,Canada,Kelly,Canada,The Pacific Ocean,The Atlantic Ocean,Canada is in northern North America,location,Ottawa,The flag of Canada the national flower Maple,Niagara Falls,The land,LakeSuperior,LakeHuron,LakeOntario,LakeErie,Lake SuperiorLake HuronLake ErieLake Ontario,Great Lakes,Alberta British Columbia Manitoba New Brunswick Newfoundland and LabradorThe ten provinces Nova Scotia Ontario Prince Edward Island Yukon Territory Quebec The three terrtiories Northwest Territory Nunavut Saskatchewan,Lake Superior and Huron are the two largest lakes in Canada,about 82,100 sq km and 59,600 sq km,respectively.Manitoulin Island,an island in Lake Huron,also contains the worlds largest lake on island-Lake Manitourlin.,Lake Superior,Huron,Houses on the Huron Bank,There are four river systems in Canada according to the location of river estuaries:the Arctic(the largest in Canada),the Pacific,the Atlantic,and the Hudson Bay system.,Arctic,Pacific,Atlantic,Hudson Bay,Old Montreal,All the rivers and lakes in Canada can be used for agricultural,industrial,urban,and recreational purposes;also some of them can have special uses in commercial transportation.,Canada is usually divided into six geographical regions:the Appalachian Mountains,the Great Lakes and St.Lawrence Lowlands,the Canadian Shield,the Canadian Interior Plains,the Westen Cordillera,and the Canadian Arctic.,St.Lawrence River,Canada is famous for the size and number of its island.The largest island in Canada is Baffin Island(507,451 sq km)and it is also the fifth largest island in the world.,The administrative regionalization of Canada,The People,The estimated population in 2006 was 33,098,932,which is roughly the same as that of Shanxi province in China.And it has a population density of 3.6 person per sq km.(187th country in the world).Canada is made up of many immigrants.,1.5%,11.5%,20%,27%,40%,Percent,Different kinds of people,The English,The French,Other Europeans,The Aboriginal and Inuit,The other races,The Inuit,The climate,Canada is a country of vast coastline and diverse weather.The country is boarded by the Pacific Ocean to the west,the Arctic Ocean to the north,and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.Frozen more than half of the year,Hudson Bay greatly influences Canadas climate,facilitating the southward penetration of cold arctic air.The Gulf Stream makes the southeast of Canada warmer,but its effects are limited.The icy Labrador Current dramatically reduces the temperature in the northeast of the country.The climate varies in different Canadian provinces.,The map of Canada,The northern regions of Canada experience severe cold weather during the winter months,with average temperature in the range of-25 to-35.In summer,the days are long and daily highs are often above 16.,The history of Canada,The three early exploration of Canada,Norwegian 1000ADEnglishmen(John Cabot)1497 Frenchmen(Jacques Cartier)1534,In 1754-1763 the French and Indian War or Seven Year War happened.The French and the English fought each other along with their Indian allies.And the result was that British conquest of Canada.Many questions and problems remained of how to assimilate the French people into this British territory.,The Quebec Art(1774)&the Constitutional Act of(1791)gave French Canadians more rights to practice their language and religion.On July 1,1867 the Constitution Act 1867 created”One dominion under the name of Canada.”Canada now had four provinces:Ontario,Quebec,Nova Scotia and New Brunswick.,The economy,Canada is a member of the Group of 8(G8),the eight countries of the world with the most powerful economies.,Canada is rich in resources:,ForestryMiningAgricultureFishing centers,Land supplies,East and west coasts,Rank,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,Place,Luxemburg,Norway,Iceland,Danmark,Switzerland,Sweden,America,Holand,England,Finland,Austria,Australia,Canada,GDP,102284,79154,70754,62976,58883,57035,56711,47069,45594,45429,45301,44912,44308,42738,42553,Gatar,Ireland,After the Second World War,petroleum and natural gas accounted for a large proportion of Canadas export.With the increase of the share of automobile vehicles in export,the technology of automobile manufacturing is also greatly enhanced.Indeed,Canada has one of the worlds highest ratios of goods exported to GDP:33.6 per cent.In both the goods sector and the service sector,Canadas imports exceed its exports.,Join the Asia-Pacific EconomicCooperation,(APEC)To improve the development of economy,business trade,investment and cooperation with other countries.,It was founded in the 1989s,and now has 21 members.,Constitution,There has been no complete written constitution in Canada.British North America Act of 1867(Core of the constitution)the constitutional amendments passed from 1867 to 1975 The Constitution of 1982,The current constitution is composed of 3 main parts,The Canadian Constitution,The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedom seems to be an imitation of the Bill of Rights of the U.S.Constitution.,not only inherits the British tradition of unwritten constitution,but also adopts the American experience of legislation,The Charter guarantees:,1.Fundamental freedoms to citizens,2.The right to vote and seek election,to enjoy security of person,and to combat discrimination.,3.It specifies the equality of the French,English and indigenous languages.,Two principle of the Canadian Constitution1.The central government of Canada has exclusive jurisdiction over administration of currency and coinage,taxation.The provincial governments are authority over education,hospital,civil rights,taxation for local purposes and local commerce.2.The Canadian Constitution is responsible government,the government is held responsible to the people of Canada.,The Canadian Constitution lays special emphasis on non-violence,social reform and progress.,“peace,order and good government”,The main reason why Canadian society is more harmonious and stable than its southern neighbor.,Government Organisation,The Canadian government is a combination of parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy.Governmental powers are divided between central or federal government and the provincial and territorial government.,United States,Canada,Central government is parallel to the local governments,The central government has more