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    漫,谈,文,化,翻,译,The Translator as Mediator,The translator is a bilingual mediating agent between monolingual communication participants in two different language communities.George Steiner(1975)译者是两个不同语言群体的单语交际者之间的双语中介人。,The translator is first and foremost a mediator between two parties for whom mutual communication might otherwise be problematic.Hatim and Mason(1990)译者首先是两方的中介人,没有他,两方的交际会有困难。,The Translator as Cultural Mediator,The translator is a cross-cultural specialist(跨文化专家).Mary Snell-Hornby(1992)The translation operator is a cultural operator(文化运作者).Heuson and Martim(1991)The translator is a cultural mediator(文化中介人).David Katan(2004),A cultural mediator is a person who facilitates communication,understanding,and action between persons or groups who differ with respect to language and culture.Thus a mediator must be to a certain extent bicultural.R.Taft(1981),文化中介人是使两个有着不同语言和文化的个人或群体之间的交际、了解和行动得以顺利进行的人。所以,中介人必须在一定程度上是双文化的(熟悉两种文化的)。,In order to play the role of mediator,an individual has to be flexible in switching his cultural orientation.Hence,a cultural mediator will have developed a high degree of intercultural sensitivity.Taft(1981),一个人,如果想发挥(文化)中介人的作用,就必须灵活地转换自己的文化倾向。所以,文化中介人要培养高度的跨文化敏感性。,文化翻译与翻译文化,Cultural translation is a translation in which the content of the message is changed to conform to the receptor culture in some way.Nida&Taber 1969 文化翻译是对原文的信息内容加以某种改变使之符合译入语文化的翻译。Cultural translation refers to any translation which is sensitive to cultural as well as to linguistic factors.Such sensitivity might take the form either of presenting TL recipients with a transparent text which informs them about elements of the source culture,or of finding target items which may in some way be considered to be culturally“equivalent”to the ST items they are translating.Shuttleworth&Cowie 2004 文化翻译是指任何不仅对语言成分而且对文化成分进行敏锐处理的翻译。这种敏锐处理表现为以明白易懂的译文向译入语读者介绍源语文化,或者在译入语中找到在某种程度上文化“对等”的成分。,Translation Strategies,Semantic translation attempts to render,as closely as the semantic and syntactic structures of the second language allow,the exact contextual meaning of the original.语义翻译力求在译入语语义和语法结构允许的情况下尽可能精确地再现源语文本的情境意义。,Communicative translation attempts to produce on its readers an effect as close as possible to that obtained on the readers of the original.交际翻译力求使译文对译入语读者所产生的效果尽可能接近原文对原文读者所产生的效果。,Translation Strategies,Word-for-word translation The ST word order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings out of context.Cultural words are translated literally.逐词翻译是按原文词序,再现原词的最常用意义,对有文化内涵的词语进行直译的翻译。,Adaptation This is the freest form of translation.The ST culture is converted to the TT culture and the text re-written.改编是最自由的翻译形式。源语文化被转换为译入语文化,源语文本被改写。,Translation Strategies,Foreignization Foreignizing means taking the reader over to the foreign culture,making him/her see the cultural differences and seeks to evoke a sense of the foreign.异化翻译把读者引入异国文化,使其自己看到文化差异,感受奇花异草的风味。,Domestication Domestication means converting the SL culture to the TL culture and naturalizing all renditions according to the TL norm.归化翻译把源语文化转换为译入语文化,并根据译入语的规范使译文自然顺畅。,Domestication,All translations are fundamentally domestication and is really initiated in the domestic culture,there is,therefore,a fundamental ethnocentric impulse in all translation.翻译基本上都用归化策略,把异族文化植入本民族文化。因而,所有翻译都有一种民族中心主义冲动。Lawrence Venuti(1995:47)Translation and the Formation of Cultural Identities,The translation process can no longer be envisaged as being between two languages but between two cultures involving“cross-cultural transfer”.Snell-Hornby,翻译过程不再被看作仅是两种语言之间的活动,而是看作涉及“跨文化转换”的两种文化之间的活动。斯奈尔霍恩比,For truly successful translating,biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism,since words only have meanings in terms of the cultures on which they function.Eugene Nida,对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比掌握两种语言更重要,因为词语只有在其所起作用的文化背景中才具有意义。尤金奈达,Translation must take place within a framework of culture.Bassnett,翻译必须在文化的框架内进行。巴斯奈特,Translation theorists are beginning to see the translator as a mediator between cultures.At the same time,the process of translation is now being understood as an exercise,not only in understanding text,but in understanding cultural frames.David Katan,翻译理论家们开始把译者看作是不同文化之间的中介人。与此同时,翻译过程现在也被视为一项不仅要理解原作,而且要了解其文化框架的活动。戴维凯登,Cultural translation refers to any translation which is sensitive to cultural as well as linguistic factors.Such sensitivity might take the form either of presenting TL recipients with a transparent text which informs them about elements of the source culture,or of finding target items which may in some way be considered to be culturally equivalent to the SL items they are translating.Koller,文化翻译是指不仅敏感地注意到语言因素而且敏感地注意到文化因素的任何翻译。这种敏感性可以表现为向译入语接受者提供通俗易懂的译文,向他们介绍原作中的文化成分,也可表现为在译入语中找到与原作中某些成分在一定程度上“文化对等”的词语。柯乐,Cultures are not monolithic entities.There is always a tension inside a culture between different groups or individuals,who want to influence the evolution of that culture in the way they think best.Translations have been made with the intention of influencing the development of a culture.Andr Lefevere,文化并不是铁板一块的整体,一种文化的内部总是存在着不同群体或不同个人之间的紧张关系,这些不同群体或不同个人总想以他们认为最好的方式来影响这种文化的发展。人们从事翻译就带有对文化发展施加影响的意图。安德烈勒菲弗尔,译者的中介作用,已超出了跨文化的共时(synchronic)意义转换,在众多的历史传统方面,译者也发挥了历时(diachronic)中介作用。Gentzler 1993,文化中介人应该充分意识到自己的文化身份,而且必须了解自身的文化如何在影响着自己对事物的感知。Katan 2004,


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