品安全和功能,欧洲家具一般要求简介,*Armrest strength and fatigue:arm downwards static load test fatigue test arm impact test要求:上述测试完毕,无破坏或变形影响产品安全和功能,欧洲家具一般要求简介,*Leg strength and fatigue:leg forward static load test leg sideways static load test要求:上述测试完毕,无破坏或变形影响产品安全和功能,欧洲家具一般要求简介,额外测试:*低温和高温测试:低温:at least 6 h on the following condition:camping and domestic seating:0 contract seating:-10 1,seat impact test 2,back impact test:(exclude back with less than 300mm_,欧洲家具一般要求简介,高温:at least 6 h on the following condition:domestic seating:40 contract seating:50 1,seat and back sustained load test,欧洲家具一般要求简介,*斜椅,躺椅,沙发的座位和靠背静载测试要求.1,test device:loading disc:10kg,diameter of 350mm and thickness of 48mm,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS EN 581-3:1999:*Stability*Strength 1,loading of the table top 2,loading of the extensions.*Horizontal fatigue test,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS 4875:BS 4875-1:椅子和凳子的强度要求 BS 4875-2:椅子和凳子的稳定性要求 BS 4875-3:长沙发的强度要求 BS 4875-4:长沙发的稳定性要求 BS 4875-5:桌子和推车的强度和稳定性要求,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS 4875:*furniture test levels:level 1:delicate(精巧的),明显纤细的 level 2:careful domestic(用于家用卧室的)level 3:general domestic(用于家用客厅/餐厅或旅馆卧室的)level 4:severe domestic(用于大学学习,旅馆接待的)level 5:severe contact(用于学生教室,木板房),欧洲家具一般要求简介,*Test apparatus:Impactor Seat loading pad Smaller seat loading pad Back loading pad Impact hammer 见附图:,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS 4875-1:椅子和凳子的强度要求 1,木材部件湿度:8%-12%2,测试要求:seat and back static load test arm and wing sideways static load tests arm downwards static load test seat and back fatigue tests leg static load test:1)leg forwards static load test 2)leg sideways static load test 3)diagonal base test,欧洲家具一般要求简介,seat impact test back and arm impact tests drop test chair swivel wear test seat height adjustment wear test,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS 4875-2:椅子和凳子的稳定性要求*测试设备:loading pad loading point template*测试要求:forwards overturning and sideways overturning for chair without arm.rearwards overturning,欧洲家具一般要求简介,sideways overturning for chair with arms overturning for stools rearwards overturning of chairs with tilting or reclining mechanisms 1)tilting chair 斜椅,2)reclining chairs without footrest 躺椅不带脚凳 3)reclining chairs with footrest 躺椅带脚凳,欧洲家具一般要求简介,BS 4875-3:长沙发的强度要求*测试要求:seat and back static load tests arm and wing sideways static load test arm downwards static load test seat and back fatigue test leg static load test:1)leg forwards static load test 2)leg sideways static load test 3)diagonal base test,seat impact test back and arm impact tests drop test,BS 4875-4:长沙发的稳定性要求*测试要求:forwards overturning and sideways overturning for articles without arms.rearwards overturning for articles with backs sideways overturning for articles with arms.,BS 4875-5:2001:桌子和推车的强度和稳定性要求*测试要求:Horizontal static load test Vertical static load test:main working surface ancillary working surface:Horizontal fatigue test Vertical fatigue for cantilever or pedestal tables Vertical impact test Stability under vertical load test,BS EN 1022:室内椅子的稳定性要求*测试要求:Forwards overbalancing for all seating Sideways overbalancing for all seating without arms Sideways overbalancing for all seating with arms Rearwards overbalancing for all seating with backs Titling chairs Rocking chairs Reclining chairs with footrests Footrest test Reclining chairs without footrests,BS EN 1335:办公椅要求 BS EN 1335-1:尺寸要求 BS EN 1335-2:安全要求 BS EN 1335-3:安全测试方法,BS EN 1335-1:尺寸要求椅子高度椅子深度椅子面深度椅子靠背高度椅子靠背宽度椅子扶手宽度,BS EN 1335-2:一般安全要求一般要求 The safety distance of accessible movable parts is either less than 8mm or more than 25mm Accessible corners are rounded with minimum 2 mm radius,BS EN 1335-3:安全测试方法 Stability test Test of rolling resistance Test of seat and back rest Additional test of rotatable back set Fatigue test of arm rests Static load test of arm rests,BS EN 527:办公桌要求,THANKS Prepared by TR/QA Jeffrey Qi 2005.04.01,