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    新教学模式与视听阅读课程改革探讨 东南大学 李霄翔 2010年8月30日,一、新教学模式特点二、视听阅读设计特点三、视听阅读课程操作,教学中存在的问题 新模式内涵 新模式基本环节 新模式基本特点 思考与对策,一、新教学模式特点,教学中存在的问题,宏观层面 教育理念;外语教育体系与外语学习规律;优质教育资源匮乏;师资质量的滞后效应;目标短期化倾向显著;外语求知、学习的内在动力弱化;,一、新教学模式特点,教学中存在的问题,微观层面 应试教育与功利主义学习动机;英语技能训练失衡;师生比失衡;语言输入的质次和量缺;语言教学方法论不明;英语实践的语境缺失;管理机制滞后;,一、新教学模式特点,新模式试图以一种新的方式解决上述问题,以一种新的视野回答以下问题:教什么?怎么教?学什么?怎么学?,新模式内涵:,一、新教学模式特点,新模式内涵:大学英语课程教学要求:大学英语是以外语教学理论为指导,以英语语言知识与应用能力。跨文化交际和学习策略为主要内容,并集多种教学模式和教学手段为一体的教学体系。大学英语的教学目标是培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在今后学习、工作和社会交往中能够用英语有效地进行交际,同时增强其自主学习能力,提高综合文化素养,以适应我国社会发展和国际交流的需要。,一、新教学模式特点,新模式内涵:一、各高等学校应充分利用现代信息技术,采用基于计算机和课堂的英语教学模式,改进以教师讲授为主的单一教学模式。二、新的教学模式应以现代信息技术,特别是网络技术为支撑,使英语的教与学可以在一定程度上不受时间和地点的限制,朝着个性化和自主式学习的方向发展。三、新的教学模式应体现英语教学的实用性、知识性和趣味性相结合的原则,有利于调动教师和学生两个方面的积极性,尤其要体现学生在教学过程中的主体地位和教师在教学过程的主导作用。四、在充分利用现代信息技术的同时要合理继承传统教学模式中的优秀部分,发挥传统课堂教学的优势。,一、新教学模式特点,新模式基本环节基于网络平台/光盘的预习/复习;基于多媒体的教室面授+交互活动;基于网络平台的自主学习;基于小班的口语训练;基于网络平台/教室/办公室的辅导 答疑。,一、新教学模式特点,新模式基本特点面授与自主学习相结合;纸质教材与电子教材相结合;师生互动与人机互动相结合;形成性评估与终结性评估相结合;分层次、个性化、自主式、信息化相结合。,一、新教学模式特点,思考与对策 现实矛盾:,教学理论与方法 教学目标与教学对象 教学目标与教学资源 教学需求与教学资源 外语教学改革与学校生态环境,一、新教学模式特点,思考与对策,1.教学环境发生了什么变化?2.教学对象在认知层面发生了什么变化?3.这些变化对大学英语教学产生了什么 影响?,一、新教学模式特点,教学环境发生了什么变化?,信息化:培育、发展以智能化工具为代表的新的生产力并使之造福于社会的历史过程。教育信息化:教育信息化就是依据学校教育教学的需要,应用IT技术,将传统的教学模式加以数字化和改进,其目的是为了提高学习效率和共享教育资源。,一、新教学模式特点,教育信息化特征,数字化使得教育信息技术系统的设备简 单、性能可靠和标准统一。多媒化使得信媒设备一体化、信息表征多元化、真实现象虚拟化。网络化使得信息资源可共享、活动时空少限制、人际合作易实现。智能化使得系统能够做到教学行为人性化、人机通讯自然化、繁杂任务代理化。(信息产业部),一、新教学模式特点,信息技术的发展并不断深刻地融入教学过程中将会彻底改变现行的教学形态,演绎并丰富着新的教育理念、教学理论与方法、教学模式、教学评价体制。信息化教育便是教育信息化发展的必然趋势。,一、新教学模式特点,信息化教育,信息化教育,提倡在教师指导下的、以学习者为中心的学习。(“以人为本”)学生是信息加工的主体,是认知结构的主动建构者,而不是外部刺激的被动接受者和被灌输对象。(建构主义)教师是意义建构的帮助者、引导者与促进者,而不是知识的传输者与灌输者。变“我知故我教”为“我教故我知”。(教师角色)“学会学习、学会做事、学会做人、学会与人相处。”(当代教育的真谛),一、新教学模式特点,信息化教育特征:,教材多媒化 资源全球化 教学个性化 学习自主化 活动合作化 管理自动化 环境虚拟化,一、新教学模式特点,思考与对策,1.教学环境发生了什么变化?2.教学对象在认知层面发生了什么变化?3.这些变化对大学英语教学产生了什么 影响?,一、新教学模式特点,信息环境对教学对象在认知层面的影响,Net-generation的特点:Born after 1982,when microcomputer was inventedHas lived with digital technology“forever”Early Net Generation members experienced creation of Web,Internet,browsers,Windows,Macintosh,and emailDigital natives,digital immigrants,digital foreigners(R.Oxford,2008),一、新教学模式特点,信息时代对学习策略和认知风格的影响,Multitasking Sensory learning and quick rewards Flexibility and choice Interaction,一、新教学模式特点,思考与对策,1.教学环境发生了什么变化?2.教学对象在认知层面发生了什么变化?3.这些变化对大学英语教学产生了什么 影响?,一、新教学模式特点,信息化时代学习需求,Regardless of learning style and regardless of amount of technology available,every EFL learner requires:Rich and high quality inputOpportunities for practice/experienceHigh quality outputHigh quality feedback Variety.if he or she wants to become a skilled user of English.(R.Oxford),一、新教学模式特点,信息化时代教学特点:,freedom of thought;options;customization;flexibility;choice;nonlinearity;learning by doing,一、新教学模式特点,信息化时代对大学英语教学的影响,先进的技术(如多媒体技术、网络技术、人工智能技术)与人文主义、建构主义理论结合,改变着教学理念、理论和方法、职业评价体系、甚至教学形态;资源丰富共享、自主个性、互动丰富、媒体多样、团队合作、界面友好方便、不受时空限制等成为现行的教学改革的方向和目标;合作学习、小组讨论、任务型学习、案例学习、探索性学习、教学相长等丰富着教学过程。