深赤湾B:半报告摘要(英文版) .ppt
(I),Tel,Fax,Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012Chiwan Wharf,Stock code:000022/200022,Abbreviation of the stock:Chiwan A/Chiwan B,Announcement serial No.2012-032,SHENZHEN CHIWAN WHARF HOLDINGS LIMITEDAbstract of the Semi-Annual ReportFor the Six Months Ended 30 June 2012I.Important NotesThe Board of Directors,the Supervisory Committee as well as the directors,supervisors and seniormanagement staff of Shenzhen Chiwan Wharf Holdings Limited(hereinafter referred to as“theCompany”)hereby confirm that there exists no omission,misstatement,or misleading information inthis report,and accept,individually and collectively,the responsibility for the factuality,accuracyand completeness of the contents of this report.The report is abstracted from the semi-annual report2012,which is published on the internet website http:/in the mean time.Theinvestors are suggested to read the full text of the Semi-Annual Report 2012 to understand moredetails.(II)All directors,supervisors and senior management staff agreed to and guaranteed the correctness,accuracy and completeness of the contents of the Semi-Annual Report.(III)This Semi-Annual Report has been reviewed and approved by the Fourth session of the SeventhBoard of Directors of the Company.(IV)Due to business reasons,Director Mr.Yuan Yuhui and Director&Executive Vice GM Mr.ZhangNing did not attend the meeting and have given their consent to the full contents of this semi-annualreport and appointed Director Mr.Tian Junyan and Director Mr.Fan Zhaoping respectively as theirproxies to attend and speak at the meeting on their behalf.(V)The Financial Report enclosed in the Semi-Annual Report 2012 of the Company has not beenaudited by a CPAs firm.(VI)Chairman of the Board Mr.Zheng Shaoping,as well as Chief Financial Officer of the Company Mr.Zhang Jianguo and Financial Manager Ms.Ma Zhihong hereby confirm that the financial reportcontained herein is true and complete.(VII)The Semi-Annual Report is written in both Chinese and English.In case of any discrepancy betweenthe two versions,the Chinese version shall prevail.II.Company Profile,(I),Basic information,A-share codeA-share abbreviation,000022Chiwan A,B-share codeB-share abbreviation,200022Chiwan B,Stock exchange listed with,Shenzhen Stock Exchange,Company Secretary,Securities Affairs Representative,Name,Ms.Bu Dan,Ms.Hu Jingjing,Address,8/F.,Chiwan Petroleum Building,Shenzhen,PRC,0755-266942220755-26684117,0755-266942220755-26684117,E-mail,1,Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012Chiwan Wharf(II)Financial highlights1.Major accounting dataAny retrospective adjustment in previous financial statements?Yes No,As at 30 Jun.2012,As at 31 Dec.2011,+/-(%),Total assets(Yuan)Total equity attributable to equity holders ofthe Company(Yuan)Share capital(share)Net assets per share attributable to equityholders of the Company(Yuan/share)Asset-liability ratio(%)Revenue(Yuan)Operating profit(Yuan)Total profit(Yuan)Net profit attributable to equity holders of theCompany(Yuan),6,980,962,6683,432,061,493644,763,7305.32340.58%Jan.-Jun.2012854,104,190365,218,883368,527,624222,035,234,6,540,228,4353,467,796,751644,763,7305.37837.22%Jan.-Jun.2011844,983,574403,107,347403,297,147258,357,428,6.74%-1.03%0.00%-1.02%3.36%+/-(%)1.08%-9.40%-8.62%-14.06%,Net profit attributable to equity holders of the,Company after extraordinary gains and losses,219,634,546,258,193,085,-14.93%,(Yuan),Basic earnings per share(Yuan/share)Diluted earnings per share(Yuan/share)Weighted average return on net assets(%)Weighted average return on net assetsafter extraordinary gains and losses(%)Net cash flow from operating activities(Yuan)Net cash flow per share arising fromoperating activities(Yuan/share),0.3440.3446.24%6.17%348,987,3010.541,0.4010.4017.78%7.78%301,380,8450.467,-14.21%-14.21%-1.54%-1.61%15.80%15.85%,2.Items and amounts of extraordinary gains and lossesApplicable Inapplicable,ItemsNet gains on disposal of non-current assetsGovernment grants in current year profitOther non-operating income/(expense),netMinority interests effects(after tax)Tax effectsTotal,Amount1,098,272411,2521,799,217(716,299)(191,754)2,400,688,Note(if applicable)-,3.Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the international andChinese accounting standards respectivelyApplicable Inapplicable4.Net profit and net asset differences between financial reports disclosed according to the overseas andChinese accounting standards respectivelyApplicable Inapplicable2,0,0,0,0,0,0,Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012Chiwan WharfIII.Changes in Share Capital and Particulars about Shareholders,(I),Changes in share capital,Applicable Inapplicable,Before the change,Increase(+)/decrease(-),After the change,1.Shares subject to tradingmoratorium,Number754,504,Percentage(%)0.12%,Issue ofadditionalshares,Bonusissue,Reservesto stocks,Other-50,852,Sub-total-50,852,Number703,652,Percentage(%)0.11%,a.State-owned shares,b.,State-owned,legal,person sharesc.Other domestic sharesIncluding:Shares held bydomestic legal personsShares held by domesticindividualsd.Shares held by overseasshareholdersIncluding:Shares held byoverseas legal personsShares held by overseasindividuals,e.Shares held by seniormanagement staff,754,504,0.12%,-50,852,-50,852,703,652,0.11%,2.Shares not subject totrading moratoriuma.Ordinary sharesdenominated in RMBb.Domestically listedforeign shares,644,009,226464,789,805179,219,421,99.88%72.09%27.79%,50,85250,852,50,852 644,060,0780 464,789,80550,852 179,270,273,99.89%72.09%27.79%,c.Overseas listed foreignsharesd.Others,3.Total shares,644,763,730,100%,644,763,730,100%,Restricted shares held by some senior management staff changed because the trading moratorium on them was lifted as thesemanagement staff retired.(II)Top ten shareholders and top ten shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium,Total number of shareholders,37,751 at the end of the reporting period,among which 28,999 are shareholders ofA shares and 8,752 are shareholders of B shares,Shareholdings of top ten shareholders(all being shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium),Name of shareholder(full name)CHINA NANSHAN DEVELOPMENT(GROUP)INC.KEEN FIELD ENTERPRISES LIMITEDCMBLSA RE FTIF TEMPLETON ASIAN GRW FD GTI5496GOVERNMENT OF SINGAPORE INV.CORP.-A/C C,Nature ofshareholder(holder ofA shares orholder of Bshares)Holder ofA sharesHolder ofB sharesHolder ofB sharesHolder ofB shares,Shareholdingpercentage57.52%8.31%7.43%0.92%,Shares nosubject totradingmoratorium(share)370,878,00053,567,38547,914,9545,951,444,Sharessubject totradingmoratorium(share),Sharespledgedor frozen(share)N/AN/AN/A,Type ofshares(A,B,Hor othershares)A sharesB sharesB sharesB shares,3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012Chiwan Wharf,ICBC-BOSERA SELECTION STOCK FUNDEMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUNDOMERS ADMINISTRATION CORPORATION(SC03)TEMPLETON CANADA EMERGING MKTS FUNDTEMPLETON ASIAN GROWTH FUND,Holder ofA sharesHolder ofB sharesHolder ofB sharesHolder ofB sharesHolder ofB shares,0.63%0.55%0.5%0.41%0.41%,4,079,8233,576,2663,238,3092,671,9242,648,652,N/AN/AN/AN/AN/A,A sharesB sharesB sharesB sharesB shares,FTIF-TEMPLETON EMERGINGCOMPANIES FUND,MKT,SMALLER,Holder ofB shares,0.39%,2,522,279,N/A,B shares,Except Keen Field Enterprises Limited,China Nanshan Development(Gro,Explanation on associated relationship among the top tenshareholders:,up)Inc.