,Earthquake,1.Earthquake knowledge,earthquake wave(震波)Source(震源)Focal depth(震源深度)P-wave(纵波)and S-wave(横波)magnitude(地震震级)and earthquake intensity(地震烈度),Shallow source earthquake(浅源地震):focal depth less than 60 kilometers.intermediate-focus earthquake(中源地震):focal depth in 60-300 kilometers.Deep source earthquake(深源地震):focal depth more than 300 kilometers.,magnitude,Small earthquake(小地震):less than 2.5 levels of earthquakesInductive earthquake(有感地震):2.5-4.7 earthquakeDestructive earthquake(破坏性地震):more than 4.7 earthquake,Fire,Floods,Gas leak,Plague,Secondary disaster,Sometimes,secondary disastercause bigger casualties and losses than which were coursed by directdisaster.,The earthquake in Tangshan caused pollution in Tuojiang and caused the fish died in the river.,comparison,Death tolland economic loss causedby the earthquakein developed countries muchless thandeveloping countries.,里氏8.5级,里氏8.0级,some springs South and North hot spring in chongqing province.,2、Abundant mineral resources,the relative motion of the crust(地壳)up to the surface of the earth for human exploration facilitatedmulti-metal ore(成矿)belt,Design defectsCant meet the demandsArchitectural planning and location is improperPoor quality,Solutions,Reasonable structures,Good seismic behavior must come from relatively simple structures!,Uniform and symmetrical walls(墙体均匀对称),Use wood materials,Strengthen construction management,Adoption of new technology,Seismic energy dissipation(消能减震),Seismic isolation(隔震),Bearings can support stable of the upper structure to isolate seismic energy。,Escape from earthquake,Triangle of life will be formed next to beds,desks,big furniture and cars.,What is survival triangle?,Survival Triangle,These are fallen walls and beams.,When an earthquake occurs,you have to find a triangle of space to escape from the earthquake.,Many people do not understand the triangle,so they teach children like this!,When an earthquake occurs,you can not do like this!1、Shelter under the table,bed or car 2、Crouch in the corner 3、Stand beside the door,The right way!,When the earthquake happens,you should do like this!,Where is the survival triangle?,If you have no time to leave the house,youd better hide in the bathroom which has lots of supports and small spaces.,When you are in a car?,People in the car will be injured by objects fallen from the buildings.,Almost every car has a 3 feet high space next to it.You should get off the car,and sit or lie beside it.,