濒危动物Endangered species.ppt
Endangered species,Standards:无危:(Least Concerned,LC)近危:(Near Threatened,NT)易危:(Vulnerable,VU)濒危:(Endangered,EN)极危:(Critically Endangered,CR)野外灭绝:(Extinct in the Wild,EW)灭绝:(Extinct,EX),Reasons:,Pollution/environment,Food shortage,hunting,disease,Destroy of habitation,Causes of Endangerment,Fur Coat,extinct animals渡渡鸟 The dodo(印度毛里求斯,1681年)蓝马羚 Blue Antelope(南非,1799年)马里恩象龟 Marion tortoise(舌塞尔,1800年)大海雀 The great auk(大西洋,1844年)欧洲野马 European wild horses(欧洲,1876年)斑驴 Spot donkey(亚洲,1883年)白臀叶猴 Douc langur(中国,1893年)旅鸽 Brigade pigeons(北美,1914年),Tibetan antelope,Name:Tibet antelope or chirusLive in Tibetan Plateau region,primarily in China,shahtoosh,Protection,Friends,Sikibesi parrot,also called Cyanopsitta spixii live in South America56cm longbeautiful,Northern White Rhinoceros,Divided into north and south of two subspeciesmainly live in the African protection districts and in Congo national park less than 25,Organization,WWF 世界自然基金WSPA 世界动物保护协会BFF 生而自由基金会CWI 国际野生动物关怀组织ICUN 世界自然保护联盟CWCA 中国野生动物保护协会,Be Informed!Write Letters!Avoid Animal products such as fur or medicines that come from endangered animals!Make a Donation!Help Pollution Control!We need to take action!,What can you do.,What Can be Done.,A Better Alternative:National Parks and Wildlife Reserves-Large area to roam-Visitors allowed,but cannot hunt or harm the environment-Animals can learn survival skills,breed more frequently,Never buy or eat anything from endangered animals.Join an organization,such as WWF if possible.Call on people to protect endangered animals!,What can we students do to help endangered animals survive?,First,we should forbid all those illegal deeds done to wild animals;Second,we should make the areas where wild animals live more comfortable;Third,we should say no to all wild animal dishes served in restaurants food.,conclusion,Lets work together to protect animals and the environment.Leave our children a living planet!,Come on!,The end Thanks!,