(hereinafter referred to as“CND”)does not have any relations with the shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium.The Company does not know if there are any inter-relations among other,shareholders holding shares not subject to trading moratorium.(III)Change of the controlling shareholder and the actual controllerApplicable InapplicableIV.Particulars about Directors,Supervisors and Senior ManagementShareholding changes of directors,supervisors and senior management,NameZhengShaoping,TitleChairman ofthe Board,Number ofsharesheld atyear-begin(share)212,652,Number of Number ofshares sharesincreased in decreased inreporting reportingperiod(share)period(share),Number ofsharesheld atperiod-end(share)212,652,Shares subject totrading moratorium(share)159,489,Number ofstock optionsheld atperiod-end(share),Reason forchangesUnchanged,Wang Fen,Director,82,632,0,0,82,632,61,974,0,Unchanged,Fan Zhaoping Director,53,877,0,0,53,877,40,407,0,Unchanged,Yuan Yuhui,Director,14,040,0,0,14,040,10,530,0,Unchanged,Director&,Zhang Ning,DeputyGeneral,146,991,0,0,146,991,110,243,0,Unchanged,Manager,ZhaoChaoxiongNi Keqin,SupervisorSupervisor,64,95438,772,00,00,64,95438,772,48,71629,079,00,UnchangedUnchanged,DeputyQu Jiandong GeneralManagerDeputyZhao Qiang GeneralManager,127,25415,103,00,00,127,25415,103,95,44011,327,00,UnchangedUnchanged,Deputy,ZhangJianguo,GeneralManager,98,782,0,0,98,782,74,087,0,Unchanged,CFO,XiongHaiming,DeputyGeneralManager,83,147,0,0,83,147,62,360,0,Unchanged,4,0,0,0%,Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012Chiwan WharfV.Report of the Board of Directors(I)Core businesses in different industries and productsUnit:YuanCore businesses in different industries,Business,Revenue,Operating cost,Operating profitmargin(%),YoY+/-ofrevenue,YoY+/-ofoperatingcost,YoY+/-ofOperatingprofit margin,Cargo handling 797,795,156,359,229,748,54.97%,0.94%,7.24%,-4.60%,(II)Core businesses in different areasUnit:Yuan,Mainland PRCHong Kong,Area,Operating revenue850,895,9873,208,203,+/-YOY,1.04%12.02%,(III)Reasons for any significant change in main business and its structureApplicable Inapplicable(IV)Reasons for any significant change in profitability of main business(gross profit rate)compared withthat in the last yearApplicable Inapplicable(V)Analysis on reasons of significant changes in profit breakdown compared with the last yearApplicable Inapplicable(VI)Particulars about utilization of the raised funds1.Utilization of the raised fundsApplicable InapplicableUnit:000 Yuan,Total raised fundsRaised funds input in the reporting periodAccumulative input raised fundsRaised funds with changed use in the reportingperiodAccumulative raised funds with changed useProportion of accumulative raised funds withchanged useGeneral utilization of the raised fundsThe raised funds have been used for repaying bank loans and supplementing working capital.2.Change of projects invested with raised fundsApplicable Inapplicable(VII)Revision of the Board of Directors business plan for the second half of the yearApplicable Inapplicable5,500,000500,000500,000,0,0,0,Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012Chiwan Wharf(VIII)Business performance estimate for Jan.-Sept.2012Warnings of estimated possible losses or major changes of the accumulative net profit achieved during the periodfrom the beginning of the year to the end of the next reporting period compared with the same period of last year,as well as the reasonsApplicable Inapplicable(IX)Explanation of the Board of Directors on“Non-standard Auditing Report”issued by the CPA firmfor the reporting periodApplicable Inapplicable(X)Explanation of the Board of Directors on changes and solutions of the issues involved in the“Non-standard Auditing Report”issued by the CPA firm for last yearApplicable InapplicableVI.Significant Events(I)Purchase,sales and