,新教学模式特点,一、新教学模式特点二、视听阅读设计特点三、视听阅读课程操作,探索与实践,“时过境迁”与“与时俱进”英语应用能力=知识+内化+操练+实践 理论与方法:The Holistic Approach“教以习得”、“学以习得”“视听说能力”与“读写译能力”,二、视听阅读设计特点,视听阅读教材特点,教材编写体例创新 题裁广泛,内容丰富 高质量素材,原汁原味语境良好的梯度,有机的衔接 多种技能训练层次分明,形式多样 人性化的教学参考资料和指导 编排图文并茂,音视频资料专业水准,二、视听阅读教材设计,Rationale for the textbooks,A teaching perspective1.Empirical findings 1.Source of information obtained 83%vision 11%hearing 2.Means to retain information 10%reading 20%hearing 30%seeing 50%hearing+seeing 70%interpersonal exchanging activities*make full advantage of all sense organs,Rationale for the textbooks,A teaching perspective2.Remedial options:2.1.Meaning vs.Form 2.2.Graded teaching 2.3.Method:holistic and skill transferring 2.4.Authenticity,Rationale for the textbooks,A teaching perspective3.Exercises:From input to intake to output The exercise is designed to first create a conversational context through briefing,viewing,or listening and then to develop students macro-and micro-conversational skills by written or oral tasks such as asking questions on the global or specific basis,and or retelling the story or reorganizing the story with personal perception and experience.,Rationale for the textbooks,A teaching perspective3.Exercises:B.From the controlled to the semi-controlled to the open-ended The exercise itself aims at checking the comprehension(controlled),or eliciting personal critical thinking skills such as questioning,debating,analyzing of cause and effect relations,completing the story with personal hypothesis,etc.which leaves much flexibility to teachers and students as well.,Rationale for the textbooks,A teaching perspective3.Exercises:C.Skill Transfer The exercise is designed ideally to construct meaning first,either through viewing and listening or through reading,then reflecting on the form so as to combine the two together as a model.Learning moves on with the meaning in mind for the substitution of different skills,such as retelling the reading text orally,or writing an abstract of the video,or dubbing certain part of the video for students with better language proficiency,for example.The meaning,either text based or personally envisaged,should goes along with the form and better,not vice versa.,Rationale for the textbooks,A teaching perspective3.Exercises:D.Learning by doing The exercise is designed on the task basis to invite critical thinking and encourage students to work on themselves for more meaningful and interesting information and encourage team activities and interactions among teacher and students which should be the highlight of all the exercises.,Rationale for the textbooks,A teaching perspective3.Exercises:E.Variety of exercise forms The exercise forms vary in each unit and can be reformed again when needs arise,which aims at facilitating comprehension and skill training,and retaining of students attention as well as their motivation.It is advisable for teachers to tailor all the exercises to different requirements and/or levels of their students.,一、新教学模式特点二、视听阅读设计特点三、视听阅读课程操作,Notes for teachers:,Elements for consideration in oral performance:A.To whom you are speaking and what is your relationship with that person;B.Where the conversation is taking place;C.When the conversation is taking place;D.What you are talking about;E.What kind of mood you and your partner(s)are in;F.What your partners background is(cultural/educational/socioeconomic as you perceive it).,Notes for teachers:,A competent communicator should always keep the above elements in mind,either consciously or subconsciously,and make appropriate adjustments to his or her conversational style as he or she has perceived any changes in his or her partners reactions.Listening and