powers than the local governments,Parliament,Prime Minister,Supreme Court of Canada,The Parliament,Main function:Make the laws of Canada,1)The Governor General Queen Elizabeth,2)House of Commons the Prime Minister,3)An appointed Senate,Function:sign all the laws made by Parliament opens each session of Parliament reads the Speech from the Throne travels across Canada and to other countries to represent Canada,It is elected by the people,so its the most powerful arm of government in Canada.There are 308 members.,Function:to raise issues in the House that are of special concern in their ridings to help people in their ridings if they have problem with the government,Function:to balance the power of the elected House of Commons to protect the interests of Canadas regions,The Parliament Buildings in Ottawa,The prime Minister,The leader of the party that forms the government becomes the Prime Minister.The Prime Minister is the executive head of government.Elections are held every five years.,The Prime Minister has a great deal of power and influence.1)To set the policy of the government and determine what legislation should be passed.2)To control all the functions of the federal government,including budget allocations.3)To name the Cabinet ministers and also recommends appointees to the civil service,Senate,and judiciary.,The current Prime Minister in Canada Stephen Harper,Party Politics,The dominant national political parties in Canada during the 20th century were the Progressive Conservatives and the Liberals.,(1)Progressive Conservatives:generally favored a free market,fiscal responsibility,and limits on state power.The leader:Stephen Harper(2)Liberal Party:the Opposition.Founded in 1873.generally associated with a big government,they advocate greater government involvement in the economy.They regarded as the party most open to immigration.The leader:Paul Martin.,(3)New Democratic Party:was evolved from Canadian labour and socialist movements,support programmes to increase social and economic equality.The leader:Jack Layton.,(4)Bloc Qubcois:was formed to protect Qubec interests and strive for Qubec independence.The leader:Gilles Duceppe.,And there are some other political parties,such as Canadian Alliance and Progressive Canadians.,Canadas system of political parties is characterized by one-party rule.It means that one major party usually can win many elections and dominate Canadian politics for so long that it becomes the main ruling party.,Bilingualism and Multiculturalism,Canadian society is regarded as a“mosaic”of cultures Why?,Canada is the first one to carry out multicultural policies and one of the few bilingual countries.In many ways,Canadian culture is a combination of European and North American heritage.Most Canadians are either of French or British origin.Most of them can speak both English and French.The Official Language Act(1969)stated that both English and French were to be official language throughout Canada.Although Canada is a bilingual country,is has been settled by people from all parts of the world.Many of these groups have maintained their customs and language in Canada.In 1972,a minister for multiculturalism was appointed.Since then,numerous committees and advisory bodies have been set up throughout Canada to organize multicultural programmes.,Multiculturalism,Welfare,Canadas welfare program enjoy good reputation around the world.It has a more extensive and expensive social welfare system than the U.S.Canada has established a new system of social rights,a set of claims for protection from the insecurities of modern society.,Here are some parts of social welfare:Canada Child Tax Benefit Employment Insurance&Unemployment Insurance Canada Pension Plan Old age Security Guaranteed Income Supplement Social Assistance Disability protection Maternity welfare,Health care is primarily the responsibility of the province.More than 90%of the hospitals and doctors care is universal in Canada.Its Medicare system and medical facilities are the best in the world.,Education,Canadas education is also highly developed.As a federal country,Canadas thirteen education systems are established by 13 legislatures of the provinces and territories.,The provincial governments have the power to interfere,control or guide education in the respective areas of the province.Despite the lack of strong federal direction and the different geographic,economic and social conditions,the thirteen educational systems are unique in their own ways.,Environment,Canada is well-known for its efforts to protect the environment,leading the world in ecological preservation.The attitudes toward environment,First,the Canadian government focused on protecting forests and grasslands.,Second,land and cultural sites became the targets of protection in succession.,Since 1960s,Canada has concentrated its attention on the balance of ecology.,The changes caused by the development of the country.,EcoACTION,EcoAGRICULTURE,EcoENERGY for Industry,EcoTRANSPORT,Renewable Fuels for a Greener Future The governments comprehensive strategy for renewable fuels has four components:Increasing the retail availability of renewable fuels through regulation Supporting the expansion of Canadian production of renewable fuels Assisting farmers to seize new opportunities in this sector Accelerating the commercialization of new technologies,Natural Resources Canadas ecoENERGY for Industry program is designed to improve industrial energy intensity and reduce energy-related industrial greenhouse gases and air pollution.,The ecoTRANSPORT Strategy is part of the Government of Canadas ambitious agenda to protect our environment and the health of Canadians and to further our economic prosperity.,Sports,A wide variety of sports are played in Canada.Ice hockey is Canadas official winter sport and continues to be the most popular sport and one in which teams representing the country have had the most international success.,Next to hockey,curling is quintessentially Canadian sport,Lacrosse is Canadas oldest sport and official summer sport,There are also many other sports popular in Canada.,Food,Canadians like sweet and sour,non-fat and not-to-hot food and ungreasy soup.They do not add apices while cooking.Aside from the fried or roasted beef,mutton,or chicken steak,they also like game,but they do not eat entails or fat.,-The End-,