reorganization of assets1.Purchase of assetsApplicable Inapplicable2.Sale of assetsApplicable Inapplicable3.Status of acquisition,sale or reorganization of assets since relevant announcements were released and theinfluence on business and financeApplicable Inapplicable(II)GuaranteesApplicable InapplicableUnit:000 YuanExternal guarantee the Company provided(excluding the guarantee for subsidiaries),Guaranteed party,Disclosuredate ofrelevantannouncement,ActualAmount for occurrence dateguarantee(date ofagreement),Actualguaranteeamount,Type ofguarantee,Period ofguarantee,Executedor not,Guaranteefor a relatedparty or not,Total external guarantee lineapproved during the reportingperiod(A1)Total external guarantee line that hasbeen approved at the end of thereporting period(A3),Total actual occurred amount0 of external guarantee duringthe reporting period(A2)Total actual external guaranteebalance at the end of thereporting period(A4)Guarantee for the subsidiaries of the Company,Guaranteed party,Disclosuredate ofrelevantannouncement,ActualAmount for occurrence dateguarantee(date ofagreement),Actualguaranteeamount,Type ofguarantee,Period ofguarantee,Executedor not,Guaranteefor a relatedparty or not,Dongguan Chiwan,21 Oct.,Wharf Company,22 Jul.2011,200,000 21 Oct.2011,95,000 Guarantee,2011-20 Oct.,No,No,LimitedDongguan Chiwan,20169 Feb.,Wharf Company,22 Jul.2011,200,000 9 Feb.2012,100,000 Guarantee,2012-8 Feb.,No,No,LimitedTotal guarantee line approved for the,Total actual occurred amount,2017,subsidiaries during the reportingperiod,200,000,of guarantee for thesubsidiaries during the,100,000,6,195,000,195,000,5.68%,0,0,0,0,N/A,0,0,-,-,-,Abstract of the Semi-Annual Report 2012Chiwan Wharf,(B1)Total guarantee line that has beenapproved for the subsidiaries at theend of the reporting period(B3),reporting period(B2)Total actual guarantee balance1,000,000 for the subsidiaries at the endof the reporting period(B4),Total guarantee amount of the Company(including the guarantee for the subsidiaries),Total guarantee line approved duringthe reporting period(A1+B1),200,000,Total actual occurred amountof guarantee during thereporting period(A2+B2),100,000,Total guarantee line that has beenapproved at the end of the reportingperiod(A3+B3),Total actual guarantee balance1,000,000 at the end of the reportingperiod(A4+B4),Proportion of total guarantee amount(A4+B4)to the net assets ofthe CompanyOf which:Amount of guarantee for shareholders,actual controller and relatedparties(C)Amount of debt guarantee provided for the guaranteed party whoseasset-liability ratio is not less than 70%directly or indirectly(D)Part of the amount of the total guarantee over 50%of net assets(E)Total amount of the above three guarantees(C+D+E)Explanation on possible bearing joint responsibility of liquidation The subsidiaries use the credit lines and take the responsibility of,due to immature guarantee,repayment,and the Company takes the joint responsibility.,Explanation on provision of guarantees for external parties inviolation of the prescribed procedure(III)Non-operating credits and liabilities with related partiesApplicable InapplicableUnit:000 Yuan,Related parties,Lending funds to related partiesTrading amount Balance,Borrowing funds from related partiesTrading amount Balance,China Merchants Bank Co.,Ltd.,592,580.86,60,066.58,Total,592,580.86,60,066.58,0,0,The Company did not provide any funds to controlling shareholder and its subsidiaries during the reporting periodwith the balance being zero.(IV)Significant litigations and arbitrationsApplicable Inapplicable(V)Other significant events,as well as their influence and solutions1.Securities investmentApplicable Inapplicable2.Equity of other listed companies held by the CompanyApplicable InapplicableUni