speaking is,to a great extent,a process of predicting and guessing according to any clues,available or collected,and confirming or adjusting ones predictions or guesses in time as the conversation proceeds.,Notes for teachers:,2.Students may come out with different forms or expressions either by themselves alone or collectively,or with the help of the teacher.It is desirable to have an analytic study of what students have produced against the assessment criteria mentioned before,so as to cultivate a conscience of self-monitoring and a positive transfer of ones first language communicative skills to the foreign language learning.,Notes for teachers:,3.There may be more than one version to answer a question.It is important to note that one appropriate form doesnt exclude any other forms in this context.What makes it different is that different people perceive and interpret the cues from different perspectives as far as the assessment criteria are concerned.Here again a teacher may find his or her real value by offering tutorials,support,assistance,assessment,etc.That is what we as the designers of these exercises hope our teachers will do with these textbooks.,Tips for practice:,speaking:responsive,appropriate,fluent/accurate;team-spirit:working with one or more peers to obtain feedback,pool together information,etc.;integrated approach:dialogue with the writer,all skills employed;,Tips for practice:,pronunciation:phonetics,sense group and intonation,tape-modeling;meaningful murmuring and imitating,reading aloud and consciously,etc.;listening:previewing,top-down,bottom-up,etc.;reading aloud:meaningful,make yourself understood,etc.,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,Textbook:College English,Watching,Listening and Reading 1,Students:First year non-English majors,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,In this unit,students will:obtain cross cultural information on dogs;watch the story of Beagle Patrol;understand detector dogs job in the U.S.;practice the functions of starting conversations and describing process;research on dogs that work for people.,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,PreviewWarming-upWatchingFollowing-up,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,PreviewAverage students:finish Warming-up in the textbookwatch the videodo Watching in the textbook,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,PreviewLower intermediate level students:finish Warming-up in the textbookdo Reading in the textbookwatch the videodo Watching in the textbook,PreviewWarming-upWatchingFollowing-up,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,Warming-upObjectives:Provide cross cultural information on dogsIntroduce unit topicQuestions:Do you know any Chinese expressions relating to dogs?What did Chinese people think of dogs?Do you know any English expressions or sayings relating to dogs?What do western people think of dogs?Why do western people keep dogs?Do you know beagles?What do they do?,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,PreviewWarming-upWatchingFollowing-up,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,Part 1Part 2Part 3,Part 1,Watching,What does a detector dog do?A detector dog patrols _,sniffs out _.He also detects meat products that may _.,Part 1,international airports,carry illnesses,illegal imports,Preview Check,Watch AgainFill in the blanks in the chart with the missing words or expressions.,Part 1,Stocktons training to become a detector dog.,1.First,he should work with a box with _.,3.After the boxes,he graduates to working with _ and soft-sided _.,4.Then,he moves on to find specific odors in larger,hard _.,2.There are some beef jerky,_,an orange and _.,5.He wants him to _ when he finds a target scent.6.He also wants him to _ the seam of the suitcase,because the odor _ from the seam.,What does the instructor put inside the box?,What does the instructor wantStockton to do?,Part 1,Stocktons training to become a detector dog.,1.First,he should work with a box with mixed odors.,3.After the boxes,he graduates to working with carry-ons and soft-sided bags.,4.Then,he moves on to find specific odors in larger,hard suitcases.,2.There are some beef jerky,an apple,an orange and a mango.,5.He wants him to learn to sit when he finds a target scent.6.He also wants him to work the seam of the suitcase,because the odor comes out from the seam.,What does the instructor put inside the box?,What does the instructor wantStockton to do?,Part 1,Picture descriptionDescribe the process of training a detector dog.The following pictures are for your reference.,You may start by saying:“When a dog is training to become a detector dog,first,he should.After the boxes,he.Then,he.”,Part 1,Boxes,Carry-onsSoft-sided bags,Suitcases,Useful expressionsDescribing process When,first,After,.Then,.First,Second,Third,Finally,Firstly,Secondly,Thirdly,Finally,Part 1,Part 2,Watching,Listen and repeatYou are going to hear five sentences selected from the video.Repeat each sentence after finishing the following exercises.Ex.1 Listen to the sentence,and fill in blanks with the missing words and expressions;Ex.2 Listen again,and mark the sentence with for a rising tone(升调),for a falling tone(降调).,Part 2,Listen and repeatYou are going to hear five sentences selected from the video.Repeat each sentence after finishing the following exercises.1.On the next test he _ when hes _.,Part 2,lies down,supposed to sit,RetellingWhat does it take to be detector dogs?,Part 2,Part 3,Watching,ExampleA:(1)Hi,Im _.Id like to adopt the beagle,Stokton.B:Hi,Im Heldt,his trainer.Nice to meet you.A:(2)_.Can I ask some questions about Stockton?B:Sure.A:(3)_?B:Oh,hes a big boy.I call him big horse.A:What about his personality?B:(4)He is very _.A:(5)_?B:Well,he loves all kinds of dog food.A:Thanks a lot.You are very helpful.B:(6)_./_.,Part 3,Teaching Steps:Have students fill in the blanks with the missing words and expressions.2.Put students in pairs and have them read the sample dialog.3.Have students add information and make their own dialogs.,Part 3,PreviewWarming-upWatchingFollowing-up,Unit 1 Beagle Patrol,Following up,Situational Dialogs Situation 1(Informal)You meet a new friend at a party.You and your friend talk about your personalities and hobbies.Situation 2(Formal)You take part in a job interview.You introduce yourself to the interviewer.,Following-up,Following up,Read,Research,Report,ProjectForm groups of three or four Read Beagle Patrol in the textbook Research online or in the libraryFill in the following table Report the findings to the whole class,Following-up,Project,Research Project,教师指导,敬请批评指正!谢 谢!,


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